Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1885, p. 5

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TOBOHTO. City Hall Union fitnflnn Brock Sum: Queen's Wharf Pflkdalo . . . . . . ‘ . . . ‘ . qunport .. .. Thornhill ,. RICH]!le Em. lawman“ .. Antennu . Kine ............... Rlcnlorm HILL Thomhill ._ Weston ,. Dovmport. l‘ukdnle ......... , TORONTO. Until further notice Mails will he r-lnned M the Blchmoud Hill Past Ollro us folJown:â€" llollmo zâ€"(‘mluzz North. suulh. Hut and Wang int-Indium 'l‘homhill. Maple, Toronto, llaxkhmmkc. 7J5 flnllna zâ€"Gnina southfinnwd West (on above) 6.15 N. 3â€"113“st Letter: must be 11311de in a. lens: Fflmen Minutes nrlier than an above mentioned hours (or cquing. licunoxn HILL, Thursday. Jan. I, ’83 Aurim M , Newmurket Connortn with nun-aim. leaving the Palmer Home. Rirhmnnl FLU]. as follows: Md) & Ex mom North a South ..... em n. m. Aocnmmm ctinu " " 11.45 " .515 p. m. Exprom. North.” ... Mufljcnh... 6.30 " Go to the Concrete for the beat Cofl'ee the World; “(Mn @bcml. Get you: sale bills printed at the LIBERAL omoe. Insertions previous to sales giwu tree. Orders filled and sent by post at. the shortest notice. PRUCTOR‘S STAGE LINE. Canadian, English and Scotch Tweed: n the Conente House, nice pafieruu‘ 8*]? nine. Markham and Vaughan Townships have "turned their old Councils by acclamqtiou “'9 shall give the names alter the elections We have received acard asking us to in- sert. a marriage ceremony by Rev J A Bank- in, but. as the communication has no signa- ture, we must decline its publication Mr. Ina Mrs. P. Patterson. of Patter-arm. flirted on Tuesday for a. visit among relo- tives in Calliomia. U. 8., where they iutsud tenuiuiug during the winter. A large Petition. A petition sec on foot by the W. C. T. U. pigned by Drs. J. W. Wilson. Jas. Langntafl. with 58 others, was handed in to the Coun- oil on Tuesday evemng, asking that the By- law about to be passed relating to Billiard tables be made as stringent as poesidle. Choice Dates. has. Raisins. Currants, Peels, Spices. &c.. at the Concrete. Grelt bargain: in Men‘s_Youths' Ind boyl‘ Tweed Suite. and Overoons at the Concrete. Big drive in Overconts. Extn value in Grey Cottona M the Unn- crem. Every lady should see the Cotton sold there At 100. per yd. The publishers of the Montreal Wilma have ofiered a prize of 8100101- the best. and most appropriate Winter Carnival poem not exceeding 1501inen, the poem to be in the hands of the publishers of that paper by the 6th of January. It is worth while our men- tioning the above ofler as thesnocessful com- pptitor may be found among our own readers. Splendid stock of Glauwnre.Lamps.Vases, Cruets, ac” suitable for New Year's gifts at the Concrete. Entrance Examination. At the recent Entrance Examinilion, held in Richmond Hill on the 93rd and 24th of Dec. 33 candidates prasemed themselves. of this number 21 passed and 4 were reo‘ ommonded. From our villagi school. 10 passed nuccessfully and one was recommend- ed. The Prmcipal, Miss Spmgge is to be congratulated on the success of 112; pupils. Ladies’ and Gents’r Bow, Ties, Seal-fa. Silk Handkerchiefs. fie” in great variety at the Concrete. for New Year’s trade. Carrier Bay’s Address, The patrons of Tm: LIBERAL who reside in the village, may expect a New Year's Call from Charlie, our newspapnr cnn-ier bov.who will present you with his va Year's Address. If you have fnund him conrleous and olllig~ ing during thv year, we trust. you will show your appreciation by a small donation as a New Year’s gift. A special held in the evening, De granting to free “(2ka t in the Tum, ed to be on hm'n'i d we decorationv, a The Concrete, thankful for the very liberal patronage of the past, wishes a anpy New Year to all, and is prepared with a large stock of the best quality of goods at correct prices, to commence the trade 0! 1885 with renewed push enemy and polite attention to the wants of customers. unen‘r. Wharf Irnck Shoot . Unwn smmm. (My Hall. . POST OFFICE NOTICE Special F. B all members in good 51 n the entertainment to wrance Hall on the 9‘ Day, 1885. Membersa GOTNG NORTH‘ MM]. A IPeetina of me Flre Brigade was .. 95'} GOING SOUTH. Personal 840 8 ‘0 9.0% .1 8.“ mm 10.07 9 .22 9.43 9.51 u. T’EEFY. Pontmnster. uerlumment. to be given Hall on the awning of ‘85. Members are request- uring the day, to assist in rize. Meeting Act-om 12.00 Arnovn 11.15 11m 1140 11.56 1MB 12.3‘.‘ 12.0} 12.4.1 13.50 '. 15 1:12 [.13 ‘81!" m 11.45 .515 n 6.30 Hui]. 