Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1884, p. 3

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A German Legend. Mat” years ago in the little town of Dort, Germany. were two large, un- painte ,dreary looking old houses, stand- ing directly opposite each other. One was the home of the aged hermann Des- seldorf and his gentle daughter, Bertha. The neighboring dwallinu was occupied by one Jacques Lambert, a painter by profession, and Italian by birth. very re- tiring in his manner. His only compan- ion was a poor, half wittrd lad. Poul Lev roni No one knew anything; of their previous history, unless it might be Her- mann Desaeldorf and his lovely daugh- ter. For Bertha Dusseldorf, the belle of the whole village, was his sflianccd bride. About this time came news of a great exhibitiOn to be held at the neighboring city of Antwerp, where he who produced the finest representation of the “Death and Sufierings of Our Savior,” tobe placed in the cathedral, should receive a prizeiof great value. _ Jacques Lambert determined to Win the prize. Closely he applied himself to the task, but as day by day passed, each one bringing nearer the exhibition,-he be- came almost despairing; for as yet he had been able to create on the canvass no countenance he deemed a worthy likeness to our Savior. Bertha strove to win him from his project. One day as she stood by his side looking down at Paul, as he sat gazing up into her face with his beautiful eyes, his long golden Curls fall- ing on each side of a face of almost wo- manly sweetness snd perfect innocence, she suddenly exclaimed: “Take Paul for a model?" I Quickly Jacques glanced at the face of the unfortunate, and wildly exclaiming, “Why did I not think of that myself!” he fell back in his chair for the moment motionless. After that he came in every day for a moment to see her, but always bade her not to come to him until his picture was finished; for nothing now must disturb him from his work. He daily grew pale and thin, and his wild dark eyes burned with astrange fire. All avoided him as much as possible; and one more bold than the rest alleged that one night, crouching under the window, led by curiosity, hoheard cries and groans issue from within. Poor Paul Laroni was missing, too, and Jacques offered a liberal reward to any one who would bring him back. A party headed by Hermann Desseldorf scoured the adjacent forest, and even dragged the river, but found no trace save one of the boy's silkhandkerchiefs, which they found near the river bank. * Bertha. in her anxiety {0.1 her lover, watched his studio window hour by hour. Finally, one day he omitted his usual visit to her, and fearing that he might be ill she ventured to disobey his command; and, entering the house softly, she crept to his studio door. Suddenly a low wail, full of human agony, smote her ear, and then immediately following it she heard a wild laugh and the voice of Jacques ex- claiming: “The very expression 1 Oh i a few more such and my work will be com- plete!" Cautioust she lifted herself to her knees, and peered through the key hole. A moment thus; then, with a piercing shriek, she fell back insensible. Jacques came hastily out, terror im- pressed on his countenance, and, locking the door behind him, bore her to her home and laid her on her couch. Ten- derly he watched over her until she open- ed her eyes; but never again was she con- serous. On the tenth day she died, and the same night came the news of Jacques Lambert’s triumph. Truly it was a won- derful picture, and filled all who beheld it wilh awe and admiration. It was the “Savior on the Cross.” Blood was streaming from His side, His hands and‘feet were fearfully lacerated by the cruel nails, and His eyes were turned toward heaven with such a look of patient suffering and agonizsd meekness that they drew tears from the eyes of all beholders. One singularity, however, to the inha- bitants of Dort, was that the countenance seesmed familiar, though at first no one could tell when or where they had seen one like it. Soon a suggestion arose, and was whispered from ear to ear, causing the greatest excitement among the usual- ly quiet villagers. A mob was formed and marched to the house of the artist. The doors were burst open, the apartments carefully searched, and what was their horror, on breaking open a closet connected with his studio, to behold the stiffened corpse of the idiot boy fall the refroml Fearful to tell, he had literally been crucifiedl