The Prince’s large blue tent was pitched on a slightly rising ground apart from the others, and was constantly surrounded by gorgeous oflicers in brighc yellow raiment, with round, flat black hats and long feathers, who were galloping to and fro, directing grand charges of cavalry. It iid seem so funny to see a whole army of ponies ; for there are no horses here, un- less the foreigners chance to import any. These Eight, aners are all Munchus or Mongol Tax-tars, or at any rate are de- scended from such, Chinese troops being ranged under the green standard. These Eight, Banners which, as I ha us said, are multiplied are plain white, red. blue and yellow, and the same colors repeated, and distinguished by a white edge and whine spot. These companies are eupposed to Oi the beauty of the monument there is not much to be said. It is not graceful or elegant. Those who wish to ï¬nd beauty in it, however, will say that it beï¬ts republican simplicity and the rug- ged honest virtue of Washington. But if it does not; gratify anthem: taste, it. will none the less serve as a. memorial to row“ to all future generamona the heroic life and noble character of the ï¬rst and greatest of Americans. Eacï¬ State in the Union sent a block of stone to be set in the interior, and many cities as Well as several foreign countries have done likewise. on the small hillock, whence we had a capital view. A number of Tartar soldiers who were off duty gathered round, and were quite captivated by the loan of my twenty-six feat six inches :quare at the base and tapers to the top. The walls are ï¬fteen feet thick at the bottom, but grad- ually become thinner until at the tap they are only one foot six Inches thick, and the monument is there thirty-tour feet square. These contributions. many of them highly polished and elegantly inscribed, make the monument a museum of win- eralogical treasures. Mongol Tartar-s, or at a acended from such, Chin ranged under the green 2 Eight, Banners winch, as multlplied are plain whll yellow, and the same coh distinguished by a white spot. These companies defend different sides 1 defend dii colors hav: points of L is m the Imperial E blue the n the east. is posed o honor 0 am told upward and iii Mary! principgl origlnally feet, but, it was not memorial Was manenb seat 01 Statesâ€"then a The War of ] and the count] in] to the nob they jushly as the success. caused 15 nopec of the c glazing: The found found to be ( larging and E completed 01 upon the mo The cap atom The n tnre cw. Ten years lat who laid our, the spark. a tract; of the Pre idem's 11 River, as the sp tribute to \A ant.) and their report was establinhed himself transmit, 51:6: 0 year,-Con towards ct ment. will be p ary_ my. fur“ t‘mn: 83,1}1UUMJ unset“ ren- In! hum-ink tn- (1 He died that plans; morial 3:: again by A mwe was held aociation graciiug mgton. cure the dollarea‘ large. A 1846, 3111 little 1m dollars )1 Work years he monume ever gotten would be pfojegt s excx Poto‘ 1848 W33 ( Wit [lam he: Th The W'ashing inundation ‘sant slop A Chinese Review. middle untry was noble leade: v ascribed a. nmil 1 defective. atrengtheni lb 1! SH) mem hf) ne myabl‘ er. the Commissione1 Dmhict of Columbta gen land between the site of nansinu and the Potomac M: where this national ng’cm was to be erected. in which this reservation President. Washington fed to Congress. 9, in the belief :hat on )9, overlooking the broad ,rvices 10 the country lemorated. The whole (1 mni11833,â€"ï¬fty years B we! ton Monument. tury ago, in the year of the United States prm'ic‘xing for ame- ‘1 VVashiugton. This wher er Army ed thou: garrison: empire. ODE ed to? maké a. me- an is was revwed to whosé éfl great. meaaur nt of the Un ated nationa DE the hi hundr‘ gum-e Wa shin and a] m W3.