.Chanklul for the favors of the past m yam may still be oonsultedin any branch of the pro. union,†follows: Llrum, 151;, 8th, 16:11, and 22nd at eat-h month Richmond Hill.“ . . .9th and 24th ï¬n. (at the Pulmer House) Sï¬oulfville‘...... .,_.....,.181h lo. Mukhmn . .2001 .10. vlwaorx‘a Square"... 2166 do. 1“\ornhi_ll . . . . . . 28rd do. anibridge ., ‘IaS‘h do. 'K‘rsiulmrg .. 29!}! do N 1010th , V . . . . . . 30th 0 V'imliaad Air always on hand at anpointments Works like u. charm Free from Dam. Address A RBINPON L.D.S..Aumm Ont. Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8'2â€"tf. Medalist Toronto Cnivemitv. 1m nuhor (“o Physicmns &Suraenns. Ont.,r1ate of Stouï¬â€˜ville Youge Street, Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours A3 to W a. m..5to 8 p. m. Will visittne following places profeswionnlly :â€" Juiouviue,.. lst Monday of each month r\ eston .9m and 215’s " ‘ .ldth " “ ‘lgth ' “ Woodbridge .. .22ml Mr. Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, Now- :on Brook, every Satan-dew, except when Sutur- mv falls on the above dates. Committee Rdom of the Masonic Ha] ranch alternative Friday at 8 o'clock 1x 111. Beue ï¬aary certiï¬cate given for $2.000 in case of dean J. A. E. Switzer.Master Workman. Members College Physiciansdc Surgeons, Ont‘ RICHMOND HILL. ONT. R.T.of Temperance, Riel No. 4E5. Meets in Temperzluc native Tuesday evening at81 ï¬cinry certiï¬cates issued c members (or $1900 or in case halt unynblc in case of disah sun Select Councillors: J.A. Recording Secremrv. RICHMOND Hmn TxmLE. No 465.1.0. 531‘.â€" MeecS iu the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evening. at 7.30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemuce As aociution issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \Vm.Harnsou sup? Mucun‘xcs' LNSTITUTE.â€" Library or over 1000 valumes,opeu every Tuesday evening. in the Ma.- 3 mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. B. E. Law, Libm- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. Vmuas COUNCILâ€"RB'VP. John Brown Coun- cillors Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A. 'Moodie, R. E. Law an I RF. Hcpper. (.‘chk. M. leefy. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 14;1Mee§si11_th_9 81‘. M my 6 EPISCOPAL Gauncu.â€"Sorvice at 3 .m., except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sum-uncut. are held at 11 1.1m. Sunday School at 1:30p.m Rev. W. Babes, motor. )IETHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services nt 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p.11L,un(1 Sunday school. “2.30 p. m. Yuung people‘s prayer meeting Tuesday evening (‘wneml l’mye! Meeting every Thursduyevoumg m the Lecture llonm. Ber. W. R. Barker, Supt... Rev. W. B. Booth, Assistant Pnusnn‘nuux CHUBâ€"(‘R or CANADA.â€"Sel‘vic€'s «v. 11 n'clnck n.1n..mu16:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesdayevemugnï¬ï¬‚o. Ronny CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"Services in order .54 follow s Thornhill M 9 n..m., and Richmond Hillub 10:30 am; the following Sundayut Rich- ‘moud Hill m mm" and ’l‘hornhill at 10:30 a. m RICHMOND ï¬rm. CORNET p accice every ’l‘ueadny and S 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage, Lem Hmmmun LonaE,A. F. d: A. M.. No.23. G.R.(‘ â€"Meets in the Lodge Room,l\{naouxc Hullpu the Monday on or before full moon. at, 8 o‘clock 11.11) A. J. Rupert, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FonEsTEnsâ€"Court Rich- mond. No. 7046 i. 0. F.. meets in the Temperance “Hull every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"H. H. \Vright. R. Dr. 0rr, Maple. Oflice hours: 8120 9.30 n.. m..and mEJO p. [1) Dr. ‘V. J. Wilson. THE LIBERAL PRINTING &. PUBLISHING HOUSE LUCHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING G. ll. Husbalnd‘ L. D. HKNTIsT, )HH MACDONALD. ME BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. Lewis G. l‘angslafl. VOL. VII. $E per annum, in advance.] VJZWLIZEZ) £13 qf_ Temperguce, Richmg'uqï¬ill popgcil (‘ Dr. James Lnngstafl Dr. Geo. Ln ng T. F. mum, Money :0 Loan. unc of Money to Lend EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. ï¬lings Qirrrtory. (Elle (giltva IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED 133’ Dr. A. Robinson. Hmn TxmLE. No 465.1. 