Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1884, p. 1

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R'HURSDAY‘ EVENING THE LlBERAL PRINTING RICHMOND 1! [LI “iiim the Beacon: Ma'rxmmm‘ CHURCH null 6:130 p.m.,nnd Sur Young people's prayer I General Prayer Meetin _1\‘.a\'. W. B. nomm. PRESIKTRMAH CHUE n3 1) o'clock a.m.,nudf p11 Wednesday evemug Bogus cnnnmc cu as follow 3 Thoruhm mm at 10:30 mm: the f‘ mom] Hill at 9 mm” an E. A. F 510 Km full limmmxn Lona -Meets in the had "Monday on or beforu A. J. Rupert, W. M. evonidE. at 7.30 o‘clc The Methodisfi 8m Inflation issue pied desired. ‘V‘v’nLHm-r MacuAmcs‘ LNsT v ulnu)qs,gpgn every luv ‘ ’65:!) HILL TEMPI Meets .111 the Temperance _ A” ..\- Law an Committee It much altamntim fluu‘y certificmc J. A. E. Switzer. \VOLIVII. grid \nY encn “IbUlu-Iu-vv __, flan-y certificmo ngwx for $2,000‘i‘1puse 01 J. A. E. Switzer. Masher Workm n. R. T. of Tempamuce, Ihchmoud Hill C No. 425. Meets in ’L'olmpera nce :111.gnch ‘uwtive Tuesday eve ‘ g atSu‘cl , ,k 13‘ m. 'ficx‘ary certificates ued to male or members for $1.000 qr in case ideatb $2.6 Jun vayablc in case of disabi My. ‘ .S non Select Counciliors; J. A. Sturgeon 5‘ Recording Secretarv. R. T. of Tempem No. 4:). Meets in ’I' native Tuesday ev< ficiary cercxficates members {qr $1 0 Dr. Geo. Lnngqgufl Has reumved from King,_zpd commen- ‘ned practice at Thomhill. Nov. 6th,’8‘2â€"tf. Dr. James Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis G. Immstafl‘ ‘Membws College Physicianskfiurgoous. Ogt. RICHMOND BILL, ONT. fia’xfizs: CARDS- $1 per annum, in advance. mu: admin-om 7 1m. Lectures my RICHMOND Hm actice every Tue ' C, Sn r ._. G n if G C Ylubmn Comm: llurs. Magri- Medafist To -_'physicmns :51 Yang's Stree 8 to 10 a. xnw l‘lmnkful for the favors of the pits may still be cunaulced in any branch tesaion. as follows: \arom, \st, 8th. 18:11. and 22nd at a ,fiichmoml 13311.... . .9th and 24th (at, the Palmer House) _ toufivilleun 18th ‘Mnrkhmu . . . . . . V'ictm‘m Scum-6.. firm-MIL .. LWumlbtidge Klsinhnrg ,_ Na‘nezon. Vitulized Air always on 119.: Works film a. charm. Address A RBINFON (t Dr. (DI-r. Maple“ Office hours: 8 so 930 .1. m.,mn1 Will Mr. Hu‘ ‘Vm Brno. 'mv falls Mn W est éfifiday Sc "nmoud Hill uodbridga .V . EDITOR. an U. w.._17v w s Emscorn. me the elm-a S ‘ service and an “lav School at l willugr ilirmury. visit the following G. IS PUBLISHED 31w Elihml ille Dr. “7. J. \Vllson. H. Husband. L. D. my inter Chlu'l‘hvs. rout/o Universitv. M Surgeons, Ont, (late of b, Richmond Bill. 0} 5 to 8 1x m. Isa-£6 C Ba pper shrinks. CHLOE?! ,nud 1"sz mung SL6 JACDON men- Services [I 'Sunduy_ scho‘ very Saturday, 1 be above dates Mommy to v Lndge, N0 om of “15 Friday“??? McMAEON, 1‘qu TE.-â€" L\‘ y Tuesday 6 m 8 o‘clock. 3319mm! ison can?f SURGEON ,1) 3E AT UP a :2 mausmnn HOUSE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, USED BY . A. Robinson. tobmg‘AImsomc \ll moon. at 8 PROP?» L GHuuca.â€"«Serfice Sunday of event'va um‘mncnt are 1mm r .30 1mm RAVJW. Bx at J“ Wuurn. FORESTEEHâ€" meets in the‘ Vida" as 730 DIV-NET BANDrMeets for r and Saturday evening at .Leuder‘ rosbv l Mds eve >thl‘ nvery Wennasuuy Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. L sch 001 Temperance As ry Sunday when ‘usaip' NEWTON BROOK ,cn.