He was found nailed to a rude wooden cross, his coun- tenance wearing the same expression as that of the beautiful picture. No trace of the artist was to be found. He had fled and was never heard of more. The indignant populace razed the house to the ground, and set fire to the ruins. What Number of Meals? Respecting the number of meals one ought to patronize, that must be regulat-. ed by want and habit. To digest well, it is necessary that the stomach should have completely dealt with the previous meal. However, feeble and delicate stomachs have need to eat but little at a time, though frequently. Also, to make an in- telligent section of those aliments which refresh, heat and sustain. The aliment which digests best is the most suitable. Digestion is but the preference of the stomach for something it likes, the at- traction of suitable ingredients; it is the sustaining of our organs and their tissues, and if the stomach be healthy and well constituted, its instinct will never be at fault. “Strawberries and cream make me sad,” said Madame du Defl'and. but they agreed with her not the lessâ€"[The Caterer. PERSONAL. CAPTAIN PIM’S PROPOSITIONS. Ristori is always up M seven o'clock in Tue Fultul Slates and Eamon: I0 Build a the morning. Lord Mandeville is going into sugar- plantingin Cuba. The Marquis of Lorne is talked of for the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland. In Valparaiso women are employed ex- clusively as street car conductors. There is a little social club in Washing- ton called “Les Preciouses Ridicules.” Noveilo has paid Gounod twenty thous- and dolii-rs for his new oratorio, Marx ct Vita. Mrs. Arthur Psget, Mrs. Parsn Stev- ens’s daughter, is said to be a remarkable fine shot. In Vienna they consider Strauss 'a great match make: by means of his waltzes. Mr. John Jacob Astor owns the De Bohun PsalterJlluminated on vellum,and dating from 1360. Lester Wallack is sixty-five years old. He was at one time an officer in the Brit- ish army in India. The editor of Punch, Mr. Burnand, has among his “Happy Thoughts" eleven un- married daughters. Stanley. the explorer, has received the degree of DOctor of Philosophy from the University of Hello. Professor F wcett's height was colossal and his voice mighty. He wore spectacles to conceal his sightlcss eyes. John Stuart Mill’s adopted daughter, Helen Taylor, is one of the editorsof the the new London Democrat. A life pass over a railway was one of the gifts to Sir Moses Montefiore recently on attaining his hundredth year. A colossal bronze bust of Elias Howe, of the sewing machine,is to be erected on a granite pedestal over his grave. Lieutenant Dunnenho werbrought home to his mother a knit bed spread, that he bought of a young Siberian girl, not quite finished. The eldest son of the Prince of Wales, heir-presumptive to the British throne, will attend President Cleveland’s inaugu ration. In carrying home to their country seat the wedding presents of the lately mar- ried Lord and Lady Stafl‘ord four large vans were loaded. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth is in her sixty-fifth year, and engaged upon her sixty-fifth novel. She writes with a gold pen in a heavy hand. Cardinal Manning’s niece, Miss Vera Manning. carries to the convent where she is to take the veil a pretty fortune of three hundred thousand dollars. :The London Spectator says that cultiv- ated grown up people hanker after fairy stories as much as children do, provided they are genuine clever ones. Poston Goshuron Takahashi, the post- master of Yokohama, is visiting the post- offices in the States with a view of im- paoving the mail service of Japan. Lord Sher-brooks, formerly Ro ber Lowe, sufl'eredfrom the want of a colored iris to his eyes, and his wife, who has just died, was always bis amanuensis. RobertBruwning'sBlotan the Scutcheon, which is to be played by Lawrence Barrett this winter. Was Originally produced with Macready and Helen Faucitinthe leading parts. The London Standard declares that the opinion steadily grows that Nathaniel Hawthorne was the most considerable literary personage that America has yet produced. The real name of the German novelist Elsie Msrlitt is Eugenia J 01112. The real name of Adah Isaacs Menken was Dol-' ores Adios Fuertos; her father was a Spanish Jew, her mother a French wo- man. Jenny Lindis one of the faculty of the College of Music at Albert Hall, London, and does not allow the position to become a sinecure, being the most devoted teacher