:Alsu [‘l‘t smithâ€! manlike and un $20 In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- nmdious premises, I am enabled to supply Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN 8. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, mute moneytlmu ut unvthing else by takinn uungeucy for the best selling book out. Beginners succeed gmmllyl None mil. Terms free. HALLETTBOOK 00., Portland, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Money to Loan on improved fauna, at 6 per cent. Apply to June 11. 6m Maine way ofnmkiug 111 you ever thought ital not requlred work in spare tin both sexes. of all vents to all who make t! not well trouble sure to Add) es: HELP Money to Loan. Iiorse m: worms Both light Sold by all Druggizï¬tskyrice 81, six bottles 'There is nothing equal to Moth†J‘mves Worm Exterminator for destroy- diges H: and .similutivu organs, n-nuws and strengthens ï¬le vital form-:4, mill speedily runs Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Rhouma- lir Gout, Cami-r11, General Debility. :mnl 5L1 diseases arising from :m innpnvcrishul or Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla lru the [177‘ All pol-nuns inn-rusted m‘c hn’itml In call an M rs. ()‘lh‘iun: HIM) nme the MM‘. Z. l'. “'ildn of 75 East 5-1â€- MTN-t, New York City, who will (-ulu- plmlsure ln testifying tn the “ nlldl'l'flll I-ï¬ivm‘y nf Ayt-r's Nun-npurilln, nut only in the rum of thin lmly. but in his own vnm- nml many others within his knowledge. of whivh 1 “1111 the r lnmli :unl slrcnglhcns the blood, remm uf mercurial treatment, and pr complex» master of :III xerofuluu A vat'nt (‘ure of Scrofulu "Sn-me mnmlm ago l was tr somfulmh‘ sormt (nice-rs) on my limbs. were lmdlvswullon and i1 Hm 'nres IIiSC 'gml large 1; “tronsch mum-r. l‘ncry rem 1:|ilu«l,unlil I used Avnlt's SAL of whiuh l have now taken I] (Tm; blond 1 11m spstem l and slrcnguu of mercurial mutter-1 and all scrnfulous diseases. Sores. Eryalpo ‘ nan, Ectelnu, lilutchm. Ringworm, Tu. morn. Calrbllnulcs. Bails, and Eruptlons [x the Skin. arc the three: result of :m !I|I[I\ll‘e Slnlu 0:†I'm: blond. ltis \oud diseases The well-known 1(‘1'1 ‘ . “1 BALL, of [I'M/(c: SCROFULA Yum-s 1'0 11“ Sulli xuulmes Mllll'c stun: 'J‘u turn» 1! llrill 1R5 " Having S“ [h Eczema. mmIIu-r run 6 past thrm- mm, which Ill 'upLed co .i vitality for working people. Send 10 cents postage, and we will mail vou free ' aroyalu'uluubln sample box of goods that Will pun van in the making more money in a few days than 51‘ thought possible at (my business. Cnp- u’equli‘ed. You can live at home and . spare time only, mall the time. All of xes. of all ages, grandly successful. 50 3 $5 easily earned every evening. That .wantwork may test the business, We his unparalleled offer: To all who are .l satisï¬ed we will send $1 to pay for the z of writing us. Full particulars, di- 5, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely those who start, lit once. Don't delay. 5 s'rxxson & C0,, Portland, Maine. 91000 'eut power lllflll RICHMOND HILL. ncoxm ndili most re ‘rlx‘ ‘pcolfully. Mn an 5|. 'eu' \' special attention to and heavy. 811 of which are to give satisfactioxv as the 1' my own supervisr ). I am i Ln do all kinds "f black. epniring in the must work- ner, on the shortest notire, oat reasonable terms. hzu‘ ‘sult ‘lfl'fl‘ml SN . and hnvh Sleighs and e - Shoeing .lit us (he bloc PREPA 1‘ ‘ure of Scrofnlmu Sort-n. 1m ago I “as troubled “ilh ably th of as (*ll'w‘u magnitice Mcth \VM 'I‘RENCH. Mths rd AVLH's nuw take that 1119 5 health (.11 Ml ulntes (In II†R f the blm J. R. ARNOLD in a cheapest blood medi- eoucentrated strength, s the blond must be > :I healthy :uul rub SANSAI'AIULLA lma | recognized by (-mL ‘5 us the most pow- exismnce. It frees U humors, enriches removes all trace-s ‘rofulous s .-\.\‘.\' O'RunN on, June 24,181- I: II/ ht llll‘ ‘1). 1“ Int“! rmd fufluf Hm ï¬rm/ml ll¢ rultl .