TORONTO. (‘itv Hall Union Static Brock Street Queen‘s Whu l‘nrkdnlo .. huvenporn Weston u Tbm'nhm lucrmmm Elm King , . , , ‘ , . . . . , . ‘ . . Aurora. . . Newmarkeh annmrket , . . . , . Aurora .. Kim: ,. .H :n-mmnn me Tlmrnhill . \Vflstflll Du.vath .. l’nrkduIe... ,. H . TORONTO. Queen‘s \th Brock Street [LILHMUND HXLL, Thu'rsd l1v. Jan, Until furlheruntir-a “ails will he closed at the Richmond Hill 1’03; Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" ZMoRNmu zâ€"Goiua Nm'tll.snull1_ East and West, 'mclutlinu ’l‘homhill, Maple. Tnmutn, l\I:\rklmm,&c. 7.45 EVENXNG:â€"Goiuu southJEastmld West. (as above) 6.15 N. B.-â€"Re:istvretl Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes am'lier than the gloom mentioned hours for closing. Stov:s ! Stoves ! Read Mr. C. Mason’s new ad. in another column. Great bargains in all kinds of stoves, die. (‘mumctï¬ with all n-nim. 10m in .Hnllsu. lliohmnnl Hill. as follows Mail 8: Express. North & South†Aommmmlntion “ " Run-ma. North... Muil,St‘utll 703M Eiï¬rml. School Opening. The High and Public Schools of ‘his vill- age opened on Wednede last, with a good attendance in each department. Will be Sold by public auction. on Friday, Jan. 16th, ’85. on Lot No. 21. 3rd Con. West York. the farm stock, implements, &c., be- longing to Mr. Edmond Shepard. Sale to commence at 11 o‘clock, lunch provided. Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer. PROCTUR‘E'STAGE LINE. A special meeting M" the Richmond Hm Fine Brigade will be hole to-morrnw (Friday) aveniug. for the purpose of settlmg up the business of the year. Each ï¬reman will be paid the amount due for past services. All Fur Goods at cost at the Concrete. (zreat reduction in the priceio} Skates at the Concrete. The Cheap Cash House are still selling those extra All-\Vool Cham- ibly Fiannels at 25c. The Election for Municipal councillors was held on Monday. The result was as follows:-â€"B. Redditt. 92; W. D. PDWI‘“, 81; F. McCouaghv. 78; P. G. Savage, 76; J. H. Sanderson, 73;A. Mondie,_38. The ï¬rst four unmet} were duly elected Fancy Wool Goods at cost and under at the Concrete. There will be sold by public auction on Monday, Jan. 19th, ’85. on Lot No. 13, 5th Con. Vaughan. the farm stock. implements, 420.. belonging to My. Isaac V. Puterbnugh. Sale without reserve as the proprietm~ has leased his farm. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sham. Salem Eclmrdt, Auctioneer. just arrived, latest styles in Coll- ars, Ties, &c., at the Cheap Cash House. The publishers of the Montreal Witness lmve offered is priza of 8100 for the best and wont appropriate Winter Carnival poem not exceeding 150 lint", the poem to be in the Imuds ni the publhheru of that paper by the 6:11 of January. It is worth while our men- Li-iuiug the abuve oï¬â€™er an thesuocassful com- ? ‘titor may be found among our owu renders. job lot of Heavy Made Clothing at the Concrete, at less than half pnce. Ifyon want the best value in Teai, Sugar, Raisins. Culrants and all other Groceries go to the Concrete. You will see by their new ad- vertisement that the Cheap 'Cash House are still offering specxal in- ducements on winter goods, bUCh as Overcoars. 'l'weed Suits, Blankets, Ladiee‘ Mantfesï¬'ams, Underclokh- imz. 81;. â€"â€"Rm>ve. 'l‘. Putter ; lat Deputy, Wm._()ook 1 2nd Drputy. D. Beaman ; 3rd. Deputy. A. Mnlloy; Councillor. 0. Elliott. Markth _I{_aeve, D. James ;- lst Deputy, R. Bruce ; 2nd Deputy. F. R. Reesnr ; 3rd Depuï¬y. A. I’vrutex ; Councillor. W. H. Lundy. The Cuuucila for the Townships of Vaugh- an and VIM-kth were eleutcd by Reclama- flop and 330 ï¬le amine m; last year. Vaughan Queen‘s Whm‘f Brock Streut H ann Stntiuu. (,‘chv Hull POST OFFICE NOTICE I; ()CJLIAS. Station Street ‘3 Wharf Fxre Brigade Meeting Important Credlt Sale. Municipal Election GOING mum ’Gb‘ul'ki'souwn Credit Sale Mn.“ 8.40 10m 10.07 10.15 9.0‘ n. TEEFY, Postmaster Elected rize Naming the Palmer Aroma ~â€" L. ,‘20 in 8.00 n. 111 11,45 " Mai! ’85 421 39 Extensive Credit Sale. Salem Eclmrdt, Auctioneer. has received instructions from Mr. E. Whitmore to sell by public auction on Lot No. 4. 