Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Dec 1884, p. 1

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< THE LIBERAL. Rmmmxn LGDGE, A. F. & “Meats in the Lodge Room Maggy on or befom' full In .nv \Ir THE LIBERAL PRINTING 0’: PUBLISHENG HOUSE ACIUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Pusantwsnux Can as 1] o'clock mm..n.ndli an Wednesday evenings! Ronny cnnomc cam: cs follow a Thomhill at n , .u Mm‘flomsr 0! find 5:30 p. Ill-.0 Yuungpgopldi ' A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lndge. h Ouiuifi‘cee Room t much alternative Frhlny ate ncatygernficsw g'iven flex-{H ST. Mun a Erxscomx .m..except the third E when she geniic‘ and an .4an [viâ€"ill“ 10:30 mm; (a unand Hill at 9 am The Methodist sub! .Boqi‘ation iss 'e pledge desu-ed. \ milmfls ’des‘irekv.“ Varmifigrfisron sup? Macamms’ lszTUTE.â€".Librm or over 1000 fidumesppan even? Tuesdiy eveningjn . '1“.- 38 mic Hall, from 7 to rs o'clock. R. E. st. ' bu,- tmu. Lectures and discussions periodictuy. BICEIOND HILL Comm? Bunâ€"leec- {or n acaice evorv Tuesday and fizturdly owning IA THURSDAY EVENING METHODIST Vnunxru v-.,, , tad 5:30 p. m.,u.nd Sunday sclmol. 11.92.30 1). m. Yuung people's prayer meeting Tuesday owning. General Prayer Meatiugevery Thurqu 7 mg 4n the [foo ‘LRev. W. R. nan-on In)!" .n; ANCIENT 01mm 0 >mond.No.70Â¥6 A. 04' Hall every Enema-i6 \Wrighty. c‘ R. JCICHIOND ‘Meets in the eveninsl‘ M 7 Dr. Geo. hangs“ Has removed from King, and commem pad practice at Thomhill. Nov. 6th,’8‘2~tf. K _ com]. Gannonâ€"Service at 3 .m.. except the third Sunday of ovary month.» When ihe sex-vice and moramant are held at 11 um. Sunday School M: 1:30 pm Rav. W. Bates. Hector. unrnomsr CanncHâ€"jsaviges at 10:30 Ln]. _L.nm .. .â€" -u, -_ , .,..- A. J. Rupert. W. M Siouffville Markhou Won Dr. Lewis G. Langslafl. Members College Physicians & Sprgeons, Ont, RICHMOND KILL, ONT. Medalist Ton-amt: Universitv. thber ('0 lPhysicmns & Surgeons, Ont..(la.te of Scoufl'ville ‘Yonge Street, Eichmond Bill. Ofi'xoe Hours 8m10&.m.,51708p.m. _ Vituli‘ Jnio. West M9131 'mv fa.) Will AIM Office hours: 8 be 930 m1 'VOL.VII. fil per annum, in advance. \uu uuv mffville ,rk hum . . . . . :torin. Square" ornhin" .. .1811}: 10. .9062: :10. 21st (10. .23rd do. )odbridge . .28t‘h do. ainhuvg.” .29th do. bleton‘... . . . . ‘ . . 30th 0 talized Ah- nlways on hand at appomtments‘ Works like 3. ch arm. Free from Dada. Address A RBK‘NFON L.D.S..Aurox~a. Out. ‘l BUSINESS CARDS. isit the following places professionally :â€" ville, .. 19s Monday 01 each month an .. "9:11 and 21st " ‘ Vlffiglfiflfi fllfi . ll. Husband. L. D. 5., Dr. James Langstafl EDITOR and PBGPRIETOR. @119 [ES FUELISHED EVERY '. E. MGM£HON, «village flattery. us: 890 930 u. m..und “130 pm JIWIIson‘ 1:1 HILL X‘mem, No 165.1.0¢G.:!.‘.- 'Lempomnce 11911-qu W ads! .30 o'clmk. Wm. Harrison . .D. Mist sabbath school TQmpemnpo Al um Bledge yards everyfiundmy when Dr. on", Mama. 5613', Assimnt. JAN 0857155"! 01" Money to Loan. UbED BY Dr. A. llabinson. Churches. saclelles. Ill ,nndtifi‘ p‘m. I‘myer mooning eningmmo. [c CHUWEH.â€"Sel‘vices in order .mm at 9 mm. Ind Richmond the following éundw 1» men. n..n.nd Thornhil) at 10:30 t m R G!“ FOBEfiTElsâ€"Collfl Rich- OJ F., meets in the Temperua Me Fridav at 7.30 p. mâ€"B. E. mcdiml. SURGEON EENTIST ONALD be found in his office, New- tlu-duv, except when Satur- ve dates. Maury. guizutala NEWTON Bf 9th E 16th 19th ‘Eihmtal 782 mm. No.23, 0.1m m,MMom‘c Halon tho moon,ut8 o‘clock 1).]: DENTIST CANADA.