About Swine Feeding. The ï¬rst thing a farmer should consid or is, to have henlnhy hogs, and in order I0 secure this he must provide a. variety of food, and give them comfortable quar- ben. My pigs were fed, last winter, --.~\- , .0â€: Lunh com, ruo‘.s,_ wheat m1 wheat. bran. This w the name, with the ad< of which I purchased 61:, mostly for the pi or rather pens, are cm corner of the ï¬elds adj and here the pigs 2": lots ofa. dozen or lesa plepty of room in wt uuaecolda, which may assume the form of pleurlsy, quinsy, in ï¬ammation of the lungs or bowels. Sleeping under the straw stack, and feeding on the open ground in a taking wind, lay the founda- tion for many dlseases. If the farmer has made no provision for feeding his bags, other than com, let; him give them clover hay. This may cause the exclus- ive com feeder to smile, but he should remember that this is not only a change of food, but that clover contains the very elements the com lacks. If his hogs have been so pampered that they lave More Brain-P0 About the beat of himselt is, foc‘ winter evenings mental activity. productiveness, n amount of int‘elli; their cultivation. increased by a £114 present. couditio worth as a. mac). A no appetite 4 breed which h mean, with l to slaughter. weighs one I three hundred weight has been : appetites are th and good bodies a Variety of food. and strong dige foods can be mil beat, basis for pm as an aid in fact the all in all in p What cm} been raise cent. has In the cam Was it thl quenh til‘ rainfall "I of fertili: weeds, or ow, producing only brush and bug hay, hardly Worth cutting There isagood qutlet, and it can be drained three feet or more deep. Cipher out the cost of drainage, and of making it produce three tons of clover or Timothy to the acre Would not the sight of the waving heads of the grass be more pleasing than thn cat-tails, flags, and skunk-cabbages, that now waste their sweetness upon the desert air? There may be an acre of swale, underlaid with hard-pan, over which ferns, weeds, and aquatic grasses run riot during the whole summer. Is it not time the bottom was knocked out of it, by tiles laid three or four feet in the ground, and the superfluous water com- pelled to go out through these instead of creeping lazily over the surface 1 It can be made the best grass land on the farm. Why not make it so, and handle the dol- lars that come from maximum crops ‘1 Brain power can be increased by reading and digesting the instructive contonts of agricultural papers. counting for bragging ove any record them. Brain planning im; several acres Where milk is sold at cities, it may pay a flair; his cows with brewer's g of the kind, to stimulal tion, without regard to t for the general farmer. not only to have a good but in health for a numb present prices of dairy p see whatproï¬t the ordi make without, by close 1 cm tum every function ’count. First, of couw is her milk production equal value are her only raise, and ï¬nally her when her milking days : admitting that the excet her production of indiv proï¬table, that the othe named may be dismissec little importance. I feel down as a. proposition, t extensive observation an of many years devoted t animals of various kim velopment in any one am the balance of the syate kept within proper bour anuï¬e disease or constitut: hion. No one believes an I do, that. the average yic mastic animals of every largely increased in ever} the improvement must be proved animals, both in b‘. :1 individual quality, and FOR THE FAR-1V Proï¬table Foedin :oduction able, than 11 may be importan as a. pro; sive obsm 5mm reï¬t the oi‘dinary give them comformt )igs were fed, lash wheat middlings an This winter Lhey ah the addition 0t raw "chased eight hundl or the pigs. Warn m. are constructeu in ï¬elds adjoining the! Digs are being win hun EVE W (‘ Farms ditfer in their .inly according to the mce that is brought to Brain-power may be course, In mulahe 1‘ ma: calves for veal c net carcass for} a faamer c e the pres ron t1 .ltl re over. wmu aive milk 01- but ll of Cow‘s. not MER pricen near {.0 ovex-ieed and articles 11k produc- farmer can :ement. he ; cow to ac- importance of almost 63.1 ghb in im- and gener- m an over h of whi an ire turity 2h : but pottant make {11111. rtit EV E its 118 At dewlopment of one organ or net of or gans an the expeme of the reat.