1r In " I suffered {or eight years from Bronchitis and nltvr trying many renmi‘les will: no suc‘ um, I was cured by the use of A \‘Hlt's Curm- 1w I'm 'rul: \‘L. Joslcmi WALDEX." Byhulm, Miss" April 5A 138 "I hin'fl used AYER’S szmnr Pm'rmun In my lmuily {or several years, and do not hesitate Lu pronounce it the most efleclunl N'luc‘d)’ fur coughs and colds we have ("LI uleu'. A. .I. CRANE." Lulu: Crystal, Minn, March 13, 1881:. Croninâ€"A Mother's Tribute. " While in the country Inst winter my liule boy. three, years old, was taken ill with (Tony; it seemed as if he Wqud die from strangu- lation. (hieuf the familv suggesim the use of AH:an CHEiuu' P 'l‘Ulul., a bottle of which wns always kept in the house. This was Lriml III small and frequent doses, and touur delight in less than half an hour the little puln-nl. “‘fls breathing easily. 'l'hn doc- lor mid rhat [he Cumuu' Pl-KTOHAL hml uvml mv durhng'a lira. Can you \roniler at our gratitude? Sincerely Vonrs. Mus. EMMA prxsv.†150 West 123m St†New York, May 10, it " “'11â€: buy. Ulrrc I: seemed mm c bEETI “q?†cum BEE“ Imamnmmu-Ic :“nz , , . - WW..."- . r. I‘ull.\L, “hich relieved my lungs, induced Hut-p. and afforded me the rest necoasnry lur the recovery of 11) strength. By the continued use of the ’E('T0'.lAL n perma- nent uure “as ctl‘ected. 1 am now 6‘.‘ years old, hale and hearty, and am satisï¬ed )uur anuu rm‘ruml. saved me. - HORACE Fummmmm." Buckingham, VL, July 15, 1582. A Terrlble Cough Cured. “ In 1K57 I Innk a severe- culd, which affected my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and ussed nith aim-r night without sleep. The actors ga w me up. 1 Lrjed Ancn's Cmmm’ Pm- No other complm‘nuzare so insidious in their attack as those nflecting the throat. and lungs; none so “Him! with by the magority of sulfur- ors. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a. trifling or unconscious ex- posure, is often but the beginning of n. lulu] ackness‘ Anm's Gummy I'EC'X'UHAL has \w.l pruven its efï¬cacy in a forty ymrs‘ ilghr, will: throat. and lung diseases, and should be when in all cases without delay. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer~ chants, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. APPLES! APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DQNMD Ea 50., Kenncih Campbell 80 Goa, MONTREAL. {LIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA. IFIDIGESTIOH JAU N DICE, ERYSYPELAS, SALT RHEUM FEARTBURH, HEADACHE, And every speci disordered LIV This famous Brand, PURE, BRILLIA and almost Taste- less. iï¬ In lpl'l'iol' to any ollwr Norwegian (39d lecr Oil yet in- Iroducul. Cod Liver Oil! 79 QUEEN ST.,I.ONDON| E. C., 3111431 Imported and bottled only by w my enough Him, April 5,3881: WILL CURE OR RELIEVE “ SKREP †‘hï¬ 110nm A 1' OF THE SKIN, s of diseases arislng frorr ,R, KIDNEYS, STCMACH ZLS OR BLOOD. THE STGMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN. in [7mm of Alim‘imz n5 1 do Ion; :u‘" have OF THE HEART AClDIT‘s’ 0F DlZZINESS, DROPSY. FLUTTERiNG 91 the Proprietors, Toronto A0110) do llunt n‘o lied CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 137,1{ing St. East, Toronto, v..m..u.u.. yu | n-uuu. All norrehg'unaence held as strictly conï¬dential and advice yum†free of charge, Hugh MILLER Mm, 'SComplicutod symptoms treated iron JOHANNHEEN'u Sperm] I’lescripeiuu. under Vice 0! a. duly qualiï¬ed consuming thuicipp Alln.