Is the custom of calling. on New Year's day [ailing into diSuse? An. 53‘ {as from 341‘ dié'ccï¬ons say, yes I unsulwtantxal vapor. Then. indeed, will Chaos he come again. and civ- ilization wil! receive a shock ï¬om winch it wifl not recover foaaentmm'esi hatnentar} enaclmmt of property to which he has an undeniable title. in that day the sacredness 01 all private right and ownership will melt into appear most specious; no men who liavean incorrigible aversion to work, in whom thrift is replaaed by love of pleasure. prudence by envy, and every laudable ambition by a mad desire for riches without honest en- deavor, to such, and their name is legmn. the plan is more than spe- cious, for it means the legal ac- knowledgement of all their barbar‘ ous and rufï¬anly instincts. It is inconceivable to us how any one who is not altogether the dupe of his pasSions can require argu- ments in rebuttal of a scheme as dishonest as it is cowardl). And it must seem :trange to Canadians that there are countries in which Mr. George's utterances are receiv- ed wtth shouts of enthusiastic ap- proval. Such is the case, however, for never yet was doctrine 50 mon- sttnus that people were not found t) madly receive it. Let those :renzied democrats, who are wildly ; demanding the spoliation of aristo- ‘ Ciatn: landholders, hear in mind that the sword which they are inâ€" \‘oking is ofinï¬nite sweep ; that on the day in which a man. be he lm'd or commoner, is deprived by par- has been lecturing to. the Skye (Lrofters. For their troubles, he told them, there is but one remedy â€"the resumptxon ofall land by the Government. Thus. he assuredjhis‘ hearers, all rents collectedguxouldbex expended for the- good of the peoplm To men who are reduced maexirem- iues by bad crops. this plan would! Henry Georgc, the outspoken apostle 0.’ wholesale conï¬scation, a1. “’6 havelittle faith in an} al- teration of conduct which is based on no higher motive than the ad- vent ofJanuarv xst. The death. of a friend, a sudden increase or de- :rease in wealth, removal to anoth. or place, even such event‘s which are, in comparison with the Gnejust mentioned, of some importaxme, sel- dom or never produce a lashing. imp pression. Let those, tlnï¬retnre, who are hemoaning their ï¬niteness and want ofdetermination, muscle them- selves With the refliedr‘lcni that the wish to become new, as it wars, sim- ply because there has come at new year is after all no deep, sincere wish, but a poor, paltrv whim. The new birth will never take place nn-. lil there arises an ever present, mastering conviction that the way. followed is not the true way. Then, and the“ only, will fleeting fancies give place to permanent strugglesb idle hopes to sturdy activity. and the listless like to be to the uncon- Querable will be! Here for some is a ï¬ne opportun- ity for moralizing.and even carping. Not so [0 us. Nay. we actually find it a matter of congratulation that many proposed cliangps and amendments never take effect. for the result of them wOuld not be a genuine improvement, but a poem stiltcd, artiï¬cial mode oflife which would be as useless as it is unnatur- One week ago, 1885 was welcom- ed with the brightest smiles; it was feted till rebellious nature cauld stand no more. But already, to many of" his votaries he has grown old. The vast improvements in manners. character. thoughts, words and actions which were to distinguish this year from the last, have not yet made an appearance. They have not yet been wholly a- bandoned, but then the gulf be- tween desxre and performance is so wide. and the well-worn ruts are so much more easily kept than the newly made and scarcely tried road, that now. even now. promises and resolutions are slipping from mem- ories, and in a few more days the season of reformation will be deï¬â€" nitely postponed until another New Year. 1:101â€an Hun. Thur-ad 11 c 515W YEAR'S CALLING; (Ilmug‘ taveiâ€"C. Manon. lmugeâ€"Sueu‘ï¬h 4’: Grannun‘. The Week "â€"0. Blackett Robinson NEW ADVERTISEMENTS III‘INR Y (J EORGE THE NEW YEA R. For Sale at cost price, tel clear out winter; stpcx., A large stock of all. kinds Qf Stoves. Tinware, Raye, troughing, &c., 8550. COAL CDOKé STOVES STUVES, STOVEsl Mr. Gen. Jefferson happened with a severe and painful nCCiduut on New Year's Day on his way from the station with the royal umiL He was getting out hf his (:4: riage when ha made a mlsstep und sprained his knuu. He is now able {3: walk about with flue aid of a cane. From Our Own Correspondent. Notwithstanding the incleinency of the 'wther and the roughness of the roads on New Year's Night, the fair and fan- tastic of Elgin Mills and surrounding countsy assembled at the Elgin hoin to await the arrival of Rupert's omnibus, which arrchil about 7 p. \ii. To get loaded and started was the work of but a ‘few moments; our ï¬rst stop was made at 'the Dominion House, Richmond Hill, where our load was completed, and we started {or the residence of Mr.M.Puwerr,. who is the possessor of a handsome new brick dwelling, situated on the banks of beautiful stream. near