â€"[Ameri can Agriculturisb. We ate the last; of our Waterme December the 8th, a. large one, a acendanb from seed broughn from ginia, a. dL-an years ago or more. fruit, as usually managed. lama only t, or {our Weeks in the Northern Sc: The season may be prolonged thn October and November with a little I): taking. Specimens for late use ghoul picked about. a. week before they at: their best eating condition, cn‘el handled, and placed in a. cool. dry r« where nhere will be no danger of f- By the lust of October they shoulc 3,â€, L- careful hand and in pies, hard to beat. How Many Acres win occupy} ï¬eid benda' b1 follow it sibleto induce the guides to move on till the animal had disappeared, we seized the opportunity of taking an early brezkfast. The guides meanwhile wriggled about on their stomachs. with eyes starting out of their heads, possessed by an extraordinary desire to miss no single movement of the obj act of their attention. “See, it moves,†331d Franz in a. whisper. “ Himmul ! it is feeding,†said Burgenet. “It must be tho same that John saw three weeks ago.†“Ach 1 no, that was but a little one†(no true chamois hunter will ever allow that a brother sportsman can possibly have set eyes on a. larger animal than himself). “Truly it' is ï¬ne.†"Thunderweather I it, was a moves its head. " In their exciteme regretted that I could not share, being well versed in hunting craft own experience of sport in the Alps ) limited to missing one men-mot that sittmg on a road licking its paWs. II course the chamois walked away. A; ently much relieved by there bein further necessity *0 continue in f0 uncomfortable attitudes, the guide: 110 and fell to a warm discussion as t Size of Line, 0 (1161' 01‘ a engme-dnver c standing onthe The driver b1 porterd Keeping Wmtermolons Squashcs. set, the c and Son Great Br 10mm yOPI Quin 50m an ID The The one Poor In“ to duty M: when Lhr ltur zrea dc to a warm discusswu as a aninml.â€"â€"[Above the ion Dent. .ain and Australia :ad disappeared, w‘ of taking an early nesmwhile wriggle he. with eyes star it'd-shelled squashes, keep eat secret of success is very ng. As a table vegetable. these winter squathes are Seal of Fidelity. we 211G mhe the let res than this the guides sat x11 xrweather I it, excitament. I m share, not 1g craft ; my be Alps being not that was pawa. In due may. Appar- ere being no me in former Id be 1m move on we seized 1y bleiki led aboui eating 9: Field ‘3 and \n Indies, o the Snow usln any one to bring plorable plight. of liar ï¬gureâ€"shot Hamilton," pal Father) Law, ‘ man Cntholic C The mongoo to eat up tlm their tank. the their tank. the bummg q: how to get rid of the men the blacks have a superat killing. the ( cent are reigning m0! England, was unable to procure polson. as sun-h, with which to_commit suicide, But she displayed a. ï¬ne instinct for the drugs which kill when she called a well- known patent med_icina to her aid. At known patent medicine to her aid. At the inquest it was shown that; her friends found her dying. with an empty glass in her hand ; three bottles which had con- tained the legalized poison were discov- ered in the room. The English Journal of Education prints the following as bona. ï¬de answers to questions set in recent examinations : “William Pitt began life by plciying the comet in the Blues." “Dryden was a man in high position, Pope lower, John- son still lower. Johnson was a. frequent- er of the Cook tavern in the Strand.†named J 01111. When had his head cut off lady." BBVO and. aux titio. BIL ( found ii: beds, commencing wth laye-rs of the thickness of paper till they reach the mem It Ll! 110m INTERESTING ITEMS H1! the marias an: Lin the west end of Load Hadsbone has lately writn “The CiCEChiSHl of An m," published by NIP. (‘i Law. who seceded from ably I war {h The cure 1 mother, who :1: boy. having injured his was tu med over to a local pr Jeddar, are brou ing like the old American and fa.