â€"Ssrfices u. Peayer moeting I’I 3.003 n farm 'Olltf. Issuer of‘Marriage Licenses, HALL. FIILLAR'I‘ON & (300K, BARRISTERS, SULICITORS, ML OFFICES: 18 Elm STREET EAST. Token-m. “1M. HALL. J. S. FULLABTON. W. COOK. ld'rnrvnx "was To 1.0m. “is LEWBENGE 8- MILLIGAN, Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Rank. on Sagurdays. A. G. 1". LAWRENCE. Tpromo Officeâ€"No. 24 Building & Leann!1 Chambers. N345 Totem; Street. HONEY T0 LOAN AT LUV/EST CURRENT HATES Licensed Auctionger for the Counties of York 0mm purl Peal. (Goodmsold op consignment. (ier puzzle: of mock. etc" promptly attended h Qt rgasonnbla me. P. 0. adds-en's, UNIONVILLE. ST}! ET, TORONTO. EManmcsurm ol jaws rymnd repairiuuo‘wntchea and aloe a on thgymppsesm specialty on Did. THIRD Doonfsou'm QF’QUEE‘N Thunkingour patronswd friendsfor their lib- erdpntronagr 'Iythe put. we beg to state that we have just rooqived I. large stock olnew goods in latest. designs. A large stoqk 01 Elgin and Walthun wakbsakepton hand. Impqrte‘r 0! Watches. clocks and fine jewellery Lingoqkp! Diamonqkagyg precious 30.9393 always Housedfincfipue‘ei toi- ‘tfio Countv of York.” tfully emit-its your atronage and friendly in ence. Sales amends: on the shortest notice auxin; masouable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctiqnoer for ‘he County of York, re- bpecltfully solicxta your patronage and friendly influenca. sales attended on the shortestmotice and at roasonube rates. P. 0. address, King. Llcenaed Auctioneer for the floumy of York Sales amended on the shortest,notice,and at rea- abe rates. Address Stoufivxlle P. 0 Mcney to Loan $100.000 0! Private Funds to Low on Farm Property at 6 not cent. to pay 011' Mortgages at higher rates of interest. or for bu‘igding, dmjning: or other purposes.‘ Mortgages bought, Notes Discounted. advances also-made on secqnd mortgages. Farmers will save money by applying direct to me. ‘ E. R. REYNOLDS. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Wm! Beak at? can“. K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mao dogma. C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howardgmd J. Giuty. Deposits received and Interestal wed thereon at Cyn‘ent Rates No notice a withdrawal re nixed. Drafts on 3.1] parts of Owadu, United S es and Great Britain, bought. and Sold. PAINTS, OILS, WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, HARDWARE! MECHANIC’S ’ GLASS, PUTTY. &C. <1BUILDERS’{> Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancen, 80c" SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 23â€"4-‘83 Money to loan on tum security M.’TEEFY, :Nomammc-m, JAMES M. LA‘VRENCE, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1884. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" N. J. Armstrong. Salqm Eqkmzdt. afimrruauwus. RICHMOND HILL. 52 Adelaide St. East, Toronw S. M. Brown. Near George Street, Toronto .l. Manlmcs‘, TOOLS. E: US A CALL. Want. “.In Eswntials, Unity; inlNon-Essentials, Liberty; in all lhz'ngs, Chavity.” AND T. G. KILLIGAN. M a linger. Jihast Friday evening the members of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade were treated tog an Gyster suppernby the oflicers of the«Com-‘ pany Mine host, Benj. Brilliuger, oi the Dominion Hotel, prepared a very appetizing and snmptu me repeat. After the members were satisfied with the luscious bivalves prepared. "The Queen " was proposed by Foreman P. G. Savage, accompanied by a few appropriate remarks. The toast was received by the company singing heartily the National Anthem. The second toast, "The Captain and Lieutenant," was pro- posed by Sec. Nicholle. In response to the toasts, speeches were made reviewing the great success of the Brigade during the past year. The third toast proposed was the remaining oflicers of the Brigade, which was responded to by Foreman Redditt, and Savage, the Sec., and Steward McMahon. The proceedings at this juncture were great- iv enlivened by Fireman Derry singing in hilesilal good stvle “Down among the Goals.