appetitite, his hay and grain remaining untouched or partly eaten. The kind- hear‘ued owner leaves the food in the manger. for his horse to eat when he wants it. and explains to the “ Women folks" that “Tom†is “off his feed," and they must use “Billy.†or fore-go their driveâ€"a. little jaunt. about town, perhaps, and just what over-fed and under- worked Tom needed, while Billy was well amongn to stay indoors, if necessary ! Bu! of this more will be said later on. . INSTINCT 1's REASOX. The intelligence of men, so often and in so many particulars. resembles the tinct of dumb animals, the: 1 ï¬nd therein an unanswarable argument in ï¬rm:- of the View that the difference be- tween our reason and theirs is one of degree only. In point of fact. we ï¬nd instances wherein oxcep [ionally intelligent animals are positively the superiors, in all that gives evidence of logical thinking. of exceptionally unintelligent. men. It is instinct only (ii We are to dis- tinguish between instinct and reason) which prompts a man to speedily blanket a steaming and heated horse ; it is reason. which impels another to refrain from the act. It is instinct which prompts most men to feed their horses just so often and at just such times, irrespective of their work or their physical condition; it is mum which impels one to withhold a feed, or to give his horse a. fastvday, or to reduce the number of his meals, if it should b= found from the experience of others that less are better. There are times when the regular “ feed," however hungry the horse may be, is extremely (ï¬nalâ€"times, indeed, when it means a roasm which Hank hhoug at bmnkeb w the qurzst desirabilit therein as leaving 11 depending deratious am H ment which are that kill or breal turely, and put :1 mto the keeping obtain the owne an tit 6hr an 0V OL‘H' W38 man 841 ll :11 I blace 1m enough, i which are ere A Lak 1 persox which )ur inch SDQEeS 5wnâ€"e‘shi p of however, Upon other consi- Tecting the question Again, observed to have 1051; km u'a hay and grain remaining )r partly eaten. The kind- 2181' leaves the food in the to thmi succeeded by reasonable, or re, insteadrof frontine care, animal will dc direct him ‘uld ch “0R had thrl mama open lanketing h< be said on his natural '81' e C‘ is th moat ati mod 101 SES. mm ‘ “ feed, be, is when it ‘ do not «ntinui M) in the vary a bystander 1 the dr ad “Id 31111 he wh IEH I HIM} preci_ ‘CI'V. .niuu stall and treat intended ' however extremely means a. die from 5 GOOD come llT In! t} ‘16 ill stde ( )utive muct consi re [11 warm ank time 80C I‘ll) 3W“ shouk an op Am propgr the} lecte The it contained sufï¬cient chang jaunt he proposed making. 1mm his lodgings, leavitg a. behind. When he dinvd, he purse to pay, and found that a. gold coin from it. On rem a. gone in the the (M and mm suggesni The tWC where 11 integrit} not yet man his master, “ than rushed upnn him, r011 him. and took away whiah Smoker retired Bide. Christmas in Bengal. At sunrise the ever-grateful cup of tea is conveyed to each before rising through the ayuh or bearer, and by and by the guests drop into the veranda to enjviy the only fresh air of the day, and partake of the chota Imzri (little breakfast) which is already waiting, Coflee and tea, with toast, eggs, and fowl, are the usual items of this meal , and while engaged with it you get a view from between the veranda pillars of a dead level country, with patches of Jungle here and there amid wide tracts uf culti"ated land, while in the foreground stretches a velvety com- pound interspersed with ornamental bsnyan and indla rubber trees, clumps of bamboos, shrubs, and flowers. Winding along the avenue