â€"Servicesjn order 51 u.m.. and Richmond inhug Snunlny-at Richâ€" lhm‘ubil] at. him) mm ting 0F CANAT’AUâ€" p.111. Prayer g places professionally:â€" 19c Mummy 0! each month 9:11 and list. " ‘ 16th :4 u &A.M.,1\'g EVERY n “4.... ,V W. R. Barker. Supt John Brown Coun- y,’A. quoodha. .B. ex‘k‘. M. 'le Y No. 141. Meats in the the Musuuic Hal! 8 o'clock p.111.“ Beue~ Luna); ‘RIETQR. un f. 1L1). an.L us pgriodicflllv DENTIS’“ DENTIST es 33,4030 mm. mm], at 2.30 p. m. Tuesday evening. Thursday evening . , ‘ lamb do. .2ch do .30“: 0 ml at appointments Free from min. L.D.S.. Aurol a. on. MERRITT and m 2.30 p- '3 UNTARIO in his omee. New xcept when Sam: (“Illa of each month past 20 years uch nf the PTO' Court Bit“ Tempemn p. m.â€"H- : Hi1] Council. Lynch alter- Imn. 15ene4 0 or female m 92,000. (me lfijuuder- gou Stlewart. figlllon the o’clock P~m 1. 0. Crva Wednesday of overllooo 1, in ma Mn- Lmv.Lib\'a.- pin. Bene- use of death thhrr (‘0 0t fitouq‘ville Services messing rim-(mm. id at 11 '. Bates. a: farm or at 3 lo. 10‘ do. do‘ do Toronto 166 King Street East, iaichmand Hm Officeâ€"Rear o 1 Central Bank. on Saturdays ()FFM LAWRENCE 8. MILLIGAN, “Al-IA. FULLAR'I‘ON & Foo“. \V. M. HALI Barristersé‘ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Tomnto Officeâ€"No. :4 Building 8: Loan Chambers, N3, 15 Toronto Street. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Licensed Auctiopeurfm- t1; Counties of York‘ Ontarmaud Peol'. ,Goods solL 9n cousiflumeuh.‘ Genera.) sales of sfiock. etc” promptly attended to Mmusuuahle qua». P. 0.1; dress, ' ! INIONYILLE. Importer of \\'nt\:)xes. clocks and fine jcwnllery in stock of Dimnonds and precious stomp always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH 0F,.QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. Ls‘hluuufm- Ann)”: of jewellery, and repairinqu \vuthuh‘ u clocks on the premises, a specialw leukiunour friendsfor then-lib- erul‘pmronmr it. magma. we beg to state than we.1mv¢ just: receive n huge stock Nuew goods . L ,A ,.A.\. .A‘L‘Hn'hra'hfl in Licenagmxnccicneer for the Countv of YO'rkJE-I Many of our render wno nave oecome .svfirtfufly 2“?:i‘:‘;%‘¥xtfifufifflfhgggfigggIe-iamiliar with the Rev. mum“: during his )1) Hence. .‘n. B , 1e 1 e ‘ ‘ ‘ _ and at renaouuhlorues. 120. Address, Short Stay among“ “*3. “A” be pleaH‘d t“ Box 96' VICTORIA SQUARE. | pent that 119'.” :10 énqu to emu' upuu an 7 ' | xmportnntjfield 0f labqr. James CLSIokes. Licensed Auctioneer (01211;: County of York. re- spectfully solicits your acroxmge and lfriendly influence. Sales utteudet on the shorto‘a‘b notice and at reasonabe rates. '1’. 0‘ address, King. Licensed Auctioneer Salea attended on the nba rates. Addre: Central at? Canada; PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICEâ€"PRESIDENT, SAMUEL‘LTfiEES. DIRECTORS K. Chisbxvlm, M, 1’. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac dqpudd, U. D. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. fiiuty. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Cnneut Ruben No uuciqe of withdrawal required. Drafts on all part8 of Cnuudn, U,inth States and Great. Britain, bought and 901%. Yd...v_,.. intent desxgns. Kidge Ewe nlthum watches kevc on hand HARDWARE 2 PAINTS, OILSs WILKINS’ BROS MECHANIO’S GLASS, PUTTY, &E. <1BUILDERS’{> 1i .UIILISTE IS, SULICITORS A PRIZE. abm SEVINGS DEPARTMENT, M. TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC 86c. RICHMOND E1! d Auctioneer for the County of York tended on the shortest notivefin d at reu- mtela. Address Stuufivule P. 0 ney GIVE US A CALL. P Iv. N RICHMOND IHLI JAM as m. LAWVBEQMJE. Manager. Salt-m Erknnlt. afiifirrllnumus A A, ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Bfianch. N. J. Al'lflSll‘Ollga 4-‘83 Mail S. m. Brawn. J‘ S. FULI .l.r“‘nnh SS~ Emmi. loan on mm security Near George Street, Toronto TOOLS. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-EssentiaJs, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” AND ‘ney u...” 'ousaud frielxdsfor aheirlib- e nut. We beg to spate that e n huge stuck Muewgonds x large stock (A ‘Ellgin' and S'rm- AND ARTON :11: an ‘rhune ill 1‘ the COOK anything workers Panorama. Mr. Verey gave his moving Panorama in the Temperance Hall, on Monday and Tues- dny awnings and on both nights there was n good unendunce. Magnificent view; of )mmdinn scenery. including The Thousand Canadian scenery, inclul Ithds, Victoria Bridgf given. Many places of into prominence during War, together thb mi were nicer depicted. (191101111 satisfaction, um Islands, Victoria Bridge, 610-. were plainlyl given. Many places of interest, which come into prominence during the FrnHCO-l’russian War, together With many startling scenes were nicely depicted. The Panorama. gave aenernlsntisfnctiou, and Mr. Verey proved himself to heiust the man for the place. Some might think that the lecturer’s re- marks Were at times uninteresting, but if somewhat tedious, it seemed s cansolutiou to know that the “ little nmn ” thoroughly en- jnved it himself. Mr. Verey made himself very agreeable here, and became n general favorite with the children. and if he should' nguimrisit our village he .will meet with n heuriy reception. Lacnesse. The following is the record for the past season of the " Young Canadian ” Lacrosse Club, of Richmond Hill. Champions of the Western District of Ontario :â€" Won. Lbst. «no (u a“ "nu... much reckleSsness is manifested by cram- ming the stoves with wood a véry short time before dismissing the Schools. in the the afternoon. A destructive tire will be the result some windy day. Trustees Would do a great good by stopping such carelessness on the part of the teachers. Yours Truly, X. Richmond Hill. Nov. 20th, ’84. Tothe Editor of THE LIBERAL: I Sm.~ In last week‘s issue of the Herald Appeared the above letter drawing the attention of the public to the " recklesa- ness ” ninnifested “ -bv the teachers in the three rear rooms of the Public School" in “ cramming their stoves with wood a short time before dismissing in the after- noon." Now, I, as Principal of the School, feel myself called upon to make The fonowing semen of me " ‘ Club, of Richan Western District May ERRâ€"Young Canadians, Jntgdz 2nd twere mixed,vs. Union~ ville L. ‘0 ............ v ........... May 24th,â€"Yqung Canadians. 139a 2nd ' twelve mixed, vs.Check- 61‘s of Betwertuu . . . . . . . Jung Lubeâ€"Young Canniimxs vs Maple Leafs of Pm‘kdnle , ...... _, June Ismsâ€"Young (Innmlmnk. 2 twelve vs. Tnlugou Newmmrkec ,. ,, July lamâ€"Young Canadians vs. I "bridge L. C .V ............ July nthâ€"Young (Innudi Ava. Be ers of Tom to, July 23rd.â€"¢Y0uug Canadians va Eu 0! Brampton Aug. 15th.â€"-Youug Ganglia:sz Ex< smrs of Brampton Aug. 93rd.