HE LIBERAL Me's-E1311}; fBE-ï¬e;a~1;ce Hill? ovary Wednesday evenina.at 7.30 o'clock. Wm.Ha.n'ison T.D. “The Methodist subbash school'l‘empemnce As ed‘cistion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmï¬urison Supt Macmmcs' lNSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 *vohnnesppt-n every Tuesday evening. m the Ma,- ‘Q )a’ic Hall. from 7 to 8 o'clock. B. E. Law. Libra.- k‘mg. Loam-res and discussions periodically. Eleanosr, HILL CORNET Emuâ€"Meets {or “I netiee'evm’y Tuesduy and Saturdayeveulng at “5.5a o’clb‘ck. C‘ Suvage, Lender. Vmun Cancun-Rente. Wm. Pugsley. Gaun- cill~-rn.Me.Se:rs.Benj. Bedditt.W.D. Powell, 1" ‘ G.Sn_.vage, and F. McConaght. (:lcrk. M. Teexv. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the ' Committee. Room of the Masonic Hull «each alternative Friday at 8 o‘clock p.111. Bene~ flcnry certiï¬cate given for <2.000 in case of death. ~J. A. E. Switzar, Muster Workman. mchlr N0. 43, M nttive Tu ï¬ning ce members1 halt mum" son‘Select Beet-ding Graduate of Toronto UniversityJLC. P. (St S 01m.twoyeurs nesident, assistant Surgeuu t4 Toronto Geneml Hospiml. Ofï¬ce and reaideuce,â€"0ne door South of P. 0 Cities Hours~8 to 10 3.. 111., 6a 12 to 2 p. In Dr. James Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl. Members College Physiciansa Surgeons, Ont‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ricnxoxn Meets in the avenina. at 7 The Metln AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING A PUBLISHING HOUSE uwHMUNl) UlLL. â€" - ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING Medalist Toronto Universitv. Member C0 Physicians& Surgeons, 0nh.,(1am of smuï¬ville Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours 3 to 103.. m..5t08p‘m. lucanozm LonoE.A. F. & A.M., No.23, 0:.th ‘â€"-â€"\leecs in the Lodge Boom,Mlsonic Ballpn the Monday on or hefox'etull moon,u8 o\:lock pan .A. J. Rupert. W. M~ ANCIENT ORDER or Fomca'rznsâ€"Court Rich- mond. No. 7046 A. O. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall every Litex-nate Fridav at 7.30 panâ€"A. J. Rupertï¬. E. shin. Sunda Rector. mm M; luzao mm; 1 mum Hill [Lt 9 all Rev. W mm (323! Young 1‘ RMEJKOND â€"â€"-Meets in t1: Monday on o A. J. Rupert. l’nnsnv'x v. 11 u‘clnc m \leucs DR. Gnomï¬j LANGSTAFF, THOBNHILL, ONT.V Dr. 0rr, Maple. Oï¬icefnours: Ste 930 a. m,.a.|1d to 2.30 p.173 Dr. \V. J. Wilson. ‘mnkf ST.M,\RY Mnmor All ll VOL.VII. Jami Pr KAN EUSINESS CARDS. ‘l ill be rifle N am aSqum‘e‘ All . . . . . . . 53211131. MQZMEQ gm Tâ€. F. McMAEON: Kihe’Pulmez House) EDITOR {33112 Eï¬ihtral †mum flirrctm‘y. )r the favors of the past 20 years consultcdin any branch of the pro )ll IS PUBLISHED EVERY )er unperamce, Richmond Hill Council 55in Temperance Hall,eacb alter- iay evening “8 o'clock p m. Bene. ï¬catas issued in ‘ male or female "1.000 or in case (if death $2,000,4ane : in cast of disability. J. H. Sander- ouncillars; J. A. Singeon Stewart ecrecam‘. HILL TEMPLE ETOR anti PROPRIETOR. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson‘ always on hand he a. charm Fr RBINP 0N LI a; 16:11, and 22nd l". . . :9th and 24th Husband. K 6u1ngat1530. ma: cauncE.â€"Servicea in order n-nhill at 0 aux, and Richmond ; the following ï¬muluy m Rich, ..m.. and Thornhill at lu:30 a. m SOCIPIIM- aacdicnl. SURGEON VERTIET annum, m Churches. Enema 'CDPAL Cauncn.â€"â€"Service at 3 mm Sunday of every month. and sacrament are held at 11 )0]Ml:30p.m Rev.W.BMBs, Sunday school, “:30 p. m. wer mobtiug Tuesday'aveuing. eetin every Thurmlnyevenmg m). - er. WAR Barker, Supt†Assistant. JBU'RCH or 0ANADA.â€"Services and 13:30 pm Prayer meeting NEWTON BROOK DENTIST mrvioes at 10:30 a. m iinh Loan. 1811‘. 20th 21st 30th Bth No 465, 1101 G. 1:.