Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1885, p. 5

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TORONTO. City Hall Union Station Brock Street Queen‘s Wham: Pavkdvflum.‘ Davenport” \Vestun .. Thnrnhill .. ‘ RICHMOND Hum . Klngm. , Aurm'n. ,, ‘ .. Nswmurket .. annmrkr‘tu. Aurora. . King M , .. )ucuuoxn HILL .. *l‘hornhill ....... . \Vuaoou Duvenpurt l’urkululu ,. . TORONTO. Queen'n \Vlmrf Brock Street . Unmn Station. City Hall .. .15”:ch :â€"-Going south. E ‘ above) N. B.â€"â€"Renistemd Letter at. least Fifteen Minutes an Quantioued hours {or closiL Connects with all trains. having Hnusa, Richmoul Hill. as fulloWs : Muil&Ex1)ress.North 4% South. . Accommodation " " . . Express. North. Mml, South... fiILHMOND HILL, Thursday. Jan. ‘29, PROCTORTSTKGE LINE. Until further notice Mausm be closed at Richmond Hm Post. Oifire us “Mamaâ€"â€" MORNINGtâ€"Gningiiorth.soulh, I? at {mil Notice. The Annual Meeting of the York Town- ibip Vigilance Assccmfion will be held at Birrill’s Hotel, York Mills, on Wednesday gaveuing, Feb. 4th, 1885, for the election of oflioera and other business. Extra Fine Potatoes at crete House, cheap. EM (3343511919211 The Quarterly services in connection ml!) the Richmond Hill cucuit will be conducted in the Methodist Church of tlns place next Sundny, commencing at 10 a. m. In con- sé uence of the Quarterly Meeting. the usual Sa bath School will be dispmsed with, 25 yards grey Cotton‘ al the Con- crete House for one dollar. Will be sold by public auction on lot. No. 54, lat Cnn. Vaughan, Yonge BL, (4th lot noth of Elgiu Miils) on Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 1885. the {niluwiug valuable farm stock, im- plements, (Kw... belonging to he. McWilliauls. Sale without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. Sale M12 o‘clock sharp. Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer. Whjtcâ€"fish, Trout,» Codfish Oys- ters &c. at The Cheap Cash House- HFadford Anniversary Services. The Headiord Anniyersary Services were conducted in the Methodist church last. Sun- day and Muuduy. On Sunday. sermons were preachedhy Reva. W. R. Barker, J. W. 'l‘otten. and M. Fawcott to large and appro- ciative congregations, and liberal collections were taken. 0;: Monday evening an expel- leut ten. waé served, which reflected credit upon the ladies oi the ueigbbnrhoou. to about two bunfired and fifty persons. After téa a public meeting Was held. The pastor. Rev. W. R. Barker, presided. Excellent music was furnished by the choir of the church. and interesting addresaesl were de- livered by Revs. Edwards, Totten and Millnr. Proceeds of ion and collections about. $100. We have received a copy of Mr. Wm. Reu- u‘ie‘a heenl Catalogue for 1885. which we Would recommend to Agriculturists and Veg- rtable growers, for thair perusal. Mr. Reu- uiu has been eminently successful in lv'muiug madals and prizes in past years. In 1883. bii seed farm, which has but a few miles from Richmond Hlll Wag awarded the First. lever Medal prurient-ed by the Agricultural and Arts Assnuiutiuu of Qumriu, 111 the com- petition far the cleanest and best managed farm. Pul'chnsels eutrusnug him with their ordvrs may rely upon receiving fireb- clafis seeds. Cumlngue sent free of charge. bv n-lnlreSsing comer Adelaide and Jgrvlu Streets, 'l‘uruutn. The publishers of Rutledge: Monthly 05“ twelve vuluable rewards in the” Monthly far Fuhruury. among wmub is the tulluuiug: WP will give $20.00 to the person lelling us the louguat verse in the Old Testament b‘cnptures by February 10th 1885. Should two or more correct. auawérs be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner February 15Lh.1885. l‘erqons trviug; 'or lho reward must. sand 20 aunts m s:lver(uu pnslnge stamps when) with their luswer, for which they will receive the Allonthly fur Murct, in which the name and Iddreaa ml the winner of the reward and the cure“ :uhwer Will be published, and in ,y'lliob mam more valuable reward-I wnl be (wilt-red. Address BUTLEDOB l'unusmuo Lyxmsr. Eamon. Pa. Io‘y‘ds Heavy Check Cotton Shirt- ing at the Concrete for one dollar. just the thinntp keep out (ht: cold Fragrant and delicious Cofl'ee. Best quality sold at The Cheap Cash House. POST OFFICE NOTICE IJ()CxX14S-. A $20.00 Bible Reward Goiu" North. south. Emu; and West. includim 'l‘horuhm, Maple, ToronLn. Murkhum,&c. Going south.Eust and West (as above) :istered Letters must be hand Ben Minutes earlier than the I Quarteriy Meeting GOING NORTH GOING Seed Catalogue Czedit Sale 'sm 1000 10 (I7 10.15 ‘il M: rIFEEF'K . Postmaster SOUTH Anmm 1100 12 [18 Accn‘ 11.40 11.55 12.411 1.1}! '20 37 the Palmer the Con handed the she 8.00 a. m 1145 " Mail. 18.31 (Ll!) 5.39 75 01. 