0. G.'1‘.â€" Temperance Hall' every Wednesday 30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. disc sabbath schoolTempqrancg As 110.011! of ' the SURGEON DENTIST Weary. Hardin]. Societies. Churches. ileum]. NEWTON BROOK AND found in his ofï¬ce, New dav, except when Satur dates. nNET Emuâ€"Meets for and Saturday evening at Lemden AT John Brown Conn :e Hull.euch alterâ€" )‘duckp m. Bene- 0 male or (emale of death £2,000, one ility. J‘HSauder- Sturgeon Scewnrt. gstafl 'Musonic Hull lock 1x m: _Beue~ 9? K. Chisholm, M dounld, C. H0 [SDOMENION HOTEL PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES Daily Express to Toronto. Special mu given to moving household furniture‘ pianos. &c., &c. Gentral Bank of Gagada, Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent stubling andntteucive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial truvallers. A good livery in con- nectivu. Terms 31 per davl Mm'tguges bought, Notes 15 unted. advances also made 011 second mortgages. Farmers will save money by applywng direct to me. E. 1%.. REYNOLDS, 5?. Adelaide Sm, East, i'oronto. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Money Luau cu Farm Property atré-ï¬ericent. to pay off qungageg at highermtes of interwt. or for buildl d ' L; or ‘utihermp'urpnbes._ "n , FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest; noticenmd at renv aha rates. Address Stouï¬vzlle I‘. 0 ‘ I 00.0.90 9| I’ri valv RUPERT’S EXPRESS LlNE & LIVERY STABLES: Licensed Auctioneer spectfully Bolivits y‘ influence. Sales atte and at reasonable mt THE DOMINION HOUSE‘ Benj. BI ngm‘. Proprietor Importer of Watrhes. clocks and ï¬ne jewpllex‘y u stock of Diamonds and precinusscones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH 0]? QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. lis’Manufactm'mg of jewellery. and z'epuirinaoi watches and cloeks on the‘prengisesm specialty Thanking our 13am sand fl'iendsfor theirlib~ ernlpmronagr iL the past we beg to state that we have just tereived a. large stock ofnewgoods in latest designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and Walt-ham watches kept on hand. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Outano and Pep]. Goods sold on consignment. Genem] sales of stock. etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. BARnls'l‘ER-AT-LAW, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, (Sec 52 ADELAIDEâ€"ST. EAST, TORONTO. JE‘ADYICE FREE TO CLIENTS. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. 3E. fl. flEEYRv‘QfluES, LAWREN & MILLIGAN, MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. I4 Building Sc Loan Chambers. N3. x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"~Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. HALL. FULLAR'I‘ON dc 000K, BAIIRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 8'0 OFFICES: )8 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. \V.M. HALL, J.S.FULLARTON. W.COOK. ls'muva'rn H7an T0 1 MN. "I; Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Special Rates to Commercini Travelle‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8m posits r n-rent JAMES M. LAVYRENC Richmond Hill Money to loan on farm security Druf N. J. Al'mslrollm Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE 77.1.“...0sjtrsimgas. Salem Ec-km-dt. atsisttllancmm. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1884. S. M 1'.. TEEFSE'1 NOTARY PUBLIC kc, RICHMOND HILL .l. Wanhss, DIR .l and Intere for uur nde ‘rflennl. CTORS Brow“. H. P. Dwight, D‘ M.Mu.c biusun. A. McLean to Loan AND the Countv a! York, re. patronage and frienflly d on the shortest notice P. 0. Address. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in RICHMOND HILL Giuty Vsrpqcinl n‘teutiuu UNIO'NVILLE Funds to xed the withdr Ill: LLB vollery Mwnw UEEN- ug of} @‘IvF WIOH -J..- -_J_ Minnie Dnvls, Louie Lynett, Mary Mupea, Currie Powell, Georgie Glover, Gertie Barker, Fmsr DIVISION. Dollie Douthwuile, Muggw (Hover, Lulu Lemon, Alexl Held, Florence 'I‘yrrell, Men-m Wilson. DIVISION A 1. Bertha Palmer, Sadie Palmer, Maggie McCoungby Maggie Garvin, Bessie Redditt, Normun Schell Honor Roll of llichmoud Hill Public School for the month of December : Tbe following is the commutative standjng of pupils in Patternou Sense] for Dec. :â€" Grip's Christmas Number. We have received Grip‘s Christmas Nn.. with A Special Supplemeur. It is not only worthy of the nnble bird of quaint and wise conceitï¬. but will bear favorable comparlson with arm comic publication on this continent. The supplement is a. splendid full-length portrait of the Right Hon. Sir John B. Mac- douald. representing that gentleman in the complete drew of a. G. 0.15. Tbo- likenens is very striking, and is life-like of the man as he appeared twenty years ago. The ex- ecution generally is faithful and artistic. It l-llOuld be in the hands of all Conserva- tives who Wislie to gaze on him who has so ulten led them to victory, and of all Liberals who desire to know what manner of person is he who has so often brought them to grief. We have only to add that. the plate is not a caricature, but a veritable picture. J lell.‘)\'(’ 28th, at 6.30 p. m., and by the Hon. 3 H. Blake, on Sunday, Jan. 4th, at. 6.30 Cullections at each service in aid of S. S Fund. i..r~.-y ed from Reva. Messrs. Miller and Pearen. Tickets, 30 cents. The S. S. Anniversary Sunday Services will be conducted by Rev. W. R. Barker, on Sunday, Dec. 28th, at 6.30 p. m., and by the Hon. S. New Year‘s Greeting. You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Tea and Concert, under the aus- pices of the Methodist Sabbath School, Thurnhill, which will be held in the Methodist Church, on Thursday, Jan- Iat, 1885. Tea. served frum 4 to 6.30 11)., after which choice selections will be rendered in Singing. Recitations and Dialogues; also addresses may b_e expect- SENIOR Tamn FIRST DIVISION Wiley, Empringhum, Moodie, Soules, Andrews, Sanderson. SECOND an. lelle Savage, Albert Albiu, Joe Mnndey, Willle Rumble, Vesta Mulhollaud Marv Bassingwnjzte, A. Kirkland, FIRST SR. M. Bessingwnite Bella Hawkins, THan SR. Genie Smith. JumEs Mundey. ' Hnrvey Cook, , John Seymour, : Mary Bumble, } Euph Ku‘kland, Willie Flack. LOCALS Tum» Dlvxslox Delhi Palmer-I ‘Vulker Hull, Elizn. Mahony SECOND CLASS. Emma Siver, Phoebe Somer Robbie Moodie Joseph Keefler, Joseph Blunchnzd, Gertie Davis. School Report Fred HOO'pt-l‘, Ella McCuunell, Austin Brillinger Mary Duuthwuite Elm Wilson. Corn Cure is the medicine, Kinds cf coma and warts. FOURTH CLABR. Willfe Mulholland, James Hafley, Kate Hafl'ev. Harry Hardy, Charles Sevmour, l. THIRD JR. h, 1 ()rvil Drnry, dey. 2 Mary Mulhollnnd Honor Roll FORM IV T. M. RUTHERFOIID- FORM III. FURM II. FORM I anpt John Hutchinson Hurry Glover, Willie (‘llï¬ortL Richard Garnéss Maggie Ansley. Norton ng. Mamie Lemon Lizzw Palmer Maggie Lewis. Sworn) vatsxox. Freddle Reddilt. Florence Sheardowu, George Hopper, wmu- Savage, Robb. Michael, Frank Sheppard. Jessie Cooper, James Wright, Maggie Moody Aggle Reid. Reuben Giasa, Wellington Hall SECOND Dmsxou JUNIOR. THIRD Isaac Mulhollund, J'Eertbp Findlay, SECOND JR. Alec Finluy, Louie Huï¬ay, Mary Rumble, Nellie Kalley, Minnie Albiu. 