TUNNTO (Yitv HS Brock & Quren‘l Pm-krlulo .. ()rweuport Weston . Thornhill . )uunmxp Kins: ........ Alll‘nl‘ll. . . Tom): ‘Newmm-kc A'u'om, “ §Hrrinmxh HILI Thomhill ‘1') "many P tu‘knlnl N. B.â€"'Y at least F mentioue Until further : Eichmnml Hill 1 {Evans \Vesb Fjomxoxn HILL, Thursday. Jan. 15, ’85 Connects :flnllsa Rid Mail & EXT Ancmnmml Expl'esx. N Mail, St‘“ t1 PR0CT08‘?§TAGE LINE. Try the 30c Cash House. The W. C. T. 1 dance mi Mrs. W. day next. Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer, has received instructions from Mr. H. Whitmore to sell by public auction on Lot No. 4, '5th Con. Vaughan. on Wedï¬esdav. Jan. 218$, ’85, his vgluable farm stock, implements, the. Sale g 12 o‘clock. lunch provided. Extra Fine Mixed Pickles at the Concrete_, 20¢. per qt. Important Credit Sale. Will be snld by public auction. on Friday, 32);]. 16th, '85, on Lot No. 21. 3rd Con. West Yp'rk, the farm stock, implements, &c., be- longing to Mix Edmond Shepard. Sale to commence at 11 o‘clock, lunch provided. Salem Eckardt, Auctionepr. Cocoanut, in bulk, at the Con- crete, Chen p. SE1 day, Jan. ‘. implement O’Hearn. prietor :5 g 1101156 ewxue. Try \Vhiff acknowledge it as extra £0 There Mondav p )C are sellin th 'c10uk 'shux I!“ POST OFFICE NOTICE The m I)! Ar IJ()C 1&148. 1" Street m's Winu'f m sm HML ms Shrew HII Extensive Credit Sale ILtion rth 3.1’ ill be an it! 1t rese 1. 19th, ’85. rm. the farm 11;: to Mr. Is GOXNG NORTH Mail. 1‘ 53'11 T.U.will meet M. the resi- . W. A. Sanderson, ou Wednes- Txmber for Sale GOING 1 Latte Credit S sold by A: ONE VVoolShirts& Drawers at The Cheap Cash r cl iii. fullm‘ t1: .2 South 10 0 10.! redit Sale )W 118 Tea at The Cheap ‘aler uh liberal. ilx M. TEEFY. Postmaster 42) S O U'l‘H by publ Vaughan the valun Baking Powder, 11 who have used Ill m1 be follow Mn lust he lnnded in rthnn the above 1 price ru 1n rdt , East mm Thnrnhill, .‘klmm . (kc. l West I'VE the ic auction on ‘t No. 13. 5th (. implements] ' Puberbnugh. proprietor has unence at 12 dt. Auctioneer. L13 (IO Mr the Palmer m motion 0:} 1 _chnes. farm stock. 8.00 a. m 11.45 " :ed at the OUCI’ 30 Thomas be pro- brev ed and neer at one Mail .13 .20 m F19 43 Men ; of 3y Spvgeon's Sumyns. By Special arrangements with Rev. C. H. Spurgeou’s London publishera. the Globe Printing Company have secured the exclus- ive right of enrly reproduction in Canada of the regular weakly sermon of the World- famous pastor cl the London Tabernacle. These sermons were commenced in the Gibbe of Saturduy‘ Jun. 10th (morning mnl even- ing). and will lie continued every Satunduv nerwlter. Subamiptions taken at THE L113- }:nu, oflice, We. a month, or 26. a. single copy. 2 Cans Salmon for 25c.,. 2 cans Mackerel for 250.. 2 cans Lobsters for 250.,8 bars Launï¬dfy Soap for “ Educatibnal Weekly." We lmw- rmwived the ï¬rst number 01’ the Educationna‘ [Vt-(My, whirh, in future is to hike the place of UK) Canada School/Journal. It. ia n twentv pngejuurual, nently ï¬nished, and. judging [mu its ï¬rst appearance. will take a good stand among educational papers. Many gentlemen of high standing as journ- alists have promised Mr. Bryant, the Editor, contributions during the year. Besides the Tenulnr Educational