~â€"1 mum: Cnnmliuna vs. D eriua of Orangehlle . fienh.125h-Youutg Canadians Vpll‘hisn o Fergus......,. Qct. nthâ€"Siouth Canadians vs. Ori Lacrosse Club Rev. W. IL Bagk‘ar will .pz‘eachsin the Methodist Church next Sunday evening. Subject-a” The uulydoundatiou of hope for [net men." The congregation qf ,‘Canningtnn have tendered a unanimous mill tn the Rev. 660. Grant,B.ArE}imcno. The call was laid before the Presbytery nf Liud'sny at its meeting in Lindsnv on the 26th inst. Cnnningtou is a lame and rgpidly growing village on the Midland qul‘wny. ‘A unanimous call from the congrpgation of C1aremunt,in the Presbvtery of \Wbitby. in favor of the Rev. Geo. Grant, B. A.. of Simcoe. came before the Presbytery for its approval at. its meeting in Port. Perry on the 25th instu The charge consistent one am- tmn. and promises $850 per annum of salary with manse. MXESTAFF~MEREDXTBâ€"At Christ Church New - runawick,N.J.,on Nov. 19m, bv the Rev. ‘13. B Joyce. RectorJ. Elliot. Lnngstnfi. M. D. 'tu I. Josephinefidaughter of the late Bridge- mater Muredit . Theceremonytouk place M; 5 o‘clock. Not- withstanding the inclumency of fine weather about 350 guests were present. The wedding was randucted iu Enviish style. The groom and his best maul”. L. G. Laugsmfi‘, meeting the bnda’s party at the chancel steps». BUQHEsâ€"In Toronto, 011 Sundayflfim inst..Anxxie Agnes Sutherland, wlfe ofJamon L. Hughes. Inspectur of the City Public Schools. SIMMSâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Saturday. 22nd inst.,Mu1-y Simms. aged 21 years, 11 months. TVERRELLfllu Richmond Hill. on Wednesday, Nov.26nh.themfuut son of Mr. 3: Mrs. '1‘. Many of pup rfnd»r_a_ Mr. Henry Hardiugmf Toront0,wrires: My littledanghter. 7 years of age, has been a terrible aufl'arer this winter from rheunmtism, bemg for weeks confined to her bed, with limbs drawn up, which Could not. be straightened, and suffering great pain in every joint of limbs, arms and shoulders. The best of physicmns could not, help lxer,‘ and we were ad"ised to try Dr. "I'houum’ Eolectric oil, which we did, and the benefit was at once ap- parent; after using two homes the pain left, her limbs assuman Lheir natuml shape, and in two weeks she was as well an ever. It has not, returned. "Faint worth much “ J. and fifth are the beat. '1 again, you are out of tune Laskay, Nov. inst. 1884 lin In my hvlplc 'l‘hnnms plicucim I have 1/ Electric THULSDAY, NOVEMBER ‘27, 1884-. ’l‘yrren Mr mg LOCALS BERSONALS. W. Maguire, me ‘ites‘. “ I was a shoulder for e1; H; at bum but with Dr. TE III A [K R IAG Es Lacnesse. :is the record for the past Young Canadian " Lacrosse and Hill. Champions of th‘ to! Ontario :â€" the LASKAY ith no relief, unul I use [cc-trio Oil. After a fuv \6 pain left we entirely, In pains since. Do not. Eleclrun Oils, but, see DEA'I‘IIS “01117.18 merchant at Frank- I afflicted with pain elght, yearsâ€"almost we tried many rem- used Dr. who have become '..U1‘nutduriug Ina Ecleetric xlle ...... 'l‘histles SEARLE. Sec Orilliu. Won. Lbst‘ & 2nd uion~ Duff JOE the third your hand $AKEH. Sm‘m’l buildings regard to at: ment fur an the aftenm much neckle mng the sh time before the afternm the result that up- and some reply, on behalf of my Assictams, 1 L0 X’s charge." In the first. place, had “ X ” made as close an inspection .wf the state rf the rooms, as he diz‘. of the stones, I rather fancy he wnuld have been moved to call attention to the “ recklessness " mani- fested in allowing teachers to dmdntv in suclx‘rooms; and hls only wonder would have been how teachers could-possibly managatu keep such rooms uuth'ci-entlv