Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1884, p. 5

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TUBONTO. (‘lty Hall Union Hmtinn “rock Street Quenn's Wharf Pukrmlu .. . Dweuport Weston ,. . Thm‘nhm .. . RICHMOND HILL . King ................... Aurnm ,, . . . , Nomunrket . NSKTU (erc A 11mm. "Tl‘nMOVT 'I‘hornhlll Wmtvm . {Duvemmr P 'u‘kdulo ‘I‘ORHNT Qneev Brut-N Mail & Expv Aecommmlv Exprewa. N‘ Mail, South N. fluke; at lean Fxfh mentioned 1 RILHMUND HILL, Thursday. Dec PROCTOR'TSTAGE LINE. (‘onner‘ts with 3.11 trn. Housn. Rich“:th Hill. Munxlxt l-Ivsnmz Go and flee the Xmas tree. Adults 10 cls scholars free. For the best value in Ready made Suits and Overcoats, go to the Con- Crete. The Richmond Hill Flre-Brigade will hold ‘heir Annual Torrhliuht Procession and Con- cert on New Year’s Night. See Posters. skating Carnival. A Skating Carnival is to be held in the rink on Saturday eveninc. Dec. 27th. The Richmond Hill Band will be in attendance. Gei you: sale bills printed at the LmEnAL ofiice. Insertions previous to sales given (me. Orders filled and sent by post at the shortest notice. Gents ‘. it you want a good fittting nobby Suxt order it at the Concrete. A special meeting of the Fire Brigade will be held on Monday night. Full attendance requested. 20 lbs of good Raisins for one dol- lar at the Concrete. Ladies’ and Gents' Lined Kid Mitts and Gloves at the Concrete 10: 1332111 price. Fnr thebest value in Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, and all groceries for Xmas, go to the Concrete. For Xmas trade at the Concrete. 1,6 lbs \Vhite Sugar for one (1011317, 15 lbs, granulated for one dollar- Xmas True and Concert. There will be a Christmas Tree and Con- qert in the Lecture room of the Mdhodinc Church‘un Christmas evening. commencing at. 7 o'clock. Just opcned at the Concrete for Xmas trade, a new lot of celebrated Chase and Sanborn Standard java Coffee. ~ d \ 1) (J's “Ike ibrrnk E Tho Public and High Schools closed on Monday for Christmas Mention. They will I'e-open on the seventh of Janunrv. Richmond Lodge. N1). 23, G. B. 0., will meet. at the Lodge room on Saturday. evening (St. John's Day) the 27th lust . nud again (-11 thfi regular meeting night, Mondayl D‘c. 29m. “amazing Commit! School Hu-crd {or 3 um] 5 mm]: dry pin «phi. null suwed. '1 8.“: of Junuuxy mx Merry Xmas! The Cheap Cash Hons: thanks its patrons for their liberal support, and wishes all; a very Merry Christmas. Railway fares. On Chriatnmq xluy tho Nurllwrn and North- Wenern Railway Company an!" issue tickotn at one and oneâ€"third fares. from all Malinnn an the line, g0 id to return up to an! includ- ing Deo‘ 29th. Return tlckets for the day issued at amqu fare. The Cheap Cash House have still on hand a few of those magnifi- cent Mantles. which they an: sell~ ing at ridiculously low prices: Until furth ichulond H: 1'mr (‘xty Torchhght Procession and Concert Tenders Wantu! Sealpd Tandem will he rmni POST OFFICE NOTICE 1‘14“. m Station Hull .1 HillT 1». Wharf Fire-Brigade Meetmg‘ rbh Chnstmas Vacation. \V M GOING NORTH Mail. A .V . . 9.12 GOING nmlniflee of the Richmond 1 for 30 cords of greet. bur. lry piup. The )mrdwun.) 1 wd. Tenders to be in Info m Offu Non-1‘ 8 .(l) 9 n2 10 DO ‘Jfi‘l 9.12 10.1 .123 .‘20 SOUTH leaving ,1]er Nth will he 01 Accmn 1H4) 11.55 the Palmer 8.00 a. m a») to be mute the 1M b-v the Muil‘ 6.31 8.43 D. 111 Ex 5.05 8.00 8.07 the 13 Hill The Concrete wishes the compli- ments of the season to all and is pre- pared to sell goods cheaper than any house in the trade. Municipal Issues. The last number of the Markham Econo- mist aavs : "Markham village is likely to have a‘ lively content for municipal honorsl The bone uf contention appears so be Bill~ innls m. Ami-billiards, and Temperance m. Auti-temprmnce." Parties in the seed buniness. whether buy- ing or selling. will do well to read the new advertisement of Sl-Pele Bros. (It 00.. Toronto, on another page. Those gentleman are well recommended by tlna lending feeders and stock raisers in the Province, and are doing a large crude. The Cheap Cash House is show- ing a fine lot of \‘Vool Shawls, Ties, (doves. Hosiery, Mit ts. Hand bags &c.suitable for holiday presents. The Cheap Cash House is show- ing a fine assortment of Glassware, Vases, China Cups and Saucers, Mum Tea Sets &c., suitable for Y3" Holiday presents, at lowest prices. "The Presbyterian Review.