8.8.8 the 43 Heavy all wool (:rey Flannel either plain or (will at 25 cents per yard at the Concrete. The “ benaiimi mow " at lust has come- Conuequently it is not to he wonde red at- thar. tunse who are in a position to do so‘ are making the best of it. On Tuesday evening hint, n select skating putty lrom our villnge visited the Springhill rink, whore “my arrived about 8 p. m., after a rah-enh- inz driVe. The ice was in nplendid condit- ion, and the manner in which the rink is conducted rrfiects great credit on the man- ngers. Messrs. Crowley 1%: Curtis. The party started for home about. 11 p. 111., after hav- ing putakeu of an inviting supper kindly prvpared by the hostess u! the Springhill Hotel. A” were highly delighted with the drive. and with the evening‘s enjoyment. Extra choice Black and Japan Teas for 50 cents 3 lb at The Cheap Cash House. The Richmond Hill Mechanica’ Iuehtutn will hold their uex‘ Bauuion in the Teln- perance Mall, on Friday evening, Jan. 30th. The first part of the programme Will ennuiut 0! Readings, Becitntious, Solon (Vocul and 0! Readings, Becitntious, Solon (Vocul and Instrumental). DlIeLtR, thrteekeu,dc., In which Mr. J. H. Shepard. of \Villowdnle ; Mr. W. Robinson, of Maple: the Mines Gnllius, nf Tlmrnhill ; Mr. and Mil-:5 Ness, oI Klug; Miss Nicholle, Misti Howisou, and Gnlliiis, nf Tlmrnliill ; Mr. and Mil-:5 Ness, of King ; Miss Nicholle, Misti Howisou, and Messrs. J. H. Sanderson. A. J. Humn, G. Derry, W. A. Atkinson, and W. Storey, of Richmond Bill, will take part. The second part will open Willi Sharlnw Pnntomimes, and will 0118. will) an amusing farce. entitled " A Nightin a Strange Hulel," by the Rich- mond Hill Dramatic Club. Admission : Nun-Members, 150.. Children 1013. Ticket- holders admitted free on presentation of ticket at. the door. Doors open at 7.30 ; to commence at ,8. ifyou want tht: best value in Tea Sugar Raisins Currants and all other Groceries go 10 the Concrete. The Great Carnival. Thousands upon thousands of people from all parts of the eontineut are going to the Montreal Carnival at the end olJanuary. We hear the Montreal [)0in Smr is bring- ing out a magnificent Carnival number, something that will eclipse in artistic merit and absorbing ,iuterest every illustrated pa- per heretofore published in this country It will have the attack on the ice,pah\ce and defence by the Garrison in all its magnifi- ‘ cent pomp and brilliaaoy; the tnboggauzing- fete in its true natural beauty; the lee- Cun- dora after the Egyptian: models, inaugurated with electric and pyrotechnic illuminationn; the mammoth ice-liou(British); the great sleigh drive. embracing thousands of superb equipages, and probably the grandest thing of the kind o: modern times; the Macy dress entertainments. true to nature; and a. mag- nificent inset-plate of the ice-palace ,iu tints â€"a. fine picture for framing. It will be re- membered that there was 11 tremendous fu« rare over the last year's Carnival number of The Mvnlreai Start“. the issge running up to nearly a. quarter of a. milliop. It is said this year‘s number will be far ahead at last. The artists are Bengough, Julien, Harris and Ha- berer. The writers, George Murray, John Reade, Dr. Beers. "Adirondack" Murray. and W. H. Turner. Gap semis [or production in the Carnival Star a. double pnge which is said to be the most side splitting cartoons ever' puhIiShed in this country. Fifteen cents in stamps sent to the publiphiera. Gm ham dz 00., Montreal. will securp a copy cl what is said to be the grantee}: illustrated paper in thin country. Ladies, if you want some im- mense bargains in Sheetings, Yarns or Flannelsvjust see the stock at the Cheap Cash House. The half-yearly Convention of the North York Teachers‘wss held in the Model School, Newmarket, oanhnrsday and Friday, 2‘3nd and 23rd inst. Notwithstanding the sever- ity of the weather. which was the coldest of the season, the attendance was larger than at any previous meeting of the Aesociatiun. The roll call on Thursday morning was re- sponded to by about fifty~five tenchers,which number was increased to seventy as the day advanced. Much disappointment was felt at the absence of Dr. McLellan, who. on no- connt of illness, was prevented from being present. ()ur worthy Inspector. however, aided by the teachers present, put forth commendable effort to fill the vacancy. caus- ed by the Dr‘s absence, and succeeded in making the Convention a decided success. Mr. Bannie