same 530 than be] Kilmuir. IL is a] in extent, and pa rather more than tion of 25 per ce‘ on which was arranged a poor display of ‘ cracked crockery and rusty tins. The in- side of the house was divided, by means of rotten partitions about six feet in height, into three small chambers; one being the living-room, a second a bed- room, and the third a lumber or store room. In the bedroom the clothes were simply old rags and sacking, barely suï¬i- cient to cover poor humanity ; and the floor throughout was formed, so far as I could see, of the hard earth. Yet this house of Macdonalds was a palace in com- parison with some of the huts I visited elsewhere. One had neither door nor window. 1 crawled into it through an irregular aperture less than three feet high, and found myself among some ducks that were picking up scraps from amid the garbage with which the damp flo;r was littered. The sole tenant of this hovel was an old woman who had a hack- ing cough. In another but th : rainwater dripped from the broken roof and flooded the only room, in which seven people eat erouchmg. One might reasonably expect to ï¬nd that the people who live in an :h wretchedâ€" ness are stunted and ill-looking. But they are not. They are a. thick-set in- telligent race; and some of the girls are models of buxomness, although before middle age all the women become wither- ed. They are long-lived too. Their faults are that they axe idle and saturated with superstition and prejudice. In only one out of at least a. score of crofters‘ houses which I entered did I see any sign that the inmates regularly devoted them- selves to any remunerative home employ- ment. In that one two women were weaving home-spun tweed, and ‘Clpltal cloth they made on their awkward loom. I am glad to be able to say that most of the Skye landlords wear this tweed when they can get it ; but if there was a. wider demand there would be a larger supply, and the islanders would be proportionately beneï¬tted. Until quite recently there were weavers in almost every township, and the art might easily be revued. The crofters can now get cheaper material for themselves from Manchester, and it ll almost exclusively the richer classes who use the tweed of the island.â€"-l St. James' Gazette. A box containing an infernal machine was brought bya boy to the American Tract Society’s oï¬ice, 150 Nassau street, New York recently. In is believed the intention of the sender was to kill An- thony Comstock, special agent of the Society for the Prevention of Crime. The boy saida man, whose description he gave, had paid him 10c. at the corner of Leroy and Hudson streets to deliver the package. The machine consisted of a spring, parts of matches, broken glass 4 oz. bottle of powder and a phial of nitric acid. The package was addressed, “Book- store. 150 Nassau street." Comstock said he did not think it was designed to reach him. He inclined to the belief that it was of inï¬del origin designed to harm the American Tract So- ciety and Bible Society. ‘Vhen the box was brought in Comstock Was calledand took charge ofit. Thebox had formerly con- tained collars, but had been altered into a. modern infernal machine of the most approved pattern. Comstock removed the cover from the box, creating a stam- pede in the store, and then took the box and boy to the police station. Two policemen were detailed to accompany the boy to the place where he said the package had been given to him, TIIE SKYE (‘ROFTERS. ch A] low '1 hey Live. Vanderbllb 13 worth which $50,000,000 are bonds and éan be turns time, and the rest is l and bonds, the bulk 0 par. Vanderbilt’s we: bresents so much gull mind can get. no sort 01 stupendous pyramid of 000. Put in into a. p} desert for it of gold is gr world-cowl: reign of Au; world-conquermg Home m we gnaw-“.5 reign of Augustus Czosar. It is greater than the whole amount of gold anti silver there was in the civilized world in 1492, at the time of the discovery of America. "y w“. -....v .. -..