settled only until there is a change of Ministry, large proï¬ts to the pub- lishers, and thousands of fools to endorse anything and everything that may be done by their own party. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS lieturnn of Convictionsâ€"T. H.Buil. t'hmiizeâ€"Jos. Hall. (‘hange~Wm. Atkinson. Lostâ€"\Iia. Reid. errata licnimNu HILL, Thursday, Dec. 18, ’84 heral. THEN AND NUIV. Some years ago, Hon. Ed. Blake delivered a speech at Aurora. The effort, as all of thefur‘ile print‘qm of Canadian speakers, was most able, eloquent and well sustained. Among other things, he spoke of an Imperial Federation which should embrace Great Britain and all her Colonies. The scheme, as it presented itself to the great orator's mind, was at once patriotic and exalted. To him it meant that all British interests should be bound up together, that the mother country would cease to play the role of an ignoblc, grasping parent, ready to sacrifice the rights of her children in order to further her own ends, and that the Colonies should cease to be a mere burden of expense and danger to the land of their fathers Now the proposal may have been good or bad; the object aimed at was certainly good. How was it received 3 \Vith a storm of abusr’, and ridicule. No treatment was too savage, no words too biting for this dreamer, this man in the clouds. So said the Tories, and Liberals, it they did not openly join in the line and cry, sent forth but few and faint Counter-cheers. A, few weeks ago, Sir john A. Macdonald, while in England, was entertained at the Beaconsfitld Chit) in London. The guests were all Tories; Sir Stafford Northcotc, Conservative leader in the British House of Commons, presided In reply to a toast, SirJohn spoke, and what did he say .7 \Vell, among other things, that every gentleman and scholar on coming to Canada joined the Conservative party at which we can afford to snule~-; but then he said ~:Al\lerciful powers! that what we wanted was Imperial Federation. And what do histaitlr THE REA DER QUESTION. Once more the battle of the books is renewed, and once more we are to be treated to torrents of meaning less panegyric,and of equally mean< ingless abuse. The Mail has thrown down the gauntlet, and in a half- heai'ted way, the G/nlm has taken it up. From the former we need ex- pect neither rhyme nor leason; ifit can only score a point against Mow- at. it will stop at no assertion, how- everontrageous, at no tricks, how- ever contevnptible. As forthe (Ho/m, it is too heavily handicapped to give a plain, unvarnished account of the matter, if, as is alleged, It be true that MLThomas Nelson, of Edin- burgh, who is the principal stocl<~ holder in the Globe Printing Co., has acquired a commanding interest in the new Readers. . As to the merits or demerits of those books, at present we have nathing to say; they are now engag- iig our attention, and in good time we purpose to acquaint our readers with the results of our examination. Iliit on the position which certain j‘llllllSllng houses now hold to the government, we feel it our duty to make a few remarks. Ilow it has come to pass, we can- not ‘tcll, but certain it is that in same way there are in Toronto ï¬rms which demand as an undeniable iight the privilege of supplying our rCliools \vith textbooks. And, for ieasmis to us altogether inexplica- lrle. the goveinment feels bound, or at least sees fit, to bcarkcn to these demands. The Tory press, indeed, I 1:5 m“ or Chimes 0f interefled mlâ€- fiil henchmen, who raved and lblefsl and “deflated satelmes of stormed at Hon. Edward I} ake mans-.ers; the Giit press, on the othâ€" when he suggested it, say no“, ? erhand, teems with disclaimers of all motives except the good of the C runtrv. To all this rant and tus- tian, this screaming and scolding, we must turn a deafear, for we know that it is the outcome of a far from honest devotion to party. One of t iese days, loubtless,we shall hear a “'11:: they say, of course, it is just the thing. And they are right. \Vhen one of the party of‘ bull-pups and sluggers,’ of ‘ tobaccochewing, whiskey drinking,r blackgiiai‘ds,’ ‘semircrvilized barbariarrs,’ When one of this party makes a proposal. _ . , p _ I, 1 _ y/wui/‘mmz of family, of culture, tree 5.6†{mm [fumed we“ all“ avanc‘c’ from sordid greed, with no spot on then \vill lUllO\V a law-suit. and thus “K†h†fame w,“ at Once 1.0ij, r , . ," ' .. v r l- , V V inc, Emu} “1‘1 force Its “d-l to the :t. Lei, however, the proposal em- :rr . > V , , . of t] f anate from a great and good christ- ,, . . , , a . _ r 0 .u†I? COmSL 0 “‘13 hojem ian, from one who numbers among 17m“ m “mgrâ€? 0t, Readï¬â€˜s .ap‘ his marshals Bunting, “'ilkinson, pars 0â€" 01 t ‘6 “WP Lst' , a‘mg Meek, Ne, whose cabinet include; €211,116 {,0 the Clmduflo.