culnfurtahle for their pupils. even by “ cramming the stove: " continually. But, as “ X " certainly did nut take into account tl’h: state nf the moms, allnwlme, } through the same medium as “ X " has ‘elnnloved. tn draw .auuution to .their )Mi‘eEditm‘ of the " Herald :" Slurâ€"The Teachers III the three rear uldings of our Public Scliod should be quired tn exevciee better judgmeub’fl'n aganl to state nf'the fire in each depart- leut fur an hour nr so before leaving in m aftenmon. It 15 too bad that 50 Illcl\ necklcsnness is manifested by cram- Iing the stoves with Wuvd a very short me before dismissing the Schuols. in the ie afternoon. A desbructive tire will be he result some windy day. Trustees mnld do a great good by stopping such arelessness on the part of the teachers. Yours Truly, But, as " A " cer account, thc state through the same employed, to dr present condition r, , In Form 11 there are vthree brrxken panes of glass. and Windows ‘thac [it so hmsely, that on a. windy day the work of the mom has to by aluwst suspended on accuunt of the noise of rattling ‘window- sat-shes. These broken panes have 8“ been the wuzk of outsi’dera. and .outside of sch001 hams. F-mu 1h mjoicea in an out" 'door minus a. panel and windows of about as currect a fin as those of Form II. The stun: of Form Ill cenuinly deserVes a little Holicu hm, being minus a front, ex- cvpt the door. _-. .. . . p I ,, Form IV has five broken canes, {our 0f which were in that condltiuu when the mumwns taken possession of after the midsummer vacation. '1 might just re- mind a. sympathizinu pubiic that this last is the Infant Sohuo), and leave it tocthcln tn decide whether the teacher is to he fuuud fault with, for trying to keep the ['QUIH “'erlll. And now u. few words with regard to the justice of “ X’s ” charge. As a. point of fact, on the day upon which the in- spection of the ntuves was nude, in Form II. wuod had been put into the stove after the teacher had left the school. (Whoee duty is it to take charge 01' the rooms after funi- o’clock I) In Form 111 the last time that wood had been .put into the stove, was just before the 1.15 bell rang for afternoon session. I have already mentioned the condition of the stove, and it leave the Dublic to draw their own conclusions. Faun: IV, as be- fore stated, is the Infant School, and on imyuwn mmhnrity. I can state that no very tremendous fire Wus on, when I left i the room at 4 p. In. . .1 x71! In cunclusimwl. I must miorm “ X" that a must diatinct and emphatic denial is ufl‘ered to we charge of “ rufllessuess” or “ carelessness " on the part of any of the tenchersiu dealing wnh the school! property y u|.-..J. Trusting, Mr. Editor, that you will excuas my u'espasaing upon your valuable space to this .exten}, Richmond Hill, Nov. 24th. ’84. From our own Correspondent. Mr, Downing, the new superintendent of the works here. has entered upon his duties. He comes from Noxun d: Bros” Ingersoll. Every success to him in his new field of labor. The late superintendent, Mr. McLach- lan, left here same time ago for London, having obtained a. pnsutiun m the Globe Agricultural \Vnrks of that place. Three waeks ago Joshua .