\r r--â€"â€"â€" ‘ A valuable treaties. explanatow of “1-. Jonx~ NEREN'H system, Will ho sent by mail, post paid and securely sealed from observation. to any sufferer addressing his sole authorized agent {or the United States and ( uuudn, Any Debility or Derangement of the Nervous System, including Spermutthnreu, Gonorrhea, byphilis. Striczure, Impotence. etc., etc. 11ECAUSE you muv anu been cheated and fouled by QUACKS, who claim to cure this class of disorders, do not hesitate tn givu Dr. JuHANNus- EN'H method a fair ti 131 before your Cutie becomes chronic and incurable. sthe most complex work of the Creator, mu] when this complicated structure, so exquisitely wrunghz, is disturbed bydiseuse, the muss efï¬ciâ€" ent aid should be sought from the most skilled physicianâ€"for thelmmuu body is to†precious to be neglected. It becomes the quentiuu, than: " What physician shall be employed ‘? " D1‘.Os(‘A.IL JUHANNESEN, of the University of Harlin, Germany, has made a. lifelong study of ailments of the Nervous and Gama-Urinary n“- “A System _ 7 , v - v -- - l d’lurge value. that will start v( will u once bring you in money thing else In America. All two presents in each bnx. Agents w: of either sex, of all ages. ï¬nal] time only, to work for us at th Fm’tuues for 1111 workers nb‘ Don't: delay. H. HALLETT & Co 184‘} MAN’S I use no cheap malarial and Walnut every set. Guld Filling, and all other operutluns skilfully pe'x'formed, at moderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" - $8.00 0N CELLULOID, - â€" $10.00 $200,000 Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of I.)ENrI‘ISr.F, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. C. P. LENNOX '1 um Cm'r( Beau sum}, not Ge Butte Butte Dreséed h Oats, per bushel Pans, do. Cauliflower I Celery, '1‘urnips.per ' Carrots, dl Hny,per ton . Straw, per ton Potatoes: Apples. Onions, 1 Cabbage Geese Turkt Butte Butte Duc [)re Bee Wheat Wheat, Barley. Oats, RICHMOND HILL HIS REMEDIES CURE 2-ESTABLISHED ~ ur, hill BEST SETS :ssed hogs, per 1( 5f, fore quarters at, hind quarters ckens, per pair . tks, do. VITALIZED AIR. Per 1‘ guru) :smnchv ,puund 10115 ,tub dairy . .‘ rash, pgr doz TonoxTn Tnursduv, Jun mu. per bushel spring, do. . pmj 1mg 15†FREE nll workoxs nigélï¬uté \' natured. H. HALLETT &' 60., PortlamlMuine 3. mun wm start You in work that wring you in money faster than nuv America. All about the $200,900 in ac); bnx. Agents mme everywhere of 11.11 ages. far all the time, or rpuru wn ‘k for us at their own homes. gu,par]00 1b \uarter.†quarter . ‘eg pair r11) i rolls rolls .A ‘ Per do. do: Eh: “mamas. bbl "xm-z'rr 1.5 ORGANISM rm bbl bush HENRY VOGELER. 40 South Street. New York 100 lbs bag Thursdnv January. 8, 1885 nms treated from Dr ‘nesqripeiun. under ud- iupreaents given away Send us 5 cents postage and by mail vuu will ue free a. puckaga of good: Mzw 15th . 1884 (h 8. Ib85 wmuu m 000000 00000 mamwmw 000086 5 7 40 C 50 '11, ESSSS ISJ'I rk V that 0 41) 0 00 0 50 o 40 40 70 Buth lightand heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the \vurl' is under my own uupn-rvim I. I am «I‘d wgym-ed Ln do Bllkimla «f black- " if...) I: (5: ~‘ "wring -u the int :1 work- 50 Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G M S. In returning thanks to my numeroua friends for their liberal patronage during the past. twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg tn re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- nmdiuns premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, June 11,1313) TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Money to Loan on improved farms cent. Apply lo Money to Loan u ruyul, vuJual'Iln sample box In! goods that will put. vou in the way of iuuking more money in a few (luys tlmn vuu ever thought possible at any business. Cap- ital not required. You can live at home and Work in spare time only, or all the time, All of both sexen. of all ages, graudly successful. 