- It is more than the entire product for the past hundred years oi the greit gold mlnes of the Czar of Russia. It is more than the whole product for two years of all the gold mines of the world. It is nearly twice as much as all the precious metals produced thus far in in the gold and silver-bearing State of Colorado, Counting this vast forums dollar by dollar at the rate of sixty per minute, it would take six years to accomplish the act. Placed one after another It. would make a, string of dollars from New York to St. Louis "ï¬fe' weight. of an this gold is 350 tons. How many freight cars would be required to carry it? Ten, you’ll say an it Jump But stop ; ten tons is about the maxtmnm weight; thib is carried by a freight car, "v.5... n.-- .. -..‘__‘,, cousequennly, at that allowance, we should hove a brain of thirty-ï¬ve freight cars. And What a. train for the robbers to loot at I How many Jumbos would it take to draw this amount of gold from ‘he sub- treaaury’l Of the African or Indian vari- eiy seventy could walk off with it. giving ï¬ve tons to each. And what a. show they would makeâ€"seventy J uml: or Turn the gold into ten-dollar coins. lay them in a circle with their edges touching. and what would be the circumference of that circle 2 In would be so great that it would take Maud 8., going an the rate of a, mile in 2:10, twalve hours and forty minutes to get around it. . g‘ 1771 Two hundred millions of gold, run into a square bar a foot thick, said bar would be how long. do you think ‘1 One hund- red feet, eh '2 Well, friend, you would get badly left if you sold it “ unsighb, un- seen,†for a. 300 foot. barâ€"left by 250 feet. To shoulder this tremendous bar of gold how many men would be required at 100 pounds each ? Seven thousand, reader. What a procession they would make ! Fifty men giving the dollars away at the rate of 1,000 a. day, would have to stand there eleven years before their work was done. With it he could buy up and own all the 11,314 newspapers in the United States, running them to suit himself as a manufacturer of public opinion on a gi- gantic scale. a ............ \Vith it he could raise an army of 100, 000 men and keep them in nhe ï¬eld for a year at an expanse of $200 a head, which is about the cost of a. soldier in Bismarck’s German army. All i xclllnz Adventure of Two New York- ers In the Wllds of the Domlnlon. Enï¬eld Stout. of Tioga. county returned to Elmira, N. Y., recently from a two weeks hunt in Frontenac county, Canada. He relates a thrilling adventure Themas DeWitt and George Peargm, two young men from one of Hudson River counties, had with a wounded bear in the Canadian wilds while he was hunting with them. They had been hunting at White Lake, in Frontenac county, and toward evening rowed from one side of the lake to the other on their way to camp. As they were about to step from the boat they heard a loud crash 5n the thicket a few yards away. On looking around the young men saw a well-grown she bear with two cubs come from behind a fallen tree. Pearson instantly ï¬red, and the old bear fell to the ground. The hunter ran to the spot. expecting to ï¬nd her shot through the head, and was confronted by her standing on her hind legs and savagely approaching him. The ï¬erce- ness of her appearance was increased by her lower jaw having been carried away by itherrifle ball. .. n ~lTkilier 173678.