Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1885, p. 8

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PURSUANT to Section 34 of ()lmptnr 107 of the Revisnd Statutes of the Pruviuce of ()u- turio : Notice is hereby given that M) crmlitm-s and others having claims against the estate of Mr. Peter Vermett. anhelnga, P. Q., writes; “ Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil cured mo of (rheumatism after I tried lutny remedies tu no purpose. It is a good medicine.” Just think of itâ€"you ouu relieve the twingea of rheumatism, ur the most painful Attack of ncura ginâ€"v You can check a cough, and heal bruiued or broken akin, with a bottle of Dr 'l‘homns’Eclectnc Oil, costing only 25 ce “t3 Execuirs’ Nuiice! “n. E. C. Wnnr's NERVE AND mum TREAT- MENT, =I. mmmuteal sneciflc Inr Hysteria, Dizzi- ne 9?, Convulnous. Fits, Nervous Neurnlgm, ‘ ‘eadache. Nervous Frustration caused by the are of alcohol or tobacco, \Vakefulness. Mental Depression. Softemuu of the Brain resulting in 'Immitv and lending tr misery, decay anddeuth, Premature Old Age‘ 3‘ r enmess, Loss of Power either sex.Iuvoluntu.y Losnes and Spnrmnt- “when caused by over-exertion of the bruin,selfâ€" a. use or over-indulgence. Euctg box 9011': ins Hollowny’a Corn Cure destroys all kinds of coma and warts, root and branch Health is Wealth m month a tl‘eW-‘gI-l’luent. szfiol'box, or six boxes for 55.00.39!“ by mail prepaid on receipt of price. 'T‘n cure any final With each order received by us [or six bottles. accompanied with 35.00, we will sen d the mu‘nhuser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treazment does not efiecta. cure. Guarapteegissued ogly JnHN vn send the nurnhuser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not efiecta. cure. Guaranteesissued only by JnHN (‘. “ MT 6: L0.. 81 and 83 King St. East. Toronto, Ontario. Mnch distress and sickness in childr ran in canned by Worms. Mother Gravea‘ \Vurm Exterminator gives relief by re- mm ing the cause. Notice of Dissolution , ()TICE is hereby given that the partnership A carried on for some time gust by the under- AV carried on for éoine time 1; signed, under the firm name of H. SANDERSUN 85 SONS, HM dissolved this 13011 day ofJanunry,by mutual consent,â€"thc senior member of the firm retiring and that nu empowmod to discharge and settle all debts to and by the and partnership. (Signed) (Witness) E. Sumzn‘ \Ve, the undersigned. have entered into partner- ship under Ihe name and style at And will continue on the old business carried on by the late firm of H. Sanderson 6: Sons. (Signed) 5.x waggsaw 81305.. N. H.â€"Ml parties indebted to the late firm at H. Sanderson 6: Sons are herabv notified that all v-couutn due muse hr settled on or before the 1M. day of Munâ€"vb, 1885, after which date they will be Named in our collector's hands for collection. (Signed) W"- .. u- ; , Richmond Hill, Jun. 14th, 1335 Partnership Notice. STVES. MOVES. 09M. 080K STVES For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter stock, A large stock of all kinds of Stox'es, Tinware, Eave- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended . H & W. A. SANDEBSON 31â€"4iu \Vc Guarantee Six Boxes MRS. ANN ATKINSON, COAL HEATING STOVES A NUMBER OF PARLOR Richmond Hill 1‘. 0 H. SANDBBSON. J. H. fiAanRsoN. W. A. Suwanan Smmmsos lmos‘ J. H. Snnuenon, W. A. Sundersnu Arcade 0N Riv: ON C}; C. P. LEN NQX Hnr wit! Ah 1 use no ch every set. Gnld FIH‘Y' skilfuily le'f Call and sv swer question The undersigned will have 11 good stock of the above at. McGee‘s Switch Mill, on 4th Con. Vaughan, and will sell same at bottom prices as lollows : Calls,“ per M.; Sheeting dz Lining Lumber, $5 to 36 ; Common & Bill Stufi'. from $9 to 810; Hemlock Lumber, $8; LATH & SHINGLES ! Shingles. $1.90 CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, â€"â€"PRoPnIx-rona Orâ€" MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. CHINESE GARDEN PLW)ER. &c. Hugh MILLER 896d” Special attention given to the proper prepar- nflona of Fumilv and Veterinary xecmp‘s. Cod Liver Oil! This famous Brand. PURE, BRILLIANT and almost Tasm- Iess. is inr superior to any other Norweglnn Cod Liver Oil yet in- lroduced. Kenneth Campbell & Gm, MONTREAL. more money than M nuvtbing else by takina aunaeucy for the best selling bookout. Beginners succeed grnudly. None hi1. Terms free. Human-1300500.. Portland, Mnina 184‘) “'0 want to increase our present luv 0 list 0! subscrihors by ten thousand within the no!