â€" at up}: :e from L. l). s.. ovary Wéglngsday of cam-h mo' «in: mm min. Aurel 9. Out >f each n a’dvancej tmemtw u I Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re~ gpectlulh/ solicits your patronage and friendly Influence. Hales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits our patronage and friendly influence. sales at ended on the short-est notice and at reasonaba rates. P. 0. address, King. Llcensed AucSioneer {or the County of York Sales attended on the shortest uoticenmd at rea- abe rates. Address Stouflvxlle P. 0 Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it. in m nitâ€"class style, I tun prepared to give the publlc the best of accommodatmu. Excellent stubling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for cgummercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectlunl Terms 51 per duv. FIRST-CLASS L Special Rates to Commerciui Travellers t‘S'DOMIN‘ION HOTEL. RICHMOND HILI THE DOMINION HOUSEg. Richmond Hill, Benj. Bl'lllinger. Proprietor. $l00.090 01 Private Funds to Central Bank of Canada.‘ PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TR Importer 01 Watches. clocks and ï¬ne jewellery a. stack of Diamonds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. L‘s‘Manumcturinp, of jewellexy, and x‘epairiucofwatches and clocks on the premises, a specialty Thanking out patrons and triendsfm' theirlib- ernlputronagr iL the Fast. we beg: to state that We have just rereivm 3.18.1119 stock ofnew goods in Intent designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and Wn‘lthmm watches keneon hand. Money to Loan Luau on Farm Property “lowest rates of in- terest to pay off Mortgages at higher rates or 1‘0)- buiï¬ing, draining, or other purposes. Mortgages and Municilml Debentures purchased. Farmers will save money by applying direct to Daily Expr Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Outarlo and Peal. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock eta, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES LAWRENCE 85 MILLIGAN, A. G. P. LAWRENCE. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, llAl.l.. PHILLAR'I‘ON & COOK, IXARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. A‘c‘ OFFICES: 18 Knm STREET EAST, Tonnx'rn. “1M. HALL. J.S.FULLARTON. w. COOK. Lé‘rmvn‘r: FUNDS To nus. .- 312.3» agymflï¬s, BA KR] STE R-AT-LA w. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 800 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. Na.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hm Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES flADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. or to T. F. MCMAHON, Editor 0! LIBERAI Richmou‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 84s.. given to moving )1 pimnos. VINGS Money tn Inn on farm security JAMES Rick RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 1885 N. J. Armstrong. Salem Bckardl. atilsrcunuruns. L TEEF‘. NOTARY PUBLIC 86:, AND RICHMOND HILL 52 Adelaide St, East, Toronto NI. Brown. .I. “’anltss. A. Al E. R. REYNOLDS IREC ï¬nal. :1 Hill nto. Special 3' )uaehold furnitu- LEN, ( In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†B rat ’1‘. C. MILLIGAN. UNIONVILLE IVER aslncl‘ ud‘ Hm EES M Rev. C. 0. Johnson of Toronto,will preach Sermons on behalf of the Methodist Sunday School in the Methodist church of this place next Sunday. Ou Monday even/mg, he will deliver in the same place, his popular, hum- orous. and instructive Lecture on “Home Life." Miss E. A. Sprngge, Principal of our Pub lie Schools. will take up the subject " Gear: Iapby taught to a Third Ulnss", at. We N. Y 'I‘eachera' Convention to be held In New market. on the 22nd and 23rd inst: Mr. Henry Sanderson. senior member of the late Firm of Sanderson and Sons, has retired-from the business. winch will in {u- tur ‘ ' under the name of Sun- . O _7 wish. him contentment nring the remaindér of hrs life, and trust that the business of the young men will con-j tinue to prosper as it, has in the-past. Golden Wedding. On the evening of Thursday last (Jan.8tb) was celebrated.at the home of J.M.Lawrence, Esq., the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey, of this village. (or, on Thurs- day, Jim. 8th, 1835. they joined hands to: ï¬ght the battle of life. Their children and grandchildren, all of whom Were present. rightly deemed it ï¬t and proper to keep in a becoming manner the anniversary of a day which the lapse of half a century has ac- cumulated nothing but proofs to