took up the subject oi. Compo- sition on Thursday morningl and furnished the teachers With some very useful hints on the teaching of the some. Miss Spragge presented a very interesting and instructive paper on Geography taught to a third class, which brought on a very animated discuss- ion on thu'snbject. The Uniform Promotion Programme was next discussed, and some of thesubject's received considerable modifica- tinn, and perhaps improwment. The even- ing session pertuok partly of the nature of an entertainment. The principal feature being the discussion of " i‘ownship Byardu, 1);. present system," which was very ably led by the Inspector in favor of the former. Readings, short speeches, fie. filled in the remaining portion of the evening. on Fri- day morning considerable time was spent in discussing the different. school periodicals, which had been snbniittrd {or the approval of the teachrrs. 'l‘na Etlukatitmal Weekly, a new paper edited by AL Bryant, formerly 0f Gnlt Uol. Inst” was generally preferred. The interests of the Weekly ware looked after by Mr. Frazemmd those 0! the Canada School Journal by Mr. Kennedy. The laet~ session was taken up with election of officers (or the present year, arranging programme for next meeting and other business matters. “’9 have given a very brief notice 0! the proceedings, wvnt of space rendering it im-‘ pessihle to do more. We will at some future time refer to the Library and other com- mendable features of the North York Touch- ars‘ Association. Only 30 cents 3 lb. for a choice Green Tea at 'l'he Cheap Cash House. North Yogk Teachers' Convemion. Grand Reunion Sleigh Drive. HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT ‘3 EALLS’ NOTORIOUS STORE, THE PLACE FOR Raisins, currams, Dates. Figs, lemon Peels, Spices. In great stock. We will guarantee a good fit, and at prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, FLUUM FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCKERY, GLASSWARE 850., of the very best quality. A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. We are now showing the Large“ and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite attentior In which we show all the newest. Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, allWool Poplins, Ladies’ Cluth, C! n. bination Suitingu; all Wool Serges. Checks. Plaids. &c., Caahmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Groa Gram 51.1.: Salins, Satin Merveillenx, Satin Rhadames, Satin Brocades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrda, Brucade Silk Velvets. lek Mamll Velvets, Colored Silk Velvets, Velveteans, Mantle flushes, Sealetter, &c. Black Grapes & )Iourning Dress Goods a specialty. MANTLES, $7.00for $5.00, $8.50 for $6.50, $10.50 fOr $8200, $15.00 for $11.00 HATfi 01' BONNETS, 3.00 for 2.00, ~$.00 for 3.00, 5.00vf0r 3.50.000 for 4.00 FUR GAP-Es. 2.15101‘1.50,3.00for;2.00, 4.50 for 3.00, 5.00 for 3.75. DRESS GOODS, VELVETEENS. 15c for Ioc, 3001’0r 15c. 25c for 20c, 20c for 22c.35c for 25C 380 for 300, 500 for 400. 63c for 500, 75c for 600, $1.00 for 80(-. . In order to reduce stock everything will. be soid at Slaughtering' Prices. So roll in. the money, & you may have thegoods at almost your own prices. Termsflash; ;‘Plain Figures; and no Credit. Black Ottoman Curtis, Chine Crnpen. Cashmere Sergea, Foule Cloths, Crep Imperial, Costum Cloth, Puamattar, Henrieuu Glut)“, Berber and Serge Cloths. [a now repiate with all the Newest Styles 1n Mantles, Dolmans, Ulsters, Knitted Wool Wraps, Heavy Wrap Shawls, 'Kn'meo Skirtu. .thed Skirts, Felt. Skirts, Ottoman Cluakings, blamlassa Cluakinga, Colored Beavers and Fancy Cluakiuga, Um- Clotlu, Sealatter, Mantle Flushes, &c.. &0. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premisecn 15501Doz‘pn (the balance of a. Manufacturer’s flock) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Hanr‘kerchiefs, about half price Fancy Handkerchiefs, .3c., 40.,fic.. and 6c. each. Pure Lirmu Handkerchiefs. 5a., 90., 7c., and 80. each. The gljeaitst bargain in Handkerchiets ever ofl'ered in Turonto. See sham. Lndies’ Waterproof Circulars, $1.25 uu. FOR L34 YONG-E S'IiBEET; TEIZRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN‘ STREET. TQEQNTQ EDWARD MCKEOWN’S There is War declared against High Prices at & SHOES I Change of Advertisemem OUR SILK & DRESS DEPARTMENTS J .. H AM I LTO 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. 401110119, ()l'angos and Candies, ()ur DIantle Departnlent Special Bargains. FOR “THE LIBERAL, AT JOSEPH HALL.

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