“ The Semi/lien proposed thenoast, “ The Visitor and Honorary Firemanl" In response Mr. J. PH. Bull, 0! Brampton, thanked the Company {or the very enthu- siastic manner they had received the toast and among his remarks stated that he thought the medal secured by Our Lacrosse team this season would undoubtedly return to its green pastures at Brampton. Fire- .man McConaghy followed and remarked that the visitor from Brampton should not be so certain about the return of the medal. He thought it liked its quarters here and would remain for some time. Songs were then ‘ven by Firemen Moodie. A. B. Wil- son, cMahon, Storey and Trench. They were greeted with hearty encores. The oficers rose and the Captain proposed “ The Firemen of the Brigade." In response Fire- men Storey, McConnell, Trench, Bwitzer, Duncan and A. B. Wilson, made appropriate remarks. The last toast was “ Mine Host and Hostess," which was proposed by the Captain and responded to by Benj. Brilling- or. The company then sum “ Rule Britan- nia," and dispersed all feeling that they had spent a veny.enjoyable evening Rev. A. K. Cnewell will deliver a lecture on the Scott. Act in the Temperance H111 on Tuesday evening next, Dr. J. Elliott Lsngstsfi and bride spent part of their honey-moon with relatives in this locality. They have retm-ned to Brook- lyn. flew York, where the Dr. intends to settle and follow the duties of his profession. on... White. I’. M. 0! £11m Lodge, Hon Scotia. in spending a. week here instructing the brethren in the mysteries of Masonry. BuLEYâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Thursday. 211th um. n. son to Mr. and Mrs. JAG. Bailey. MABRIAGES Kmnyâ€"Wnsox-At the Manse, Maple, an the 3rd the Rev. D. Cumclon, Nathaniel, second son of Mr. Wm. Kirby. to Sumo. eldest daughter of Mr. (fumes Watsan. all of the it!) Can, of Vaughan Rev. J. McLanrin, Canadian Baptist Missionary to India, writes: “ During our stay in Canada, we have used Dr. Thomue’ Eclectric Oil with very great satisfaction. We are now returning to India, and would like to take some with us, for our own use and to give to the doseased heathen.” A fashionable wedding took place on Wednesday of this week in Wesley church. The Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, fur- merly of Aurora circuit, to Miss Awilla, eldest daughter of the late George Rich- ardson, of Whitchurch. It is amusing, not to say sickening, to hear the gossip about the bride being dressed in white, the inviied guests and their attire, the wedding march 550. They left by train on their bridal tour with the best wishes of all with whom they were acquainted. An accident occurred on the stairway of the Town Hall on Sunday night,which might have resulted in the loss of life. As the Army was dismissing, some mis- creants held the door, when a. surge from the crowd within forced it open, and prev cipitated some 15 or 20 headlong down the steps. Constable Lloyd, in trying to arrest the guilty one, was either knocked or fell down, but nothurt. No one was seriously injured. The Aurora taco course, consisting of 58 acres, was sold last week. It. in not yet known as tn what the purchaser in- tends domg with it. Mrs. A. Nelson, Brantfol‘d, writes: “i wasa sufierer from Chronic Dyspepsia for eleven years. Always after eating. an intense burning sensation in the stom- ach, at times very distressing, caused a drooping and languid leeling, which would last for several hours after eating, th From our own Correspondent LOCALS PERSONALS. Oyster Supper. BIRTHS. AURORA. food does not lie Others of my h best results." well DVS- say ars Supplied bylthe 1.319. 