imaginable, and the idol of the scholars. A Mr. A. C. Lavelle, in San Francisco, who had dropped everything aristocratic and applied himself to business, recently received, on the death of his father, a Russian nobleman, a fortune of thirty million dollars. The Japanese attache of Legation at Berlin, Kido, having recently to make a sea voyage, took with him a. coflin and all the requisites for embalming, so that he should not be buried at sea. Arabi Pasha is of lofty stature and im- posing bearing; he has thin lips, good brow, and a long black beard;he con- versas like a cultivated gentleman, and lives in Ceylon in luxurious captivity. Pretty but not at all talented actress- es of London variety theatres will in time be respectively Duchess of Grafton. Countess of Cowley, Countess of Fever- sham, Msrchioness of Ailesbury, and Countess of Gainsborough. Sir Moses Montefiorehad an uncle,one of seventeen children, who was a lawyer, an author, 3- privateer, married a second time when considerably past seventy, and died at eighty-one, leaving six small children, the youngest of whom was six weeks old. A printer employed in Scotland on Carlyle’s manuscript, left and went to London. One day the terrible script ap- peared in the hands of his new employer “Great heavens!” he cried when he saw it, “you don’t mean to say you have that man here!” and fled into space. The landlord of the inn at Ystrady- gynlais, VValss. fitted up a room for Mad- ame Patti’s use during her short stops at the village. andin return the prime. donna presented him with a painting done by her own hands, which, he says, he Would not barter for all his house contains. Revenue Department [Railroad and the “(arugula Canal. Captain Bedford Pim oi the Royal Na- vy, and lately a member of Parliament from Gravesend has on foot a plan for building a railroad from Cheyenne to Hudson Bay for the transportation of cattle to England. instead of bringing th-m to Chicago and then shipping East. The road will cost about $10,000,- 000 and he wants the United States to subscribe 1i. per cent. of that amount, and England 111;- per cent., and ‘the re- mainder he claims to be able to raise on the London Stock Exchange in a few days. Beside this. Capt. Pim has been in communication With Secretary Freiingâ€" huysen and other huads of departments at Washington concerning the Nicaragua Canal The United Stites has recently secured tne contract from Nicaragua for building this canal, and talks about $40,- 000,000 as a sum sufficient to do it. Capt. Pim contends that it cannot be done with $100,000.000, and wants the United States and England to go in to- gether and start a subscription of $200,- 000,000, England to give 15 per cent. and America alike amount, and the re- mainder he voluntrersto raise in London by the some means he proposes to . also the money with which to build a rail- road from Cheyenne to Hudson Bay. Captain I’im has visited Nicaragua, seen for himself the proposed route of the canal, and given those at Washington mush valvable information. To areport- er Captain Pim said : “The plan to construct a railway, say, from Cheyenne to Hudson Bay, has been endvrsed by many cattle men I met. The idea is to save as much time as possible. The Denver and Rio Granoe Railroad runs to Cheyenne. and, if you like, cat- tle can be brought from as far south as Texas. Then from Cheyenne I propose to construct a road through Manitoba to Hudson Bay. There is a saving at once of 1,000 miles, while you save by ship- ping from Hudson Bay to England 500 miles, making in all 1500 miles." Speaking further of the Nicaragua Cs- nal plan, and in answer to an inquiry as to how joint action of the English and American Governmen‘s could be brought about he said : “The President should appoint a pre- liminary commission, and for that pur- pose I shall wait on President-elect Cleveland at Albany. The Euglisli and American Governments both, so far. look upon the plan with favor, and I have 90 doubt that it can be consummated. The only question is that of a division of the proceeds of the canal, but 1 have no doubt that also can be amicably arrang- ed. ._.._â€"_~..