presently appear four great elephants, which soon draw up in front of the bungalow, and ayahs. bear- ers, and children, suddenly entering on the scene, turn everything into commo- tion. Servants hurry to and fro with guns. ammunition, and. sporting gear, which the sportsmen see smer deposited in the howdnhs ; and. lastly, they them- sslws mount by a. swing on the elsphant’s trunk, or by the) from the aide of mahnut gene the ladies and childn breakfast a few 1 egraph‘ about a the way men. I camels, have jut veterate Shark '8 ma. .U Camels Fond of Tobacco. A Dongolo letter to the London “ mph†Bays: Knowing what I Io'ut camels, Ifear the brutea will 6 uch for us as thaNile whaleboat e way of maiming and invaliding en._ Bethaps I am prejudiced 3g: S)‘ Enough to Got His is related by m you was a ho; went barefoo ‘und. culle )How th‘ 1V8 8h mc ferhaps 1 at: for being a m ;t discovered » lowr of the . ‘pipg, gigar )ld tongue No sooner he Wlndow uuously w: 831‘!“ knee 18 mvm NI .0“ :0 sold Kim h‘ Honest Dogs. '3 son Istanct )theb im, relied away the retired gra min 1gue a1 over had no n thanhahadto urewent into men that had 111 stnl swmg o rope-1w the ho order s travellir out his ; ‘ent chan; a meal 8. nu or c ales, my miles, 11 my c; [dd .d he the ) to join them at later at the camp g-ground. Mean- ne, some of the n to the gardan are 1‘ Bell that when 1tzhis son had t tempmtion. rrkeley noticed by its father, rug it to the done 30.†says (Handed snre Vet him, beat mgue"; after aly to the ï¬re- ,er 1t 113 88 am trusted c it 5 I665 we e journey's .‘he drove: teléphant's than hangs 1. and the "or a. day’s te m the Anti [at I do will do as aboata in .ding our any wallow um 61' wit! autifu mg m alker 5 this the camel Wet. ll'll He :ene Ol‘f 115 roast tur may be p: Z" cold water for an hour and ahalf, then bml it in the Baum water until it looks clear, then add n. tumbler of sweet milk, let this bull for a minute or two, add sugar to your taste, and when you remove it. from the ï¬re add one well-beaten egg, and flavoring to your taste. GIXGERBREAD PUDDING â€"Eight ounces of bread crumbs, four ouncwa of flour, four of Bush, a teasponnful of baking powder, the same of ground ginger, halt a. teaspoouful of mixed spice, and the same of salt: ; eix ounces of treaale, one egg, and a quartet ofa pint of milk. Mix all the dry ingrediunt ï¬rst; warm the treacle, and stir It wall in with the egg and milk Bull in a greased basin (leav- ing alirtle room for the pudding to swell) D031 The power of a sword ï¬sh haq always been admitted. and instances have not. been altogether unc wmmon of his attack- ing vessels and burying his formidable weapon in them. A case has just (0‘ curred winch shows chub the strength of theï¬shis even greater than was suspected. The three-mashed schooner “Themis,†of Boston, lately pu; into port leaky. On her voyage from Mobile she was suddenly found to be making water fast. The crew were set to the pumps, and found that. they were able to keep down the water, but. that steady work was required. The hands, therefore. shifted the cargo, and at. lam; found the hole, which was caused by the sword or horn of a sword ï¬sh. It had passed through the copper sheathing of the ship, through the outer planking7 four and-a-half inches in thick- ness, through the nine inch space between that and the lining. and then through the “PI sex shenbhin planking new, thr‘ that and inner pls inches tr over mm pretty w‘ the :9qu immens mod think I l the o-thu‘ds pom stew in mka DDBI‘. fluab um MOW»â€" Strcngth of the Sword Fish. .8 ID DOMESTIC AND USE l'OlJ DJ rman Bl the IN ev lie nd th'e liui planking. )m wul marry Levity for Lawyers. L1 astonished of his attack tart thou In ‘saful lawyer ï¬nds his avoca- at; proï¬table per-suit. lawyer never re 5.39 of champagn nly one lawyer i , amd it is just f: r convicts dodge PFO‘ 16 )e bla 50m chick We I‘b WOUIC which is both a made by 8‘ f saga in a l a cumpou r1 bathe .lowlv a necessary )ll’ “1811 ,ur 351,0 Mr. Smith." 