}: threw herself upcn Pearson before he could defend himself, and hunt- er and bear fall tpgethgr (11 £139 Igrloup‘d. Pearson's cries brought DeWitt to the scene. but he did not dare to ï¬re for fear of hitting his companion, so closely was he held by the beat as they struggled on the ground. The bear could not do I'ear~ son my injury with he; nlouth, and he seized her long hair in his teeth and buried his face in her fur, thus keeping it away from her sharp claws. Seeing that he could not be of service to his friend with his gun, DeWitt picked up a heavy club and beat the bear across the back and head. The second blow stunned her, and Pearson sprang to his feet ; but the bear quickly recovered herself and sprang upon the hunter, receiving his hunting knife in her breast. The furious animal struck Pearson a. blow with one of her paws on the shoulder, and hurled him several feet away. He fell against a. stump, breaking two o§ his ribs. “ ‘11-. i The rbear then rushed upon DeWitt, who is a giant in size and strength. Ho dodged to one side and seized the bear around the body, and threw her over his left shoulder, and then shouted to Pear- son to place his gun against her head and blow her brains out. Before this could be done he bear had stripped the cloth- i g nearly 03 DeWitt's body, and lacerated his flesh badly. Pearson sent a. bullet through her head, and De Witt held her, bleeding and struggling, on his shoulder until she died. - Pearsun was injured the worst of the two men, and reached camp with difï¬culty. The two young bears es- caped to the Woods while the struggle bet ween the old one and the hunters was going on. The dead bear weighed nearly golng on. '. 200 pounds. A CANADA BEAR FIGHT. Vanderbilt’s Gold. thus 13 worth $200,000,000. of 30,000,000 are in Unith States 1d éan be turned into gold at any d the rest is made up of stocks is, the bulk of which are above anderbiln’s wealth, therefore re- m much gold. The ordinary nume uch gold. The orJlnary .0 sort of notion of such a. ramid of gold as $200,000, nto a. pyramid of Egypt, eat it would make in the wncr I Var. derbilt's capital 01‘ than all there was in the ins: Rome in the glittering Despiso Not the Day of Small Things. Little things may help a man to riseâ€" : bent pin in an easy chair for instance. Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative Pellets†ara small things, pleasant to take, and they cure sick-headaches, relieve torpid livers and do wonders. Being purely vegetable they cannot harm any one. All drï¬ggists I don’t understand what our Sunday school teacher was telling us about a. camel going through the eye 0f a needle. Shouldn’t. you think his hump would stop him? Small brother of the average American type: No, sis'; he’d have to hump himself to get through. Pile tu nors cured in ten days, rupture in four weeks. Address, World 5 Piggensary Medical Aneuciation. Buffalo, Intelligent non-professional people who do not belong to the English-speak- ing races have queer notions about the celebrities of England and America. Daniel Webster in still known to many folks as the author of a. dictionary, and now the London Athenfl'um tells of a brilliant Spaniard who has confused ideas about Harvey, the discovexe.‘ of the cir- culation of the blood. He eto d before the facade of London University, and after gazing at it long and thoughtfully pointed out the ntatue of Harvey to a friend who acted as his guide. “Just like you practical English." he said, “ to erect a. statue to a man because he invent- ed a. sauce.†Then- Shall be no Alps. When Napoleon talked of invading Italy one of his ofï¬cers said : “But. sire, remember the Alps,†To an ordinary man these would have seemed simply in- surmountable, but Napoleon responded eagerly: “There shall be no Alps." So Vhe famous Simplun psss was made. Disease, like a mountain, stands in the way of fame. {mum and honor to many who by Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery" might. be healed and so the mountain would disappear. It. is speciï¬c for all blood, chronic, lung and liver dis- exses, such as consumption (which is scrofula of the lungs). pimples, blotches, eruptions, tumors. swellings, fever-sores and kindred complaints. Travellers