The best way to repair strength and in- increase the bodily substance is to invig- orate the stomach and improve the circu- lation with Northrop 85 Lyman’s Vege- table Discovery and Dyepeptic Cure. Simultaneously with the disappearance of indigestion it relieves that morbid de- spondency. and the nervdnness which are as much the product of dyspepsia as the weakness of the stomach and loss of vigor and flesh which proceed from it; as a. blood puriï¬er it has no equal. ‘ From our own Corresrondent The grain merchant at. the ma. plains of getting too much grain, having to work ton hard. The 1 the station is in a very bad state. on are wishing the Tp. Counml get reckless and spend u. lot of 1m roads. Missionawy Sermons in the M1 Church nexu Sabbath, Nov. 30th, morning by Rev. Geo. Edwards, evemng by Rev. Dr. Sutherland. sionary Meeting on Monday even lowing. Carpenters are busy putting a roof on Mr. Noble’s house. Mr. Jacob Smith, one of our esteemed citizens, has been very ill for some time, and is not yet out of danger. Dr. Wild. oflTonmtn, has been engag- ed bv Vaughan Lodge, A. F. d: A. M., to lecture here on Monday evening, Jan. 5th. 1885. Snbjectâ€"“ Prophet Jeremi- to lecture here on Monun 5th. 1885. Subjectâ€"“ Y ah's visit to Ould Ireland Tuscarora, a. suburb of a new Mayor. Hope Church is now a 7 Circuit, the Executive Cent deoided to remove it; from] and place it with us. The] for their annual dinner 01 Day. Mr. D. Johnston has g‘ raised; to be brick-clad z mof; this makes the ï¬fth and one frame one in Maple If your children" are worms, give them Mother Exterminator; safe, sure The Bachelors’ Sac evening 1\‘ ov. 19th. back the elect of this I on the alert, anxiously will they manage the t: without. our aid i†E than surprised when grand spread which M in large qnautitiesaud From our own Correspondent. The Bachelors’ Social came 05 last :vening Fov. 10th, and for a meek Jack the elect of this locality have ‘been m the alert, anxiously enquu‘ing. “ how will they manage the tables and eatables without our aid 2 †But they were more'; :han surprised when they beheld the' grand spread which mvuited them. Fruit in large quantitiesaud ()l dilferent kinds; some cnol-ied. some half cooked and some raw, to suit different tastes. Game 8130‘ in abundmice‘ besides the sweet-cakes of different kinds, snch us pcnple supply at ordinary lirst~class teamueetings, (minus tarts, etc.,) all of which were prepared by tho young men only. The bachelors were all provided with uprousï¬ups and cravuts, of lilv-whileness, which seemed to light up their lovely countenances, and each with his eagle eye and his other eye, anxiously watching every opportunity to make the festival the most gorgeous ever held. And all went merry as a r L_ L»-A make the festival the most gorgeous ever held. And all went merry as a marriage bell. A thousand hearts beat] happily (more or less), The entertain-t mth which followed 'was of achoice char-l accer. A number of choruses were given by the Mr. and Misses Fisher in a very pleasing manner. Readings were given by Miss Miller, and {rum different mumb- ers of the fraternity, and all who were present can congratulate themselves up- on havng attended one of the most en- joyable entertainments ever held in this locality. ‘ ‘v‘ ‘25 l mu.â€" __ , by this hmherto incumle disease is permanent- ly cured in frcm one be three applications, no matter whether standing for one your or forty years. Descriptivepamphlet sent area on re- nninf. nf stu‘un). A. H-DIXQN dc SON. 305 King 3791111 Descriptive (:eipt of stu‘uxp‘ A. Street west. ’I‘uront‘ TRENCH’S ~C ARRIAGE WORKS.