Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1884, p. 5

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l' '7 is With every pound of '1 ca at Mrs. ' 7 get the balance of this year tree of charge. - » ‘ , . 1-; .,“7__-__ 7 _ tertaiuinent will be held 111 the Method- 4 l G S L I ist Church, Carrvillc, on Tuesday, Dec, T A E E l The Cheap Cash House have still on hand a few at those magnifi- cent Mantles, which they are sell- ing at ridiculously low prices. HERSER YOU GET IT i There is War declared against High Prices at VM‘» . z B 1 l l l GOING NO.“ TH. Christmas Tree. The officers and scholars of the Methodist Stililmth School in this twice intend having a Ten, Concert and Christmas Tree on . ‘M v . o _ E, . , . “01:93.32,” “all; A Sill: oils Christmas Day, in the church. Friends of , I'iiicusmtinu 73:5 MW} {Hill the school are requested to reserve their BTW“ 35m“ “‘7'” “‘1” "3'0 Christmas tilts tor the occasion. ) Queen's \Vlmrf .‘ \ 1m)” "0‘ i ,7 ______ 7- m ___ . r' hilltl‘fkigiw“ if The usual bad custom of making , ‘Veqtm‘n ~ ~ 73",}? Chiistinas presents discontinued at Thai-"hill .. . ]_.»_!.1 an; ‘A h T ltn‘inmxn Hum . mo '01]; the “T‘ll‘C Prool ; the better custom }\‘,‘,‘,‘.fl,,;,, ‘ a __ _. _ :fin iii}; ol selling goods cheap, introduced. I I I Nowmarliec . . ., , o 32 1.2.: on M . __ I come i min Munlcipal Elections. S a I s s rlawmarknt 43"} - Noiiiinalinns for Municipal honors will ’ ’ ' g ’ ‘ r A’iimm ,,,,,,, take place on Monday, the 29th inst, I ‘ . l;;:?;~;,,,,,,-- 7 H and nit elections .. “wk later. it be. JOIIIOIIS, Oranges and Candles, ’i‘liornhiu ,. lltHI\‘('H rate-payers to he up and doing, ' I I ' \Viis‘t‘n . .. .. ‘ 7'7"" 4,. _ ‘ J ' x ‘ ' t ~ . , j ,3, ,_,,_; is the lust. of NH ii are I‘Hlllll‘f‘t 0 ,. I 1:10 7-30 R‘fijmllsihlepositions. 111' a‘ e a! S O 'EORK‘LVTUV _ 777 7 77 7 I 3:33,? Quill" , am 43... m1. ,\ , The Concrete Wishes the compli- n I'inmi Statirui.. inn] 1.1:: Sill; meuts ol the season to all and is ’ (“Flinn ' “"1" 1“" ‘ ' pin-pared to Sell goods cheaper than . l ’ ) any house in the trade. PROCTOH'S STâ€"AGE LINE. Connect: with all llflll.‘ having: the l‘iilinnr I House. Rii‘hiiioii.l H‘li us ‘iilluws. &c., of the very bestquality. Entrance Examination. The iii-xtHigli School Entrance Ex- \\7i~ilnesrlay next. l)t*C. 23rd and 24th. i :7 (,hlllt'ltlillltlht’l‘ of candidates have al- - 6' h .1, Milil ti? EV)ii'0s~:,l\'nii,li it South 810 a. in _ _ I ‘ v . 7 ,. ., Acciiniiuoilution " ll :5 “ {L‘iiinulliiii Will he link. on 'T iiesflay and W l‘lvpress, I‘lortli . . . . . 51' yum. : .Milil,Si‘iil’.li . . . . l‘JO ‘ I} r I I . ‘H‘llllv prosemml Richmond Hill. ,7 their applications in In great stock. We will guarantee a good fit, and at TTntil furt‘nr‘r ill-ll! ‘- \Iai‘s will ho r-lo ml at the g ; ’ r “ l’tii‘linioiiilllilll‘ostllfil :i..iv.~ii..w. .â€" l'or Xmas il‘ElllCéll the Concrete, . I . ,, I, -uzp<,;-.:i,:;;;;«;s ii‘,;a~;,e,,:;i m ii»- ixmsugur rm gag-«r. pr1ces which cannot be beaten 1n the Dominion. MapIi-.’l‘umnlu, Ma} ii....‘ I‘. ( 0 31’. llâ€"i\'li‘.\‘rNG:â€"Gtrlu’1sulllilidgustiltiil Wot-t in; nlmt'r-l N. llâ€"ltcgisti-‘i‘wl Imitmw iiiii' t. lm ll‘ll) loll iii at least. Fifteen Miiiii In K’Hl'llt’l' than tli- iiliovo :nuiitinucil hours for cl )\llll_'. .‘il. 'l‘llllFY. T’iistiiiirtnz 7.1X5 llis. Granulated {or (T16 61.. ""”" The People‘s Store. Mr. T'. G. Savage is olfcring for sale wry cheap. :1 large stock of pictiire-t'ranws inoitoes, groom-ice, canned goods, and choice furniture of every description. I o ’ . 4 ‘ . (fall and sm- for yiiiirst iron lit‘fore piil‘. U a - 1’7 a o ; chasing your Christmas Stock. i. ii“) I l A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. JOSEPH HALL. 'l‘licChr-‘ap (‘zish lloiisc is show- ing: a line hit oi \\'ool Shawls, Tier, 7 . . . . ., .7575: l Glows. lliisici‘y, Mit ts. Hand hags' A\’C.Sllll.