'L'Lodgc, Rich 'mond Hill. TEMPERANCE ITEMS Mayor Blake, of Bangor, saidzâ€"“Cer- tainly the absence of the open sale of liquor diminishes drinking, and, as a re- sult. crime.” Alderman Crosby, of Bangor, said:â€"“ The enforcement of the liquor law diminishes drinking. and, as a natural consequence, crime." Mayor Wakefield, Mayor Manson. Mayor Hon. E. L. Hamlin, all testified similarly to the commissioners sent by our D0mini0n Government. The best man in Maine believe in Prohibition, and on the 8th Sept. last they rolled up a. majority of 43,060 in its famr. The difi'erence between the Crook’s Act and the Scott Act is not that 4one per- mits and the other prohibits the sale of intoxicating liquors. Both permit the sale, the difference being that the latter is more restrictive in its operations. If liquor-selling, in the ordinary use of the word, is a legitimate business, it, is as unjust to prohibit A and R and C from going into it, as it is to glVe D the privi: lege of selling for one year, end then to transfer the priv1le2e to E. Indiscretions in diet bring on dyspep- sia. and irregularity of the bowels. Eat only wholesome foot, and if the trouble has become permanentâ€"â€"as it. is very prone to doâ€"try a course of Northrop (2 ’Lymaxi’e Vegetable Discovery and DyspepticCure. The combined effects Astonish and delight the sufferer, who_ soon begins to digest well, negain funct~ ionel regularity and improve in appetite; the blood becomes pure and good health is restored. The Tug or War contest for the Chain- pionship of the North, between ten men inf the Fine Brigade, Aurora, and ten of the Township of King. (not the County: of York, as the bills ststed) was contest- ed on Saturday, at the hour of three, in tbeDrill Shed, Aurore. The King term: won the first and third draws With 39-- parent ease. In fact the third draw was done so quickly that Aurora needed a. little explmation to know whether they were really drawn over the scratch or not. The second draw was of consider- able length, during which time the crowd became quite enthusiastic. It resulted in faimr of Aurora, by the men of King becoming misplaced. The King team outweighed Aurora by 127 pounds. It must be remembered that the Aurora team has been in constant practice for some time, whereas the men of King had no practice. The King team intend to 1 make it much more interesting for Auroâ€" ra when the return match is drawn at Spriiiehill. After the contest the tuggers end umpires retired to Mr. G. Lemon’s hotel, to regnle on oyster soup. Good feeling and order prevailed during the entire evening. The C. M. Sabbath School intend hav- inc:V an entertainment, or Christmas Tree, on Friday evening before Xmas. For- eign talent has been secured. Entrance fee, 25am. The following is the report of 8.8. No. 2, King, for the month of November. Names appear according to merit: Reader [v.â€"Lloyd Mauford, Lloyd Em.,Malloy Bella. Rosa Edie, Curt: Jas. Third, aeninr.â€"McBride Edith, Ross Lillie. Leece Joseph, Ball Cicley, Thomp- son Nellie, McBride Edgar, Stokei W., McUabe Wm. Third .'jnni0r.â€"Butt Maggie, Bovait Henry, Gui-ts Jos., McCabe Thos., Farran Al. Second Reader.â€"Stewart Fannie, Lloyd Melville, Hall Victor, Winter Minnie, Kightley Walter, Brown Archie, Irvine Eddie, Curls Frank, Hogan R. P. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the chlldran‘ Firs't semenâ€"anblg Flora, Badge: Albert, Ball Annie, Ross Nellie, Bentley Annie, Mchbe Annie. The social glven by the bachelor: of Willowdale on Tuesday evening, Nov. 19m, was an unparalleled success. Mr. J. E. Stung and family mll spend the winter in New Orleans, where his Excelsinr Gate will be on exhibition at the World’s Fair; Mr Milton Stung, who is now travelling in the Ottawa country, will join him early in the new year. Mr. Thos. Shepherd intends taking a trip through the Suuthern States shortly. The Trustees of Newton Public School have re-eugugéd Mr. Barry Brown, of Buttonvtlle, as teacher for the coming From our own C The social glven by Willowdale on Tuesd 19th, was an unparalle Fiem Our Own Correspondent Tm; Mum: quvon LAW. NEWTON SPRINGHILL. BROOK. iorrenpoudent‘ Tonoxrn Thunday.