Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1884, p. 4

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4,, "iirw ADVERTISEMENTS (’tiniidiun Galleryâ€"Grip Publishing Co. LEL'lll eLuwronmd' Miiiignn. _ ('eilnr Poem for Balm-(let). Rodflitt. lo: Emmi. ilrt-iixonn HiLL, Thursday, New. REPLY r0 u-rornn." As we stated in a former number of the LIBERAL, it is not our inten- tion to handy any more words with the l'urlr Herald. We retire from the conflict with a satisfaction which is not unalloyed only because it is human. But a quite distinct Question has been raised by. a correspondent of the Herald) ln'i-zi letter. headed “Tn'o Positions". certain grounds are taken with which we beg to join issue. Before, however, we touch on the main subject, we have a few remarks to‘ make. The writer of the letter-referred to comes out un- der an assumed name. He signs himself “Voter.” If we are correct in our information, and surmises, “Voter” never yet had the courage to speak out over his true signature. The trade ofanonymous correspond- ent is by no means new to him. Now he who is habitually scribbling ,nn- let the mask of a npm lie plums ismut a prepossessing person,», lt goes without saying that in time he Will be sure to blunt any fineness of feel- ing,r whichmay have been originally his. Such an one is scarcely a man offine instincts, it we may judge from his actions. Gradually he be- comes filled with the malignity of the, viper, butfortunat'ely he has the heart ofa harev Let liimhut take into his head that offenca has been given him, he doos not right mat- ters by an open and honest state- ment, or ,by eveu.a genuine out- burst-.or’anger; No,- he “is of the kind that broods, and broods, and broods, until the whole man grows jaundiced- with sick fancies ; his eyes burn with a lurid, but sup- pressedLi-lame, from which comes no light. but rather darkness visible. He waits, and waits, and waits, un« til night with sable Wings seems to give him an opportunity ,to strike. Then, in the dark he delivers his blow, and instantly, in fear and trembling, retreats to his Vburrow to watch the effects of his dastard strone. Charity compelsgis to hope that “Voter” is manner of man, but yet there has been, much talk of “stone-walls,“ masked batteries," :‘partyavallsf &c., &c., in which he Joins, and, in good‘laith, he appears to know whereof he speaks. \Vc make, however, no accusation; we only ask him, to emerge from his den into the light of day, and we prom- ise him, that the man ,at whom he is aiming his cowardly shafts; will not seek the cloak. lot a fiCtitious name to join in an encounter which will not long,r be dubious- “Voter” may think his identity unknown, buthis thought is, perhaps. that oi the ostrich which burics its head in the sand, and imagines. r.ifly bird, that becauseslie'cannot set her pur- suers, they cannot see her. We return now to the letter.. ter quoting from a Lruem ial, “Voter remarks- At- editorâ€" “ Very true as far as it goes. but if it, should so happen that. In, writer on the stuff of their/Hail should tilinve connection v itli one of the Edoutioiml Institutions of the ci'y; drawing :‘. salary from the ratepayers of the city, and at the same time besmirching them with calmnny and abuse, it different story would Boon come to his ears. 