Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1885, p. 1

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W111 vxsit fine following plum! profeswionnlly :â€" Jniouville‘. . ,. 1st Monday of each munch Weston .. ,..9t,h and flat " ‘ Ma. le . .mm “ “ R‘ic mend H111 19m ' " “'oodbl'i-lge . . ‘ . . . . . . 22nd Mr. Huibsnd will be found in Ihis nmce. N-W- yon Broo (, Wary Sat-urdnv. except when Subur- -uv falls on mm: above dates. ~5â€"m-Iv Victoria. Squm‘e.. {Eon-hill” .. . . Woodbridgo . Kleluburg u Nh')leton .. Vitalized Air ulwuys on han Works like a. charm 1 Address A RBINFON I s soummé Mark ham L‘lmukl‘ul fur the favors of the past 20 years may still be consulted in any branch at the pro. fusion, 2L3 follows: ‘Jl'flnt, lst, 8th, 16th. and 22nd of ail-P" mouth Richmond Hill“ ...9th mndzflfll do. (at the Palmer House) Med Hist ‘1 Monte U Physicmus & Surgeons Youae Street, Richm s to 10 a..m.,5t.os p.m Graduate of Torout Ont" two years reni Toronto-Gnu era! H1 Ofllca‘ and residem Office Ham'sâ€"8 to Members College Physiciansé: Surgeons, Ont RICHMOND HILIhinNT. memfiersf huh “Mm? sou Select Recording Mncknucs' -vsTITL‘TE.-Libx volumesppen ox nry Tuesday eve c mic 1-13.11, from ‘ to 3 o‘clock. I Xian. Lectums 5.11;. discussion-s 1 VILLAGE Como cillurs. Mass”. 1 G. Savage, and F 30 o'clock. '0. Sn. eveuin Ewen C'. R RICHMOND Meets. in the mnud. HM] e DR. GEORGE LANGS'I‘AFE‘, THDRNHILL, ONT. omce hours: Ste 930 a. m..u.nd to 2.30 v. m AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE .LIUHMUND HILL. â€" â€" U: EARN). THURSDAY EVENING RICHMOND HILL Rmnumm L Meets in the Juday on ON .T. Rupert. \V ANCIENT Om BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. Lowix ‘G. La nastafl. 1 H VOL.VII. VJTflLIZEQ .1213 Met] 11 mv s E Dr. James Langslafl ‘l ll. Husband. T. IF“. '_BAT;<'J.\.!EMiEJNC Dr. “Z J. “'ilson. Hum ‘ in Your. Wm I) r. 011'. Maple. oronto Univexsitv. Mmmlmr (‘n & Surgeons,0nb.,(late of Btoufi'ville ct, Richmond Hill. Office Hours EDIQ'GR and PROPRIETC "Uillngr iiirrrim'y, Elmo Eihrml USED BY Dr. A. Robinson, per annum, in advance.] IS PUBLISHED EVERY [in SURGEON DENTIE’F Monty. medical. fincit‘iics. Clan-chars. hl‘ NE WTON BROOK. ileum. TEWLE amnce H ) University. M. C dent, assistant )spitnl. :e,-0ne 1001- Son 10 a. In, & 12 to 2 Coaunt n v and E lat 1:301 JOY cc DENTIST 3d at aupnimmencs Free from mun. . 18th 20th let ‘L'ird 28th 29th 30th ..D.S.. Aurma Ont 1 Satur nick :run‘ taut. Surgeen u- South of P 12 to 2 p. m. 141 lHill Council !1,ench alter k)» m. Bene- ,1(: or female m: 322,000, one J. H. Sander- :eou Stewart. . M at If Haliou the -Meets for evening at :ally well. 1’ ‘l'eelv. ts in the rt Ric menu: ibhm at R 0X B ene Lieu” 13m Sul Hal] much, p. n 111!“ mm Dull Lich 1n der Deponnu received and Interestallower! thereon IL Cur“ m; Elton, Nu natico or withdrawn] *«qrir . Dmibn on a): parts of Canada. United mm: :6 0mm bri‘uxu. ! yurht and mid DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M.P. P.. H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac domdd. C. H. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Genital Bank of Canada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. Special Rates to Commerciui Travellers IEDOMINION HOTEL. RICHMOND H FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Express to Toronto. Special 3. teutiuu given to moving household furniture, pianos. &C., Ate. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STKliEâ€"S Luau on Farm Property (1 terns: to pay 01! “engages building, draining. “rubber and Municipal Debentures Farmers will save money huma refitted the above House and furnish- ed in in first-class style, I am prepared to gwe the public the boat. of uccomuwdutmn. Excelleufi stublinn and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for cpmmerciul travellers. A good llvery iu cou- uecuuu. Terms 51 per dew. §§l00.0'90 9! Private Funds [0 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the Hlmrteqt notice and at reasonabe rut-as. P. 0.:u1dress, King. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. BI'IIIingcr. Propriolor. Incensed Auctioneer for the County of York Suloa attended on the shortest nohce,nml at rear ube rates. Address Stoufivxlle I‘. 0 Licensed Auctioneer fur the Countv of York. 1'6- spm‘tfully solirits your patronage and frinndly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1‘. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Jamiesr C. Stiolgie-s. Importer ofSYubches. clocks and fine jewvllery u. stock at Diamonds and previousstones always 01! haan THIRD 0001: SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. anuufactLu-mu of juwe)lery.u.nd rupnil'inuofwntchcs uud clocks on the premises,u specialty Tlmnkingour pntronsund friendst’or theirlib- eruhmtronagr ii. the past we beg to state that we have just revived 11. large stuck ofnewgmnls in lu‘test designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand. Licensee! Auctiu Outano and I’UFI General sales of: to at. reasonable 1 £9 £4. Rkflfififiififiéfig BA R [H STE R-A 'l‘- 1...: w , Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &C 52 ADELAIDEâ€"ST. EAST, TORONTO fimDVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. runners mu save money 'by applying direct to E. R. REYNOLDS. 52 Adelaide 8L, East, Toronto. or to T. F.McMAHoN, Editor of LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES flying rqfit‘ted the nbove Ba Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8m. Toronto OFficeâ€"No. l4 Building & Lo'an Chambers. N115 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. LAWRENG’EQ &: MILLIGEAN, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, HALL. FULLAR’I‘ON & (100K, BARRISTERS. SULICITORS, Mu OFFICES: 18 Iixxu S'nmm‘ EMT, 'I‘nnux‘rn. \V.M. HAL!“ J.S.FULLARTON. W. (1001i, 1551 Special Rates to Commerciui suer of Marriage Licenses, IAME 5 "#1.! A.“ HEW A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. ‘armnfigopgrty at lowest rates 0! Vin N. J. Armstrong. Salem Erknrdi. HGHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8. 1885 agusrcllanwufi. S. RI . Brown. L. '.L'J‘_'JJ:L3J:' ' X , norm: PUBLIC 86c, RICHMOND IIILI .l. “'nnh es. rates ‘nm Goc‘ds 23mm, in] On “In Essentials, Unity; in Nail-Essenlz'als AND at higberm,tus Hr for pumnhoa Mortgages purchased. {arm necul'it) D 1‘ T. C. MILLIGAN. Counties of York on consignment. mnptly attended .‘ldress, UNIONVILTJ: HILL We Inluht mention (0-day, we MW 5 state Archbishop u! York,E aa'd film, If he had I. run! uw'u "Anna Hud we space we might qllute statis- tics as regards jails; puur-hullnen, asy- lums,J:.:., which Would still further annw this grant. “evil " in all its lndeunsnesu : but. m: are limited nu curtain bounds, and must. cluue. ’lhenin regard to financial facts, we have it on the beat. aulhurity that. In Great Britain alone the sum of one hun- dred millions of pnunds is spent. annual 1y on beer, wines and spirits, and we call on all intelligent peuple to confirm the fact that nlnvLy-Hluu per cent. of this money would have done as much good and infinitely Inns harm, if it had been thro..n into the depths of the sea. Let us now think of the drnnkurd's children, )our children, whose home is the drunkm‘d‘s honie. Compare the llOlllr. of happy children. that Heaven of child- hood, where the loving smiles and tender sympathies of it gentle mother soothe all their little troubles. and the firm counsel and helpful hand of a proud father is ever held out to them to prepsie them for filling:’ places of honor and usefulness In their path of life ; Compare this home, I repeat, with the so-called home of the druukau‘d’s children. See them, ill-clad, ill-fed. uncared for initos of humanity, shunned and scorned by other children, hearing. the loud whisper, “Their father was drunk again last night and beait their mother.” See them when they can no longer bear the taunts and jeers on the streets, slink otf to this "burlesque" on the “SWeetest word in our language." See them creep softly in for fear that father is drunk again, and