.-‘.- ’rmtive Tuesday amalgam? ' Secretar . IS l’Illi w.â€" H “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†,0. G [Single copies, 3 cts M. TEEFY, -r. v, v ' * '7 l ‘. ‘51“ . NOTARY PUBLIC 80c, THURDDJ‘ - JV: w w ~73 AND ' l ...., 17p“... ' ' THE mm m. . I » ’ «av. » Min of Marnage L1censes, LLIUHMuï¬l‘ " ;' , ' RICHMOND IlILL. T F ~_. ' "Volley to loan on farm security. ' l ; , if 77 H Eyrmfl . HALL. FETLLAR'I‘ON dc (200K. , v. __ r x 7 ' 1' \mus'rnus, SOLICITORS, &c. s “.11†‘. as, I, ,i “.1, OFFICES: Is KINO STREET EAST, Mosrn. 'u "‘3' "‘ " ’ " ’ Richmond Hill v.0. Every Saturday. C113.» , l. 2;. “WM. HALL, J.S.FULLARTON. W. COOK. E ' ,4» ct 3 LE‘PRIVATII FUNDS To LOAN. "M .VIAm’ 9 N99 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ imlF___ Ill-[lexxcept the thir‘ _ “3“â€??? '*~‘~~ ~7~ vâ€"- hen the service an- , r >_ . 1 . Summvsmow LAWRENCE ls MERGER, Rector. _ . . Mnmomsr CEUfgll Barristers, Solicitors, Conneyancers, kc" rad 6:30 p.m.,am I .v -' . Young movie‘s Pam‘s"; â€" . , Toronto Officeâ€"No. I4 Building & Loan glefllngnl folt‘kligrRtgï¬ll '1‘ ‘ " . "Pr. Sum. Chambers. N9. 15 Toronto Street. ltev. W. I).Bmvth,;\>sist.1ni l’nasnvrnnmv CIIUncI: ~ 7 at 11 o'clock nmi.,u.nrl (v.10 . on Wednesday evenmgatl . v ROMAN CATHOLIC cannon 7 ~ as follows ‘Thornhill at 9 v I :V a Hill at 1u:30 mm; the follow V > . I 'mond Hi1)at9a.m.,and ’11] w. . .. , , Societicu- 's: ', mum, G.R.(‘ Hallph the o'clock pm â€"Meets in the Lodge RoomJIr- Monday onor before full moo-g w 1: AJ. Rupert, “KM. F C u“ men DER 0F onesrrmsw .o . mgï¬tgfvci: A. 0. F., meets in the Temperancle Ball every alternate Friday at 7.30 p. In.â€"-A. . . Bupert,,C. R. “ v†.G.T.â€"â€" mmND ï¬rm. Tammy. 5 its, 1. 0 marge in the Temperance Kall' every WednBSdsy evening.“ 7.30 o'clock. WmJIarnsnn T. . A The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperance s aociation issue ledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmï¬arrison Empf MECHINICS‘ INSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 yolumesopen every Tuesdnv evening, in the. Ma- arnic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra- Rian. Lectures and discussronsperiodimlly. â€"~ for RICHMOND Hrm, CORNET Bum. Meets r3 ‘actlce every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 1 5.30 o’clock. C. Savage, Leader, VILLAGE CouNcm-Re»ve,_Wm. Pugsley, 'Coun- oillm's. Messrs. Benâ€). Reciditt, W. D. Powell, 1’ G.Sa.vage. and F.Mchnazhy. Clerk, M. leery. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Image, No. 1-11, Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m_. Bene- ï¬caI-y'certmcatc given for $2,000 in case of death. I. Crosby, Master Workman. B. T. of Tom Jeranso. Richmond Hill Council, :10. ~13, Mints iln Tou‘pcrnnoe Hnll,each alter- ï¬ in certiï¬cates issued to male or ufemrbyersfor $1,000 or in case of death $2,006, one lc in case Of disability, J. H.8aader- 'half nny _ N . son SalaryCOunoillors; J.A.E.Sw1tzer,Reool..lmg BUSINESS CARDS % alumna. DB. GEORGE LANG-STAFF, THORNHILL. ONT. cal-admits Of Toronto University,1\£. C. P. k S . -0nt..two years resident, assistant surgeon to ' Toronto Gem-r:.i Hospital. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"One door South of P. 0. Ofï¬ce Eonrsaâ€"a to m a. m., Gr 12 to ‘2 p. m. Dr. James Langston AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstam Raisers College Physicians 5:: Surgeons, Ont., I RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ________._.'â€"’â€"â€"â€" Dr. Orr, Maple, Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m., and mm p.m- ________/4 Dr. W. J. WIISOII‘ delist Toronto University. Member .(‘0 I’llsysicinns & Surgeons,0nt..