'He would be very politelyy but forciny informed tluit he must elect\yli:i:..ii‘:iriter he intended to serve: he would very soon find that thi- Minister of Education, or his Deputy, had taken a very fatherly inieicatrju his welfare; he would be lllfnl‘llit‘d that thi- two positions were incompatible the one with the other, it would not weigh a copper whether. thzz rate-payers were large or small payer‘s; .whetliei' Scott or anti-Scott Actzneu; would be until ment for all purposes, that the two situ- ations. Could not be held. The \vell‘ known “ Asaistaut'” would not do there “but he thinks he can do line with ini- tinnity', defying eVeI'y‘alom ofdeeeney; partaking: of the bread of the V‘itlc-[r.'i_\'ul‘, and at the sum: time. from behind 1| party wall, liuriiiit: at thetn language Wlill'll both the managers of the Aim! and (i‘lolw \vould refuse insertion .n the Columns Iil the respective papers they limo eoniroi, UVL’I‘.” It will be seen from. the above, that "Voter" has taken it tor grant- ed that he has infallible information as to the writer of the LitiExAL artiâ€" cles,\\'liicli have given him so great umbrage. ’l‘hei-illain isan assistaiitin ourliiithchool. “felldetusassumc, ‘ i llii sike of argument, that “\'o i is i 4:”. Vi l‘mi tlii 'i? V'n. ‘ 'alil'iif'l‘n'tl to l'ui“: ll 1! ":l..'i<:iiitiil,uioi t)" t 1,," .. 0‘ 27. 184-) l l head master ofa Collegiate ltistitutei and that his articles were a continu- ‘ ous stream of the mOSt vindictive abuse of the Mowat Administration, and ot the senior High School In- spector? Will “ Voter" be surpris- ed to learn that at this very moment a secretary of a Reform Association is a master in the Toronto Collegiate Institute? Nay, does not “Voter” know that the present Minister of Education was,at one and the same time, for many years inspector of High Schools for the County of Middlesex, and likewise one of the same constituency's representatives in the Dominion Parliament ? \Ve tell “Voter,” that if Hon. Mr. Ross. or his Deputy, presumed to inter- fere for the reasons he alleges in his letter, in the affairs of a master, he would be promptly told to mind his own business“. His “ fatherly in-1 terest " would be treated as a small- minded and ignorant impertincnce ; and as long as t 1e master in question was duly qualified for his pti‘dtihn, his interference would .not Mr one moment be tolerated. Of rnurse, Hon. Mr. Ross is a main too-iwell informed ever totdreaiii ref thrusting himselttinto matters purely thereon- cern of others, and he would bo‘the first to resent any such clumsy and stupidéttempt fiat “ Vot’irfl' makes to drag him into adisputu foreign to his office. And here let us ask “ Voter " has he reflected that the “ Assistant " at whom he rails is also a rate-payer, and has been one for well on to ten years? Has be reflected that the "Assistant" is underw no compli- ment to any one, that he gives ad- equate return-for all he gets, that he is nopauper. but one who has always acted on the motto that no man should eat what he has not earned? It to gain a livelihood in the village \is to distrancliise one's‘ self, how .is it that “Voter” pte. sunies to iiilve a voice in its affairs? \Ve have been laboring under the innocent delusion that our teachers receive their appointments on ac- count of theirfitness; that the per~ manence ofrhe appointment depend- ed soiely upqn the ability and zeal withlwhich ritbey discharged their duties. Eave'we now to learn that it is further indispensable for them to become deaf mutes to every in- terest which is not contained within the school walls ? We have far too high a respect for our Board of Ed- ucation, which “Voter” gmtuitous~ ly insults by his contemptible nien~ ace to “ Assistant," to hold them capable of such an intolerable bigot- ry. But We tell “ Voter” that if any such crimping \yere tried on "' Assistant," we are in a position to state that he would very Speedily “elect which master he would serve." “ Calumny and abuse ” forsooth l 'Tis erlfillV said, but why has not “ Voter " pointed it out. nailed it on the spot, and adiiiinisiered to it a