intelligence relating to school work, n, certain space is set apart per. Mining to Music, Drama. and Arts. which will be an additinnal attraction. We wish it success in its efforts to further the course Of Education. now 60c. sold Sabbath School Anniversary. The Richmond Hill Method‘st Sabbath School wrll hold their Anmversury Srrmons, Tea and Lecture on Jan. 18th (2 19th, in the church. Sermonshy the Rev. C 0. Johnson of Toronto, on Sunday, Jan. 18th. at 10.30 a. 111. Subjectâ€"†A Stolen Child," and at. 6.30 p. m., subjectâ€"†The Youthful Dream- er." Collecnons after each sermon. Choice Anthems by the choir. .On Monday follow- ing. Tea. will be served in the School l Room at 5 o‘clock. aiter which av humorous lactate will be delivered bythe RN. 0. 0. Johnson. Subjectâ€"“ Home Life." Singing bv the School. kaets, to tea and lecture, 25cls. Lecture only, 20c. Hill} Forra nobby Suit. :1 nobby Uver- coat, a nobby Hat, :1 nobby Tie. a nobby white Shirt, go to the Con- crete House. Petitionsare being circulated, by the op poneuts o! the Scott Act, praying for an al- teration in the law, 30 as to require the pol.- ing of a three-ï¬fths majority vote in quuf of the Act before it can he brought into 0p- eralion. To counteract{ this, [it a meeting of the Executive committee of the Domino gon Alliance it was unanimously resolved to issue counter petitions, asking that no change may be made in the Scott Act that would make in 195s effective, or that would make it more difliuult to secure its adoption or enforcement. It was also resolved to embody in the name prayer a. petition for (2119 total prohibition of the liquor trafï¬c. Ladies, you will ï¬nd at The Claéglp Cash House .1 nice assort- mentot Hand bags, Purses, .Hand- Rel-chiefs, Ties. Collars, &c., at very low priess. N. Y. Teachers’ Association. The Regular half-yearly meeting of tl a above Assocmtion will be held at the Model School in the Town of Newmarket, on Thursday and Friday, January 22nd and 23rd, commencing each day nt 10 a. m. All schools in the Riding are to be closed, and toth dnys reckoned as visiting days to all teachers who attend the Convention and an- swer to lheis names at Roll Call of each sess- ion, so that their Section will sustain no loss in the apportionment of the Municipal Grunt. The Government having arranged to take charge of these Institutes, J. A. McLellnn Esq , l. L. D., Comluctonl of Institutes, will be present and will tuke up the teaching of at least three subjects. On the evening of Thursday, the ‘22nd inst, he will deliver a. Public Address in the Town Hull. on some popular subject. His well known reputation leads us to expect something entertaining and useful. All friends of Education are cordially invited to attend the meetings. Convention Call. The Annual Convention of tnrio Branch .of the Dominion the suppression of the liquor be held in the Temperance Hall, Street, Toronto, on Tuesday, and '1‘ It is e‘ usuaH mean ntiou ‘ connee lbili The Young Hyson & Blacu Teas, w sold at the Concrets for 50 and c.1wer1b., surpass any teas ever d at those ï¬gures in Richmond )v llk L11 \t'the Concrete Hduse. h ur Scott Act Petitions at. W itll W 'em perunce Hall, Temperance ), on