<- European andAmcricnn Brcwrics. According to a report of the Internal of the United States the amount of beer which paid taxes in the United States last year was 588,000,000 gallons. Add to this the beer exported and evading the tax was 600,000,000 gsllons. The United States now ranks third in the list of beer pro- ducing countries in the world. Although her breweies are few in number compar- ed with those of other countries, she yet makes two-thirds as much beer as Eng- land, whose breweries are almost ten times as many. England is at the head of all beer producing countries. with 27,000 breweries, and a. product of 990,000,000 gallons annually ; while Germany, with 25,000 breweries. makes 900,000,000 gal- lons yearly. The United States, with only 3,000 breweries, makes about 600,- 000,000 gallons per annum Then comes France, with 3,000 breweries, and a pro- duction of 157,500,000 gallons ; and Aus- tria and Hungary, with 2.093 breweries, but a production of 280,000,000 gillons. Belgium has 1,250 breveries. which pro- duced last year, 210,250,000 gallons; Holland, 500 breweries, producing 34,- 000,000 : Russia, 480 breweries. produc- ing 8,000,000 gallons ; Switzerland, 423 breweies, producing 13,500, 000 gallonsf Denmark, 250 breweries, producing 28,- 000,000; Sweeden, 220 breweries, pro- ducing 21,000,000 gallons ; and Italy, 150 breweries, producing only 4,000,000 gal- lons, Nearly 80,000 persons are engaged in brewing lager beer in the United State]. ._._.. W. Served lliin Right. “Iâ€"I wanted to ask your opinion about a little matter, and also secure your ad- vice," he said, as he cornered a member of the City Council on one of the City Hall porches yesterday. “Well. sir, what can I do for you?” “Is it your opinion that we shall have [it open winter?" “Why, sir, Iâ€"I can’t really say. I do not pretend to be a weather-prophet.” “Sorryâ€"very sorry,” continued the other; “l’ve got to go to Chicago on foot. If you could guarantee me fine west-her I wouldn’t need to askyou to lend me more than half a dollar. As you can’t do that, and as I am liable to be snowed in some- where for a week, I shall be compelled to requet the loan of at least eighty cents. Do you advise me to lay in a stock of crackersand cheese at this point, or would you buy as you went along and from day to day?" The Alderman sought to crawl out of any responsibility in the matter, but the man hung to him until he got thirty cents as a. compromise. The man who won‘t predict an open winter ought to be bled. Cold bet and bands are certain indications of imper‘ feet circulation of the blood. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters promotes the circulation. keeps the bowels reg- ular and induces good health. Large bottles at 50 cents. The Cincinnatti Enquirer has come to the conclusion that too much dignity in- jures a man’s character and chances. He should have just enough to keep him level when a lurch of the street car throws a 210 pound woman into his lap. Rupture (lured permanently or no pay. Our new and rure cure method of treating rupture, without the knile. enables usto guarantee a cure. Trusses cm be thrown away at last. Send twoleiter stamps for refer- ences, pamphlet and terms. World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Bufl'alo, N Y Missiis'ppi has been shisping fresh De- cember strawberries to ‘Jhicago, just to keep its hand in and prove what a garden spot that state is. " A Perfect Flood£of Sunshine " will fill the heart of every suffering wo- man if she will only persist in the use of Dr. Pierce's “ Favorite Prescription. ” It will cure the most excruciating pSTlt-(iicdl pains, and relieve you of all irregulari- ties and give healthy zc‘ion. it will posi- tively cure internal inllAmuiation and ul- ceration, misplacement and all kindred disorders Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists. Hoous and bustles will be all the ias~a ion again next spring, hnd six fashionable women will once more manage to occupy all the room in a stre at car. Consumption. Notwithstanding the great number who yearly succumb to this terrible and fatal disease, which is daily Winding its fatal cails around thousands who are uncon- scious of its deadly presence. Dr. Pierce’s “ Golden Medical Disc )very " will cleanse and purify the blood of scrolulous im- purities, and one Lubercular consump- tion (whichisonly rcrofulous disease of the lungs). Send three letter stamps and get Dr. I'ierce's complete treatise on :)n- sumption and kindred affections, with numerous testimonials of cures. Ad- dress, World’s Dispensary Medical As- sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Among the “useful Christmas present” advertised by a Chacago dealer are grind- stones, hatchets and butcher knives. Make your children happy for once. young Meal Harm! This. The Voltaic B it 03., of Marshall, Mich., offer to soul their 1. 