- In renn'ning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during the past tWenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to re- mind tlmn and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modiuns premises, "1 am’ enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S. CA'I‘ARR“ YONGE bTREET RICHMOND HILL. MAPLE suburb of Maple, has got ‘mons in the Methodist bath, anv. 30th, in the Geo. Edwards, in the Dr. Sutherland. Mis- on Monday evening fol- Sleighs and and heavy. all of Jvlrtich are to give satisfaction' asithe n has'got his house ck-clad and mannard the ï¬fth brick house in Maple this summer. but the station cum- much grain, or of nrd. The road to {Canada A new Treatment where a part of Maple Cemmittee having on] Lmkay Circuit They are arranging :r on New Year’s .re troubled with (her Graves’ Worm sure, and eï¬'ectuaL' in the m the short? mate. Farm- ouncxl would of money on nable ter up rvlsf at work st notice 1T7 black Full Figure Portraits in Colors of Prominent ‘ C nadians. GIVEN AWAY T0 AIL THE BANADMMLW smascmms to ss am.†No. l.#l€t. ll' Mamlonnld, “ 1' 2nd '84 ~'* mu issuoII m'av 150:. '94 No5lll0n ll Mortar, will be lssuml Dec 20th. '84 No (iflllon .l Norquay. will be issuml .lnn l7lh. ’85 No 7 ~ Hon Sir II I. Languvnl. wnl IH' issued Fob Idlh, ’H6 "' These plates are printed colors, on ï¬ne plate paper. and will be issued monthly to our sub- scribersfree of charge. In these sketches an effort is made to hit 01! not only the facial expression, but the genera ï¬gure as well, each subject being given in som ‘ characteristic nose. Wherever possible the drawing Will be made from life, so as to ensure accuracy in these respects. - At the sums tune a. staid matter of fact portrait is not aimed at, but that far more attractive and unique thing‘ï¬n caricature embracing a likeness. Each portrait is accompanied by a brief biogravliical notice written in! a spirit to correspond Wit the picture. When we call upon Canadians to encourage this enterprise we are after all not asking them to do anything vast. They already have in Gan» abundant value for $2 per anuum, and us has been already stated the GALLERY which alone is worth more than the amount of subscription, isafree gift. All 5we re nest therefore is that those Who me not alrea y upon our list sli¢ll subscribe for Gmri We decline to argue asn to whether 52 per year can be spent in any. better .Im 0n N 0 TRY GRIP FOB 1885,0NLY $2 L\Il) 83353 203715 for Sé‘l A large quantity 0117 Sale. on Lot No. 4:). lat Money to Loan. Money to Loan on improved farms, at 6 cent. Apply lo J, R. ARNOLD, 1mm 11. nm, Richmond Hill June 11. Gm Hugh MILLER &6d., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER: gXBRKSHIPEE CATTLE FEEDER, CWESE BAï¬DEN POWDER. &c. 18-12 Speck-.1 attention givenyo the proper prepar- ations offmnilv and Votermm‘y recelpts. July 3rd. '84â€"1v. ,, , a: GRIP BRlNTING & PUBLISHING CO" STRAYED from the commons east P. 0., in the latter 'tmrt of May, or f‘ June. the tollowiug animals : q 1 Mlflav Heifer. ‘2 News old. Rouu lMule Heifer,2 years old. yam-s oi . red and white; 2 Steers; 2 1 year old red um white Steer, I vear old ; 1 rod Erich one bmudeil on m with 1c. & G. Anyone giving such information as will lead will be suitably rewarded. . 2.#llnn. Oliver Mowal, issuedï¬vpl. 20Ih.’84. STRAYED I . 3-n’imf Edwardf make, issued on. 181“;"84.