out on the red hills, says a. California paper, have often shudder-ed at the sight of horned toads, which are nu merous as black birds. The ugly creatures are as muchldreaded as rattlesnakes, but a Chinsman spent all summer and fall gathering them. Recently he made a shipment of two thousand of the toads to San Francisco, from which place they will be sent to China. The toads are there converted into various kinds of medicines. which sell Very high. For the cure of chills and fever they are said to be the ï¬nest thing known. A toad is placed in a flask of whiskey for several weeks, and then the stuff is sold as 2 tonic. ALL tolmccos except the best Virginia have a. pungent eï¬'ect upon the tongue and will smart it if the smoking is long continu- ed. Home of them even will blister it. 01' at least destroy its outer skin at the point where the smoke impinges upon it. The “Myrtle Navy†is entirely free from this defect. which, together with its ï¬ne full flavor makes it a great favorite with smokers. How quickly is it- possible for a man‘s legs. in health, to increase their bulk by half? A pair of trousers were made by a Chicago tailor so tsrdily that six weeks elapsed between the measurement and the delivery. They proved too tight. The maker sued for pay, and testiï¬ed that the dimensions were in accordance with the size of the legs at the time he took the ï¬gures ; while the defendant will in- troduce expert testimony to prove that he did not fatten so rapidly as such a conclusion would imply. Nothing llllnts out, Corns Like tight boots. Corns are very small aï¬â€˜nrs, but apply to them a. pair of tight boots and all onher concerns of life sink into insigniï¬cance. Tight boots and Pub- nam's Com Extractor (the great and only sure cure for earns) may go together and comfort will be their partner ; but don't fail to use Putnam's Corn Exlrsctor. Frauds, cheap, poisonous and dangerous substitutes are m the market Beware of them. Putnam's Painless Corn Extract- or. Polson & Co , proprietors, Kingston. At Havana, when a. distinguished stranger visits the tobacco factnry of Senor Cabana or Partagas, the custom is to oï¬'er him an “obsequio†by fashioning a. new brand of cigars in his honor. To this we owe the excellent cigars known as the Serrano and the Henry Clay. The London tobacco manufacturers elected to pay Charles Dickens the Cuban compli- ment. A neat little cigar, costing only two cents, was devised, and was christen- ed “The Pickwick," which still retains its popularity in England. The New Pain King. l’olson‘s NEBVILINE cures flatulence, chills, spasms. and cramps. V Neg‘viline oures proEnptly the worst cases of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and sciatica. is death to all pain. whether external, internal, or local: Nervdine may be tested at the small cost of 10 cents. Buy at once a. 10 cent‘ bottle of Nerviline, the great pain remedy. Sold by druggiats and conntry dealers. Elisha. Gray. now wealthy through the invention of electric instruments, used to be a. very unsuccessful farmer at Oberlin, Ohio. He spent most of his time for sev- eral ) ears in 3xperimentin¢z,-and came to be regarded as a. crank. His own family were inclined to take thst View of him ; and when one day he' excitele declared that he had :levised “a self-adjusting helix,’, his uninformed Wife hasth con- sulted with a physician about putting hlm under constraint. _ Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops should he used in almost evuu family in Canada; it I one or the best 351d istiaeat cough n medics known. In large bottles at can . Camrrh~~ New Treatment. Perhaps the mum. mural-o: dmur) anccam ham been achieved in modern BCIBHCO no» untamed by the Dixon Treatment. at cm Out of 2.000 patients vreawu annng the six mnnths. Iully ninety per cent. have cured or this stubborn malady. This Is the less startling when it, is rememberec not. flvg per can". 