“ The name of the Dominion Presbytrrian. a paper published in the interest. of the Pres- byterian worship, has been changed to the Presbyterian Rrw’mv. The first number is just issued. It. is an eight page journal, and by its apprentice, “ill be a welcome visitant in every household. For the finest Currants, Ra1sms, Peels, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lem- ons. and Oysters, with which to make Christmas a right merry time the Cheap Cash House is the right place. Shooting Match. A Shouting Match will take place at the Dominion Home, Richmond Hill, on Chlistums Day, 1854, when 150 Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, will be shut fur. Tar- gets erected for shot guns and rifles. No. 6 shot tn be used. Slmuling to cum- mence at nneu‘cluck. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School purpose having a grand entertainment on Christmas night. Dec, 25th, 1884, to consist of singing. speaking, dialogues and recita- tions. The committee having spared no pains to secure the best. talent that could be got abroad or at home to make the enter- taiument a. success. look for a good turn out and a full house. . The Annual Entertainment in connection with the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Sab- bath School will he held in the church on New Year's eve, 1884. A good programme will be prepared. Special prizes for repeat- ing Catechism and Golden Texts will be giv- ahfinnd the scholars will receive their usual treat. Friends are invited to attenu. The Grand Annual Christmas Tree En- tertainment will he held in the Method- ist Church, Currville, on Tuesday, Dec. 30th.on behalf of the Sabbath School. A good programme will be provided. Ad- missiun 20 cents: children 15 cents. Doors nnen at 6.30,; concert to commence at 7. The committee are sparing nq, pains in their endeavors to make this entertain- ment 3 success. Men Warned. Sermons on Sabbath. Dec. 28th, 1884‘ at 2 and 6.30 p. 111., by Rev. Edwin Clement, of Toronto, followed on Thursday. Jan. Int. 1885, by ane Anniversary. Tea. served from 5 (0 7 p. 111., after wlliqh Rev. Manly Benson will deliwr his very popular lecture, Subject 2 " Men Wanted," eloquent impress- ive and instructive. I‘ho Mpple choir will mke charge 0! musical part of programme. Tickets, for supper and leolum, 30033., lect- ure only, 20cm. Annual Tea-Party. Notwithstanding the changeable wenther, (he Temperanceville friends of the Methodist Church and Sabbath School, (connected therewith) are busy in their preparaliuns for their annual tea-party, to be held on Christ- mas Day. Judging from the zeal and energy displayed in their prepamtioua and manage- ment for both the physical and intellectual enjoyment of‘ the audience, we conclude they are reiolyed to do everything in their power to make the party a succesfi. A lecture will be delivered in the Mannie Hnll. Mnnle. by the celebrated lecturer, Row. Joseph Wild, D. D., 0! Toronto, on Monday evening Jun. 5th. 1885, Subject: “The Prophet Jeremiuh‘a Visit to 01114] Ireland," nndpr the auspices of Viqghau, Lodge, No. 54, 6.1%. C._ A. F. (I A. M. Bro. E. J. Davis. Warden of the County, hm; kindly «(manned to act as chairman. A, heart-y wwlcnme extended to all, and an intellhczunl ken“)! a very. high ordu uumauteed. D0,Qrs “Den M. 7. lecture to commence at 7.46. 