bcsoming rebuke? Calling names is ever easier than close argument, and - aCCordingly “ Voter " chooses the former. lle has set up a scare crow, which will not scare. A pumpkin. deprived of its heart, it, when gushed fund punctured iiiliil the riidclinerrinents of a face, an) illuminated with a tallow dip, a source of terror to childhood and ignorance, but to manhood it is nought, or, at most, a PlthUltCr of some pleasant (:onccit that is not un- like a person with whom doubtless “Voter” is acquainted. Apropos of an editcr's relaiions to the public, we snbjoin part of an article which appeared in the Town to (z'lnlw of 24th inst. \\'i: may add. that the Mail, in its reply on the. 2511). substantiates every word of it,, but indiguuntly denies that it has. ever divulged the name of :1 corres~ pondent, much less that it would: S‘t’ll d any inquiries :is to who writes its leaders. For the Litter, ilic editor alone is responsible :77 . “During the prouresa of the libel auit brought against it by Mr. SENEL‘AL, the ‘ 'l‘i-ronto Mud divulged-tho ll‘dllleis of the1 persons by whom “'ttB giv-g. en the information on which the alleged), libcllons aitiule wm-i based. The Mom, ll't'fll press is protesting almost liiiii:ii-, iiiuisly .l‘hilJ-ZJfil this action, and its pro. tests are well founded, ' It is the duty of‘. an editor to sift. thi- infoiiiuiIion that isi brought to him, and to ri-jeet that uitlii the accuracy of which he is not satisfied. llavniu :iCCt-plod information the editor : is in lionor bound to regnrd it :is conliâ€" ileiitizil, and the name of the informant should on no amount be given up \vitli- ' out )nâ€"yinisston. Even as it. there mutter «'lelSllit‘EIl, the editor who s-icriiices his liift)]‘iir.'tlit riniitei a most serious mistake, mi “lilt'i'. i- fin-t pr‘mei-s ll‘lli llll\\ol'lll_\" ‘senu’em , 1099M. ‘Sie‘iiweia £918 99 eiivi J‘sfleourm ‘SBII paedsui s3 eroieq JO preequn seorrd in; spoof} Barnes are 9M 3011011 [moods Jo A’qu n‘ "oiiiiilun -._ \l’orliiill next, we sup- 1 i, be ‘i'c‘i‘ed to tire it‘t'llll'ltl of an rim” 3 ‘0‘ ti 1;; ti ( ili "ill-'Il ii:ll illl‘l ,'~ \ i'e io ' lL‘iilLl i ‘ l l I t l l P? SBI i3: '.9”" 5‘3 :3": a GD 0 ‘5”. CD 33 9- a o o a c: 5 <2? W " g .0 Ii ,5; “5 é a. t4 iâ€"I- 8 I--‘ y: H <1: :1. (/2 l3“ co (D et- I 0AA. ms (sud OII'B ‘sayeooreiio 99 sq. use .5 ‘33 I ., HIM rm ESflOH HSVO (IVE-[HO EH1. turn I sure; 119100 M‘S’pOO-fi ssatq it .de our??? 3 VNNE’H-fi .9? RIVERS “one is posing, 911g 9; J? ‘ ,etruerg jail A 1 “sites no.1, aura ‘KJIGE ‘spoog (lunar-I ‘ammssem r ) r 9:);qu to; 901915 311,], '6 _‘_ g, ’ 0 <3 CD52. Stock AT THE QRETE l? IS Fall 0 0 NOW :iQMrLETE IMMENSE BA RGAINSE L NES 0F GOODS. A W. ATKINSON. .. A. WRIGHT &“ SON, . UNDERTAKERS, YONGE I'ST.., . RICHMOND HILL, Keeps on hand a large supply of Coffins, Cais- kots. and all kinds of IFITNICRAIJ li‘I‘lIRNISIIING-‘rs. A First-Class Hearse fur-J ,hished at reasonable terrrs.‘ A- W RIG-HT 8:. SON- Prepare for Winter l l r t l BY GOING TO THE FlRE PROOF, AND PURCHASING YOUR :FALL 86‘ WINTER SUPPLIES. #44 Every Department Complete with New Goods at the Lewcst Prices. Blankets li‘lannels, and other \Voollens at . Wholesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Greâ€" ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c.. at Lowest Rates. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. lSAAC CROSBY. ()F 'FURNI’I‘URE ‘ 1s 0N HAND wrrn STUCK, A'l‘ TORONTO PRICES. WINDOW GLASS ALL SIZES & CUT TO ORDER GROCERIES‘. FLOUR & FEED AT BOTTOM PRICES Balance of the Stock of Wall Paper to be sold below COS. Picture and Picture Fi'Mi't‘d all sizes. Gill and .in for pricw. P. SAVAGE-.. A NEW

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