01 Ihe_put1enlu mesa the less startling when it, is remembered that not ï¬ve per cent. 01 the penemu presenting themselves to the regular practxtlouer an beneï¬tted, while the patent medu‘inne ano other auvertmed cures never record a. cure at all. Starting Wth the claim now genuine.) bu lieved by the most scientmo men that the disease ls due to the presence 0! living parasites in the tienueb. Mr. Dxx‘ on at once adapted his cure to then exterminatmn ; thls anoomplished the ceterrh extermination ; thla ancomplished the caturrh Is practically cured. and we permaueuc; 13 un- questioned, as cures viewed by mm {our year: ago are cures mu. no one else has ever at.â€" tempted L0 cure cutarrh in tum manner. and no other treatment hm: ever cured outnrrh. The application or the remedy in almple and can be done at home. and the present seasonjot the year i;-t‘ï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜nSBBâ€"iâ€"faiahsié'7mr a. spued)‘ year is the most, Lavomblc tor a speedy and permanent cure. the annuity 0! cases being cured at. one treatmenn. Sufl'arers should cor respond wan Messrs. A, H. DIXON 5!. 3014.303. King «an eel. West. Toronto. Canada. and enclose stamp for their weaned on oamrrh.â€"Momrwl “The building fund of the Afrlcnn Meth- odist Church at Grand Rapms, was lost, at faro by two of the trustees Yew, you can gez something to shop that. cough "Pu toxin" wxu do u m no time. l‘xy Pcctoria. It. never fail The near. 25 cent Comm and Can) cure. 3L0»- There are 80,000 widows in India. from thne to ï¬ve years of age who will never be married. In that country as soon ass child is born a. match is made by the pa.- rencs. If the buy dies the girl becomes a. WldOW, and must: wear mourning, for her intended as long as she lives. Young Men l-Reud This. The Voltaic Belt 00., 0! Msrsnall, Mum. offvr to send their celebrated Elecoru- 0331‘ Voltai‘ on tn Voltaic 3:15, and other Electric Applmncer on trial for thirty days, to man (young or ( la) afll‘cced wm: nervous debiliny, 103: o. I vimliuv, aud all kindrrd troubles. Also tor rheumatism, neuralgiv. paralysis, and many other dxaeases. Complaw REID! atlon to health, Vigor and mannood guaran- teed. No risk is Iucurrelaa thirty (hys Irial is aJowed. \Vrice taem at onxe 101' illusuatud pumphleb free. The greatest miser in Indiana put his savings into life insurance pollciea, and demed himsels all luxuries and most comforts in order to pay the premiums, though his heirs were distant relatives, for whom he seemed to care nothing They will get, now that he is dead, about $24,000. When you visit 0: m..- a“ . all City. sue Baggage Exprasuge 1nd Clrrisge line. and “up at the GhAND UNION HOTEL. oppoante Grnnd Central Depot, 600 elegsnt rooms dated up at a coat of cue million dollars, :13 Ind npwndn per day. European pin. Elevator. ataumnt aupphed with the beat. Horse curs. stage: and elevated railroad: to I“ depots; Fum- Uies can live better for less money It the Grand Union Hotel than at any other ï¬rst-emu hotel in the CIâ€. According to the United States Sur- geon-General’s annual report, the death rate for colored troops has, for the ï¬rst. time since their organiznion, fallen be- low that for white troops. Their mor- tality from respiratory ati‘ectionsâ€"usually pneumoniaâ€"is more than four times as great as that of white troops. Cold feet and hands are certain indications of imher fed: circulation of the Blood. Dr Csrson'sSLomach Bit hers Drnmotestbe circuiabion keeps the uowels n‘gulal’ and induces good henlm. Large boules nu 5Jc.' Cold (eat and hands are certain fed: circulation of the mood. Dr hers Drnmotes the circulation keg; and induces good hexlah. Large The Indiana Pharmacist says that a woman, who has her letters directed to the New York Post ()ï¬i ce claims to cure cancer by means OJ 3 direct revelation from her “dear Lord." Her circular winds up with “Praise God from whom all blessings flow ; four-ounce bottles, $5; eight-ounce, 35°. The editor says: “It Wlll be seen that the ï¬nancial part of the business is the big end of the log.