' ’ ' .. .. -_-.. .._v. ,- l N. R. R. TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Miril. Avmrm. Ev. (‘itv Hall '7 15 mun 5.115 Union Stutinn 7 53 1'21“, a.†Brock Stroot $.00 ILLlS 0.20 Queen 5 Wharf . . » v gill‘ktlfllu . .. . _. an? 12.2" .‘1 won mrt. .... .. 813 .. . Wastoii,. .. , .. . 8:30 . Thorrljjll . . H M 12.43 5.51 RICHMI,§D Him. run 1150 on. Kim: . .. . sin-i . «.19 .\ururn. . {I ‘2‘). . lf- (1-33 Newmnrket .. 9:12 1.22 6.95 GOING SOUTH. _ ICV. Aormn Mail. Newmnrkot . 8‘28 11 in 11:11 Aurora .. .. . 810 11.15 643 Kiii'.’ .. . . . 9.02 11M 7.0‘2 Rrrnxmx‘n Him. 91': 12.32 7.12 Tlinrnhill . . . .. 0‘32 12.43 7.21 Weston . . .. 91m . 23.5 Davenport .. Ii {'1 1.1.1 1.44 I’llrkllfllf .. 9.31 LZU v.50 TORONTO. f neon‘s \Vhrir .. . . (Smelt Rtreot . . 10 on 1.1m Rm Union Station... mm 1.217 n07 wiry Hall ...1n.15 1.15 s 15 Pnocrm's silos LINE. tho Palmer Connects with rill trams, leaving 119mm, Richmond Hill. us follows: I ail & Express, North (it Suutl‘l 7.45 n. m. Accommodation “ " 11.30 ‘ I’erress. North . 500 p, rn. Mnil,Soutli . . .. 6.10 ' POST OFFICEâ€"NOTICE difhmfllld Hill Post Ofï¬ce (minnows:â€" Mo‘fl'nmo :â€"Gning Nurtlrsmilh, Fast and West, including 'I‘hornliill, . Maple, Toronto, Mai-kliniii,&c. 7.40 WifENING :â€"â€"G0in:_' southEnst and West (as above) 6.00 N. B.â€"Registered Letters must he halide] in“ at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the a ovo mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. _J._77 , r N, r . Elli? initial. BiiLHMONDrï¬ILiIJThiirsid 1v, Dec. (71,77 ‘84. : Carrville Correspondence crowded out this «belt. Go to the Concrete for Acme Skates all sizes. Stove For Sale. Agood second hand coal stove for sale cheap. Apply at THE LIBERAL Oflice. Try Perfection Soapjlie best outl' For sale at the Cheap Cash Editse. Get your sale bills printed at the Luann. oilioe. Insertions previous to sales given .1rhe. Orders ï¬lled and sent by post at the shortest notice. Ladies and (rents lined kid Mitts and Gloves for 60 cents at the Con- crete worth $1. Xmas Cards. Get your Xmas Cards in good time. A large and beautiful assortment or Prangs, «$0., at THE LIBERAL Store. Ladiesâ€"lâ€"VFo'rlmï¬rgains in man- tles, ulsters, ï¬ne dress goods, call attire Cheap Cash House. TEE LIBERAL will be sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till Jan. ]st,1886, rot ONE DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe, and get the balance of this year free of charge. G0 to the Concrete for Gents and Youths Ready made Suits and Over coats; see sample of gents‘ all-wool tweed pants for $1.90 ‘at front of store. Good Skating. The young ladies and gentlemen of the village have been taking advantage of the good skating on Wilson's pond during the‘ Week. Christmasis coming and the place , to get the best currants, raisins, | peels, spices, tea and coffee is at the Cheap Cash House. Fire Brigade. The regular monthly meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade is postponed till Friday evening, Dec. 12th. The committee are making preparations for the Oyster Supper to beheld on New Year’s Night. For a ï¬ne Persian Lamb Cap, a nobby Tweed suit and a ï¬rst-class Overcoat all at lowest prices, call at the Cheap Cash House. New Ad. In another column will be found Mr. Moody's new ad. in which he offers {or sale at lowest prices his full winter stock of Dress Goods, Wiuceys, I‘m-eds, Huh-i, Caps, &c.&c.- Give him a call and see for yourselvss. Sign- oi the British Flag-stag. You can buy at The Concrete, 1.' “)8. best Ostmr-al for 50 cents, 2i “ “ (‘nrnmeal " “ g “ " Pearl Tapioca " “ 9 II u 541%â€) u .4 b‘ “ " Laundry Soap " “ “ “ bran. Sugar “ “ g “ Extra Good Tea “ “ 4 “ Ilrnwu lapan Dust “ “ ml, “ Bright Sugar “ “ 1r (‘zins best Corn “ “ a " 'I‘uiiiutncs †“ ,t “ best Salmon “ “ i “ “ l.