50 cents to 55 easily earned every evening. That all who want. work may text the business, we make this unxmmllelad oflar: To 1111 who are not. well satisï¬ed we will sand 51 to pay for the tmulrle of mining us. Full particulars, di- rectionn. etcl, sent free. Immense pny absolutely sure to those who start m; oncei Don't delay. Alldless STINBON 6; Cu., Portland, Muina. l for working people. Senxl 10 cents postage, and we will mail vnu {mm L] I WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East ?H. B. DEWSBURY’S PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE! MECHANC’S H. B. Dewsbury, All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’.’> RICIM‘IOND HILL, HARNESS EMPURIUM, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. (40 Years Estabhshed) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks. Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED As REPRFSENIED. E M. Morphy- 9..n_ no 141 Yonge Street, Toronto E.M. MORPHY 23~4-'$8 GI RICHMOND HILL mun RICHMOND IIILL. YONGE STREET. â€"â€"â€"-ANDâ€"-â€" VE US A CALL. FIRST-CLASS Near George Street, Toronto 'Il ‘, T98 l Sleighs and TOOLS. UL! J. R. ARNOLD. Richmond Hill c ï¬â€˜dfl'rtflfl’ la'Jtir H. llt H arnefs yVC at 6 per Crystal Presents in good vnriety. Christmas &, New Year’s Cards, lutaut designs. New and Buautiful Toys in great variety, and the best (In ufoctionery of all kinds. Call 4(- Sm- :"l . AIRS. HJJ‘LK‘ON. Upp‘ 'I. l: 01"â€. Large and Small Photo and Scrap Albums, ur yuu'r choice of New and Handsome 31 Volumes wuh anâ€, 2' ‘ba. of Ten. MRS. HARRISON‘S WEW’ T392? Swzw .3 SPLENDID XMAS PRESENYS! WITH EVERY LP. of Tea DICA LER IN CLOCKS, WATMIES & JEWEL {Ya WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR A: FEED a]w»ya of which we will sell as chcup for cash as any stun: cm liluhmuud HLlI, class guods. ALL IiIbDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 3 LARGE STOCK from 40cts. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUNS MAE T0 URER. IN DRES S GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS O WINTER STOCK COMPLETE British Hag: Stafli ! In (iI{()Clflll/IECSI$ fan- ’Jiu'istinas In Books or Glass, given at THE NEW WELLEAMS do not quote prices. Look in and if pric do not suit, I need not tell you what to ( and Feed a specialty. A. I... $511118]: All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain “ it. to their advantage to call upon, or c-nrrespuud with us N. B.â€"\Ve are agents fur the Please send for Circular which cnnta‘lns testimonials from 1 Feeders and Stuck Raisers in the vaince. It is equ- ally valuable fur Stuck of all kinds, Horse-s, Cattle, Sheep, Pws (ll Punltry. Dairy-men always ï¬nd it largely Increases quantity and quality of milk. Corn, Oats, Peas, Buckwheat, Whole & Ground Oil Qake, Cotton seed Meal. Flax seed, &c.; also CHOP & MILL STUFFS 0F RICHMUND HILL In addition to our Seed Business ' handle STEELE BROS SEED 8c PRODUCE IJERCHANTE, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. EMPIRE HORSE Ut’ dz MILL SI‘UFFS OF ALL KINDS. XVAN TED 1311\IEDI‘A'1‘EL1’, flgeztw ï¬asmg 620 mg SEEQ. . 1L. SEEELE, STEELE ] AxLSO DEALER IN ALEX. MOQDIE. FIRST - CLASS SHAVE Y IN THEâ€"<â€" flaï¬s‘ï¬ï¬lfl ï¬iiï¬ï¬ï¬ HAIR-GUTTINB A SPECIALTY ANDRE‘VS’ Sega mm†(£423ng I L'CATTLE FOOD. High Arm Sewing Ma It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion Plain and Slmple to L SEWING owner. 1!; m rapidlv supersvdi d fashioned makes ewrywhere y 1t.buyit,and make sure that Ad by we are now prepared to Richm It w: 31; pr v I I Hi BROS, & Co ~13 THE PLACE FOR Aâ€"â€"â€" J pdel BERT. AKELRE‘VS. Pray. u' G MACHINE trot J. LUSH. ‘lauo‘ 1 Hill yg,‘1nmble and well built-.0! the uterial that money can buy. or swing Maching :3 now rec ognized as \he 19d Domtni pidlv 5L ) diet in Organs and OF THE PEEIOD medals ahd three lion Exhibition inst )persr-ding a†the ywhere. See it, re that you get it. and quality Flour NETS \Vlll ï¬nd mun have . down 3. pun \es .rrmu I. leading on hand, all keeping Kink earn