TORONTO. ("1th Hull Union Station Brock Street Queen's Wharf Parkdalo H . D 'wenpox‘t, Westonâ€. Thornhil! Biennium) H11. King .. Aumm. Kewmurket N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Newmmket . Aumm King... . Rrr‘awwn HH’J Thornhiu . . \Vestnn ..V.. Dmvanport l’nrkdulu TORON'I‘I). Queen's \th Brock Street Conneots with n†truinb. lmwing the Palmer House. Rivlmmul Hill, as follows: Mail 6: ExpressNorth 6: Sugthm ".56 a. m. Until further notice Mail: will be closed M. the Elchmond Hill Post Otï¬ce as inllowsvâ€" MQBNINetâ€"Gnine Northmulh, East and “hat, including 'I'llornllill, Muple.‘1‘0mnm,Mm‘khmn.&c. 7.40 Evnsmo:â€"-Goin¢: south. Bust, and West (as above) 6.00 vnvhm 9T ' q 7 ~ 6.00 N. B.â€"R¢L'istered Lettern must be hulded in at least Fifteen Minutes mu-lier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Accommoflntiou Eqn‘ess. North. NHLSCuLh ‘ BILHMOND HILL, Thursd av. Nov PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Diï¬ermt colors of Macrame Cord for sale at THE memn store. The Incest book: on Irish. Dutch and American recitatious and readings for sale at Tm: LIBERAL store‘ Fine all-wool ,Gurnseys at The Cheap Cash House, The statue of the Hon. Geo. Brawn will be placed upon it: pedestal this week. The ceremony of unveiling will take place on Tuesday. Nov. 25th, at noon. by the, Hon. Alex. Mackenzie. Professor Walter Smith‘s Drawing Cards and Drawing Books (authorized) for sale at THE LIBERAL store. Go to the Concrete for the best valuv in Grey Flannel‘s. Tan LIBERAL will be sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till Jan. Ssh. 1886. for our; DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe, and. gm the balance of this year free of charge. Rolled Oats & Desicoated \Vheat at The Cheap Cash House. “ Notes 011 Ingersoll,†by Rev. L. A. Lam- bert ; “ Progress and Poverty,“ by Henry George '. “ Letters from High Latitudes,†Lord Duflerin, for sale at THE LIBERAL store. Go to the Concrete for Cashmere and ï¬ne wool Hosiery and Gloves. A Token of Honor. At Mr. Gladstoue‘s request the Queen has conferred men Sir John A. Macdonald, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. Sir John visits the Prince of Wales on Saturday next, by invitation. 5 lbs. of Tea for $ at The Cheap Cash House. A Shooting Match of Geese, Turkeys and Ducks will take place at Meek‘s Hotel, Vic- Yoria Square, on Friday, November 28th. commencing 3/012 o’clock. Range for shut guns and rifles. No. 6 shot to be usei Go to the Concrete for the biggest and best 25 cents worth of Laundry Soap. Go to the Concrete House for the best value in Sugars and all- Gro- ceries. great v and Tc Less ( UK“! City For Hardware go to the Concrete. POST OFFICE NOTICE 14 ()(7 JLIJS. all a: 'l'Ollt Che. :n‘s \Vlmrt k Street . In Stution. Hull, , The Brown Memorial. JSSW GOING NORTH Mail. A Sho‘oxing Match GOING ms way to ame back fr ed what ha‘ \ 9'1 :1“. 99 8.1.1 $.30 1n 100/) 10.07 IRIS the Zilu‘rul. SOUTH Acu 1L“) )V )m “mo 20. ’84 Mail 43 It i4 ye: sc-Ircely known whether the pres- ent Mayor of Cul'l‘Ville will retain his oï¬ice for the coming year. There appears to be a strong feeling in favor of one of our ciï¬zéns at the east end of the town. and in spite .0! great opposition he may be elected. We shall advise the public Iatar.â€"Cou. ' The Concrete keeps the largest and best assorted stock oi Furs in town. Annual Meeting. Accnriiinq to By-Law, the annual muting of the Hrfm'm Association of the Towubhip of szghun, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. Bud, 1881, at. 2 o‘clock p. m., in the Town Hall. Vellore, tor the purpose of electing of- ï¬cers fur the ensuing year. Addresses are expected by Riding Association ofï¬cers. A large tum out requested. 22 lbs. ofbrightbugar for $1 at The Cheap Cash House. Credit Sale. Will be sold by public auction, on Tues- day. Nov. 25th. on lot 8, 0911. 