‘llllt‘ (or holiday presents. IJOCTKFJEQ. W ,, ,. ., , , Shooting Match. see Atkllljljlsjew {ETC A Shooting Match will take place at the Dominion Hulls“, Richmond Hill, on (:hiistnias Day, 18:44, when 150 Turkeys, (loose and Ducks, “'1” he shot for. 'l'ar- gels erected for shot guns and rifles. No. 8 shot to be llSt'Il. Shooting to coin- lllt‘llCt‘ at one o'clock. A good variety of Christina: toys 3: Mrs. Harrisons. Christmas gdiitls at Halls. ’7 See All. Gents! if you want a good fitting iiobliy Stilt, order it at the Concrete. 7 777. a sf 7” f‘ â€" ” " " ' " W ’ " Crosby has a splendid assortment of Fancy Cups and Saucers at 10 cents (lllll upwards; also magnificent stock of Vases, Glass and China Sets suitable for the holiday season. Grand Entertainment. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School 7 777* 7 7 7 7 7777 pill‘puSl' having.V a gram] l‘llli‘rltlllllnt‘lll on .178 lbs of good Raisins for onc dollar tol‘ll’llu'“ “mm‘ lle-"W'i 1884' to “mm 7 ‘ 7_ of singing, speaking, dialogues and reCita- dt the (“Un'rue‘ lions. The committee having spared no p‘llllS to secure the best talent that could be not abroad or at home to make the enter- tainutcnt a success, [colt {or ii. good turn out and a full, house. Choice Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, lincst Dehcsa Raisins, Black Basket and London Layers at The Concrete. The nomination for School Trustees takes place on \Yirtlli99d3V, 31st. 182 YONGE ST., TORONTQ. Splendid book's, cards and albums at IiIrs. Harrisons. We are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods We have yet offered, and invite attention to DEER SILK 8c DRESS SEPARTMENTS In which we show all‘the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, F inle Cloths, all Wool Poplins, Ladies’ Cloth, CI'Tl- hillaivlon7Sllltllll73. amkVool §erges,..L'hucks, Piaids, the, Casliinerea, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros ‘lraln Sillx‘ S:itii1'§'S:ttifl"h1ervei‘lleux, Satin l’thiidaincs, Satin Brocades, llluclt Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brocade Silk Velvets, Silk Maiiili Velvots, Colored Silk Velvets, Velvmcens, Mantle flushes, Sealetter, (to. Stove Fcr Sale. A good second‘lmnd «iifll slow for sale cheap. Apply at Tu: y i§£ll.\L Office. Rev. \V. R. Booth will preach in the , Methodist Church on Sunday evening next. Subjectâ€"Christmas Chimes. Black Grapes a: Biotin-Hing l)1'ess Goods :1 specialty. Black Ottoman Cords, Chine Crimea. Cashmere Serges, Foulc Cloths, Crep Imperial, Costum Cloth, Paraicatiar, Henriett Cloths, Berber and Surge Cloths. Books and Glassware given gist» , _ ()111“ Dialitle l)0pnrtnlent Is now replete with all the Newest Styles in Manthis, Dolmaiis, I’lsters, Knitted \Vool “Traps, Heavy \Vrap Shawls, 'Knittil Skirts, Qililted Skirts, Felt Skirts, Uttuiiiaii Cloaking», M'itiilasse Cloakings, Colored Beavers and Fancy Cloakings, Ulsti Cloths, Sealettcr, Mantle Flushes, dc, (\‘30. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises Special B airgain S. Harrison’s. ,« Xmas Cards. Get your Xmas Cards in good time. A large and beautiful assortman ol l’ruiigs, do, at. THE LiusiLAL Store. Supper and Upeii Lodge. The olliccm and members of Relief Lndui‘. No. 117, A. l). U. \V., Unionvnle intend giving a supper at the Queen’s Hotel, Unionvillc, tliis('l‘liui's(lny)even- mu. After the slipper, an Open Lodge will be held, when addresses will be de- Get your sale billspfinhd at we Lumnlu livered by many prominent gentlemen ofiice. Insertions previous to sales mum “inflected Will! the Order‘- fi‘ee. Orders filled and sent by post at the \ re 7 » “Wm” “0"”6' The Cheap Cash House is show- ing a fine assortment of Glassware, Vases, China Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Tea Sets &c., suitable tor Holiday presents, at lowest prices. Ladies and Gents Lined Kid Mitts and Gloves at the Concrete tor half price. 