steal to their comfurtlcss pallet, supperless, alas, glad to thus escape the blows and kicks of a drunken father. Poor little ones, for whom Jesus died ; happy for you when in childhood you are called home by the same loving Voice which many years ago spoke in tender accents the words, “ Suf- fer the little children to come unto me, and turbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” And now it word or two on the “ Evil" as regards the country at large. The :tblest judges of Great Britain, our own and other countries. suite boldly- the fact that nine out of every ten crimes are committed by persons who are intoxicat- ed. The greatest physicians of our day assert that the habit of intoxication ruius hody and mind. he, who should, by the laws of nature. be the “bread-winner,” is ever on the watch to snatch what he can, (either by furce ni'stratagem) in ui‘der that his craving may be mtistied. 0h, think of the drunk- ;trd’s wife, of the ill “outs, curses and blmis, which are her portiun, and which must tall with deadliur force when she thinks of the different life shqhuped for when she placed her imnd HI his, 21an prnniised to be faithful till death. Pour heartbroken sister I may a. pitiful Father help you to bear ynur grievous burden through this life, and fit you fur a. bright er home above, where "The Evils mt Iii- ieniperunce" can never blight, and “here you need nut hang your head in shame as the drunknrd’s Wife. kingdom of Heaven", we find in that flat. 3. sad answer to the question. Pour, lust brother, fur we cannot hide the fact that he is still uur brother. May a loving Suvimn call so loudly at_ 'he strongly- bzn-red door of your heart, that through its hardened recesses the invitation may be heard, “Unme untn me all ye that Iar bur and are heavy laden, and I Will give yun rest.” Then think of the drnllkard’s fmniiv. Think of the wife when] he leak from her purenls' home. and vmved tr) [awe and cherish till death ; tlnnk uf her in nnmy cases tolling at the hardest kinds of lilbul‘ for a scanty pittance, wherewith to fur- msh fund tux her helpless family, while he, who should, by the laws of nature. be the “bread-winner.” is ever on the watch to snatch what he can], (enher by fnrce I!) thinking over the title of this Es- sav. I am at a loss to know how to limit "kl/self to six pages of fonlscap in dealing with it, even in my simple wav. “The Evils of Intempei-zui‘cm’y is a subject which if ably recorded, would [ill a page the length of which would cover this fair Do- minion from the Atlantic to the Pacific. “"0 will first look at this great evil as affecting the man who drinks ; the poor drunkartl himself. WLe meet it. poor. mis- erable wreck of humanity. with shaking limbs, which ofuiines iefuse to pirz‘orm their o‘llice, and leave their owner lying onltlie street, or in the ditch, with blood- sliot eyes, from which gleams no ray of that intellect with which a kind Creator furnished him. Constitution ruined, character gone, family disgraced, nothing before. llllll in this life but poverty, misery and distress. And what are his prospects for another life ‘! “ml: which never ends. When We read in God’s \Vold tlnit stern decree, "No (,ll'llllllflrd shall inherit the 1’1} I Z l C E S SAX' The Evils oflnwhlpernncc. that m a. paper of lumm. made by the mglund. His Grace .1! uf the amount uh: ".l'mk m (he , Liberty,- z'rz 4?! things, Charity.” ‘iern the flat. lost that Thu By-Law was then passed, and the Reeve and Clerk signed (he smne and at» inched the Brill of the mrnomtiun. ' '1'. y 0.1» cu thon udjnnrned sure die. M. TLEF’Y‘ Ulsrla. The third blank was filled so as tn lead as follows:â€"’-The hours for running the billiard parlur shall be between 9 a. m. mud 11 p. In., Sundays excepted. The second blank was filled by the words sixwen years, under which ’age. no person is to he nlluwed to frequent. the billiard parlor without. the written mnsent of his parent. or guardian. Mr. Law moved in amendment, sec- unded by Mr. Crnsby, that tha