'is‘urflted Electro- Volatic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days. to men (young or old) aiflictcd wztn nervous «ability, loss of vitaliry «ml manhood. and all kindred troubivs Alas: ‘l-r rheumatism, ueurmlgo. paralyma, and many other C'lfiflw-fi Coin- plem restoration to health, vigor and mac- hood guarantewl. No risk is incurrn-T a: thirty days ' A allomsi, Writ»: them at once ‘-nr il-vis- .iiwl [inrnn it fr». Dr. Carson's Pulmonary cough mops should be in sl most every tamil; in Census. ii is one of the best and sales: oouarh remedies known. In large bottles attic. A 203 ,, 7.. . nos. GALLOWA;VIT(IO., Lotion. Woollen. our. 0: pet. and Worsted Shiitlfllskirs. Dundas. Ont Wanted Sce'The Sun. Copy free. g SUN. Box 2083. Kalamazoo. Mich. 7 TO M MI) E l’k‘h‘l‘lflES A MONTH GUAR- $ AL‘TEED to AGEiTS everywhere. Circulars FREE W. A. HOATH & 90.. Toronto. Canada. All kinds of Metal tit-m1“ made to order. Ban”. Self-'nkevs Railroad, Ranking. Notary 8: Sole y Beale. etc Agent. waged. COOK S; BUNKER.36 King St. W.. Toronto. I:‘.Llf(.}RTA?l;IY_:~ ltzllwayisud Commercial Tr Is an by thoroughly taiuht by exnerienoed about. are: AM ens with sun-p DOMINION TELEGRAPH INSTITIJTE. 31Kiug E Toronto. JAS. TH!.)RNE.M;L A book '0! 104 page: on it Cour! hip. 9-“ free by ‘hu L v Union Pnbli-hisg Cu , New- erk, N. J. Sand stamps for postage. 0R SALEâ€"AT A BARGA INâ€"OR WEL TAKE in part ayment farm or cily property for nearly new raw mi? and mint mnl| :nt station on main line Cm- sda Bouthem Railway. west. Apply Box 163,1.0i don. ARM FOR SALE~36.000. ONEâ€"THIRD CASH' balancv any terms : 150 acres : psrtl Hrs 24. 25. ‘26, 0 unassiou 2. township Yurmou'h. county Elzi'n : clay [con]: 95 screi cleared. balance well wooded: livini spring creek; good orchard Addrels, Mus. ELIZABETH TEETZEL, Sparta P. U :or J. V. Taliban. Hamilton. OR 8 ALE. 50 ACRES. ’l‘UW'NSHIP O V‘ FRANT. 37 acres chand. burdwl od bush. orchard. good holdings, nrur Ws keno" Apnlr in “’A’I‘T & \VILLL)UGHHY. Wslkes'ton. B‘OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FIRSTJJLASS Ontario Form or city property. lSlU sons of land in houiis D strict. “ the linden of h' ruthe's Manitoba." of which his Men broken and lllcii310 thil season, 320 acres. which is all ready to sow the seed onin the spring The first crop sh will more than ay the price for land. Terms lib-"'2‘. Alldrssu “or 303, ondmi. Om D1K@;m «5:00 Eurlnlacmrsrs of nor Filly" L£.A 2 BLELTI1~ G- alina Slkrul, Sunni. Tun-twin Llelfl double in ' s. cplnislr). Send to" biogâ€"Lh‘lirjtr lethality fl _ _ W W WV METAL s RUBBER sun so MP5 .. scriptiou, Son's, rte Bron?» Medals the last four yBM'I at Toronto Exhibitio' Aflk'nli‘ wanted KENYUN. leGLEY 6; STEWA RT. 31'} G 00.. v ‘ I- By return mail. Full Written. Woody's New Tailor system 01' Dress Outtiug. ,PRUF MO"DY 1 Out. g?) :y .1 tip: 1 .t y y, - .l 9% ' as. . s, Ihsve n, Tomcnv Fr 0‘ win usollmusmnl 7‘.” smudlnglw r. r ir . .‘u inlrscmmu‘ M rli ' ‘ . gl'lherwlrh .{i {uni any sullen:er (“To B: THAT Lorillard’s Climax Plug hoarin ll red tin tug; that Lorlllard’s V _ Rose enfilne cut; that LorilJard‘s bnvy Clippings. and that Lorlllard‘s Snuff». are best and cheapest, quality considered ? liUPTURE. EGAV‘S IMPERIAL TRUSS. with 3 Spiral Swing; the best ever mvenled look ten years to per- fect. burns ovary child.8 out of 1 adults. Holds the worst Hernia, during harseit work. or money re- mune-‘L 25 years' practical experi- A euce, Circul-n fleu. Address, THE l‘ZGANIMPERILL TRUSi C0,, 2% Adelaide Street East. Toronto. Out. The White Glyc- erine-The Sharon ' Bouquet â€" Palm Warm. Oil Bath Soapâ€" O a t m e a l Sk i n Soap, and The Baby’s Own Soap. â€"MA DE BY -â€" The Albert Toilet Soap (lo-’y ARE UNSURPASSED FOB Purity and Excellence. «Sold h allleudiny l’imkzistl,m W. a F- P. GURRIE c 00: 100 Grey Nun Street, Montreal. Importers of Drain Pipes, Portland Cement, Chimney 1‘0 3, Canada Cement. Vent Linings. Water ' e, Flue Covers, Whitin . Fire Bricks Plaster cl Paris. Fire 0 s . Borax. man Cement. China 0 as. Manufacturers of misnomer maul 50m. Chair & Bad 8 Mass. ,_ RITISH AMERICAN ‘ BUSINESS COLLEGE, ARCADE, YONGE ST,, TORONTO. Finest rooms in America. Practi- cal in every department. Teachers pushing and en- ergetic, and know what they teach. Endorsed by the leading business men of Ontario, its graduates are fill- ing positions of trust in every city, town and villa.3 we of Canada. Send for new