5th Con. Vaughan, ou Wednesdav, Jan. 2lst, ‘85, his valuable farm stock, xmplemeula, ac. Sale at 12 o‘clock, lunch provided. The Cheap Cash House is selling everything required in choice Gro- ceries, from a gram of Sago to a Barrel ofSngar, at bottom prices. Prize Essay. The judges, Mrs. Dr. Lungstafl, Mrs. J‘ K. Falcouln‘idge. and Mr. Wm. Harrison, have awarded the Ten Dollar Gold Piece. oï¬'ered by the Ladies Temperance Union. and the I. O. G. '1‘., {or the best Essay on the Evils of Iuleuipemncc, to Miss Helena Wiley. The Essay will he louud on another page in this week's Lilli-Slut†Presbyterian Dinner. The ladies in connection with the Presby- terian Church intend having a. dinner at the close of the Induction on Thursday next. Dinner to be served at. 2.30 p. m. Tickets 250., children half price. For particulars see pubters. School Trustee Election. The election for School Trustees came off on Wedueuday and was holly contested. The vote at the clusa of the poll stood as follows: Mr. I. Crosby. 57; Dr. Wilson, 59; Mr. R. Marsh 62. The two latter were declared elected. Messrs. Glass and Mason retired from the contest. On another page we publish "The Week's" Advertisement. (ur the piesent year. The iudepeudem stand it takes on all subjects, combined with the high (one and literary merit. of the paper, places it among the best journals of this continent. We do not know at nuv pnpvr which we could more conï¬dent- ly recommend tn the tending public. The Anniversary Services in connection Will) the Mexhodist church. Victoria. Square, ca meoï¬ very successfully, considering the state of the roads. Excellent sermons were preached on Sunday, 28th Dec., by Rev. J. Picks-ring. A very sumptuous dinner was served on New Year's evening which reflect- ed great credit. on the ladies of the neighbor- hood. Interesting and eloquent addresses were delivered by Revs, Booth, Leek, Savage and Barker. T. Williamson Esq., discharg- ed the duties of chairmen with ability. Pro- ceeds about $80. A Sociul was held on Monday evening, as a. large quunuty of pro- visions were left. after the New Year tea. The attendance was good and a very pleas- ant evening was spent. Excellent music was furnished ty the choir of the church at. all the services. Induction. We are glad to hear that the call extended by the Presbyterian churches of Richmond- Hill and Thornhill to the Remy]. Gamer-V on. has been sustained by the Presbvtery of Toronto, and that. he has signiï¬ed his will- ingness to accept. the united charges. The Presbytery have decided that the induction shall take place at the Richmond Hill church on ’l‘huxsday, the 15th inst, at 11. a. m. The following Rev. gentlemen have been ap- pointed to oï¬iciatezwllevs. Gray, Amos, and Carmichael; Rev. James Dick to reside. Rev. Mr, Cameron, of East church. ‘oronto and other members of the Presbytery will he preaenl. -A cordial invitation is extended to all who may desire to witness the cereq many. For several years past, New Year's has been a. red letter day for the Firemen of Richmond Hill, and the last festive Anni- versary was no exception to preceding years. Shortly after six o‘clock in the evening, a company of Musketeers, selected from the most martial looking of our Fire Brigade, was formed by Captain Jae. McConnell, who might have felt proud of their gallant hear- ing, and majestic appearance on the field of battle. Having formed his men in line at the Arsenal, they marched through the vi]. Iago and halted in front of the Fire Hall, where they discharged a volley of ï¬ve rounds. Here, they were joined by the Hook and Ladder Department, the Hose Reel Depart ment, and the remainder of the company, who manned the engine. Many of the fire- men were neatly equipped in uniform, the engine and tire appliances were nicer deco- rated, and the whole procession, as it march- ‘ ed along the street, followed by a long train of people. headed by the Band, and dis- charging rnckets along the way, presented a grand display to the (in-lockers on either side. The Entertainment in the Temper- ance Hall followed immediately after the torchlight procession, and was presided over by Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Captain of the Bri- gade. The performance was somewhat nov- cl, and consisted of two parts, the ï¬rst scene representing The Captain’s home, and by the elegant scenery painted specially for the occasion by Mr. \V. A. Sanderson, a cosy home was depicted. The performers were supposed to be paying the captain a friendly Visit and giving him an evening‘s entertainment. Miss Bertha Wilson gave a couple of recitations, entitled “ How they . saved St. Michael’s," and “Flying