0.3} 043 5,13 5.67 0.07 6.19 6.03 815 8.07 ‘L‘! elected in Ivy Lodge. A. 0. U. W.. Io! the year 1886 zâ€"Brn. I. Crosby. Manor Work- man ; Pro. I". McConagby. For. man ; Bro. A. J. Bnpurl, Overseer ; Bro. B. Grennen. Beootder ; Bro. 1L E. Law, Financier; Bro. J. Brown, Resolver ; Bro. Geo. Tyndall, Guide ; Bro. Wm. H. Glass, Inside Watch- man ; Bro. Wm. Mumbnw. Outside Witch- umn : Bron. B. E. Luw and Dr. Wilson, Trustee». Bro. IL E. Law, Delegnta to Grand Lodgu. Choice Coconuut in the bulk, u: the Con- creh, cheap. A locmre will be delivered in the Manonic Hall. Maple, by tho celuhrated lecturer. Ituv. Joseph Wild. D. 1).. 0! Toronto. on Mouth, eveuiun Jan. 6th. 1885. Subject: “ The Prophet. Jereminh‘u Vin-it to Ould Ireland," undu- tl;a auspices of Vaughan Lodge. No. 54. G. R. 0.. A. F. a A. M. Bro. E. J. Davis, Warden of the County, hut-I kindly connnted to act as chairman. A hearty vplcome extended to all, and tn intellvctunl treat 01 a very high OTdLl’ guamnteed. Doors open M. 7. lecture to commence at 7.45. Tickets 26 onto. Procoodl to be devoted to benevolent purvnaes. On Friday evening Inst. the Foresters of this village held their first nunivermry Ind oyster supper in the Temperance Hall. The following brethren from Toronto ware pru- out: Bro Jeenman. ID. C. IL, Bro Graven. Bro Patience. Bro Williams. Br) McCain, and Bro Whey. The {allowing were elected ufiioe-holden {or the ensuing nix monllu :â€" Bro A J Rupert, C. R ; Bro R. Peach, S. C. B; Bro \V M; Wiley, 8. W ; Bro S Agar, J. W ; Bro C Houlen. S. B ; Drn A Connor. J. B ; Bro W T A Cook, Sec ; Bro H B Dun- bury. Trenl ; Bro H H Wrigm. P. C. H. A very pleasant time was apunt on Xmas night. by the nebula” and friends of the Methodist asbbnth School 0! this plus The Entertainment cousiuted o! Hymnl 5nd recitation: by the children 0! the school The bnm pie was putnken o! by all and proved to contain many good things such as applen, nnta.candy to A goodly number of gilt- Wore diutribnted from tho Chntmn Tree, and ench member of the school [waived a boot full of candy. dzc. Not th9 least in- tareatiug part of the proceedings was the pronenmtinn of I hundaome chair to the uuperintondeut. Mr. W. Hurrivon, by tho oflicon and teacher: of the school. N ew Year‘s Greeting. You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Tea and Concert, under the nua- picea of the Methodist Sabbath Schoul, 'l‘hnrnliill, which will be held in the Methodist, Church, on Thursday, Jan Isl, 1885. Tea served from 4 to 6.30 in., after which choice aelectinna will be rendered in Singing, Recitationa and Dialogues; also addresses may be expect.- ed from Revs. Messrs. Miller and Pearen. Tickets, 30 cents. The S. S. Anniversary Sunday Services wili be conducted by Rev. W. R. Barker, on Snudnv, Dec. 28th, at. 6.30 p. "L, and by the Hun. S H. Blake, on Sunday, Jan. 4th. at, 0.30. Collections at. each service in aid of S. S. Fund. New Years. 1885. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade will hold their annual entertainment on New Yenr‘u Day. At 6 o'clock in the evening they will give a grand street parade of the firemen 1n uniform. fire applinncen, aupurhlv dec- orated, headed by the Richmond Hill Cornet Bend. An elegant display of fireworks will be discharged elong the whole line of mnrch. At 7.30 the concert will commence in the Temperance Hell. The perform-nee to con- sist of two parts. let, The Captain's Home, under which headin‘ a fine selection of solos, duvtts, trios. quartettee, dialogues and recitations will be given, by renowned talent secured lrom Toronto. the surround- ing neighborhood and home. 2nd part. The drama. entitled “ The Irish Tutor," in three acts will be given. A lull line of new and elegant scenery will be painted especially for the occasion. The Leap Year Concert, given in the Victoria Hall, Thornhilll on Christmas night, was a pleasing nfiair. Mr. J. McBride. B, A., of Richmond Hill,presided as chairman. and opened the entertainment with a few appro- priate remarks. Misses A. M. Reid and L. Collins gave several instrumental duetts on the piano which were well received, and the Misses Reid sang together in a charming manner. Mr. Lazar and Mr. Donald, of Toronto,sung some Scotch songs in good etyJe. The favorite of the evening was Mr. James Fax, of Toronto. who, by his humor- ous selections. kept the audience in roars oi luuahter. Miss A. M. Reid, to whom much credit is due for the success of this concert, played the accompaniments for the singers. The