Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1885, p. 8

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weak spots in an opponent. Much,there- fore, v as expected of him n3 3 member (if the council,but little realized. Instead of imparting to the others a little of his vim and push, he rapidly developed into as ardent a sitter on the mat tail of prog- ress as any of his culleaglleF. The change _. however, is not likely to improve matters nur (101 see any prospect nf improve went without the aid of the press to com- ]uel them. especially in the matter of the public health, to do their duty. Nuisances are tuleruted in the village, that in any other Village would subject the council to impeachment and heavy Costs, Ha.- dissulved this 13th day mutual consentâ€"the senior member of the firm retiring and that. J. H & W. A. SANDERSON unnamed wdisebarao-aad«settle Wm unlbyâ€"thesmxi pat-tam ( ‘maés; SN‘mI Wnrms derange the whole system. Mother'Graves' \Vorm Exterminator de. ranges worms, and gives rest to the ant- 4‘ carried ( algnod, under H. smmsm & ms, We, the Our Municipal Elections passed very quietly, there being only one aspirant to a seat at the board. Mr. James Coulter, defeated by Mr. Barton two vears agn, succeeded in recovering the seat on the present occasion. Mr. Burton’s abilities as a. member of the Council are much an- perior to those of his opponent, being a ready speaker and an apt; critic of the I will, however, revert to the subject at a. future tlme. ferér Sflfl’fl Notice m issolutiun Again Municipal Elections at best with their secret voting and closed bar-rooms are but sorry apologies for the elections of former years. Candidates in those days were not only plentitul and willing to sacrifice time and means, but seemed to be amply repaid for such sacrifice in the knowledge that thev had contributed to the general fund of the neighbors‘ en- joyment. Now, however, modern nos- trums appear to hold the fort, and such may be usent to the many, but the re- sult to the few is deeply flavored with benighterl Gritism in these days of pro- And winx by the 10. tectéfl industries. The “'01le howe-ver, lunves forward for the better, croakers to the contrary notwithstanding. Pas’mmship Notice. terror of Scott Acts paralyzed the Jhands of our dispensers of the fun~making liquids. Our holiday season so frui:ful of incident in the past, this yenr failed to furnish a. single item worthy of a place in THE LIBERAL, and may for all practical purposes of news making, be henceforth expunged from the calendar. For several weeks past the village has been as destltute of an Item interesting to the general reader as uur bushes are of blue birds. Under such circumstances it cannot surely be considered disloyalty in your correspondent to heave one slgh of regret for the brave days of old before the era of Crooks or the still greater terror of Scott Acts paralyzed the hands of our dispensers of the fun~making liquids. Our holiday season so frui:ful From our own Correspondent. Since my last. communication to THE LIBERAL, 1885, under very favorable circumstances, so far as Canada is con- cerned, has launched on his voyuge down the stream of time, heavily laden as all his predecesora with the elements to fill the cup of human heppincas, or not, in due time to be meted out with linen-ring hand to every member of the human race. Let us hope that the portion and only experience of every reader of THE LIB- ERA]. will be health, happiness and pros- parity. CA'I‘ARllHâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent.- ly cured in from one tn three npixlications. no matter whether standing for one your or forty years. Debcripnve pum hlet sent tree on re- ceipt of stump. A. H.D XON A: SON. 305 King Street west. Toronto Canada. OTICE is sh 1'; fiEfiSQW $505. 9 hereby given 'hat the partnership m for some time past by the under- the firm name of signed. have ehtpred into putner‘ uder the name u.ther of 32 DONALD 8c. 60., \IST.,LONDON, B. c.. APPLES ad to correspond 3 Growefs, Met~ d Shippers, with 0 Autumn and. WESTON Signed) 14513, 185, nqd bted H. SANDEBHON, J‘ H‘ SANDERSON. W. A. 5mm:an dd J. H. Samuel Sc W. A, Sanders: 0 give the businesa carried on s0n\& Suns. APPLES. late late ti ‘tified t ms all e the ‘y will >cti0n. ati CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St, East, Toronto 0N RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, MILLEH’S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, Call ixfd see me. > No trouble tn mn- swer questions. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Géld Filling, and all other operatiuns éki}f1}11y performed, 13E moderate fees charge vmltfe, that. will start van in work that will at once bring you in money faster tlum any thing else In America. All about the $200.00!) in presents in each box. Agents wanna“! evervwhera of either sex, of all ages, far all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absnlutelv assured. Don‘t delay. H. HALLETT &. Co., PortlandMaiue This famous Brand, PURE, BRILLIANT and nlnlost Taste- less. is tar superior to any other N0!‘“’l',gl:lll Cod Liver Oil yet in- lroduced. Katmai}: Campbell & Gm, MONTREAL. book out. Bellinnm's succeed prnndly fail. Tennsfree. HALLETTBOUKCO..! Maine. ARTIFICIAL TEETH WIN 1842-ESMBLISHED "19“ HughMlLLER 896d“ Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. Cod Liver Oil! Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’u New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of C. P. LEN N OX DENTIST. Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Upâ€"Stairs. Geese. each ........ Turkevs. perlb Butter, Jouud rolls Butter. urge rolls ......... Egvs. fresh, per dozen Pomtoes, per bag ........ Apples. per bbl“... .. . . Onions, green, per bush Cabbage, per (1024 Celery. do. '1 urmps, per bag .. Carrots, do. Beans,per peckw, Flour, springmer bbl Elomflau per bbl Hay, per straw, p r can .. $200,000. ‘ZWE’ Llflflfiflé, ’ $1.00JN ADVANCE. Bxcmuonn HILL Thursdav January. 15, 1885‘ 0ats,per bushel ..... ,......$0 28 0 Peas. do. V .. 0 58 0 Eggs, fresh, per doz Potatoes, per bag Apples. pm- bbl Onions. green, per Cabbage do. Cauliflower do. Celery, do. Turnips, per bag ........ Carrots. do. Huy,perton .. straw. per ton , Dressed bogs, p9“ H Beet, fore quarters Beet, hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks, do. . Geese‘ each . .. Turkeys, each ........ Butter, pound rolls‘ Butter, tub dairy . . . Wheat, Wh eat. Barley. Outs, Cquer Sued 'eus‘ VITALIZED AIH. .5, do. V ‘ ........ issed hogs,per100 lbs rf, fore quarter ............ at! hind quartgr ‘ BEST SETS Imported and bottled only by ‘u 3_ pay pair more money than at unvthir takiua an agency for the 1 1.11, per bushel ‘ spring, do. do. do. do. do. iced. ‘10- luogs. two“ 100 Mr “ SKRE! ” Eh: Waning; in presents given away. send? us 5 cents postage, and by mail vnu will get. free a. package of‘ gopds Mav 15th. 1884:?! Rs OFâ€" 065 080 17 16 '10 30 - $8.00 rrnhmd 1000 ‘11 600 0 84 0 84 0 70 u as 38:27.8 75 50 00 ‘JU June]1,6m Money to Lean on improved farms. at 6 per cent. Apply to J. R. ARNOLD. TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Both 1i guarantee work is 11 also nrem 3m I forworking eople. sand 10 cents postage, an we will mail You free a royal, vulnnbln ample box of goods that w111 pub van in the \my ofmukiug more money in n. few dnvs than vuu ever thought possible at any business. Cap ital not requlred. You can live at. home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes. of all ages, grandly anccessful. 50 cents to is easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled ofler: To all who are not well satlsfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, di- rections, etc, sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure to those who lam-c at once. Don't delay. Addless STINSON & C0,. Portland, Maine. Money to Loan. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply manh PAINTS, OILS, WILKINS' BROS Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. 166 King Streeja East, Cutters, All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. HARDWARE! Trunks, Satchelh, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. PLATFU HARNESS EMPORIUM, YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, H. B. DEWSBURY’S MECHANIC’S (40 Years Established) For good and Cheap Watch- es, Clocks. Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED As REPRFSENIED. E M. Morphy- 2-n- 82 141 Yonge Street, Toronto GLASS, PUTTY, &c. <1BUILDERS’{> E. M. MORPHY 23-4-’83 . TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. RICHMOND HILL. â€"â€"â€"~â€"AND are FIRST-CLASS FORM SPRING W A GUN S. FORM rNear George Street, Toronto. Land heavy. all of 1‘ my own to Sleighs and Dan-mg all kinds w! in the mos the shortest onable‘ terms Shoei satisfaction at Richmond Hill ervxsr ) h are WATCH MAKER & SEWELLER, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 3, LARGE STOCK from 40cts. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MADE TD ORDER. In GR()CERIES for Chrisstlnasv “('9 have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR & FEED always un hand; a]? of which we will be“ as cheap for cmh as any Eton: rm Ricinunmd 11111, keeping. tir'S‘tâ€" class goods. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRYs MRS. HARRISON‘S WEW TEJQ Smxg RICHMUND HILL. We do not quofie prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell'you what to do. Flour and Feed a specialty. A. L. SKEELIQ" GROCERIESE SPLENDID XMAS PRESENTS II: A1 Ha. WINTER STOCK COMPLETE IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS? British Flag); Sta WITH EVERY LI Hume THE NEW WiLLEAMS! In Books 01' Glass A. L. SKEELE, WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL, AND Finest Qualitv Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, STEELE BROS. 84 00.. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain mll find it to their advantage to call upon, or correspond with us Please send for Circular which contains testimonial from leading Feeders and Stock-Raisers in the Province. It is equv ally valuable for Stock of all kinds, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, P193 4% Poultry. Dairy-men always find it largely increases quantity and quality of milk. SEED & PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO 1nd B.-â€"\Ve are agents for the WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Egawg $145133 Emma? Sggg. Small Photo your choice (. l Vulumes wnh EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD At #71,: ALSO DEALER IN STEELE BROS, & Co. AT OUR WAREHOUSE I Tea ALEX. MOODIE.’ wry Tal ANDREWS’ Sflgmw Ram/as i 'E‘T'BC‘W‘ FIRST It is strong,Ju1able andrwell builtpffthe very best material that matey can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and fibres fi rst'prizes a: the Domtnion Exhibition last October. It in rapidlv saperaeding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it.and make sure mat you get it. Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now rec ognized as the It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Leacn SEWING MAGHINE OF THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Orguns and P131108. Terms Easy. LDII UUH J. LUSH. - CLASS SHAVE T HE PL IN THE “U i3§2®$$ g EDIEI’. \‘l’S. E’rnp SPEGHALTY

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