circular, C. O’DEA, Secretary Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships. Hailing during winter from I’ortland every Thursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and human from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Lou. donderry to land mails and passage" for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via alflsx and St. John's N. E. to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during winter between Pcrtlaudand Glasgow, and Boston undGhmow alternately ; and durin summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston an Glasgow every week. For freigh passe e, or other information apply to A-So umac er 8: 00.. Baltimore; S. Cunard & 00., Halifax ; Shea to Co.. St. John's N. E; Win. Thomson d: Co. St. John. N. 8. Allan & 00., Chicago ; Love it Alden, New York ;E. Eourlier. Toronto ; Aliens. Rae a: 00.. giggles -. H A. Allen. Portland. Boston. Mon- tr Dominion Line of Steamships Running in connection withthe GrandTruuk Railway of Canada. flailing from Quebec evsry Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland every Thurs- diy during the winter months. Bailing dates from the ronruxn. Toronto. Dec. 4. | Toronto, Jan. 15 Montreal Dec. 18. | Montreal, Jun. 29 Brooklyn, Jan. I. l Raw 1! passage : Cabin. Quebec to Liver-poohsw. 860, 865. 880. Return. 890. $108. $ steamer and berth. Intermediate. 335, steel-age as low- est rates. The saloons and stateroomc in an amors marked thus : “ m smidsuips. where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep is carried on them. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to DAVID romance at (10.. General Anew», Montreal. Câ€"AUg‘lUN. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY ! iS MARKED 1‘2 kin!) Flu. WP". IDH’an)x S m U El, E The mostcoureulent msav for farmers in their but. season. These meats are cooked and ready for use. Sold by grocers through the Licnilulou Menu for nrlcv to W. CLARK P, 0. Box 349 Moving] FOR jPLEASAK’I‘ SEWING â€"USI£ ONLYâ€" Clapperttn's Spool Cotton! Warrantsd FULL Length, and to run smwoth on any sewing machine. Soc that ULsri-ss'i'on‘s cams is on the label. 35‘ For sale by all Ur) Gooda- Dealers. BESTS HOLIDAY GIFT to Pastor, Parent, Teacher. Child, Friend. ' I/v VAR/00,9 _ ’ srrus Slimlicd at small extra cost with DENISON’S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. Tho latest edition has 3000 Ulol‘o V‘Vm‘drl in iiH vocabulary than are found in any other Am. may and fll'lll‘ly 3 times the number of Engravings. "An in ilile companion in every library and {it "Vl'l‘V lirusi:lu.â€"Toronto Globe. “ Bust Dirt innary 0f the languageâ€"Lowion Times. G. 8‘ C. MERRIAM 8: C0., Pub‘rs, Springfield, Mass. tlllltAGEll. : OR. Fastening and bringing into condition, Horses, Cows Calves. Sheep and Pigs. This Yonmmu ATTLE runs): is mad and recommended by first- clsss breecsrl. Milk Csttls produce more milk and bu iter 1t lsttcus in one-fourth the usual time, and saves food. PLUS 25 cents and $1 per box. A dollar box contl 20 Feeds" HUGH MILLER k 00.. AGBIODTULBAL Cnsmsrs 167. King St East. Toronto. For "ale by Dunkirk ever when. N THE MODEL *1 Wgfiher I x J: . BLEACHER. r Weighs but 6 pounds. Can be carried in a small vslile Illustration shows Machine in boiler. Satisfaction aranteed or money rsfuneed within 30 days. $1000.00 REWARD sou. irs sorcmon. Washing made light and easy. Mlle clothes have that pure whiteness whiohuo other mode of washing can pro- duce. No rubbing required. no friction to injure the fabric. 10 year old girl can do the washing as well as an older person. To place it in every household 'rns rmou ass isst REDUCED to 82 50. and if not found satisfactory. mom-y refunded. 300 what the “Canada Presbyterian," says about itâ€"The Model Washer and Bleacher which Mr. 0 W. Dennis offers to the public has many and valuabl advantages. It is a tluie land labsr saving machine substantial and enduring, and is very cheap. From trls in the household we can testify to its excellence Delivered to any express ofilce in the Provinces of On tarlo and Quebec Charges paid :Mw. Send for circuler AGENTS WANTE B. G. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE. . 213 vanes; SREE‘I‘. 'rononro. our. 'l JBHNSTBN’S FLUID IBEEF It is the only preparation of the kind which contains all the nutritious. together with the stimulating. properties of best. and the only oneiwhich has the power to supply nourish. mcnt for brain. and bone. and muscle.

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