†'IVuun. “ALLUWAI ‘ w.. v ANTEED lo AGENTS everywhere. Circulars FREE. Scum stamp for reply. W. AHUATH A: 00‘. Toronto (laugh ELEGRAPHY : Rn way and Uummerclm ’L'eltgr phi thoroughly lauuh'. by expiriabced opantor‘ Addrnns wnh namp, D MINION TELEGRAPH IN STITUTE. 32 KING}; Toronto. JAS THURNE Mgr $7 TO 3307mm EXPENSES A MUNTH ama- ' m anarsrof 2:11 kinds. Cntalngmefrn. New Map 9! VL lï¬c. H. 1.. ï¬'l‘APLhS. Richmond, VL INLTY-SEVEN ACRESWTHIRTY BUS EL-PlNE oak. do; 4 miles from Brantford; worth )umberâ€" men‘s attention ; would ae‘l timber separate; soil build- mge. well. orchard, usvei-fn'n‘ug sprvng. good :lnrge cis- tern, termB easy. Apuly to H A. NAKBAWAY. Cedar St, Branthrd. or A. R. NArumwAY. Echo Place. r belanca any terms : 150 here! : pubs lots 24. 25.26. concession 2. towneh‘p Yumou‘h, county Elvin: clay lon_m: 95 acres cleared. ha suck we!) wood-i1: living spring creek ; wood orchard. Aidrese‘ I‘IRx ELIZABETH TEETZ EL, Spam. P. 0,: or J V. TEETZEL. Hamilton. ORS ALE 0R EXCHANGE FOR FIRSTDLASS Ontario Farm or (My prop way. 640 acres: land in Emu-i Distric'. “ the Guden u! Sounhnn Mnnihubl." of which (have has been broken and bmkaet uni; xenon 320 aoues, IWhich is all ready to now the seed on in the spring. The men cmp should more than my the pvice for land. Termsiiber-l. eddies: B ' 63. mdon 0m. Toronto. Ont. HAND, STAMPS Stamps 0! Every (ls acripuion. Seals. 960. Bronze Medals the last (our years at. Torouï¬g ' ' ' [layup 32d SMOKED SAUSAGES. FREE The most convenient meat for tumors In thelr bu season. These menu nre cooked and read for nae Sold In grocer! ï¬brouxh the Dominion. Ben (or pm to W. LARK. P. 0. Ba! 342 MournL THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP 00. TR ANRPABE “7T CARBOLIC ACID AND GLYCERINB jARM FOR. SALEâ€"$6,000, ONE-THIRD VIRGINIA FARMS in lands of all kmle (‘utulugue Ly EEEE’IJRT‘ERRELEV; STEWKRT M‘FG. 00.. 72 King St... West Toronto fund Worsted snhnze Mun-ken. DutidM 0m TA.“ AND ULXUJSHUNB SOAP' ‘3' i; W: (‘15- V â€" F, _., QOHNSTONsFLum BEEF, By return mail. Fill description Moody’s new Tall-u- ayslem 0! Dress Cutting. PROF. MOODY, 15 the Best in the market lmp [Mant- The best in the world (or all dll eases of the Skin. on Man or Bent Sold by all druggista. Burton's All fleanng TAB AND GLYCERINB Send sm'mps for post‘g. METAL l RUBBER 4011 ï¬re l'\)_, 206% Inn 1 not; b a: n C R EAT BARGAINS '5 New Mill? arrh ‘ Pull! been uont [that 9210‘ JBHNSTUH’S FLUID BEEF IQIappe:.t_in’S_.5P.90' 991W "Iain Mounts Bone tar Steal sum FOR PLEASANT SEWING \Varra'utgd FULL Length, aid to run smooth on any mwinz machine See than CLAPPERTON'S name in OI ‘be kind, (E For n'e hi all Dry-Gooqu 31ers. Comp ouna Oxygen. H BUSINESB'COLLEGE ARCADE. YONG]: 8T†l‘ORONI‘U. Finest rooms in America. Pneu- cal in every departmenb. Teachers tubing and ener- getic and knuw what they teach. ndorsed by th‘ leading bmiuesa men of Ontario. in Graduates are tub in; positions or truat in every any, town and village or Chanda. Hand lor new cucular. C. 'ODEA. Secretary. Allan Line Royal Mall snaamsmï¬. Snulng during winter from Portland every Thurlml Ind Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and In 5mm: from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling II Lear donderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland tad Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St John‘l N. E, to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during wink! becween Portland end Glasgow, and Boston sud Glenn. alternscely; and dunng summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every week. For freight. passage. or other information :1 ply to A. Sebnmscner 8:00.. Baltimore; 8. unsrd 8c 00.. Halifax; Sues 55 Co. St. John'l N. F. ; Wm. Thomson & 00.. St. John. H. E. Allen a Co, Chicago ; Love 61 Alden. New York; H. Bonrller. Toronto - Allans. Rae 300 Quebec: H. A. Allen. Portland. Boston. Mon ~t; at Hu- I-nrl 0f three wvoks could cut any food 1 Hshml, um] guim-d six pounds; have now taken on- nnnth’s trvatmcnt, and for] liku a new nun altogether; I0 sign of rheumatism, whxch has troubled me every \‘intcr for \cnrs. BRITISH? AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE ABCADE. 