proceeds amounted to $49, which are in aid of the Organ Fund. The Council met on Tuesday evening, 30th Dec., 1884. Reeve iu the chair, Councillors present, Messrs. Crosby, Moodie, Hopper and Law. Minutes of lant meeting read and approved. The Clerk informed the Council that Mr. Daniels, tux collector, had returned his roll with all the taxes collectea. with the exception of two small items. and they could not be levied. the remises being unoccupied. Moved by Mr. rosby, seconded by Mr. Hopper, that the tax collector‘s bonds be cancelled end the Treasurer is herely in. strucned to hand the same over to Mr. Jug. Daniels. » Carried. Moved by Mr. Moodie, seconded bv Mr. Hopper. that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to refund M dog tax to Mr. Thomas Wilsonâ€"Carried. The pe. pition of W. J. Wilsuu, M. D.. and 59 others praying the Council to puss a. stringent Bv- Law regulating billiard table keepers, was read. Moved by Mr. Moodie. seconded by Mr. Law. that the Billiard By-Luw be laid over until Tuesday evening next, Jan. 6m.â€" Carried, The following billi Were presented and ordered to be paid : The Reeve, for tramps, 85.25 ; Joe Hall, for nails, 80c ; Leri Gaby, plowing park. 6‘; days work It 83. 319.50. The Council then adjourned to Jan 5th. 1885 Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying mum: in childlen and adults. Leap Year Concert. Christmas Tree Villagq Council. Ofliccrs Lecture. HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT 5 HALLS' NOTORIOUS STORE, In great stock. We will guarantee a good fit, and at prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. THE PLACE FOR Raisins, currants, Dates. Figs, Lemon Peels, Spices, A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. Lemons. Oranges and Candies. Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, FLUUR& FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCKERY, GLASSWARE. &c., of the very best quality. In which we show all the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Fonle Cloths, all Wool Poplins, Ladiesi Cloth, C_om- binntion Suitingu. all Wool Serges. Chocks, Plaida, &c., Cuhmeres. in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros Gram Silks. Satina, Satin Merveilleux, Satin Rhadamea, Satin Brucedes, Black Silk Ottoman ,Orrda, Brucade Silk Velvets, Silk Mums Velvets, Colored Sin: Velveu, Velveteen», Mantle Pluohea, Sealetter, &c. We are now ahnwing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite nttontion to Black OHnman Cords, Chine Grapes. Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths, Crep Imperial, Coseum Cloth, Paramat'tar, Henrietta; Clutha, Barber and Sage Cloths. Is now replete with all the Newest Styles 1n Mantles, Dolmam. Ulsters, Knitted Wool Wraps, Heavy Wrap Shawls. [Knitted Skirts. leted Skirts, Felt Skirts, Ormman Cloukiugs, Matalnsse Uluuklugs. Colored Beavers and Fancy Cloakinga, Ulster Cloths, Sealetter. Mantle Pluahes, &c.. K30. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises. Special Bargains. Black Grapes 6c DIoux-ning Dress Goods a specialty. 1550 Dozen (the balance of a Manufacturer’s stock) of Ladies’ and Children’a Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, about half price. Fancy Hundkerchiefa, 30.. 4c..5c., and 60. each. Pure Linen Hamdkelohiefs. 5c.‘ 90., 7c., and So. each. The greatest. bargains, in Handkelchiets ever ofl'ered in Toronto. See them. Ladies‘ Waterproof Circulars, $1.25 up. MAN'I'LES, $7.00 for $5.00, $8.50 for $6.50, $10.50 for $8.00, $15.00 for- $11.00 HATS or BONNETS, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.00 for 3.00, 5.00 for 3.50, 6.00 for 4.00. FUR CAPES, 2.15101‘ 1.50, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.50 for 3.00, 5.00 {013.75. DRESS GOODS, VELVETEENS. 380 for 300, 500 for 400. 630 {or 50;, 73c {01‘ (NC, $51.00 for 80c In order to reduce stock everything will he sold at Slaughtering Prices. So roll in the money, fit? you mag? have the goods at almost your own prices. Termsflash, Plain Figures, and no Credit. 150 for ICC, 300 for 150. 25v for 20c, 20c for 32c, 35c for 250 FOR 184 YONGE STREET, NEW FALL GOODS, EDWARD MCKEOWN’S BOOTS & SHOES ! There is War declared against High Prices‘at Change of Advertisement OUR SILK & DRESS DEPARTMENTS J 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. ()ur Mantle Department THIRD FOR “ THE LIBERAL,” STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, TORONTC‘ AT JOSEPH HALL.

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