Tuesdav. Wednesday, Janum'y 20th. 2131: and 22nd. .mt this meeting will be um- and inlerestlug. Arrange- II) inle ade t( 3.: the ( : proh promil mperance workers, t different questions »hibitory movement inth gentlemen of 310112 whom are the 7! Thur 1M M cure ftht $11 )t' the Alliance traffic, wnl he uu-y ,1 MAMLE the conpvr- D, we workers, I :00 for ‘,( nt quesLiuns 7 $3 $ 2412:3361: HATS or BONNETS, hum am Hm - J. J. Mc- UR CAPES Esq†P011013 ‘ -. , 3. Hr E. Fos- I I, w ï¬x‘::t-,- duy «'1 L†m" DRESS GOODS human, mu] ‘ I" [‘rvwth-‘ntv‘ r ‘ , rt! wr pmmi. 15C fl kg; was: ;VELVETEENS; 5 for will HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT HALLS’ NOTORIOUS STORE Raisins, currants, Dates, Figs; Lemon Peels, Spices.- ‘ ()I‘angos and Candies. Ingreat stock. We will guarantee a good ï¬t, and at prices which cannot be beaten=int1ie Dominion. Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, RLUURRL REED, HARDWARE, CRUCRERY, GLASSWARE &c., of the ‘very best quality. A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. We are now slmwiï¬z the Largest and Most. Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite attention f [n which we show all the newest. Full Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, all Wool Poplins, Ladies’ Cloth, Cun- bination Snitings. all 'Wool Serges. Checks. Fluids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Cnlored Gros Gram Silk Satins, Sacin Merveillenx, Satin Rhudmnes, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brude Silk Valvets, Silk Maml Velvets, Cl-lnred Silk Velvets, Velveteeus, Mantle flushes, Sealetter, 85c. - Black (fl-apes. 8c Sioux-fling Dress Ciroods a specialty BlackOttmunn Cnrda‘, Chine Grapes. Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths, Crep Impeï¬nl, Costum .Cloth, .Paramattar, Henrieu Cloths, Berber and Serge Cloths. Is now replete with all the Newest Styles 1n l‘lanflvs, Dolmans, Ulstera, Knitted “'ool \Vraps, Heavy \Vrarp Shawls. lKnitto Skirts, Qunlted Skirts, Felt Skirts, Ottoman Cluukmgs, Mamlasse Cluakings, Colored Beavers and Fancy Cloakings, Ulstt Cloths, Sealetter, Mantle Flushes, &c., &c. Fine Dress and Mantle Making do‘ne ‘ on‘ the Premises 1550‘Dozan (the balance of Fancy Handkerchiefs, 30., 4c. in Handkelc‘uiets ever Ofl‘ered In order to reduce stock everything Slaughterng Prices. So roll in the n have the goods at almost your own pri NEW FALL EDWARD MCKEOWN’S There is War declared against High Prices at BOOTS & SHOES! in Figur Change of Advertisemem 3233 SILK 8c DRESS DEPARTMENTS 182 YONGE. ST., TORONTO. of a. Manuï¬acturer’s‘atock) oï¬;Ladies’ and Children’s Linen 4c.,50,. and (So. each.) Pure Lian Ha‘ndkexchiefs. 5c., 90. red ixr'l‘orontu. See~bhem. Ladies’ Waterproof Clrculars es, and no Credit. $7:oo for $5,00, $8.50 for $6.50, $1050 for $8.00, $15.00 for $11.0 Our BIantle Depal-tlnent THE PLACE FOR 2.15 tor I. ILL.th 380 for peelal Bargains. 15c for IOC, 30c for 15c FOR “ THE LIBERAL,†3.0.0 for 2.00, 4.00 for 'T‘FT! AMLTG RE ABOVE C AT 3.90 for )I‘ JOSEPH HALL. T1083 3.00, 5.00 for~3.50, 6.< 11101181 OI'Z‘OK Pocket Hzmr‘kerchiefs,~about half prior 7a.. and 80.- cach. Th‘e greatcst bargaix‘ $1.25 110. 3.00 VIVID. STREE'] 20C 00 for )I )(