1550 Dozen (the balance of a Manufacturer’s stock) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Hziii’lhcrchiefs, about half pric Plll‘c Linen Hiiiidkeicliicfs. 5c, 9a., 76., and 8c. each. Ladies‘ \Viitcrproni Circulars, $1.25 up. Fancy Hiuidkcrchicfs, 3c. , 4e.,5c.. and Ge. encli. iii Haiiilhcic'iiets ever offered in Toronto. See then). The greatest bargain for the best value in “eddy made Snits and Overcoats. go the Con- crete. {ffil’r‘h’fié I? ,. 3‘ we» . WE VVILL HOLD A THE LIBERAL will be sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till Jun. lst, 1886, for ONE DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe, and OPE‘VJ. Entertainment. The Grand Annual Christmas Tree En- NLY. The cheapest and best assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries may be seen at Crosby's. 30th, on behalf of the Sabbath School. A good programme will he provided. Ad- mission 20 cents; children 15 cents. Doors oiiCii at 6.30; concert to commence at 7. The committee are sparing no pains in their endeavors to make this entertain-l meant a success. 20 per cent. discount off all. stock of Millinery. Imported Pattern Mantles to be sold at cost. Black and Colored Dress Goods at much below regula: prices. Great reductions in prices of Silks, Satins a Volvets. __7___d I Mantle Cloths at less than Wholesale prices. M,,,“gigggggegggggb All-Wool Blankets & Flannels at less than Manu- liӤ..ll-‘l“”.§1§3“c§llllf;{ll“'§ll.‘£f.l.h“illi‘lil‘liil facturers’ prices. 500 dozen 2,3, 4, 6 & 8 button Kid Gloves from. lOcts. per pair up. therewith) are busy in their preparations for As our sales (Lluriiigtliis month must reach $20,000.00, SLASHING REDUCTIONS AND DISGGUNTS mas Diiy. Judging from the zeal and energy Will be the order of the day, and no one will go away unsuited if price will 5311. TERMS CASH OR NO SALE. Return of Convrctions. On another page we publish this week the Returns. of Convictions for the Coun- ty of York for the past quarter. For the finest Currants, Raisms, Peels, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lem- ons, and Oysters, with which to make Christmas a right merry time the Cheap Cash House is the right place. Great discount offiSrrthlc and Fancy Dry Goods from now until New Year’s at the "Fire Proof." A Day Earlier. I On account of Christmas falling on a Thursday this year, we purpose issuing the next LIBERAL on Wednesday instead of Thursday. Just opened at the Concrete for Xmas trade a new lot of celebrated Chase and Sanborn Standard Java Coffee. Dominion Parliament. 7 The iieiit Session of the Dominion Par- liament Will open for the transaction of business, on Thursday, the 29th day of January next. niont for both the physical and intellectual enjoyment of the audience, we conclude they are resolved to do everything in their power to make the party a suecess. Say Maria! “I want a new over- coat today, it is so dreadfully cold." “\\’(211, my dear, just go to the Cheap Cash Home and get one of those heavy Tweed ones which are so nice and warm, and the cheapest I ever For the best value in Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices. and all groceries tor Xmas, go to the Concrete. The start... The Scott Act was earned in Brant Co. saw." “All right, I'm going." . uu Tlin'ml iv of last week. by a. majority %-___â€"_. 9' ~ of over Gill), but it was defeated in the Have you tried Holloway’sfloru Cure? I A. ‘ . ‘19 city of Brantford by a, majority of about 7_ It has no equal for removing those very 190. J troublesome excreeccnces. 1184, YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, 'I'OIIONTO.

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