(lata of Stouflvrile Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. omce Hours (‘3 to lo a. m.,5t08 p. m. I“. llE\V 11"!» Veterinary surgeon,0mduate of Ontario Vet. . College, Toronto. Diseases of all the Domesticated Animals treated. REIIDENGS‘ 2 â€" 8TH AVENUE. WOODBRIDGR. flcutnl. WTï¬MZMfl? .2918 USED By Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, I-I‘haukful for the favors of the past m years may stillbo consultedin any branch of the pro- -l’.e~i:lion, as follows: Aurora, lst,8th,16th, and 22nd of oath month Richmond Hill... . . .ch 311(134tl1 r‘n. (at the Palmer House) . Strnuf‘fvillo . . . . .ISth lo. Markham . . . . .2001 .10. Victoria Square. . 215% do. l‘hornhilh and do. Wiiodbridgo 2th do. Kleinhurg,.. ,.‘29th do. Ilableton .. .. .. “son, 0 Vitalizcd Air always on hand at appointments. \\ or‘ss like a. charm. Free from pain. Address A RBINSON L.D.S..Aumia Ont. †l G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., ’ - râ€"aan DENTIST, ' NEWI N 0 yum . \o BRO K, Will visit thofc‘llowing places professionally:- Unionvillo , . . .. lst Monday of each month Weston . .. .ch and 2h: " ‘ Maple ,Mï¬i “ “ .. . mm 22nd Mr. Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, New: 'ion Brook. every Saturday, except when tut»: lav fallsou the above data 8“ -6- 'SS-IV] Richmond Hu'i' . Woodbri'lgc .. .. .. ~. Services Richmond Hill ' ‘ d ‘ memug Central Bank, on Saturdays. 7 « in order _..oâ€" - Richmond . Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of' the MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. D. n. hurricane. BAKRIS'l‘ER-AT-LAW. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 8cc 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. M‘ADVICE FREE 'l‘O CLIENTS. ï¬nality. Money to Doan. Alene amount of Money to Lend on farm or qtv property interest '1 per cent.; no commis- sron. 509W MACDONALD, MERRITT & 00. Union Loan builnin s Toronto Money to Loaï¬ $l00.000 or Private Funds to Loan on Farm roperty at lowest rates of in- ~tercsrtopay ofl ortg essthi a; Forgr ‘ ' ' ,dmmmro‘tï¬pï¬ so: ortgagz'é and Municipal Debentures purchased. Farmers will save money by applying direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, 52 Adelaide St, East, Toronto. or to T. F.MCMAHDN, Editor of LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. E: ailirtzllnucnus. Salem Eckardt. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Perl. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. .I. “unless. I otter of Watches, clocks and fine jewellery :1 u ck of Diamonds and precious stones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. [S‘Monufacturing of Jewellery, and repairineofwatches and clocks on the premises, a specialty Thankingour patronsand friendsfor their lib- eralpatronagt‘ i1. tlmgmst we beg to state that we have just receive a large stock Ofnewgoods in latest designs. A large stock of Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand. S. M. Brown. LicensedAuctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits our patronage and friendly influence. sales at ended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice,and at rea- abe rates. Address Stouffvrlle 1". 0 THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bulllnger. Ben]. Haviu reï¬tted the above Brusn and furnish- ed it in rscclass style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 51 per day. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & EIVERY SIABLEg. Daily Express to Toronto. Special aitentitin glveu to moving household furniture, pimos, &c., (Sac. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commercial Travellers SDOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. costly box of goods which A willhclp all, uI either sex tomnre money right away than anything else in this world Fortunes await tho workers ahsolutelv sure. At once address I'BUn & Co., Augusta, Maine. ‘Zlflfl élflï¬ï¬eflée ’ $31.00 IN ADVANCE. Proprietor. send six cents in post- a:o. and receive free, a TIIORNHILL TRAGEDY. l l l On Tuesday afternoon, about five o’clock, the village Of Tliornhill was 'hrown into a frenzy of rage and terror by a report that younq John Arnold had been ruthlessly murdered. The report proved ton true, for Arnold, although not killed outright, never rallied from the cowardly shot of his fiendish assail- aut. We give in full the. evidence as taken in the examination before Justice Chapman. The facts of the case, other than those contained in our report, are substantially as follows: One James \Vatson drovi‘ from Etobi- coke two men, who give their names as James Watson and John G;- Wesley, to 'lfhuruliill on the morning 50!. Tuesday. These two put up at Simon’s :‘ghotel, and intimated their intention _ remaininiz over night. During the day, took place the up ful events as relatedgjn the evi- dencu. Immediately after ,e fatal shot Was tired, Stewart and W . y endeavor- ed to secure their rig, but were prevent- ed by the prompt vigilance of Mr. Sim- one. They then started up Yonge St., and Wesley with revolver in hand at tempted to force a teamster. whom they met on the way to drive them off. It is stated to accomplish his purpose Wesley ï¬red no less than three shots; fortunately without effect. Wesley apneérs to have then thrown away his weapon, which has not vet been discovered. The two con- tinued their way on foot on ,the sideline near Simon’s hotel, and succeeded in getting as far as the 2nd Con. of Vaugh- an. Here they were overtaken by an armed party Of villagers, WM, with all speed had pursued in a. sleigh. At the sight of the frowning muzzles of two guns, the fugitives surrendered, and were cou- l ducted back. ironed together, to the vil- lage. Stewart, the man who shot. Ar- nold,seems to be between fo‘rjyand forty- ï¬ve years of age: he has the 1‘ appearance of a. cold-blooded, hardened rascal. His features are repulsive, the mouth and teeth brutal in the extreme, forehead low, eyes light blue, and almost expressionless, hair short and turning grev, moustache and short side whiskers. Wesley, some ten years younger, is stout, and rather talller. Dark hair and eyes, heavy mous- tac re and board of a. few wgok’s growth. The onty‘mformatisu «visor-blew wont! give concerning themselves was their names, to which Stewart added that he belonged to Canada. When searched, in. kit of burglar’s tools was found in their possession. Drs. George and L. G. Langstaff, and Nelles were speedily on the spot, and about ten O‘clock Dr. Aikins, of Toronto, arrived. The latter did all that lay in human skill, but unavailingly. Arnold never recovered consciousness, and passed away about 5 o’clock on \Vednesday. His widowed mother and sisters are literally crushed beneath this terrible blow. Human comfort can here do little; their only stay is the arm of Him who ruleth all things On Tuesday morning young Arnold was in the full vigor of health; before the setting of the sun he was ruthlessly struck down. He had returned but a few weeks ago from the North-VVest, out his visit which was in its short length of mutual pleasure to his people and himself suddenly closed in a black tragedy. The prisoners were committed for trial, and were taken to Toronto on Wednes- day morning. Investigation before Magistrate Chap- man, Thornhlll. \V. Simona, sworn, said ; Prisoners had dinner at my house and asked for lodging for night. After dinner, prison- ers, Watson and Arnold took a. walk. Ar- ueld returned, without hat and running He was excited, and said he had