\lli_\'lc‘l'S " “ ,t “ “ Sir-lines " “ .i M u lion-l “ “ ‘\-l» " (1 l'liiiiii'l “ “ ‘ li..'~ir»:. 1 ii]. v liii‘ ‘* ‘~ l'is l'. l v.31» l'i.4.li'\vy.ii’1. " 1 Lecture. The Rev. A. K. Cnswell will deliver a lecture in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday morning next. Subjectâ€"The Scott Act, and reasons for voting for and against it. Rea- sonable questions answered. Lecture to commence at 7.30. Free admission. No collection. Another lot of those all-Wool Sl‘il'ts and drawers just to hand! lllést value out! Don‘t miss themâ€"â€" ’Sneath and Grennan. I'isng‘stafl'. Below we give the names of those who made the highest number of marl. iii each class in U. S S. No.2 for Nov. :â€"4llihâ€" Chas. Miiiislmw. 8rd ranâ€"Francis Kendall, \Vm. Rose. .‘lril itâ€"Edgnr James, Charles McHe-nry. 2nd.~I<llijnh Rose. Removal ofrToll-G‘ate. At the lute meeting of the Cmi'nty Council a reenluiion was passed authorizing the Wnriii‘u niid Commissioners of County prop- erty to have toll-grits No. 2, (York Mills) r9~ moved in a distance ï¬ve miles north of Nu. 1, provided a satisfactory arrangement can be made with the gute-kveper. New Readers. The Ministsr'vf Education will soon liziye ready his iiei'7'\series of Iii-adorn for the Pub- In: Schools. They are bring prepared by a number of experienced teachers. The Min- ister will sell the plates to the publishers at half-"prime, mi Condition that they will sell the books nut exceeding a price ï¬xed by the Minister. There will be only mm series,and the rivalry of publishers will be limited to LOCALS. I l uutlerselling one another, below the ï¬xed price, and in the quality of the paper, print- ing and binding. Grand Reunion. The Directors of the Meclmnics' Institute will hold their ï¬rst Reunion oi the season tomorrow (Friday) evening, in the Masonic Hall. A good time is expected as the fol lowing array of talent will eusure:'â€"The Misses‘lieid, Miss Collins and Mr. A. J. Collinl}, of Tlmrnlrlll; Miss Iva 'Wells, and Mr. J'.' W. Cross’le'y, of Kiug',’ Mr. "Van. Robit‘r‘snn, 0! Ma le ; Mr. J. H. Shepard, o! Willolivdale; M C. Savage, of“ l’ntterson ; Mrs G. Wiley, Mira. J. A. 1:. Sivitzer, Misses Bi rihn \Vilsuu. Hewmon, Nicliolls, Diriikin, Spiagge, Criiidkshauk, Iiut'lwrfnrd and Bailey, and Messrs. T. H. Iii-iiditt, B. A. ; Juo.'l\IcBride, B. A: A. J. Hume S.'Agar, \V. Atkinson, W. Storey, \V. A. Sanderson, Jns. Keller, and J. G.’ Bailey, of Richmond Hill. Admission, non-members, 20 cents; childl‘ou, 10 cents; membeis irae. Doors open it 7.30. to commence at. 8. School RrpBrt. The following is the comparative st‘a'hding of pupils in Patterson School for Nov. :â€" l Foun'rn. ‘ Trust '53. Willie Mulholland. Gertie Smith, James Haï¬'ey, Mar] Bumble, ‘ Charles Seymour, Harvey Cook, Kate Hailey, James Mnndey, anab m. SzcoND sii.I Willieflack, Joe Mundey, Orvil Drnry, Albert Alhiu, Maggie McNair, Willie Savage, Euph. Kirkland, Vesta Mulhollnnd, SECOND .in. FIRST sa. Louie Hailey, Mary Bassingthwaite, Alec Findlay, Matilda do. ' Minnie Albin, Bella Hawkins, Mary Rumble, Aggie Kirkland, Finer JB. Isaac Mulholland, Bertha Findlay, Maude Farnham, Lizztis Rumble. Honbr Boll. {Honor Roll School for'lhe month oi November: FORM I. Dinsron A 1. Dlvrsmu A 2. Maggie McConaghy, Aggiy’lteid, Bertha Palmer, Wellih'gton Hall, Norman Schell, Jessie‘Cooper, Maggie Garvin, James'Wright, Laura Dataon, Tillie Trench, Millie Ti‘ench. E. Symon. Bessie ï¬edditt, FORM II. Samoa Tuian‘.