show it to have‘been of most happy omen. In ad: diuon to relatives, 9 very few intimate friends of the family were invited to assist on the joyous occasion. The congratulatiunm we need scarcely say, were both earnest and hearty. The presents were eucn as become a Golden Wedding. and one especially. an extremely handsome and costly golil.headed cane. is worthy of mention. The night was spent most pleasantly. Conversations on days of old, games, music. (ï¬e, ecnt‘ the hours flying with winged feet. A ï¬uppFl', which at once appealed to both eye and appetite, gave, as it never fails to do when of the right kind, great additional zest to the merriment. Hitherto, time has dealt most leniently with both Mr. a Mrs. Arksey. We sincerely hope that tliev have still before them many more vearg“ of the peace and happiness which have unfailingly marked their married life. . II. A. McLuan’llin. Norland, writes: “ I am sold out of Northrop & Lymau'h Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. It sells well, and 1 ï¬nd in everv instance it has proven satisfactory. I have reason to believe it is the best preparation 0! the kind in the market.†It cures 'Dys pepsin, Bilmusness, and Torpidity of the Liver, Constipation, and all diseases aris- ing from Impure Blood, Female Com- plaints, ISLC. dl Sermons 1n the m Barker, of Richm‘ evening by Rev. J The Missinnary M folluwing Tuesday Mechanics’ Institute M ceiing. The Directors of the Richmond Hill Me- chumcs‘ Institute met in the Lecture room of the Masonic Hall on Monday evening. January 121b, Mr. Switz r,Pres.,in the chair. Members present.Mess .Snvage, Pngsley, Nicholle, Trench, Law, Crosby, McConaghy, and McMahon. The minutes of last meet- ing. Nov. 2m, were read,and, on motion conï¬rmed. A letter was read from Mr. O. A. Hirschfelder. of TorontO, stating that he would be prepared to deliver a Scientiï¬c Lecture before the Institute at any time during the month of February. Mr. Puge- ley moved,seconded by Mr. Nicholle, that the Secretary be instructed to communicate with Mr. Hirseblelder, and request that be deliver his Lecture, “Prehistoric America." on Friday eveniny. Feb. 20tb.â€"Uanied. Moved by Mr. Trench. seconded by Mr. Mc- Couaghy that the Re-lmion committee be nutbmized to get up an Entertainment on Friday evening, Janna" 30th,â€"Moved by Mr. Nicholle, seconded by Mr. Savage. that the admission ten to the Rte-union for non- members be 15 cents.~Carrieé. The meet.- iug then adjourned. 37mm our own Correspondent. Missionary serVIces were held in the Methodist Church here on Sundav last. Sermons in the morning by Rev. ‘V. R. Barker, of Richmond‘ Hill, and in the evening, by Rev. J. Dietcalfï¬f Eglingtrm. D] u the pm evenil Re \v v. James ulpit at ( LOCALS PERSONALS. NEWTON BROOK mst ary Me lllk 'earen, M. A., occnple lrlr's church on Sunda m which he delivered Ipressive discourse bear venln tin ()m writ D 1‘ m the 1r ‘Y A COWARDLY Antacmzm“.~'l‘he stnlfle of the Muthudlsr minister of Mono Road was “visited on Sunday night and the hair of the tail nf his horse was cut 03' short. The Rev. G. Washington had preached a temperance sermon the evening beture and hm] attend'eé Scott Act meetings. These are very no: arguments, but they seem who the as: the Annâ€"Scott men have gut. When people give us the best, the-y have m: one e'huuld ccmplain.â€" Wutedav Chronicle. Wlmlesalu liquor d‘ealers in Toronto admit that they are suffering severely through the carrying of the Seutt Act. in so many cmmuies. There has been one large failure, partly due to this cause, already. Enough liquor was Consumed in Great Britain last year to make a lake a. mile long, a mile wide, and thirty-ï¬ve feet deep. \tht a. lake of ï¬re that would make if lighted I ï¬arehpgmted that. nut one woman was conï¬ned in the jail at St. John except through the direct or indirect. use of in- toxicants. COMPENSATION FOR. THE LIQUOR SELLER. " \Voman, out of her sphere.†At the Maritime \V. C. T. U. UOuvention Mrs. Marchmmed that. nut one woman was conï¬ned in the jail at St. John except TEMPERANCE ITEMS Supplied by the l. O. G. T. Lodge, Rxch mond Hill. A lady writes: ‘ I waa‘enablaME; move the corm root. and branch, by the use of Holloway’s Corn C'flre.