-December 4th. 1384 Wheat, 13.1], per -bush€1‘ .60 7‘2 ‘9 \Vhenhsfidna. do. .. 0 72 Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way‘a‘Curn Cure removes the trouble. \Vhenfisfifiug, 110. Barley, I do. Oats, do. .Peu. do. Rye. . do. Clover Seed. , do, Dressed hogs. per 100le Beekiore quarbera eel, hind quarters, Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, do. . Geese, . Turkeys,th V . Bumer, pound to flutter, Eggs, fresh, per doz. Potatoes. per bag .. Apples. per bbl .......... Ouions.greon.gor bug . Cub go o. . Cau Lower #0. Celery. "do. 'l‘umips,per bog... Carrots, do. . Hay,per ton Strumpez ton . Mormon BILL Thunng Decomber 4th. Camper Hushel .. Peas, do. Dressed Beef, fore quarter ...... Beef hin’d dump: . Chickens. per pair . Ducks. do. . Geese. each ...... ' Turks“. er lb Bum, p and mm. Bun-r. tub dairg. Egan. fresh, per en . Potnitoel, peggrg... Arppqnper Omons, green. 1' bush Cabinet: per 0:. Cele , _r do. I 88:83 .oo'com'nt-c-E oooao‘ $853831; i Hoopeucooqmm: ooooO‘ asazssaésssglssaa: ;d@cOOOL‘:‘:°:°° sssssagssaat i g 030 060 600 1:; i-ozo'o'o-étcaaemma-o E888858o88188833 0 5 065 070 9 02‘) 020 0’4 040 "2 0;. 00¢ 888 Beaumper peck... .. Flowfin'inz. Per bbl. lour,fa.fl,per bbl . ay,perton ....... Stratum: ton . 888’- . um; ace .8: Es. .88 -. .w.w. flue) phium in announcing to tho public that. s Grand be _ven by a. Cow Fisk Jub es Singers, of 13k Unint- aitv. Tonnoane, in the FISK JwILEEJQ’JJw-Ezs I GRAND CONCERT, EITHMIST CHURCH AND HIGH SCHOOL OF RICHMOND HILL. umomsr cadacn, RIG’dMOND HILL, 0N WEDNESD‘AY EVENING, DEO. 10th. %3 event ufipamlloled in the history 0 once ' ants in Richmond E111. Every one should take advantage 0! it. Admission 60 eta. Santa morgbd as applied for at Atkinson's store withme charge. W; B. Bunny, ln Liver Complaint; Bilious Disorders. nud Jaundlco, Ax‘x-zu's PILLS should be given in doses larfie enough to excite the liver Ana bowels, imd remove constipation. As a cleansing mo'hicine ih'the Spring, these PILLS hrs unequiiliéd. A FEW HINTS rot Constipation, or lCosflveneu, no remedy is w (-flecuve us AYER'S PILLS. They [mun regular daily action, and ro- ltore the bowels m a be'sffthy condition. For Iudftestlon, or byspepsln, AEEB‘B PILLS are iflvaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-burn, Loss 'of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flntulency, Dizziness, Bead. ache, Numbness. “bust-n. are all relieved and cured by AYER'S PILLS. “forms, caused by‘a morbid condition of the meels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin fiiseases‘, nnd Pilen. the result of Imligust ion or Constipation, are cured by the use of .h l-LR'S PILLS. For Colds, take An-m's PILLS to Open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and nlluy the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds. indigescible food, etc., AYEG'S PILLS are the true remedy. :heumutism, Gout, Neuralgia. anal flcimlcnmftou result from digestive derangb mont. or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Snpprcssioh, and Painful Menstrua- “on. have a safe ind ready remedy in COIL Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYER’S PILLS. AYE R’S PILLS. DrJ. C.Ayer&Co.-, Lowell, Ma [Single «copiés, 3 HS .ny each packs Under the Auspicei of the dil- Mt ‘a‘flnrkcta. Futon FOR THE USE OF )ld by I-ll- Druggists ‘3, in various languages, 3. l)0§E.â€"â€"To move the bow (II-‘genlly, 2 (o 4 Pills, (fibrougnw, 4 to a Pub. ErpI-rience will decide “I [lawyer dose in each can. ED BY Jim. 1103sz:. Head Mum. No. 23. mwmw 000m SSS. . 3.57 ,366 0000

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