“ JUiirl‘m THinD." Minnie Davis, Delia Palmer, Gertie Barker; Marni! Lemon, Louie Lynett, Lizzie Palmer, Willie Bailey, Maggie Lewis, Emma Michael, Walter Hall, CarriewPowell, Eliza Mahuney. SECOND Cmss. Joseph Keefler, ‘ Robbie Moodie, Phoebe Soules, Emma Sivera, Willie Uni-viii, Gertie Davis. '1‘. Rurasnronn. FORM III. “ Fmsr Drvnnon. Sscomb D1v1s10N. Dollie Douthwaite,‘ Willis Savage, Maggie Glover, Ernest Reddrtt‘, Lulu 'Lemon, Goor e Hopper, Merritt Wilson, Lillie Cliï¬â€™ord, Alex Reid, Mntile Harrison, Florence Tyrrell,- ‘ Myrtle McConnell. M. WILEY. FORM IV. Fish Div:siou. Srcono DIVIBICN. ‘ Jennie Wiley, Harry Glover, Herbie Garvin, Ila Andrew», HHI‘lJle Snules, Ellis Bouriick, Euith Andrews, John Hutchinson, Herbie Sanderson, Tommy Mahouey. Tami) DIVISIUN. Edie Hopper, Fred Hopper, Mary Douthwrute, Ella McConnell, Austin Brillinger, Ella. Wilson. J. CILUICKSHANK. Messrs. Mitchell tit Platt, druggist. London, Outs, “rite Iii-0., 188]. We have sold Dr. 'I‘humua' Ecluiztric Uil \lliCt‘ ‘ its tirst111troductmn,nud We can Sillt‘lv any, 11:) inm’lit'iiie on our shelves hus l'ul ‘ ‘l larger sale, or given in irur satisfui-tnci \Ve :iln;i_\:i lt‘k‘l inlt ‘ Pro All. l“,‘ll'_llll;' to UUl' Lust inert-i pupils; of Richmond Hill Pnbllo“ ’ m .w w ‘. HM, . l i , O \Q\ um ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond Hill, has just opened out with a large stock of FRESH GRUCERIES,PROVISIQNS§FLOUR 6’6 FEED SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, Anti every. dbscribtion of_Fruit of the best quality] Boots and‘Shoes wiliibe kept in endless variety and at prices which can not be beaten in ON TARf'O. Butter and: 1:: ggs‘taken at the“ Highest market price in exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Befblie purchasingtelseWhere call and inspect the im- mense stock of our HOUSE.- J‘os. HALL. 1' r. 1 NEW *FALL Go AT ‘ j EDWARD MCKEOWN’S 182 YONG‘E;ST., TORONTO. “ (we. are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite attantionto , our? aim. amass nspaarusms " In which we show a l the newest-Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cordial, Fonlb Cloths, all Wool’Poplins, Ladies’ Cloth, Com-- binMion Suitingu, a l'Wool Serges, Checks, Plaids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros Gram Silks. Satins, Satin Mervéillenx, Satin Rhadames, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrda, Brocade Silk Velvets, Silk Mantle. Velvets, Colored Silk Velvets, Velveteans, Mantle Flushes, Sealotter, &c. . ‘ Black Grapes & Mourning Dress Goods a specialty." Black Ottoman Cords, Chine Grapes, Cashmere Serges, Cloths, Berber and Serge Cloths. Our Mantle Department Knitted Vlrlbol Wraps, Heav'y Wrap Shawls. l‘Knittod' Matalaase Cloakings, Colored Beavers and Fancy Cloakings, Ulster» Foule Cloths, Crop Imperial, Costnm Cloth, Paramattar, Henrietta. Is now replete with all the Newest Styles in Mantlss, Dolmans, Ulsters, Skirts, Quilted‘ Skirts, Felt Skirts, Ottoman Cloakihgs, Cloths, Sealettar,'Mh‘n‘tle Flushes, &c., &c. Fine Dress? and Mantle Making done on the Premises. Special Bargains. 1550‘Dozen (tlhe bala'i‘ice of a’Mannfacturer’s stock) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, about half price. Fancy L'Handke‘rchiefs, 3o, 4c.,§c.. and'6o. each. Pu-ro Linen Handkerchiefs. 56., 9c., 7c,, and So. each. The greatest bargains in Handkerchie‘ts ever ofl'ered in Toronto. See them. Ladies’ Waterproof Circulars, $136 up. DURINlG “DECEMBER ! WE“ WILL HOLD A GREAT CLEARING sALE FOR CASH ONLY. 20 per cent. discount oï¬iafl stock of ,Millinéry. Imported Pattern Mantles to be sold'iat cost. Black and Colored Dress Goods at much below regular prices. 7 Great reductions in pricés of Silks, Satirls & Velvets. Mantlé Cleths at less than Wholesalelpri'ces. All-Wool Blankets" & Flannels "at less than Manu- ‘ facturers’ prices. w 500 (162911 2,3, 4, 6 & 8 button Kid Glories from 1001's. per pair up. As our sales (luriaig’this month must reach $20,000.00, SLASHING‘ REDUCTIONS AND DISCOU c - i. 1h .34" nus \Vill be the order of the day, and no one will go away unsuited if priCc "1:. TERMS CASH OR NO SALE. ‘ lb ODS? > ( l A ‘ .