“ erme end 13 lited ‘lity. ate the 1th. ‘ne 16 only ; and yet. we are told that in additior to ï¬rst-class ï¬rearms, which are being ceaselessly manufactured at; the Govern ment arsenals at Tien-Tsin, Shangha; Canton, Foo-Chou, Nankin, and nthe! less important places, the Chinese Govern ment spares no expense in buying 3m muninion \ f European manufacture. ' In front of the telegraph ofï¬ce at Stock- bridge, Mam, there is a large elm tree, which is the home of three red squirrels. little girl who is employed in the ofï¬ce comes uut a. number of times a day and knocks on the trunk of the great tree, at the same time makiNg a. whistling noise as squirrels do. Insently three squirrels co'ne out of the tree, and. running down the trunk, they take the nuts she has in her hand for them, and go up to a place where the branches divide. Then they sit upon the landing while they crack and eat them. “ Two of them are very tame," she told us, “ but one is rather wild yet.†After the tame ones had been fed, she pointed up to one of the most topmost boughs, where the †wild one " set, look- ing down so very wistful]. The little girl kept knocking with the nut and whining like a. squirrel. Soon the little creature timidly began to cume down from his high tower, haliing and debating every now and then as it came nearer and nearer to the uplifted nut. At last it made one quick bound, snatched the nut, and w off to a place of safety again. The litt 9 girl told us they were going to put a. squirrel-house in the tree, and try to keep them there all whitenâ€"The Evangelist. A dish for breakfast is made of cold boiled sweet potatoes. Remove the skins. rub the potatoes through a. colander, make into cakes, dip into meal, and fry in hot butter. opera glasses. Then the showed us their wretched ï¬rearms, (which certainly did not look as if any European could have superintended the arsenal where they Wure manufactured. ) and also their pecu- ment spares no expense in buying am- munition \ f European manufacture. i suppose they are kept in reservc for real wax-l A picturesque company of archers rode by on stout. ponies, holding their bridle m the right, hand, and in the left their bowl, the arrows being cased in a. leather!) quiver slung across the should ere. As to their eworï¬s, instead of hanging from the wa‘et, they are stuck under the saddle-flu); each man’s cap is adorned with the tails of two squirrels. which is the correct military decomtion. Now. though we Scots are (mine ready to believe that blackcocks were created for the exprcas purpose of bequeabhing their tails to adorn the hats of the London Scottish, (che «aid tails having very much the jovial, independent character of the bird itael‘,) it really is impossible to see the ï¬tness of New llses for the New Anu-sthetic. Dr. Fleischl. of Vienna, declares that morphinism, alcoholism, and similar habits on now be cured rapidly and pain- lessly by means of cocaine chloride. The method in very simpleâ€"a withdrawal, eibhï¬l‘ gradual or abrupt and complete of near her then tr: VH' he nervous and other symptoms rise therefrom by means of hypo DjCCtion of coca-iné. He claims en day»: a cure may be affected use. The does of cocaine chloti‘ IK lelves :11) n and an [HIE A Story of Squirrels. on car Di .0: tin having very much the j. character of the bird in ‘possible to see the ï¬am‘ hams? 0b de i who ls l w enjoy us wai dnor amm szwm' on (la 1 nxyfo’m ter ate 'om; ah cu Wha era :ler was .cant 8.1111 min â€"a withdrawal, and complete of and treatment of symptomsyvhich .n coma nave 1 when) they [so their pecu- (es of powder hat in addition ich are being I; the Govern- »in, Shanghai, H mi came very welfbh to l in watex and Serve with lay the happi- ) enjoy )8 y with almos :e JUB any ahobting M an y of “ Sui cian of very fa The atom: steady ai where the of an fl'eriu Love-sick some a imagin Tm Dm‘ueu Modes of Shuffllug 011' the Mortal toil. ano “ When the Bell ran go to work at 1 o‘ctoak had express<d so much ‘ idea was not present. and he did not; come. remembering what he feuding from into the she) lying with his Lhrm. dry business. '1') has undoubtedly Woman vgryAhard. been drunk drunkâ€"" will