- 4~Ilon 3V}: Mere-(lull. was BMWHNG LENS FOR SAIJQ 9 éï¬chJS per cent. ( ot the lots; Also Two New House Richmond Street. DEL LA N G 2‘2â€"6in ‘Tï¬ï¬? Llï¬ï¬â€™fie’l’ba 9 $1.00 IN ABVANBE. MUNN & CO In th Right Building L‘ot‘sfoi Sum eflgsmmsï¬ï¬n GRIP’S RI. llon. Sir John A. Id. “ as issued Allgl‘lï¬l unity of First-Class Cedar Posts for No.49.1st Cou.Vuughau. Apply to GEO. BEDDI’I‘T. Richmond Hill. TORONTO. ISAxK & GRICE. Joï¬ers Pnovmn'x‘ons 01w quuu as old. Roan; I Stem-.22 im; 2 1 year old mun red and white steers; 1 . 1 rod Heiferl yezu old. on the right fore foot giviu 1 tn the undersigned ll lea. to their recovery Sale on Centre Stree 1' cent. down for pick w Houses. Grupms. on ESTA I’F at 6 per of J eï¬erson Jre Dart of â€"l§42 FIRST - HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. mama mum & (30., 79 QUEEN IST‘WLDNIDON- E. C., (L W HAT T0 ‘Whpre ‘ QUESTIONS ON Vm‘mmmw Summers are answered by Dr. McEacbi’an, F 1!. C V‘ S, Principal of the Montreal Veterinary College and the Dominion Inspector 0! Live Stockr QUES’HONS on BBE-Km-mso are answered by D A Jones, of Beelon. Ont, President. 0! the National Bee Convention ; QUESTIONS mom POULTRY A‘N‘D PETS are“ answered by Dr S J Audi-es. Mmlueal ; Qunsrrons m1 AGRICULTURAL SUAJECTS are unswertâ€"d by “ Rï¬slicus “: h___...,. are an_ Which was established in the winter of 1845-6, has very materially increased in cir- culation during the present yuanuenrly 9000 new names having been added to its Hib- Rcriptidn list, making a total of 41.300. This paper gives all the current news aiid abundant good reading, along with the Sun- day School Lessoba,aiid is THE CHEAP- EST FAMILY PAPER in the Dominion. A much valued‘feature of the WITNESS. and one which has shown greatly iucreiised development during the past couple of yams. .. r @ELKE BibQME s the QUESSION'S 0N FRUITS AND swered by Mr James" Doug Ont. ; v 7 0.". QUESTIONS ON LEGAL SUP ed by a Montreal advocma barrister ; "“ QUESTIONS ox Sugxecrs answered by competent u The Clubbing Rates given by t tor of the WITNESS last yam- an previous have given so much sati again repeat them. Such " CLUBBING RATES are as follows : ‘~ ' The price oi the WEEKLY \‘WITNESS is $1 a. year. postage (Me When THEE!» subscriptions are seat to- getber in one envelOpe,tlie pride to ea'ch will be EIGHTY GENTS or all When FOUR subsoriplions’ are sent to- gether in one envelope. the price to each will be SEVENTY-FIVE CEN'J S, or $3.00 in all When TEN subscriptions are senttodether in one envelope. the price to each will be SEVENTY CENTS, or 87 in all A. CENT A DAY £17012 ;rH1-: WORLD‘S NEWS. is a newspaper of the ï¬rst mnk. keeping its readers thoroughly informed at! all depart- ments of current. -thought and events. Its name and reputation are too well and widely lmbwn and ï¬rmly established. to need any extended comment. Smgle copies, One (gent. Subscription price, ’$3.00 a bear. poslagb. lree. THE WEEKLY WITNESS THE NORTHERN ME§SENGER is a fully illustrated paper, published twice; a. month. Besides contniuing the Sunday School Lesson, it is replete with general in- formation of various kinds, is equally adopt- ed for the week-day school and Sundav School and for young and old. It is the cheapest paper over issued. Price, 30 Cents a Year, wiLh reductions to clubs, BE RT. AN DRIE‘VS. Prov. Sample Copies oral] or any 01 the above Papers sent will] pleasure. IS THE PLACE FOR Mm Bengali 89 $93,313};- THE DAILY WITNESS THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. SPEQI AL DEPARTMENTF, 1885. 