6. Vaughan, the farm stock and implements belonging to Mr. Jos. Rankin. Sale without reserve. as the propiietur is giving up farming. Terms: Units. Fmvls and all sums 01910 and under, cab ; over that amount. 11 mouths' credit on approved joint notes. Sale at 12 o‘clock, noon. Salt-m Eckardt, Auctioneer. Railroad Accident. On Tuesday last. a freight train going southward nudheavilv loaded, ran oï¬ the track at Thornbill station, tearing up and breaking in pieoes the planks of the platform from one end to the other. Several cars were smashed. and a large quantity 0! grain wasted. The mid-day train Was in conse- quence about. two houre late. Go to the Concrete for the best value in Ready-made Overcoatsand Suits Men‘s, Youth's and Boy's. The bottom knocked out Sugar barmlâ€"6 lbs. good Su zjcts. 'at Crosby‘s. York County Council. The full session of the County Council opened on Tuesday last. There was a good attendance of members at the opening. Several notices of motion were made on the ï¬rst day. among which were the following: By Mr. McClureâ€"That a committee be ap- poin d to investigate the matters of ex- pe in the Industrial Home ; By Mr. Turner -'l‘ha.t all the toll-gates in the Coun- ty be removed as soon as possible ; By Mr. Jacksonâ€"That in the opinion of this Uoun- Kcil. the School law be amended so as to pro- vide {or the election 01 school trustees by ballot. Best value in Flannels at The Cheap Cash House. Markham Council. The Markham Council met at Unionville, on Saturday. Nuvamber 12th, an 10 a. m. The members were all present. The min- utes of last. meeting were read and conï¬rm- ed. Tbe Treasurer was authorized to pay the following accountszâ€"Messrs. Delnmare, 'Black. and Reesor, 816.32; I. Bestard, cedar in; culvert, ‘33; C. 'Spoï¬ord’ for lumber, 628. 37; \V. H. Rutliï¬'e, for lumbelj. $10.54; Sev- orul parties for gravel, tubal. 8'28; To for repairing cul\ erts, $56.20; to A. Forster, for mmveying Emma Brickwood to the In- dustrial Home. $4 50. Messrs Bruce. Ree- or. and Lumly appointed commissioners for repairing vnrious bridges and culverts. A Byâ€"law. appointing returning oï¬icers for the Municipal Election of 1885, was passed. The Council adjourned to meet on Dec. 20th. (JO tc the Concrete for new Rais- insmew Currants,new Peels,Lemon, Orange and Citron, and ï¬ne Turk- ish Prunes. The above Council met in the Lorne Hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 19th. The Reeve in the when. Members present : )Iessis. Maudie, Hopper. Crosby and Law. The minutes at last meeting were read and on motion approved. The following ac- counts were ordered to be paid :â€"A. J. Rupert, for teaming, &c., 8577.89 ; P“. S. Gib- son, plan of park. 83.20; T. F. McMahon, for printing and advertising, $5.00. Mr. Moodie moved, seconded by Mr. Law, that the Reeve be authorized to sell the small ï¬re engine to the best advantage, nail is not re- quired for use by this corporationâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. Hopyer, that the Reeve be instructed. to oï¬er a reward of $5.00 (101‘ the conviction (at part- ies iniuring property in the village belonging to rat-e-puyel'S.-Ca.rried. The Council ad~ burned to meet on Wednesday, 11111 Dec., 1884, at. 8.30 sharp. The Warden's Banquet. Mr. E. J. Davis, Warden of the-County of York, gave a. banquet, to the members of the County Council, and a large number of in- vited guests from the citv of Toronto and surrounding country, at the Albion Hotel, on Tuesday evening lash. About 1.50» sat. down to the dinner, which was well prepar~ ed, nnl rho vimds were served in good style. It was remarked by many during the evening that. it was one of the most pleasant social gatherings of the vear, and surpassed any previous Warden's dinner. The follow- ing dislinguished gentlemen among others were present and made appropriate speeches in response to masts proposed :â€"LieuLena.nt- Gov. Rnlnnsr)i1,Mnyor' Boswell. Hon. A. S. Hamlylrovincinl Secremu‘v ; Mr. W. Mnlock, M. P. Nui‘lll York; Mr. N 0. Wallace, M. P. West. York ; Mr. J. DxEdgar. M. P. West Ontm-in ; Capt. W. R. McMnster; Mr. G. W. Bndgprow, M. P. P. East York ; Dr. Widlliï¬olil, M. P. P. North York; Major Gray, M. P. l‘. \Vl-st York. The Warden in his opening remarks expressed a hope that. the meeling be not only one of pleasure, hr} of proï¬t, and the whole proceedings went to, Fllow lus wish was fully realized. The event Will long be rennembered by those who were present and enjoyed his liberal hospitality. Widdiï¬eld Gray, M. F his openim the meetiu Election Note Village Council. vepumfjhlet semi free A. H.DX‘XON & SON. 30 nocked out of the lbs. good Sugar for â€"A new rabla LU Canada Treatment when app] permanent .cntwus, m (any FRESH GRUCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOUR & FEED, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And every descrlption of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be kept in endles variety and at prices which can not be beaten in Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price i1 exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call and. inspect the im- mense stock of our Wé are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet In which we show all the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, biuation Suitmgu, all \Vool Serges. Checks. Plaids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shad Satins, Satin Merveilleux; Satin Rhadames, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrd: Velvem, Culored Silk Velvets, Velveteen», Mantle Flushes, Sealetter, &c. Blaék Grapes & DIoul-ning‘ I)ress (a‘roods a Specialty. Black Ottoman Cords, Chine Grapes. Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths Cluths, Berber and Serge Cloths. Is now replete with all the Newest Styles 1n Mantles, Dolmans, Ulsters, Knitted Wool Wraps, Heavy Wrap Shawls. lKnitted Skirts, leted Skirts, Felt Skirts, Ottoman Cloukings, Matalasse Cloakiugs‘ Colored Beavers and Fancy Cloakings, Ulstel Cloths, Sealetter, Mantle Flushes, &c., &c. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises. Special ,Bal'gains. 1550 Dozen (the balance of a. Manufacturer’s shock) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Hmdk Fancy Handkerchiefs, 3c., 4c.,5c.~a.ud 60. each. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 50., 9c., 70., and 8c. 0 in Handkewhiets ever offered in Toronto. See them. Ladies’ Waterproof Clrculars, $.25 up. w‘TflRllNTll’S ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HQUSE 1W TERMS STRICTLY GASH See our Dress Goods. See our Cashmeres. See our Dress and Mantle Silks. ~ See; our Plain and Brocade Velvets. See our Jackets, Ulsters and Dolmans. See our stock: of Cloths and Tweeds. See our Trimmed 8c Untrimmed Mil-linery. See our Gloves, Hosiery 83 Underolothing. \V‘e offer you 3. $75,000.00 stock to select from, and it will repay order to buy from us, as you will save money e We only sen such goods: as can be safely recommended to» our customers NEW FALL EDWARD MCKEOVVN’S ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond Hil‘l, has just opened out with a large stock of we show all the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, all Wool Riplins, Ladiee’ Cloth, Can.- Suitmgu, all \Vool Serges. Checks. Plaids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gums Gram Silks. lain Merveilleux, Satin Rhadames, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brocade Silk Yelvets, Silk Maude Dolored Silk Velvets, Velveteeus, Mantle Plushes. Sealelter, &c. will not be undersold by any house in the trade, as we buy at the Fountain Head Production, and sell on the smallest living proï¬t, all goods being marken in plain ï¬gures, and OUR SILK & DRESS DEPARTMENTS 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. S-ECOND PRICE. Our DIantle Department ONTARIO. HOUSE. , Crep Imperial, Costum Cloth, Paramattar, Henrietta JOS. HALL. offered, and invite attention to flkerchiefs, about half price. , each. The greatest bargain: IOC )EONTC‘ m il'es i