the 5th Con. of Vaughan. Here we arrived about 8.30. After receiving a hearty welcome and getting thoroughly warmed, dancing was Commenced and kept up till 12 o‘clock, ‘ when a sumptuous repast was prepared by the good lady of the house. After this, dancing was resumed, and in about an hour, as everybody thought the house was thoroughly warmed, the party pre- pared for the return trip and seemed we l‘ satisï¬ed with the evening’s sport There Were about twenty Couples of invited guests. Repaimng promptly attended “'hat a cnmfurt to be able to gratify one's appetite ance inure “itliuut pain, after long anfl‘ering troin dyspepsia ! Victims oi indigestion wise enough to accent the genuial verdict in iavur of Northrup & Lyinan'a Vegetable Discov- ery nianysyeptic Cure as true, and use the article. can enjuy the welcuniu relief. Obstinale dyspepsia, constipation and biliunam‘ss. invariably yield to its potent regulating action. Choir,. Turonmy. assistedudnu Mr J. Crnssley, and the Misses Manson. Rev. J. \V..Suvnge, gastur. occupied the chair in his usual happy manner, tn the ex- treme pleasure: and satisfaction) at all presenb, to whom great. praise is due for the unprecedented good order of the evening, notwithstanding the church be- ing literally packed to the dnur, Inmw having to stand. But. 1 shuuhl trespass loonunch upon your space tn uiva a min 1um description, snï¬ice tn say thnt all ux- Dressed themselves exceedineg well plensed, Mr. Savage renmlklng that. he had never enjuyed himself more heartily. Owing to the superbnndance uf pruvis- ions is social was held the next e"eumg, with quite a lengthy prugrmnme, which again called out. a well tilled huuse. Pru- ceeds nearly $90.00; Miss Johnson. ufl Pottngeville, is visitâ€" ing relatives in this \'ic1ntty....,..l\liss Elliott, of Toronto, has returned home after a Visit with relatives hare. From our own Correspondent. The annual tea-meeting. held on Xmas evening. under the auspices of the Math- odist Church of this place, was a grand success. The aleighing was good, the weather ï¬ne, and the evening all that. could be desired. A siunptnmm tea, for which the ladies of Temperau.ceville have ever been noted‘ was served in the S. F. room, after which the intellectual part 01 the programme commenced, which con- sistersl: of short. addreuaes, readings, reci- tations and lusthbm. by no means least, singing. Several “the Elm St. Church Clmir,. 'Iuronmy. assisted;xdmn Mr. J. 'Tis a pity. for the habit has much that is pleasing and courteous. Calling, simply for the sake of call- ing, is senseless work, but the visit, however short‘which is prompted by feelings oftriendship and good-will, springs from the best and purest l source ofa complex nature. When we consider that the dangers at- l tendant on the custom are no long;- er to. be met. with in most houses" when we com151der how potent are a few gentler words to disperse clouds of suspicion and anger. surely we cannot say that here is a fashion better observed in the breach than in the performance. But then, what will: you have? If it is fated to die, no reasoning, however co- gent, no longings, however intense. will save it, a fact which, after all, is fat from sufficient to stifle the re- grets which we should feel at the disappearance of a time-honored, pleasamt practice. COAL HEATING STOVES A NUMBER OF PARLOR TEMPERANCEVILLE CHAS. MASON, Richmond Hill. JEFFERSON. As cheap as any houae m town. The largest, atnck of FURN l'l'UltE we evar bud, all suitable for the season, at. bottom prices. A large stock 0‘. Crockery \ndiu Ghauwue, Usual Itpckmf‘opher gaods. Flonr d: Feed. 1).. G. SAVAGE}. PICTURES AND MOT’I‘OES GROCERIES, NEW 6; FRESH CANNED (3001).“;~ XMAS AT THE PEOPLES†STORE XEW‘ DESIGNS QE'XMAS. &' NEW YEAR’S CARDS STOCK 0F PICTURE FRAMES CANNOT BE BEAN-1N. SOME OF THE NEWEST SUBJECTS INx Every Department: complete with New Goods at the Lowest Prices. Blankets; Flannels, and other \Voollens at VVhQLesale Prices‘ A large stock of Staple and Fancy Groâ€" ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &C.. at Lowest Rates._ ‘ FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES. THE FIRE PROF, Prepare for Winter !. UNDERTAKERS, YONGE ST., RIGHMGNU HILL? GROCERY AND CROCKERY STOCK Is unequalled im Richmond Hill 5% price TIES. HANDKERCHIEFS, CO‘LLAHS,‘ FANCY W002 GOODS. CHENILLE GDUUS. Bought at" Iow for cash, and smitable for Xmas DRY 80093. MELUNEEY. WNTLES HOLIDAY GOODS MOST COMPEETE Y Holiday mamas CONCRETE HOUSE HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ! Our stock. is . WRIGHT 85 SON†Assortment in the County ( may rely on gettin To choose from a_t prices never offered in this County before. HighestPrice paid for Butter-and Eg .1 _ a??? I 1" "a f r1 ‘ 3 1- ! V >. u \ x 2; “~ ..‘~ A r ~ 5' ALL AT REDLOED PRICES. SI‘OCK OI" We have opens AND PURCHASING YOUR STAPLE & FANCY spledidly assorted with and as we crry the: .A.- WRIGHT 82'. SON- BY GOING TO ISAAC CROSBY; OUR KM AT THE AND be autifu] Pots of BBC 1' the Fewest in town our friends re of Novelties ‘resent