blanks be fined by placing $l50 for the first table and $80 in? each additional table. The amendment bei'ng put was declar- ed lost. Messrs. Brown, Muudio and anper vumgg forrthe original motion. Mr. H. F. Hupper introduced a By- Luw regulating billiard tables in the unrpnrntmn of Richmond Hill. After the By-L‘nv was read a first and Second time. the Council formed itself into a committee of the whole for thu purpose of filling in the blziuks. Mr. Crosby in the cliuir. Mr. Brown moved, seennded by Mr. Muodie. that the first blank be fillnd by placing $40 {111‘ the first table agnd $25 for euch additional table. by this hitherto int-tumble disease is permanent‘ 1y cured in [run one to flhree uppiicatiuus, no matter whether standing for one year ox forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on nu caipt of stump. A. HDIXON S; SON, 306 King Street wean Toronto Canada. A special meeting of the Village Coun- cil was held in the Council Chamber on onfl‘uesdzty evening, Jan. 6th, ’65. Tin; following accounts were ordered to be paid :â€" M. ’l‘eefy, Clerk. disbursements for the past year. . $14 57 M. H Keefler, printmg...... J.MqCpnuell, for tramp, boarci At the cullclusluu of the election, short, and apprnpriute speeches were made by the Captain. Lieutenant, Foreman of Hose, Fun:me of H. d: L. and Steward, filmed by Lleuteunut Pugsley, second- ed bp Fireumu Tyndall, that. a. special meeting be held an Friday, Jan. 9th, t: settle up the business of 1884 and pay the mewâ€"Carried. The Reeve in the chair. The memb- ers were n“ present. The mmuteu of last. meeting were read and approved. ballu'. Steward, Balance .............................. $24 80 Moved by Fireman Duncan, seconded by Fireman Snyder, that report of Cum- IlliHAC‘, be received and adnpledâ€"Carried. This being the first Regular Meeting of the year, the election nf officers for the ensuing yeur was proceeded with. MuVed by Fareiuan Redditt, seconded by Furenmn Savage, that Captain Saud- eisun meme the Chair ane Fireman Ru- pert take the smue.â€"-Can‘ied. ‘ The electinn reanlted as fulluvm : Officers for 1883. Captain, J. 11.5-«iiiderson acclaiuatiun. Lieutenant, W. Pugsley do Secretary. H. A Nichol]: do Treasurer, \V. Pugaley do Foreman of Hose. B. Redditt do Minutes of Regular Meeting of R. H. F. B. held in Council Chamber on even- ing of Jan. 2nd 1883‘ Captain in the Chair. Fireman Storey acted as Secretary. Minutes of last Meetmg read and con- firmed. . Cummittee on Entertainment on New Year’s reported as follows : Recelpts from Concert ............... $50 25 Expenses do. do. . 25 45 Hulluwuy’s every timo. FIRi Cain is being answered by i thmisauds of Chris-Vans L04 my brother's keeper.” And shirk this responsibility, 0! consequences of refusing tc nth the Divine command, ‘ lova thy neighbor as thvself‘ loved Ontario. “ Our own, um- native land, ” is sending county after county to swell the triumphant army at noble men who work for the restoration of the fall- en, and that the “ infidel ” question of Cain is being answered by the voice of thnnsands of Chris-Vans to-dny. “I am my brother's keeper.” And we cannot ‘Ve are glad that England is aroused on this question. \Ve rejoice that the United States is lifcing up her voice and crying shame 0n the accnrsed traffic. It brings still greater joy to our heart to know that our own Canada is stirred from ocean tn ocean. and that this be- indgin (‘A'I‘A R I! II â€"A new Treatment \vherr' Hard and soft, enrns cannot withstand ulluway’s Curn Cure; it. is efl'ectual oreumu VILLAGE COUNCIL. hitherto int-tumble disease is permaneur :l inn-0m one to uhree upplicatiuus, no whether standing for one year ox forty Descriptive p lg. sent free on nu H. A. NICHOLLS, Secretary. BRIGADE MEETINC '. n. A mucuuus o'u , \V. Pugaley do of dune. B. Redditt d0 of H. A: L. P. G. Savage, by A: J. RnpAerrt, by ballot t0 EXCELSIOR we cannot escape the honor and Thou shalt WIN fit”. Maine 0ue tridl of Mmlzer Exterminator will cunvi has no equal as a \\ urn- Jabcsh