“ 30 days. and for this purpose muke the u. are liburul mnl unprecedented oil'er. In addition to the. above llbornl ollcr we make the following : ANYONE SENDING us 75 cents and 5 subscribers will receive rm extra copy for two months free. 1.50 and 10 subscribers will rum‘lve an cxtm copy for five muntha from 2.25lm11 15 subscribens will rccoivr‘ u cupy of Biography of the late George Brown. $15.00 and ‘50 alibwribcm will receive a vopy of THE W EKKLY GLOBE for one year free. $4.50 and 30 subscribers will rrccivq u copy of Saturday's DAILY GLOBE one your free. 7.50 and 130 subscribers will l'ucclveu copy of ’l‘m: DAILY (31‘an tour mnnlhs frco. 15.00 and 100 subscribers will rucclvu u cup)’ of THE DAILY GLOBE one your (run. Hubscrlbe now and secure reports 0! both l'nrllnmonu for only [5 cents. Commencing Febz. 2nd. 1886. the following cdltiona of Tm: Dun Gums will be mulled to subscribers throng out Canada. the United Mules and (Grout llrlmlnz DAILY Guumillloming Edition .. 3 mos. $1.75 6 mos. 33.50 12 mos. 87400 DAILY Guru-~12 o'clock N .. u 1.00 n 2.00 n 4.00 DAILY (-‘l.()lllc# 3 -- u .. N 1.00 n 2.00 H 1,00 DAILY Uwuz$ulurday Morning Edition “ 35 M 05 H 1.25 TH E B E hmq sperm] arrangements by which it possesses the sole righlin (‘nnâ€" Ada. of publimuinn 01' new novvln by most 0! the lmuliug wnlcm of I'fldIllIlI. Juulln .m-(‘anI-y. II. I.. Earle-3n. Surull gln l‘onwny. and others. A story of enthralling inmer entitled WYLIAIBID‘S WEIRD. by Miss llrmlulou. is now running: In Tux DAILY and WEEKLY GLIIHE. and will be continued till cmn lead. It will be suvceeded by a star (mm the powerful an of JIIS’I‘IN MM‘A KTIII. and l Lor the lust named story is completed t, lure will follow one rum 1!. L. runway, the famous: novelist. In addition to the regulnr continued story. there are always nlnninf: in the 1'2 and 3 o'vlm-k editions of DAILY, and in Tm: “'EILKLY GLonEunc or more nddltinrm novels hy authors of Wurld-\\ ide repute. In this nnmnor readers got five or six oompch novels each year. (I? NEW DEPARTURE: 30-“ LUM BER. Imported and bottled only by THE WEEKLY GLOE July 3rd. '84-lv‘ â€"ESTABLISHED “ SKRE! ” AV lullli'l'lll‘l‘llll. . "SI'AI’I'JII 'l‘lll'} “ EEKIJ' Glollli IS [ASERPASSEIL .1 by ONLY 15 CENTS IV’I‘IS‘S’IT, SPECIAL TRIAL TRIFVTWO MONTHS SPURGEON’S SERMON ‘iLKLJnLJ. «i all other operations 1, m. mndemte fees. No trouble to an- tcrinl and warrant HY. MARSH. an 15th. lestâ€"1v TEETH If”) King P. O. Rooms â€" $8.00 $10.00 â€"l842 m- HI Is the only Independent Agricultural Journal 1n Canada Owned and Pub- lishcd by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY :~ “ It is our best flh‘lld." “ II is worlll Ion "mes Its cost" " The dollar spent for the Ad- vm'nlv is [In- hrst spent money lrom the farm.” " 'l‘lw wile and family are also delighted thI it." ___'l‘l.â€"- Farmer’s I advocate The right information in the right salmon by u: bent specialists that can be pmcm’aa on the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden b: ()rcbnrd, Poultry. Veterinary, A pinry, Markets, Family ercle, Etc" Etc. ONLY $1 PER ANNUM. Sample copies sent free (,0 nmfl'isr'smm mention ing thoir Lot. Concession and Po“ oflice. " No mrmc‘r's house should be “'IlhOIlt it.” Tonox'ro Thursday, Jan. 2‘ Wheat. £511. per bushel Wheat, spring, do. Barley, do. mus, do. Becf,biud quarters Chickens. per pair . Ducks, do. Geese, each Turkeys, 8:14:11 M v. Butter, pound rolls Butter, tub dairy . .‘ Rye Dre Eggs, fresh, per do: ..... Potatoes, per bag .. . Apples, per bb] .......... onions. green,por bag Cabbage do. Cauliflower do. Celery, do. Turnips, per bag Carrots, (10. Hay, per ton straw, per ton outs, per bushel Pans. do. Dressed hngumer 100 1 Beef, {ore quarter ..... Beef! hind quartgr 13E Chickens. per pair Ducks. do. Geese, each ..... .. TurkevsA per lb ...... Butter, Found rolls Butter. Luge rollg... ng's. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bbl.... ouluus, green, per bush Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. Tuxâ€"mpg, per bag . .. Carrots. do. . Balms, per peck... Flour, spring, per . F10ur,!all,per bbl ‘ Huy.per con . . ‘ straw. per ton I for wnrking ponple. sand 10 cents postage, and we Wlll mail You free a royal, \‘nlunblu sample box of goods that W111 pun vou in the wuy of making more money in a few days than vou ever thought possible at. any business. Cup- itul not requlred. You can live at home and work in spare time only. or all the time. All of both series. of all ages. grandly successful. 50 cents to $5 eusily earned every evening. That. all who want work may test the business, we nmke this unparalleled ofler: To all who are not. well satisfied we will send $1 to pay {or the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, di- rections, em, sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure tothose who start at once. Don't delay. Add] ess Humor: 6: 00., Portland, Maine. Alnrae quantity of Good Building Timber, lift Wood. Cedar Posts and Rails. {or sale on Lot No.6, uh Con. of Whitchurch. Pzrtien wanting the same apply m JOHN \VILLIAMS. TIMBER FOR SALE! Address RICHMOND HILL Thnrsdav January. 29, 1885 :ssetl hogs, rue" 1( if, fore quarters ‘ minim] quarters ckeua. per pair . :lus. (10- HOME MAGAZINE Tâ€"iin‘ FARMER'S ADWGCATE. LONDON, ONT. 1n Sul .mluy‘s l an: “alumnus. ._-ANDâ€"- do. (10. do 100 lbs in the right salmon by_ tho AILY 6mm: and in Tm: Bethesda P. 0‘ $0 81 to mwmm 0095 3 . n m L D, 15641 081 Wfiwwwmwuww 000001100 wwmw 0086 50 British Flag Staff! WINTER STOCK COMPLETE \Ve have a CHOICE STOCK and. FR] of which we will sell as cheap for mush class gunds. WATCH MAKER 8c iEWELLER, IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALLKINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 3. LARGE STOCK from 400133. up. HATS AND CAPS. SUITD MADE TD ORDER. In (}I{()CEI{IIBE‘5 1701' Chl'istnlas DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. We (‘0 not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, 1 need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed :1 specialty. A. I,“ féKEJELE, H. . DEWSBEJRY’S' HARNESS EMPGRIUM YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Hamess a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. [n (}I{()C ERIIQE‘S for (Jill-fistulas have a CHOICE STOCK and. FRESH. FLOUR “F FEED always an hand. all THE NEW WELLIAMS.’ A. L SKEELE, Finest Qualitv Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR WAREHOUSE. STEELE BROS. & 00.. WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL, AND All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain mll find it. to their advantage to mill upon, or correspond with us. Please send for Circular which Contains testimonials i‘ium l Feeders and Stuck-Raisers in the Province. It IS equ- ally valuable for Stock uf all kinds, Horses, Caulk, Sheep, Pius & Poultry. Dairyquen always find it largely Increases quantity and quality SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO FIRST-CLASS WANTED IMMEDIATELY, aflazw gflasmg awmg SEEQ. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD â€"VVe are agents for the ALSO DEALER IN STEELE BROS. v W? ALEX. MOOEDHE. as any uturu ml Riehmund HM, keeping first; of milk High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now rec- ognized as the ANDRE xvs' SEWING fgflgog I fla®§Rfi3fiE FIRST - CLASS I HAER-BUTTING A S‘E’ECIALTY It is strong, Jumble and well built,“ the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medal! and three first prizes at the Domtuion Exhibition is.“ October. It in rapidlv snperseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it,buy it,nnd make sure that you get it. Sold by It is Light and Easy to nan. Silent and rapid in mojion. Plain and Simplq to Learn F() 1% SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill. Dealer in Organs and Planes. Terms Easy. MS 3mm: £2 â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" BERT. A35 J. LUSH. IN THILâ€" flair“ @& 8 m leading Contra ‘ {or 'p at mean on

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