‘ lemflbadly smashed in a chine, and has been (akin since. For n few days he h puninn in misery, Chas S; suffered :Lsimilar accident. \\’e are surrv to see Savage, who has been i is still unable to resum nd “Charlie cutlemen. ’ Our School Fires. an. Tlu 11in this PATTERSON. am. Yours Sincerely, E. A. SPRAOOE, Principal R. H. P. S. oshua. Smith got hi. I in a milling ma- taking a. vacation vs he has had a. com- Savnge having Sn " Josh " that Mr. ( blr. Gem-20 k some time. ( TEMPERANCE ITEMS Supphod by the A popular cry against the adoption of the Scutt Act, or any measure tending to prohihitmn. is that “it will iniure busi- ness)" Such meadures, if'at..a.ll success- ful, will doubtless iui'ure the business of liqUOr making and liquor vending, but certainly few other hrzmches of business are likely to be injured. The Nm's of 14th inst., contains the f<>llowing1w”l can assure you,” Bald a. leading real 88‘ tate agent to a reporter yesterday, “ that the value of property Will be raised in thme counties in which’ the Scntt Act has been passetl. ‘The great majority-of those Wm) come‘ to us".'or farms wa‘ut them ‘in ‘Scott Act cnuuties. The demand is es- pecially great for farms in (3ifond,Halton. Huron and Norfolk. There is 0116 man who came from the States and purchased a farm in Haltou because the Act wan in ‘ force there. Another man bought a. farm I there, and was so pleased that he induced VLCLU, II-uu nun v-r tumunm. H..." ..- _.._.__~V, a. relative to (10 likewise. Even anti- temperance men prefer to locate in these counties. The farmers in Halton say that business in much better now. As a. proof of this there are three new stores in the tom) of Milton. The storekeepers say that they Rife now doing a. tine cash business. In Falcon County jail there is only one prisoner, and that -IS Zimmer- man, an hotelikeeper, who is serving two months for a third breach 6f the Scott Act.” After {Lord Lurne'a visit. to the North West, he made his famous soeech in Scotland in regard to the advantages uf lhe"1Lone Land” as a field for immi~ graliou, and amnng its advantages he made prominent. mention of the fact that. there. a pwhibitmjy liquor law is in {1111 force. Twenty counties have voted on the Scott Aer. thifi year. Two do not want it by small mag‘umties comparatively, and eighteen will have it they say. by very substantial majorities. Parliament is getting its answer'tn the question, what do the people mm: ‘2 Iu Ontario fiheen different counties have vuted 4:11 the: Hen“ Act Nine hAVo carried the Act with an neurge majority of 1058. Six have defea'vd the Act With an average majority of 068. Ill fitting boots and shues cause coma. Hollowav‘s Corn Cure is the article to use; It is said that Mr is already the large: neighburhnod. has 1 Mr. Juseph Button, ‘ is against Joseph's p‘ more than MW; 01- place. We hear that Mr. his farm some cum .v in Weshm. If an, m gain. \Vhen things v terest of the Son When it. will l \tht Squire Middleton l “'11th busiues follow now ? What will try What Vicinity 111) d rs} Jym [Single copies, 3 cts llll Mr WHAT THE PEOPI Vixen things will sat of the Sent! When it. will he :' 'Hl NORTH ETOBICOKE From om- mvn Correspondent. my club tl next? the [hi1 M 1e 1. O. G. T. Lodge, R mnnd Hill. ,Mr. humus Farr, Who .rgesthni-owuel‘ of tliis 1st purchased the farm of Wm. nf Sr. Andrews. 1t No. ‘ples to remain {5 years in «no T TO SNOW l, who routed mend; to settle a is Weston’s l to a. vote 2 ‘11 told Bob In u is gmng 1"; and Dys mpure Blond iousxless am xdbridge havin in the if) tball me )ch hr [Ind 3.11

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