2 May Savage. Maude Farulmm. James Hawkins, Frank Rumble. DIVIRION A 2 FIHSI‘JR E. A. Spmaon M. Wle ICKSHANK Municipal matters are quiet. No one seems to care who the Village Fathers will be for next veer. Thu Masons are negotiating for the late M. E. Church of this plrce for a hall. The Public Schools closed last Friday, and the pupils give a free entertainment in the Town Hall. to-night, (Monday) con- sisting of readings, recitations, &c. qute a. lllllllbel of teachers are chang- ing in N. York at the close of this year. TWO new assistants in Aurora; the entire staff of assistants change at Newmarket. Mr. Rose retires from the professiun and. Mix Sangster of Bogartuwn, takes his place. Mr. Love, nf Haituian’s Gui-hers also retires and Miss Janet Walkingtun succeeds him. After years nf snd‘ering, persons who have vainlv sought remedial help frmu other SUHI'CdS, have obtained the lung de- sired relief from Northrop (L' Lymzui’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspepzic Cure. which puts a. stop to the torments 0i Dys- pepsia, renews activity of the bowels and liver, relieves maladies incident to the gentler sex. and builds up failing health and strength. gives purity to the blood and tune tn the whole system From our own Correspondent. Last week the friends and members of Aurora. Circuit presented their junior minister, Rev Mr. Phelps, with a. wolf- skin overcoat and mittens. Several disgracuful ruws have occurred lately, of which some of the participants were tined.and one, Phil. Mnure, sent day" for 15 days. The Army héld a. banquet and jubilee on Friday night. The show lasted all night. Button’s Hotel has changed hands. Mr. A. Proctor will run it. Tea. parties, buzaars, dbc , are all the We would advise all who can dn so to at- tend, fur they may rely on receiving more than the Worth of their money, as the nmnagexs intend to sustain. nrveven sur- pass, the former reputation of tne Church in this direction. Last Sunday Rev. Elmore Harris, '1‘!)- rnnto, preached u. very earnest. and inter esting serum“ in the Baptist. Church, to which a. crowded house listened attentive- ly, AL the close of the sermun he admin- )stered the rite of baptism by immersion to four candidatea. Yurk Mills, she successor to Hogg’s Hollow, is still in the same place it was turtv years ago, but ithas nut the appear- ance of a. rising town that it had themand it is difï¬cult. to say what it WI“ be forty years hence. At present it has not much to attract the eye (If a stranger. and like manv persons, one neer to beenme well acquainted with it. to appreciate all its ad- vantages, beauties, and gund qualities. The congregatinn of St. John’s Church intend holding a. Christmas tree this week for which they are making special prepar- ation, and no doubt a, treat is in store fur thuse who attend. The congregation of this church. will hold an entertainment in a week or two. by this hithï¬rto incurable disease is permanent‘ )‘y cured in from one ta three applications, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Descriptive pum blot. sent free on re- ceipt 0! stamp. A. HD XON dz SON. 805 King itraet west. Toronto (Manda. READEâ€"On Dec. 21rd, bum, in her 79th y of the late Mr. Tim the late Thomas C Friends and acquain tend the funeral on Fr o'clock, without. furtb We notice by the Stocton Duin Ind’epend- ent that Mr. J. M. Welsh, son of Mr. D. Welsh, of this villagp, has been nominated for the ofï¬ce of Mayor for that city. This is a token of great honor to a. young man. and 18 annther instance which ahOWa the high respem in which Canadians are held in the United States. Rev. J. Pickering will preach in the Meth- odist Church of this place, next Sunday morning, and Rev. J. W. Totteu in the even- lug; Rev. W. R. Bm-k-ar will preach Sunday School Sermons at Thornhtll next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haw-i901] have gone to Lockport, N. E. to spend Ghristmaa with relatives and friends. (TA'I‘A H: Illlâ€" Anew Treatment. where male c all things, Charity.†From our own Correspondent PERSONALS. YORK? M ILLS :qum'nmuc on Fndav AURORA DEATHS atVictoria. Square, Mark rank/Ira. Ann Reade, relici mas Reade, and sister 01 larkson, Esq.. of Toronto tew minutes :xhausted, but lcan walk hm are Invited to rxt, Dec 26th, at nt-o protected. 