4U CLASS SHAVE 1‘ ON VETERINARY Summers are Dr.McEacb1’an, F 1% C V’ S be Montreal Veterinary College ininn Inspector 0! Live Stock IN THEâ€"fl"â€" DURING SAND PLANTS are an. Dodgall, of Windsor, SUBJECTS are answer- :Ma and an Ontario 11‘s or EVERY KIND are ‘ authorities. ' ’K/anï¬wa‘m an by the proprie- yenr and the yea: uch satisfactionmve 1bl RJEAJ) {duan L por it con fnmi‘q ma 0 MAY DEW The 717th French Lotion for The Face. It conceals the evidence cation will 11181 e the most rough hund bea tifuny so member that " M AY DEW powder that. ï¬lls up tho‘ Do that. is injurious to the ski great. discovery, n vvgetubl the cheek to glow with hen It conceals the evxdcnce m age. uuu a nation will malgfhthe most stubbornly i'L-d rough hund bea tifully so†and white. member that " MAY DE\ " is not a pair powder that. ï¬lls up ll)? pores of the skin. that. is injurious to the skin, but a new great. disuovei‘y, n wgetuble liquid, let L; the cheek to glow with health, the neck and hands to rival the lily in whiteness. possible to detect in the bemiiy-zt confers artiï¬cial character. It cures (‘n-easy Frpcklea. \Vrinklea, Pimples, Dlnclc J 'l'sm, Ringworm, ped Lips, Burbs-.1 me pores, oil 31: mus effech of p‘ By its use all re vented; it benum smoolh, soft. and softness; prodnci “ml and youthful Lotion the World( a LAME BOTTLE t WATCH MAKER 8c EEWELLER, CLOCKS, WATJ‘CHES SE JEWELRY; ALSO DEALER IN GROGERIES '! We do not qugnte paces. L001 do not suit, I need not telI and Feed a All 5 y“. Address all letters to the MAY DEW A f. 71 Ynnga St... Toronto. Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies C. P. LENNOX ‘l IN VAL UABLE TO EVEkY LADY ! 151 Has the exchlsive right for the use of Hnrd’u New Method of extracting" teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely‘no pain experienced and be ‘less in all cases. 0N RUBBER, :' ON CELLULOID, W lmlcsaIeâ€"Lyman Bros {a every set "'Gï¬lérming, and an 0th skilfully performed, at, mm? Call and see me. No t1 awer questions. in." ARTiFICIAL TEETHI} 14:1 Youge Stree For good anc es, Clocks verware : for every WARRANTED I E IA. $1.00 I use noraheap material and THE" NEW WILLIAMS ! BEST SETS (40 Years Esi'afnlis VITALIZED AIR. DENTIST, Yonge street, Toronto, , Flotches )rm,Cbap n'ber’s 1“ 11 glands 1 redness and mughm nutlï¬ps the <kin um] and white. impartin ‘dncing n pe-fectly ] TWL lne ll appen nmre. ‘ever produced. to any address When ordering .MORPHH ace of age. One gppli ,1 Iâ€"Inuds Tex ter. EH) OF oughness are in um] will In rices. Loo} ‘ _ I} r-zt confers ‘8“? s (h-eaay Skin. . Dlnclc Head: )1le, Sï¬hlym'n, ls, Sore, m‘ Chap 1‘. Am. it. free†"um neti Beauufymg dc rate feef xuuble t0 DEALER IN recmph nr ntiou this I‘oronto «int AGEN- >per in] I“ $8.00 $10.00 1m pre EHiott dz arrant arm ‘xtinns 3.1) High Arm Sewing Maching ls-now reef ognized as the H. B. DEWSBURY'S in and if prices and quality ‘011 what to do. Flour ' pecialty. It is strong, Jumble and well built.of the wry be.“ material thufmoney can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and ï¬nes ï¬rst prizes at the Dnmtniou Exhibition last; October. It. in. rapile snpersvding "H the o'd fashioned mnkn'r‘ everywbele. Sea iii> 'try immy inand make sure that you get it; Sold by HARNESS EMPQRIUM, SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. RICHMOND HILL, All Harness guaranteed as represented. Ligf}: Harness a spr'cialty. Repairs attend? ed to on the shortest noticgz. 341i IE IS] 4143 -. Richmond Hill, Denier in Organs and l’muos. Terms Easy. runks, Satchels, \Vhi Ready Made Harness, &C. always on hand. Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in moï¬on: Plain and $1fnple to Learn, YONGE STREET. ï¬'ortln‘op a“; Lyman J. LUSH. Dewsbury, :IRST-CLASS 0ND HILL. Aw; h. a \Vh ips