( H ion at 70598 as t( U86 rats xed bring nnetb, mble to Austria is the oré a. The Emperor a. superstitious fear 6E mpnrted into Jamaica having accomplished mine question now is D130“ ublished as will b lgyph, is now a Mun stout. and white end of Londqn. 1 and factory imif rlaca of the Ched Aerit 11C 112 )n l E] he Emperor's re- the total number f whom three he- it ubeth had a. son he grew older he to please a young 111 nu ~ogressed slely, had become very consult a. “bone of Wequuth, the away. The lat- leg and at last ,6 music of the 'idn’t the setter neerful old lady written a the Hair 16 mm, and ï¬ve )ndon Wee) lay rum-nit ,ay edition ' published licenses las ansdow distinguished ;0 'a. friend a; t the highly m are ‘ )resem 10,000 1 at all n] ((1 and :lln eut thhnD )rm -r]y are dimensions of one at thickness, when thry th sofa in the quan The Uhxc‘ road had a Settlers to a ly fur the T people the; Ohio, ‘ States. under ( time, h the ma: fullng do In rumoter E p a "Inhing ing his aojoum‘ in Eastern Hmena, n spent the greater part of the long winte in bed, rising only to swallow some rar cid oil, lhe sole food he could obtain. '1‘ eacape from such a life as this a {1311‘ wi risk almost. anything. Evan incarcerz tion in a'central‘ prison, or the penal sea vitude of the mines. can hardly be mo: terrible. The trouble is, that. the way 0 freedom lie-through Western Siberia an Russia. in Europe. The road south barred by the wild tribes that. haunt t} frontiers of Mongolia. and Manchuri who either kill or give up to the Rum an: all the fugitives that fall into the hands. Capt. Bedford Pim, of th navy. gives the resulb of his obs along the route of the De Leas across the Isthmus of Panama. that over sixty million dollars expended in the Work thus far : than three miles of the com forty-one miles of waterway l opened; that even'this section means completed ; that. owing ture of the soil and stone strata laborers ft of the cal and that t flow by the Cha ï¬ve years of gre outlay. How to would go out with me any what of it? †“Now I dc would even go to my funera‘ I, though '3" ,om They h W to battle with the I he Terntu a. themselves, t. Pr] to Americ; Wisconsin, 3 The memo canvas or in and flu: encou: the~soil and shon Jssible for a form The. Panama Canal. impnr 113 at ago and buav tixr lia‘ ma oid flu unborn rom n (5 Dak an life. be ‘nrl oxher :omers had Northwestern inl a last spring taking Dakota. Fortunate me anywhere ow I don't be Harrell: illir ota. F r. the road settlers < Foss 01 Bu writ! the lieve yt ! would: bein re 9C Britis‘ t the .tiox 811' Ill or to' make with WP (3hr; scan wash m immune Accused of Stea‘ln! Honey and Batching New Plots. The police of Russia. have received some startliuginformation about the doings and designs of the Nihilists. It is said that the Nihflists are now engaged in a con- spiracy to murder certam ofï¬cials, who have incurred the hatred of the order, by TRGFBLflI’S TIMES IN RFSSHA. all the ed for. warmr th More corkscrew leapooufulp falc‘ um BREAD 13 Um cups Indian meal a tablespounfuls < these cakes ; lime lemon jam may be r lll .l hnvq never Iounc lual to it for lighte r smce lag! atians and e la connecfed anca ( 3 cities hm he gthem again Wants who a. and V“? Af unful so thwk 8t .lmnst no r ht that it i: '6 never f0 ‘ISOD 10 am [Sal and 1&6. t nmvc shunld be trusty. but September {HEW uuom 11 .(ivcl 8H1! Three l 031‘88! rtenlr aem t 41 nbe sun very roua plaster of the n xn1u ng them against sh :- drink from any on ,t the e not ithl com ‘1; one cup flour? cornstarch; ï¬ll-1‘80 ning; three eggs; and three and ana- milk; add salt at. ully (‘EH'TS db {heâ€"Ni 1 you have threa to thn table. To v delicate flavor little thick rasp- lin them if you â€"Two and one one cup flour with 1X6 a thin b3 or cups. 3f the order, I); effort to thwar has been nent 0 in the empirr employment 0 strongly vouch l 7 then pen-r MDIDE 1981‘ re; lie 1iu not: W1 numerous all!“ cak aw like: m very snaps an; the the