3(9ng Freak Runnlng lurconueotlon with the Grand Trunk mun. of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the aummer months. and from Portland every Thundu during the winner months. Sailing dues tron POE-ILA! 1’). Toronto, Dec. 4 | Montreal, Dec. 18 Brooklyn, Jan. I I Toronto, Jan. 15 mu run-a. Cummyjlfopa‘ Dominion Line of Steamshipsl Toronto, Dec. 4 | Montreal, Dec. 18 Brooklyn, Jan. I I Toronto, Jan. 15 Montreal, Jan. 29 I Rate! of pnssage: Cabln. Quebec to'Livex-pool 850. 860 865. 380. Return. 830. $106. $117. 3144, according to steamer and harsh Intermediate 5&5. Smnge ll lowest rates. The salons and staterooms in shaman marke‘ thus: ‘ are amidships. where but hula motion (an. and no cattle or sheep I: carried on them. For fur ther particulars apply to my Grind Trunk Elï¬n! agent or local agenns of the Oumpany. or to DAV"! TOBEANQE a 90., CAUTION ! MYRTLE NAVY ! save- qud‘ uavu- r vuu. --Prioe 25 cents and 1 h . A 11 Wheat 8 per ox do ubox contain "Weighs but, 6 nouuda. Can be carried Ln a null nil-e. Illustration shows Machine in holler. :‘nflalwtlon guaranteed or money refunded wflhln 30 dnyl. $130on m; m: giiiiroï¬' 'ï¬â€˜sjï¬ï¬â€™ï¬mlon. .,.L,. L__F .n_. ' Wishan Efï¬e lizhffldiegs; Th5 clothes hue hh-i pure whiteness which no other mode or mhlna cut pro- duce. No rubbing required. no friction to injure the fabric. A 10 year old girl can do the washing :5 well u nn_oldsr perspn. To place It in every household m: PRIDE 3A5 null REDUCED to $2.50. and if not found ambulatory. money refunded. See what. the "Canada Preabyterlnn." u about ibâ€"The Model Washer and Bleacher which Mr. . W. Dennis others to the public has many and vnlushle advantages. It. is a time and labor suing mnohlne. substantial and enduring, and is very cheap. From :11. tn the household We can teetity to its excellence Delivered to any agrees ofï¬ce in the Provlnoes of On halo and Quebec. 0 urges paid 8500 Band for ulrnuhrl TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE. 213 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. our . It in. the only propngoflon of the kind which contains all the nutrmous. together with tha stimulating. properties 0! beef. and. the only one which has we owe: to supply nourish. ment for brain. and one. and muscle. Ill) ( NONE" ï¬THER GENUINE. For Sula by Dmxzim evewihete. Bucks. nu. . w. DENNIS, AGENTS WANTED. In Bronze Letters. Each Plug of the UP'l‘Uhmâ€"num‘s IMPEB IALTRUSS with I Spiral Spring the herb ever invented. Took m ymrs t. - path-cc. Cures every child. 8 our. of 10 adults. Holds the wot“ Hernisï¬uring hardest workpr money refunded. 25 years practical expen- deuce. l'irculars free. Angeag’rï¬‚ï¬ ieuce. l‘irculars free. Address This *r 0 AN IMPERIAL TRU53_ 00.. 28 Eaeflidgé}. East Tcï¬â€˜onto. 01m HUGH MILLER and 00.. AGRICULTURAL Camus-rs. “51.109313: Eat. Toronto. IS MARKED USE ONLY ROGER, 60 KING STREET ., writes 2â€"Have suï¬ered [or ; felt great distress after eating; 1- potatoes ; thought there wal I must suï¬er while I lived; wal lound Oxygen†at 73 King street hree weeks could eat any food I x pounds ; have now taken on. (I feel like a new man altogether; urrie & C 0mm? Azania. Moï¬irell ‘u- a Washer on Err-a. BLEACHEB THESEMODEL that ILé'rujm-d's 1‘s Suufls. are :red 7 aw! Lorillard‘s \orlngl ET"; 01“ hm- 01" AND 1311180