\'.II.. mi '8. June Richmond Hill relï¬rdy l trim SAHSAI‘AIHLIA n Ilm‘c Imulcs rally illll the gun pmvvs and a weak til um SA "SA! lu‘ Hs‘ 718C ’l 11 um the all This fnmlnw Brand. E’l BRILLIANT and alum»: 'l‘: l( . is lal' sum-rim- I0 :uuy « Norwo “an (‘ml LEVCI' <19“ 9:: “reduced. Egvs. fresh Potatoes, p App]eu,1uer Onions, gre any. i Straw Cod Liver Oil Beef, hind qum’tur Chickens. per pair Ducks. do. Geese, each .......... Tuxkevs, perlb Butter, pound r011 Butter. large rolls . Eggs, fresh, per don. u U 22 0 23 Putatoes,per bag 0 40 0 45 Apples, per bbl ..... 1 00 1 75 0nions.green,Xer bug .. l 00 ...... Cabbage o. .. . .. 0 25 0 35 Cauliflower do. . U 0 00 0 00 Celery, do. 0 30 0 70 ’l‘umips,per bag 0 40 0 45 Carrots, do. u 0 40 (l 50 Hay, per ton .... . 7 (‘0 14 50 Straw, per ton ,,,,, 6 00 9 50 RICHMOND HILL Thurde December 25th, 1884. 0&ts.per bushel ,.,.$0 ‘28 U 30 Pans, do. 0 58 0 60 Dressed hogs,per100 lbs“ . 5 75 a no BeefJore quartet. ,. 4 50 5 50 Tonowrn Thursday. December 25th,le Wheat, (all, per bushel Wheat,spring, do. . 0 72 Barley, do. 0 54 Oats, do. 0 :30 Penn. do. “ 0 56 Rye. do. 0 56 Clover Seed. do. ...... Dressed hogs. per 100 lbs .. Beef, fore quarters .... Beef, hind quarters. Chickens, pal-pair Ducks, do. Geese, each . . . . . Turkeys, each Butter, pound rolls .. Butter. tub dairy . . cocooocï¬m HbzdatcP-J- q raw-0°ch801 "50 '12 to I use no che:‘p material and warrant every setï¬â€™m‘o rm " Gold Filling, and all other operatinns skilfully Rel-formed, EB moderate fees. Call gn‘d see me. ' No trouble to an. swer questions. ..,, u-u. «mo. ‘.. DIENTIST. Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. 0N RUBBER, - 0N CELLULOID, Has the exclusive right. for the nan oi Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Thev will also give the usual facilitles to customers requiring advances. . Special attention €iven to the prayer prepar- atxons of Fumilv and ’eterinury xecexpts. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, â€"Pn0PBIETORs OFâ€" MlLLER'S TICK DESTROYER: YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. &r Hugh MILLER 8560-; C. P. LENNOX Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, With a View to Autumn and Spring business. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. ubbur telery. lLl‘l CHARLES BONED Se 60., lour, s'pritin, per bbl Jour,1‘ull,per bbl 184') 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E. C., ips BEST SETS I m 1101' VITALIZED AIR. July 3rd. '84-1v “SKREV’ per bag do. â€"ESTABLISHED bbl r1 rolls rolls .. >er doz< ‘ 1mg. In rzen bush Humbug. OF Muv 15th. 1884:“! 00 F0 46m7 0000 (IU 1‘.) ~10 _ $10.00 â€"I842 >tl|< 0 5t 19 '70 74 50 WILKINS’ BROS 166 PAINTS, OILS, H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. HARDWARE! All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. MECHANICS Trunks, Satchels, Whips Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. 141Youge Street, Toronto FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPUBIUM (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANIED AS REPRFSENTED. E M. Morphy- Qâ€"I‘r R‘l H. B. DEWSURY’S YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL GLASS, PUTTY, &C. 4BUILDERS’:> E. M. MORPHY “I cannot say enough in praise of Avrn's Cumm’ PECTOIKAL, believing as I do that. but for iis use I should long since lmve «lied from lung troubles. E. mAuDuN." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the lhroat nr lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYEB'H Cuuun' chnmAL, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. “ I sufl'ered for eight years from Bronchitis and after trying nmn reme<ï¬eu whh no sue cess lwas cured by t 9 use of Ax‘lsu‘n CHER RY {mm-um!“ Josm-u WALmzx.†Bylmlin, Minn, April 5, 1882. DrJ. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drumzists. "I have used AYER‘H Cnmun' Pm’rnnAL in my family for several years, and do not. hesitate to pronounce it the most eifnctunl remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANE.†Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. “While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old,wna taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from stranguA lntion. One of the family suggested the use of Avwn's CHERRY PEC’I‘UTIAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half nn hnur the little patient was breathing easily. The doc- tor said that the Cumun’ PEI'I'ORAI. lmd saved my darling's life. Gnu you “under at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, Mu. MMA (:HDNEY." ’l‘OllAL. wl‘xlch relieved my lungs, induced sleep and afforded me the rest nevessnry for the recovery of m strength. liy the continued use of the EC’J‘ORAL a permu- nem cure was effected. I am now 62 yvurs old, hale and hearty, and am satisï¬ed your CHERRY I'm-roan. saved me. HORACE FAmnnonmn." Rocklngham, VL, July 15, 1882- A Terrlhlo Cough Cured. “11118571 wok a severe cold, which alft‘ctorl my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and «used night after 111 htwithout sleep. The colors gave me up. ‘i tried Avsx's Cur-:sz I’m- ’l‘pllAL, which relieved my lungs, induch No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those nfl'ecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of suirer- ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- P0811r6,is often but. the beginning of a {mini sicknesa‘ Anan’s szmw Plac'rmux, has well proven its efllcacy in a forty years‘ ï¬ght with throat. and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without. delay. ~- AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. 159 West 123m St., New York, miy'u‘ TOOLS. GIVE US A CA King Street East Croup. â€"A Mother’s Trllmle. in“ PREPARED BY AND George Street, 'I‘omntc N QWANBE W1? W4 MRS. HARRISON‘S ï¬lm!†27%;?! szw I Crystal Presents in good variety. Chrismms & New Year’s Cards, 'lmest designs. New and Beautiful Toys in great variety, and the best Confectionery of all kinds‘ Call (f See me. MRS. HARRISON. Opposite Masonic Hull. Large and Small Photo and Scrap Albums, or yuur choice of New and Handsome $1 Volumes w1t11 evu'v 3 1m. SPLENDID XMAS PRESENTS ! In GR()CE1{IICS~S for CTIH'istnlas We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLUl'll \\' FEED alwnys 1m hand. all of which we will sell as cheap fur 6an1 us any mum on lhchuumd Ulll, kcnplng ï¬l'oL- clans goods. WATCH MAKER 36 JEW’ELLER, DEALER IN IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS. ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS, a LARGJiJ STOCK from 400ts. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MAE T0 flï¬'flifl. CLOCKS, WATCHES Sc JEWEL 'iY. WINTER'STOCK QOMPLETE We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feecj a specialty. WITH EVERY LB. of Tea. British Flag: Stafl?! GROCERIES! THE NEW WELLEA In Books or Glass, given at A. L. SKEE Corn, Oats, Peas, Buckwheat, Whole & Ground 011 Qake, Cotton seed Meal, Flax seed, 520.; also All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain wxll ï¬nd it. to their advantage to call upon, or correspond thh us. N. B.-â€"We are agents for the Please send fur Circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Province. It is equ- ally valuable for Stock of all kinds, Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Pius 6: Poultry. Duiryanen always ï¬nd it largely Increases quantity and quality of milk. SEED & PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO CHOP & MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, STEELE BROS & 00.. In addition to our Seed Business we are now prepared to handle RICHMUND HILL \VAN TED IMMEDIATELY, $301M†gammy agamzi SEEK . EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD 11' ALSO DEALER IN STEELE BROS A. 1A.. NIinJ ICIJIC me it ALEX. MOODEE. ANI)I{1GVVS’ SEWINQ £322; 01; I $®§Em¢z EBSéE-A‘Eéï¬iï¬ 3 FIRST - CLASS SHAVE Y HAM-CUT"? ENG A SPECIALTY It is strong, Jumble and well builtpf the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was nwa ï¬rst prizes 3 October. It c'd fashiooec try it.buy it, Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching :5 now rec- ognized as the It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain an: Sxmple to Learn SEWING MACHINE OI" THE PERIOD. Richmond RISE: â€"IS THE PLACE FOR A- BE IK'ET ANDRE‘Vï¬. PI op. ruvzu'r‘led ï¬ve medal d Hill, Dealer in Organs and 131102. Terms Easy. “be Dnmtmion Exhibition last in. mpidlv superseding all the :1 makes evezywhere. See it, and make sure that you get it. LUSH, IN TH]: . . & CO. HVIS NETS STA I’l- and three