1 What is it? Well, the secret is out, it lsa henuery, and the owner, when he goes to hunt eggs and ï¬nds none chases the hens up and down the greasy boards until they shell out fresh eggs whenever you like to order them. The other new industry is more Simple and easier explained. Our gmin buyer havmg a little spare time on his hands, has gone into the sausage business, and may be seen parading the streets, calling at houses with the question, "Do you want any fresh sausage tu-day, only 11 cents per lb. 2 The next question for debate is :qRe- solved that the medical faculty of the D0- minion need prutectiun, and that it. is an insult tn the same, when our great men’s. stomachs get out. of repair, for them to go to England to get them patched up. tiunery. &.c. . Speight ¢D 00., Lmnbe P S Gibson. C E†P L‘ 1e Orion Catlin, 49 Pearl St, Buffalo, N. Y., says :"I tried various remedies for the piles, but. found uu relief until I used Dr 'l‘homas’ Eclectric Oil, which entirely outed me after a few applications." Since The Council met on Dec. 20th lust", ah. 10 o’nlock, a. m. Members all present. Minutes; uflaahnaetmg read and con- ï¬rmed. The Treasurer was authorized the following accounts :â€" Hurt & Co. for blank books, am vices, 1884 ....... . ............. Wm. Acknev repair. plle drive Corsun 18; Son, Printing ......... Ed. Laskie repairing uppruncl. to culverts. . . Peter Tinnie, plank, 4.1:... . . J. Dennison road to glavel i 'l‘u various parties for gravn! \V. Vanderburgh value, sheep killed.... . . . Dog tax refunded to ï¬Vt‘ 1mm: Small accts. forlnmber, lilhur . Dr. Thomaa’ Eclectric 7 Oil has becnme celebrated, unprincipled persons ale xmx- Gating it. Get the genuine. \V & J Heath, 12 ft. Wide, 2 flats high, boarded inside and out double thickness, tarred felt be- tween. The ground floor is u‘vided into bwu compartments, 3 window and door in each. facing the south. The upper flat is all in one. Mr. Wood thinks It. is frost- proof without; having any artiï¬cial heat. On the outside are three boards, ptaned Very smoothly, put up slanuugly, amt greased,,the whole thing mmpiene, well gmcected. 1 What is it? \Vell. the secret There are several new industnes started under the N. P. A few weeks ago, our builder and cuntracmr, Mr. N. Shuuk, received the contract from Mr. Wm. Wand to erect an ediï¬ce 25 ft. long by Choir, and every‘thlng put. in good. trim before their Annual Dinner on New Year’s Day. The congregation is mot-easing steadily. Rev. Manly Benson is to lec- ture here on New Year’s Day, Subject, “\Vhat men are wanted.†lie Rev. G. \V. Howsnu is to preach hero on Sunday Jan. 11th. The Hupe Methudist Chm-chi: under- going:flterationsandxepuirs. Anorches- E32! is being built. behind the piilpitfoz‘ we From our own Correspondent. Since I last wrote to you a few thing! have happened in our village, of public interest. A Missionary meeting was held in the Methodist Church. Admirable ad- dresses were dellvered by Revs. \V. R. Barker. Richmond Hill, and Blackstock,. Toronto. Financial result, good. On the 9th inst. wlllle Mr. Adam Run- ert was digging, in his garden, about 9 a. m.. he had a paralytic stroke, the right side partially, the tongue altogether. Al.“ was done that was possible, but heart. di- sease set in, and on Wednesday, 17th, he quietly and peacefully passed away, in his 78th year. The tuneral took place on Friday, the 19th inst., and was largely attended. Services were conducted by, Rev. J. W. McCallum of Davenport. Mr. Rupert was one of the oldest residents 05 York County. He was a staunch Re‘orm- er, a very strong temperance advocate, and a. consistent member of the Methodist Church the greater part of his life. He leaves behind him a record of a. life well spent, and will be very much missed as a neighbor and friend. A widow and four sons survive to mourn his loss. ) Fob. lst, 1885. The various repnrm Ell] ilin The ‘rpha M. I, writes MARKHAM CO UNCIL. l. Nicol, cedar pnstï¬ collectors were allow collecting and mukn . lst, 1885. I Dr T] ‘CGIVf [Single copies, 3 cts lll) tor ‘ m :Illd MAPLE No. 26. hml‘d uting inn" e prunâ€" [returns The to pay. “Hull “.16 u 33 00 )(‘dilt‘d , and well secret 38 ll) .00 96 “Ct 00 00 00. 93‘ (K;- 0“ 60‘ )0 of