†In g0! plays ing fe Sever such 2 {mg fever has taken Several characters ‘ such as “ The Bloc Mike." " The Negr lads and many luo mention. The n Curtis J: \V, (In credit for the gen which thev Condud Alonb‘eal W'itneo‘s 1‘] I‘he ll] m b the genflem'anly v conduct rhe ï¬nk SPRINGHDLL r0 Lass, ma JOHN NICHOLLS. . deserve great rnly manner .1" as vernl N egro numerous to Messrs. F. 30, in- Supper 11.28th . uaran 1rm from Our Own Cmespondent. l 3an I \vrnts Inst our little Burg has lbeen very quiet. On Wednesday night, last week. a l horse-thief; or some one who wunted a cheap ride, entered the stable of Mr. P. H. McKenzie, of Oak Ridges, stole a horse, buggy and lxahaess, & drove dim]; Yonge Street as hr as the Deer T781th Hotel. The horse «'35 found next day not. much the wurse of its drive. HOTSc- stealing is gettiugquite cummon in this There was a. private from the Anrur: division of the Salvation Army in tom last. week, soliciting alum to aid in lhl fortiï¬cation of a barric‘ks as immediam reinforc'ementa were necesnarv, as iner mutiim w'as Fecr‘chd from Lllultl authority that the devil was preparing tn storm flu :Army with shell from every available part. ESTWES. STDVESH [DUAL 880K STVES At the last Sitting of the Divisiori Court, held in the Conrt House, Rich- mond Hill, on Saturday, January 10th. four Cases were in the docket, and were disposed nf by His Honour, Judge Me- ungald, as folluwszâ€" Sneatu &: Greunan, Plaintiffs vs. John Hendrick Defandant. $16.63. Plaintiffs sued for goods Supplied Defendant. less $26.25 to accuml‘ for wood recaived leavâ€" mg a balance of $16133. Defendant, claimed that credit should be given him for wood supplied to the amunnt of $44. After hearing parties and their witnesses, judgment was given Plaintiffs for $11.51 with costs. The Next sitting of the Court will be 0d Saturday, 213%, of March. Sliuey as. Jas. Lackey was next but in the absence of the parties, dismissed. .Vohn' Whitten, Plaintiff“. David Bovle‘ Defendant. $67.47. This action arose out of a. contrarinesa between um tenants in the township of York, the Defendant being the proprietor in the one case; Plaintiff sued for payment of hls costs in erecting a. wire fence between the parties’ land in the township nf York on an award (between plaintiff and the defendant’s tenant)nnder the Fence VieWers’ Act. M2. McLean for plaintiff handed in the avmrd. Mr. Davidson for defendant dated that the award sued on was not 3; Fence Viewer‘s award. The Fence View; er’s Act required that the Fence Viewer‘e‘ award should ‘deï¬ne the nature of the fence to be erected, and a. speciï¬c time within which it was to be erected. The awards sued on contained no such provis- ions and therefore when plaintitf erected said fence he did an on his own responst fruity†dis Hononï¬ in givmg judgment puinmd out that the Act was most speciï¬c 8.! to what a. Fence Viewer’s award should contain. A stone wall might have been erected under the award sued on as it gave him no definite instructions. And as no time was speciï¬ed in these Awards within which the Work should be com~ menced and ï¬nished, defendant had made no default. Judgment, non- suit. An interpleader suitbetween William Brown and Albert Farr Was called but as none of the parties appeared, it W28 dismisied with costs. Landws Kinnee $21.63 was for default in obepiug a. previous nrder on a. Judg- ment summuus, but was not. of any pub- lic interest. Mr. GeSTï¬arpu’s sale at. Larchmere. w'as quite asnccess. Owing to “a large crowd of xelluble buyers. 3 considqrgblo amount of valuable stock and implezï¬â€˜Ã©i‘t Was disposed of. neiglierhJod of laie. 1iss Cassie Robinson and her cousin, as Gray. left. here last. Week for a. visit. among their friends in Bradford and Gil- ford. Mr. Geo. Robinson. of Bradford, has been-tugging here this last week. 00M. HEATING STOVES Jar DIVISION COURT. A NUMBER OF PARLOI [Single copies; 3 cts U1 )1 1r 011 JEFFERSON intez No. 29. I‘1( called, it was