Snow, Cunning writes: “ I was eumple' with the asthma, hut v Thomas’ Eclectric 01l,I p. and it did me so much um «lumber, and befure in wan well. My son was cured by the use of half a. bani. wild-fire, and makes Cl n -. used. Mr. John Mauivu id. Victoria. Rand, writes: ” Northrup J: Lyman’n Vagr- table Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure in :i splendid medicine My customers suv thev never used anything so efl'eclmil. Good results immediately follow its use. I know its value from personal experi- ence. having heen troubled fur 9 m- M yems with Dyspepsia, and since using it digestiuu goes mi without blunt depresxril feeling so well knnwn tn dyspeptir'a. ! have no hesitation in redonnuending it in any case of indigestion, cmmtiputinu, heartburn, or troubles urisivr from a dis- ordered stomach." . Col. 5. T. Dennison. Pedlett John Reid, Rev. Dr. Scuddi Geome Ste\rm‘t,jr.. John Re John Chm-lea Dent, J. E. Dnrvar. Miss Machur. Mrs. Lean, Miss Louisa. Murray, Sm 1th, and others. 'Z'flE A?! $1.00 I?! {4% “Tfle Bystander” (Professor Goldwin .‘Jmitl W111 contribute, at. intervals, reviews of curren uvents in Canada, the United States and i Europe. Pnnclpal Giant. D. 1)., Dr. Damp-,1 WE sou, Professor Manny, LL‘ 1)., Chas. Lindsay Rev. Prof. Clark. M‘ A.. Sir Francis Hiucks, Lqu Houore Freclxecce, Wm‘ Hunsto F. Blake (.‘rol tun, (13. Mercer Adam, jun. ‘. Hunting;sz 90}. ‘ ’I‘. Dennison. Pedletou :g,J W Loglw C. Blacket Robinson, Pubhcher Read the followmg list of Contributors Hes 'e will be to further pmwr. the free and haul Nation. time specin.‘ merce. Edu‘ 'l‘he lovers ( Journalism 1 the most on] munity. Th an organ off: our stuff of C \\ e are thus THE WEEK. whnch has just appealn by its c to the different. circle of a. cultw A Canadian Journal of Politics, Sofie: and Literature. iate Dr. 'l‘thas' Eclec ance and name, but, in they are dead failures. Joseph Rnsan, Percy, wr‘tes: “ I was induced to try Dr. Thomas’ Eulectric Oil for n. lameness which troubled me for three or fuur years, and I found it the best article I ever Used. It has been :1. great blessing to me." Frauds mav imi- CAstâ€"ansoNâ€"At the residex Casely, father of the bridegrn on Wednesday, Jun; 7th. by R‘ Mr. Daniel Casely, to Miss Rel an of Markham. BmT‘Hâ€"At Maple We are pleased to notice by the Brampton papers that. Miss Lillie Lanpsmfi. eldest daughter of Dr. James Langstafi. passed her examination successfully at the Modal School of that place, and took a. creditable stand amnng ti 8 competitors. Among the successful candidates at recent. examination, Victoria College| bnurg. we noniee the name of Mr. W Norman, of Richmond Hill High School Rem Jx D. Leek will preach in the Metho dist Church of this place next Sabbath even Rev. W. R. Barker will preach Missionary Sermons next Sunday at Newtonbrook aml Downsview. m th‘ Kirkâ€"At Maple, on Jan. 7th, th of Mr. Jacob Smith: aged 81 3 Funeral ou Friday, at 10 u‘ m. ISHBD EVERY THURSDAY, AT 5 ‘ox’m more wk!!! THE WEB K : 5 Jordan Street, Toronto In' is untraxu (yea h'qm pm‘gy [Single Copies, 3 cts PERSONALS. "JODE NIARRIAGISS " Canada‘s J entered upon 'omprehensivé ytastes which ured home, 1 fleet and sumu DEA'I‘II‘ ltchkLlS. reviews the United Sm }1u.nt.D. 1)., Dr. , LL‘ 1)., Cha Sir Francis H VHuushon. F.l n jun. - S. E Pedletou iug,J Scndding, U. C fohu Reade, Jorq J_ E. Collins. 31m Reade, Jorqnin Mx J. E. Collins, J. Hm . Mrs. Kate Seymour .u’my, Miss Jennie Ul thn to th by dev sssor Goldwin s,reviaws of c uited States I L). D.. Dr. Dun: 3 Literary 111mg xmmi I found it thl It has been Frauds may iml ric Oil in appear everything: elm Sal ex1s‘; within l ad will endeun nize the intelle wants of the m .nd short ston ‘lopm en (2311;. ’ ME. chum No. 28. Jroughly by party ;, unbinssl nu politic 'uudly prostrate-ll ing of Dr. red a. bot: lo. I hat I (gut. «d. l was CIDe 11's of Mr. ( om. Hemlfon Ill had vnld It; goes like ‘revo-r it in belo‘ Punle \\ (arm that, it H1 at the lie Um

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