†tint d Change the saintly Langevin, the honest and \L t i - » 1 >L ‘7 v ) S I . ' - a r : ‘l:Ԥ;“ta“lml)‘1’:;lt“€vlbntc 5 3:1, straightforward Lhapleau, the (le- flmuutfl‘l; S 5,3189†(sage een 3: et lectableman-inountain,Macphersoa, " as. i - A t a i ~ - .05; K d5†, _ e t, 0 C†111,) e] the gentle, unselfish, unassuming J†s65» 3“ a C 10‘“ “3†“like 0†lanib,Tupperâ€"then~why then, it is . ,_ . V. a “16.3 fwgmwltldiilon‘ th Ijlautlzl" another inatter,worthy of instant ac- W†a d†sum U 16 a†015’ e ceptation and applause. government would be in a position W in which it could dictate terms to publishers. The latter would be on precisely the same footing as all others who tender for any particular \vmk. As to the books selected, of course there would be dissatisfacâ€" Don’t despair of relief, if troubled with Chronic Dyspepsia or Constipation. These ailments as well as Biliousnes,Kid- ney intlrinities, and feminine troubles, are eradicated by Northrop do Lynian‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptie Uure, an alterative of long tried and clearly tion in some quarters, but if proper persons were appointed to dectde, men whose scholarship, experience in teaching, and general honesty were undoubted, the government could meet the country with serene brow. Instead, however, of pursu- ing some such course, there has been presented to us confusion worse confounded. The whole busi- ness seems hopelessly involved. Half-promises appear to have been made to this one, inducements held out to that one, to none sufï¬cient to satisfy, but enough to provoke the ill-wilt of all. The rival publishing ï¬rms, more- over, have acted most shamefully. They have employed drummers to canvas schools and school-conveir tions. They have flooded the coun- try with circulars in which their own works are extolled to the skies, and all others decried to the lowest. To snatch a favorable verdict, they have not hesitated to pack meetings. Teachers, boards of trustees, all have been approached, and a line otconduct, which should have been considered beneath rival ï¬sh-ped- lei's, has been openly followed. How this wretched tangle will be undone. we neither know nor care. But with a Minister of. Education u'hois first a politician, and then a politician, and last ofalla politician, and with an opposition ready to a pl‘oven efficacy. Dent, as, u ell as corrective, and contains no ingredients which are not of the high- est standard of purity. it. HARNESS EMPORIU‘M, Trunks, It is a ï¬ne blond depu- EWSURY’T Fl RST-CLASS YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. wreck their Province if thereby power’may be gained, with such ins and such outs,the prospect is indeed drear. This we can with safety promisie : Vexation and expe‘ise to parents, the question of Readers LOST l A MROOCH, made onto? an American Dollar and bearing the initials "B. IL," in open work, was lost. in Mrs. Reid's. return the same to August last, between Mrs. Clay's and Thuriihiu‘. The fluder will please MRS. REID, Thomhill. I THE 10110111110173 6 m 2 till b 3-73 5:3? gs a; b SNTTATOO SI l l m by ‘sail ‘saaoig ‘sdeg ‘sieH ‘SJOAHZJG’ pun suing [00,,“ i{.teaH ‘siing pun SlEODJQAO l‘ORlTTTiTiO'TO EISN» I\’I\lI SJIVDHVEI NI SHOIHd ICOLLCLOH LEV Z 7 _, SGOO’E) ’IOOAK JO SCTNDT rI’M I my 'snava ‘sraynvria ‘ it 'IEINNV'TJI 'SGOOD SSEI‘CICT ‘SHGIILS’IH 43’ SHTLNVN .C‘ETICIV’T ’CI'EILLIOI’1()S *1qu V ‘oaneAxssvuLJ .‘Safy “12.10 >9. k / 4.“)[1110 OIQBJJ 30.1 Ax pm; ‘ AJa x {(1an put: wed .“S.IE)(IB(I [In 110:) @9er d 9015qu pun .neM IIOH UII K , S [)1I12 9 1111.1 ~s301d ’SSJOCISAO pun suoma “2-: l 'spoop Map 81739 .10; 9019.15 at“, (SIII'B 11 Novelties r: HSflO i: II AT TH {CONCRETE HUUSEl Our stock is spledidly assorted with all the Novelties, and as we crry the MOST COMPLETE 1 Assortment in the County of York, all our friends may rely on getting a fine range of STAPLE & FANCY Bill 608. Rtltllltï¬l. lthTLES ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€"~ HOLTBAY GOODS- To choose from at prices never offered in this County before. \Ve have opened out beautiful lots of TIES. HANDKERCHTEFS, COLLARS, FANCY WOOL GOODS, CtlENlLLE GOODS, Bought at low for cash, and suitable for Xmas Presents. OUR XMAS GROCERY AND CROCKERY STOCK Is unequalled in Richmond Hill IQ: prices the lowest in town, MERRY caiusrim "to ALL s I I ._, l UNDERTAKERS, YONG-E ST†RICHMOND HILL, Keeps on hand a large supply of Catalina. Cas- kets. and all kinds; of ll‘ETNEER,AI; ICETRNISI'IIN'Q-‘rï¬. A First-Class Hearse fur~ nished at reasonable terms. .A.- W" RIGHT 82: SON- Prepare for THE FTRR PROOF, AND PURCHASING YOUR FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES... Every Department complete with New Goods at the Lowest Prices. Blankets Flannels, and other \VZoollens at \Vliolesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Gr0â€". ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c.. at Lowest Rates. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. ESAAC GROSBY- momma PEOPLES STORE NEW DESIGNS 0F XMAS & NEW YEAR’S CARDS. STOCK OF PICTURE FRAMES CANNOT BE BEATEN. SOME OF THE NEWEST SUBJECTS IN PICTURES AND MOTTOES ! ALL A'I‘ REDUCED PRICES. STOCK 0F GROOERIES, NEW & FRESH CANNED GOODS As cheap as any house in town. The largest stock of FUR} I'I‘URE we ever had, all suitable for the seas m, at bottom prices. A large stock 0‘ Crockery and l. Glassware. Usual stuck of other goods. Flour (t- Feed. P. (i. SAVAGE...