'l'icketn 25 cents. Proceeds to he devoted x0 benevolent purposes. - Grand Leap Year Concert. AGrand Leap Year Concert will be held‘ in Victutiu Hull, 'l‘hurnhill, on Christnms Night. 1884. Asplandid pro- gramme lme been provided to consist of Music, (Vocal and Instrumental) Reci~ minus, &c. The public favuiite and truly Comic nmlur, James Fux‘ of Town- tn, has cunsenled in appear and give u number of new and mnusinu selectinns; alm».l\‘lis.~x Eva Pnrkins. Mnasrn. Lye, Donald, Frost and Stephens, of 'l‘ornntn, and Miss Collins, with ullzer lacal. talent. The programme in he cnnclnrled with a sham and amusing drama, “ A Kins in the Dark." Proceeds in aid uf Organ The programme to he concluded with a shunt and amusing drama, “ A Kins in the Dark." l'ruceeds in aid nf Organ Fund. Dnnrs opt-n at 7.30, Cuncert to commence at 8. Tickets, 25ct5 1 Children, Annual Entertainment. Grand Emenainment Emertainmcnl. Seed Store Lecture HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT ‘. HALL’S NOTORIOUS STORE THE PLACE FOR Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs; Lemon Peels, Spices: In great stock. We will guarantee a good fit, and. a prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, FLUURR FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCRERY, GLASSWARE. ' &c., of the very best quality. We are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods We have yet offered, In which we show all the newest. Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Clothshall Wool Poplins, Ladies’ Cluth, Qum- binatiou Suitingu, all \Vool Serges, Checks, Plaids. &c., Cashmerea, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros Grain Silks. Sabina, Satin Mervaillenx, Satin Rhadames, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, .Bmmdo Silk Velvets. Silk Maule Velvets, Culored Silk Velvecs, Velveteeus, Mantle Flushes, Sealetter, &c. l Black Ottoman Cords, Chine Cranes, Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths, Crep Cloths, Berber aud Serge Cloths. ' Black (Drapes & Blourning Dress (i‘roods a specialty. Is now replete with all the Newest Styles in Mantles, Dolmans, Ulsters, Knitted Wenl \Vraps, Hmvy Wrap Shawls. YKninm. Skirts. Qudted Skirts, Felt «Skirts, Ottoman Cloakings, Mahalasse Cluukings, Colored Beavers and FMle Cluakiugs, Ulstcl Cloths, Sealetter, Mantle Flushes, $20.. ch. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises. 1550,Dozen (the balance of a Manufacturer’s stock)»of L. Fancy Handkerchiefs, 36., 4c.,5c.._and So. each. Pure Lil in Handkexc‘liets ever offered in Toronto. See them. L: GREAT CLEARING SALE FOR CASH ONLY. D U R I N G D E C E M R . L84 YONGE STREET, TH'IRD STORE ABOVE QUEEI STREE , TOILONTC FALL GOGDS: EDWARD MCKEOWN’S 20 per cent. discount off'all stock of Miflinery. Imported Pattern Mantles’so be sold at cost. Black and Colored Dress Goods at much belew regular prices. Great, reductions in prices of Silks, Satins & Volvets. Mantle Cloths at less than Wholesalepriees. All-Wool, Blankets 8c Flannels at less than Manu- facturers’ prices. 500 dozen 2,3, 4, 6 8c 8 button Kid Gloves from 100155. per pair up. As our sales duringfhis month must reach $20,000.00, SLASHING REDUCTIONS AND DESGGUNTS BOOTS & SHOES! Will‘be the order of the day, and no one will go away unsuith if There is War declared against High Prices at OUR SILK 8:. DRESS DEPARTMENTS . M. HAMILTQ; 182 YONGE’ ST., TORONTO. 1401110118, ()l-ang'os and Candies, TERMS CASH OR NO SALE. a Manufacturer’s stock)-of Ladiea’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, about half pricv ,ficqand 60. each. Pure Linen Handkelchiefs. 56., 90., 7c., and Se. each. The mutant. barguum in Toronto. See them. Ladies’ \Vaterprouf CH‘CULM‘S, $1.25 up. ()111' DIantle I)«epartnlent Special Bargains. WE VYILL HOLD A AT Imperial, (303mm. Cloth, Paramattar, Henrietta JOSEPH HALL. and invite attention u will sell.

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