01K Th ’OW 'hat th Ild tha‘ itu wh icken an COD same ELVB mu four anc three inc foxce rem :r refuses a. cam: lawyers in our )115’ foe bill. an ble Wash DIN 1‘ 1n the m the k mass: pausing nab have been _d disgusted at 5C4: this be as um en nourishing aking two who between )ugh the KLa-half ailicare ired to 11‘0 )mt. of it the vessel at H.115 the perfec ranches in A Mauxbnn, Little Tomato, Manufacturer and Dealer in Tuned ma, l‘hvoflus Pncn. muman Paper ten-pet Fen. am.“ unwesl. Prices. ' phy thoroughiy taught by expevirnced operator-n Adams-s withflnmp UIMINION TELEGRAPH IN STITUIE, azyglxd ‘ _ oronto. JAS THORNE ME! FREE Tm; meal 2515a; 66 SLATE AN!) FELT BBOFER If m for m) cents Vm WIL re( Xmas}: ENf( mt SALEâ€"TIMBER? oo’ALJ AM) ION 01m ELEGRAPHY aw UALLOWAY a w..u1 Dav. 3nd Wanted dmm NF! ‘du; Mock, mm and muck hunk, orange groves in all 8 Julhtru anaa. Addre’s W. R. Sruur M]e‘et«\b . New "19:15. ouislann. DIHE a: r' . Jrâ€. uurrxe a: 100 Grey \ nn Straet, Montreal. LIAM EVAES’ SE! Ll lLL “E31? [‘1 ABUNDAVCI‘ [DF Purely Bu return mail Moody's Vew Dress Cuttimr. M A“ H E 'l‘VH‘AV'l‘ 50 fl" ETH II. ‘VI LL Mle. :- %: if .1; INSTONSILWLBEEE 0 DiPAY TO MFNVWHF) WILL BROTHERS. Nmscrymen. Lakepun. 1M win has: EPSAUSAGE‘S Briauin Rmi‘w3y and C BEARD hLlXHi Seeï¬smm, Mantras 1nd Cbld Cum. LIOTE one" of “and Cement, Ila vement. Vent [Jul 9 Covers Whiting. Dc Domi buxern 0! Chair 8 Bed Flank!†S nts r] 'Ctablc. AIN h‘uLL description szllmr syqlvm of )n Mum. band» but. ks. Price! per puklie ,ve Dsme St». Montrenl‘ D WtTH CHR‘ N’C of rome thing greatly w r Iddyeas upon a prob 01 Puma rdtlnically 1; a he‘ vainly PROF. MOODY AWU men! In their bu 5nd rend? for uni mnl '1“! 3mm. SEE3 lo SALES k min] I town Fiie 01; hint. 013‘ with a 213 i that mting that (flï¬'fl'TIï¬N! FOR PLE RUBBER STAPMS Clappert grnoktyn, 91111.} for Mo. Montreal AND ESPEI‘IALI Y TEES] LIVINH ON RENTED FAR. mt;qu send me postal card, with nddresu. for Sectional Maps and {articulate of the special afar made by the for their lands in the Red River Valley within shout diwmnca at truck. On'y 500. per were down; also Nine Illitlion acre F ee Govern- ment Land in the Turtle Mountain and Davin Districts, North Bake 3. PJJHOHIBJB tree. Compound Oxygen. Wigwam I 100 R. w. PRITTIE. Real Estate Agent. 8t. Paul,‘Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. NWE IMO ul. Min. & Manitoba Railway. H. F. McNallv, In Bronze Letters. Each Plug of the Jan Jan ation of I ï¬THE U PTU humâ€"A V _IAL TBUSS ASANT SEWING 1'1 gth. and to than CLAY? a by a“ Dry- ï¬om E m7. Agon t, spool Cotton | "mm-m. (Jan. 8 Dumlnlon Jan. 9‘: .h the Grand Trunk Railing when everp Sam'dnv dam; 2m Portland every Thumb. Bailing (ll-tea from 3f Steamshé “MBAâ€"EFF. ci 119.. Gaucral Agents. Montreal lu'ré 't'iéef ' Addfeis'iï¬i! ‘VRIAL “PRU-)3 00.. fl Emu Toronw. Ont. 3t. Cures every calla. dfs. Holds the '0!“ budget. workmr mam yeqrn pmcyipal egg]: z. Cnmmsrs‘ 'y and S cietyr'ï¬eti. .BUNKER. 36 King l SEBKIHSMBS I URUNTO. ONT mum '5 [MPH run Imoobh my in: IRTON'S name I :- hads Du aleâ€. A dollar ho: contain f mph! ll.le er. Daren. Suï¬ wmeL {10‘ L]: 3 Spin! Syrian med Took m WINE r, Lormard'a c Lorlllud'l ‘ uufl‘s. m cml Amt «y to Loan. whim (5|; t 8 or nonrkh Assoc- EE‘II‘E u. 0MV mm: In yr, )838 a nub narrlgd For m 3mm as: 5‘