assess you for st'aggerlng inner kltchen, p nly wayin Whici Bred with Well: r the Il( man's nere nous, anc tween the old vessel ‘ I don't believe a. word of it. When ) home to dinner I'll try it and come k and let you know. You myn‘t stuff 01d woman's whim like that: down my extner STYLES IN ‘een der )ut at regions. and 1 that will be h single house mum to do v 1K8 nach 31m 3' anmethin f the past. lif‘ Just. now a‘ppvar to -woa 4-5M mt. The 065 not )ll hinese Servants. York there are harde are the 9.. Many dlfleren‘ ing the ‘viml sp: m now taking poi -ar to be the f: tbempts prove uusu Jump saves acme, r lack of knowled a1 places are cause went out to look mm up. shipyard and his home was hauled up on the beach to She was prevented from nigh water by two long ropes her decks to posts driven re. With his face down, I neck on one of these lines, so exalted t and. 110 has taken away 2. her work and he. keeps all he Chmaman rem zins with :eck rest l‘kie J the Uhmeae hav women have a ;they general as they get compam of wo‘ SlTll‘lDES that has (1 fty years. have half 5 )mun'a v d at the expenae o: n Globe. OIK ide ih‘ )g for the men to the cupenber who contempt for the Au hour passed The othe 1, nor have the is no probabihby .ded. I do not ar who employs 3’s work, though few such, of an age housekeeper b a Mongolian in bedrocm. The inese have inter- ]; is in the laun- h t} (team v himself he I he he I'BV '16 53.1 said, an ï¬! and aulctdes t means urk' are 10 and ur He used cry on ee man washer- 8111 an :vithout F. The one of outer. 10994 men, grew leery ROBE from The an was 3 r m ual )3 Nicaragua gives the free use of lands. wahrr and places within her borders necessary for the construction and main- tenance of the canal and o? a railroad and telegraph line. A strip of land two and a half miles w1de with the canal in the centre, will be owned by both govern- ments, bub under Nicuagua. jurisdiction. th The man Ige hands of 51x canal shall be and owned b3 jointly, who alliance. Th: We beg to call Special Attention to our display of MILLINERY,which is very Choice Silk Plush Mantles, Silk Seal Man‘tles, Brmcaded Silk Mantles. Brocaded Velvet Mantles; and Attractive. and worthy of the most fastidious. Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silks, Rich Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods, Also a Magniï¬cent Stock of Elegant MANTLES from Brccaded Cloth Mantles, Jersey Cloth Mantles, Jersey Cloth Ulsters, Jersey Cloth Jackets. PETLE Also a Magniï¬cent Stock of Elegant MANTLES fro: the Best Manufacturers of London, Paris and Berlin- NEW FAQ the vesse and 3T EV D fa iby th one ayln Rich Dress V6 ‘ owned by both govern- ier N icuagua jurisdiction. nt of the canal la left. in the )mmisaiunera, three from at ; the tolls will be levied bf ail nations eq'lally and Paglia Canal. u]! antle VeE v.11 natlons eq'lally an: canal, railroau and tele g the expanses. shall bi Lhird is no go to Nicat‘ form a perpetual is to be b11115 along a United States, while : free use of lands, mm is said to be the length of the 145 mlles, but of a. forms 123 miles, a artiï¬cial water- liles. which it. is CTION INVITED $1831 33113.1 OI’I'Uh‘XTE THE MARKET ich Mantis. Flushes 00.000 proved mast, [Y1 the ates Ric sell my rful nb 11 113 ;. Toronto. L1 Dress Flushes, G rent Ships Again. (lunr out at Eastern,†the largest structed, is to be at f “1:51.165 busm antagon the attention f nineteen thouaand :e is a good deal of ; the speed of the new I building. It. is ad- : slower than the fast;- )ships; but they will faster than any Eng- This is an important war our navy will be natural desire of its get away from the less r-f our cruisers will defenceless merchant ighb 13 being vm- p builders of the ‘dency is towards :ssels. The“City ,,†and “Cimbria†upared with the ma ago; but the n the engines, for a becoming more addition to the @DS ia,†which is of wet. But the vessel to be ~1iah navy, is to Hows : where m 31- it key- : she V8! her