Jim‘s last ‘ leap." both being Very appropriate for a fire- ‘ men‘s concert. Miss Bertha, who is always welcomed on a Richmond Llill platform, rendered her selections in an almost perfect manner. and greatly surpassed any of her previous eï¬orts. Mr. L. Bailey lawn-ed the audience with two recitations. Miss Flor- cues and Master Willie Bailey delighted the audience with their step dancing, which they executed in the happiest manner. Mr. S. Agar gave a reauing which was the cause of much laughter and bt‘uughi forth frequent bursts of applause. Quartettes were given by Messrs J. 11. Snudcl‘sun, \V. Storey. G. Derry and W. Atkinson, Mrs. 0: Derry pre- siding at the piano. The seoond part of the programme consisted of a drama eutitied -‘ The Irish Tutor," a popular farce written by the Right Honorable the Earl ofGlengall. The principal character, Terry O‘Rourke, (alias Dr. O‘Toole) was taken by Mus. Altar. whose rich Irish brugue, exquisite humor, and admirable acting won for him much raise from all parts of the house. V.'. A. nucleus“: as Mr. Tillwell, L. Bailey as Dr. Flail, E. Snider as Charles, Miss Bertha Wilson as Mary, and Miss Maggie Kellar as Rosa. completed the cast of character and sustained their parts with much credit. The audience dispersed in the best of spirits, feeling that the Fire Brigade had fully re- trith-d their reputation in the way 01 enter- tainments. L‘roceeds over 850. Anniversary Services Fireman's Concett “The Week." HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT‘: HALLS NOTORIOUS STORE In great stock. We will guarantee a good ï¬t, and at prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. Raisins, cerrenis, Dates, Figs, Lemen Peels, Spices .' ()rangos and Candies, A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, FLOOR & FEED, HARDWARE, OROORERY, GLASSWARE. &c., of the very best quality. We are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet. In which we show all the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, all Wuol Puplins, Ladies’ Cloth, Con.- bination Suitinge. all Wool Serges. Cliecxa. Piaids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros Cram Silks, Satins, Sniin Merveillenx, Satin Rhadzunen, Satin Brncades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brucado Silk Velvets. Silk Mantlc Velvets, Culured Silk Velvets, Velveteeus, Mantle Flushes, Sealetter, &c. 1 Black Grapes & Bloul-ning‘ Dress (droods a specialty. Black Ottoman Cords, Chine Cranes, Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths, Crep Imperial, Coatum Cloth, Cloths, Berber and Serge Cloths. Ia now replete with all the Newest Styles 1n Mantles, Dolmans, Ulsters, Knitted Wonl \Vraps, Heavy Wrap Shawls. 'Knittel Skirts, Quilted Skirts, Felt. Skirts, Urconmn Cloakings, Mahalasse Cluaklngs, Culured Beavers and Fulcy Cloakiugs, Ulste: Cloths, Sealetter, Mantle Flushes, &C., Sac. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises. 1550 Dozen (the balance of a Manufacturer’s stock) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pncket Handkerchiefs, about half price. Fancy Handkerchiefs, 30., 4c.,5c.. and 6c. each. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 5c., 9a, 7c., and 8c. each. The greutést baxguius in Handkelc‘liets ever offered in Toronto. See them. Ludies‘ Waterprqu Cu‘culzu‘s, $1.25 up. MANTLES, 35 .00 for $‘.OO, 8.50 for $6.'0, $10.0 for $8.00, $15.00 for $11.0r 7 3 3 3 3 3 HATS or BONNETS, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.00 for 3.00, 5.00 for 3.50, 6.00 for 4.00. FUR CAPES, 2.15 for 1.50, 3.00 {01‘2.00,,4.50for 3.00, 5.00 for 3.75. DRESS GOODS, 150 for 10c, 30c for 15c. 25c for 200, 20c for 220, 350 for 250 VELVETEENS. 380 for 300, 50c for 400. 63c for 50c, 75c for 600, $1.00 for 80¢. In order to reduce stock everything will be sold: at Slaughtering Prices. So roll in the money, & yen. may have the goods at almost your own prices. Termsfllash; Plain Figures, and no Credit. ~ J. M. HAMILTON <. FOR JAN x 18.4 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET. ’IJ'."T.ONTC NEW FALL (3008 EDWARD MCKEOWN’S DOTS & SHOES! There is War declared against High Prices at Change of Advertisement OUR SILK 8c DRESS DEPARTMENTS 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. ()ul' DIantle Depal‘tnlent THE PLACE FOR Special Bargains. FOR “ THE LIBERAL," AT JOSEPH HALL. offered, and invite attention it 'ara. mattar, Henrietta