been in a row. He wanted men to thump pris- oners. Wesley then entered the hotel. threw Off his coat, and struck Arnold, Frank Huff picked up a. stick of wood, and struck Stewart over the head; then struck \Vesley on the arm. Arnold was fighting. (All four.) Heard cllcls of pistol, and saw a. revolver in the hands of Stewart. There was a report and Arnold fell on his face. Prisoners rushed out of the bar, went to stable; ordered hustler not to give horses Prisoners went down sidewad walking pretty fast Wesley denied leaviugiu company with Stewart. John Ellstou, sworn, said: Saw all of it. John Arnold came in excited; said ho had a row at Cullin’s with three fellows, Aruuld and Huff were huntian for some one to see thatl there was fair play. Albert Lyons volunteered tn us- sistso as tn be evcnbanded. Wesley asked Arnold to have a drink; met at. the end nf stove, and struck Arnold with l force, Huff took tvfl'his cunt, and said l “ go into him Arnold.†Arnold was ink. ing Off his coat. Hufl picked up u stick and hit. Stewart several times on the bead. After this he want for Weslr-y. Stewart drew a revulver, and ï¬red at Arnold; saw Aruolzl fwll. I then left on account of being greatly Eh‘ICl'Ii'd. James Watson was not seen to have taken any putt in the row at Simon‘s. Frank Hull", sworn, said: Was in row on 3rd of Feb. at Simon’s. Row be- gan at Colliu’s Hotel. \Vesley commenc- ed the row, slapped Arnold and caught him by the nose; threatened to throw him through the window. Arnold said if he did he would make him sufl'er for it. \Vesley followed Arnold into the bar, and struck him on the nose; scuffle ensued. Stewart and Watson said “ give it to him Arnold.†I did not take part in the row from the advice of the ladies of the house. Stewart followed me into the smoke-room. took his revolv- er (only saw part of it) in his hand and threatened to put a hole through Arnold and myself. In the meantime Arnold got away from \Vesley and ran towards Simon’s hotel. I followed Arnold. After reaching Simon’s hotel we stood near a hav‘rack. They followed us up. Wesley asked Arnold to come in and have a. drink. \Vould not swear as ‘0 all going in. \Ve went in after them. VVes- ley took off his overcoat. went up to Ar- nold and struck him. Stewart. side the bunk, about fou _ Arnold, with a pistol in his he J. I pick- ed up a. stick Of wood and struck Stewart on the top Of the head. NO sooner through striking than I heard report of a pistol, and saw Arnold fall. Pistol was in Stewart’s hands. I then made a jump and landed outside the door, followed by \Vesley. Wesley had a revolver in his band; followed him up the street. Henry Reid, hustler at Collins’ sworn, said: Saw a little of the row at Collins’. Was sitting in the bar at 3 o’clock p. m., when Stewart. Watson, Wesley and Ar- nold came in and asked if Collins was in. I said he was at Richmond Hill. Arnold asked them to come up and have a. drink, and all had a drink. After drink all want into the sitting room. Asked if they could have a. game of cards to play for the drinks. On condition that they would lock the door I handed them the cards. Wesley and I played against Arnold and Stewart one game. Wesley then quarreled with Arnold, grabbed Arnold by the nose, and said he would throw him out of the window. Arnold said if he pounded him he would be made to suffer. All then went into the bar. Wesley asked all, together with Collins, to have a drink, and Arnold who seemed to be in (\‘passion, declined. Wesley Fushed at Arnold and pushed him vio- lently against the stove, then a scuffle ensued. Arnold got away and ran to- wards Simone. The other three folâ€" lowed after five minutes. Arnold left his hat behind him. He thought W'esley was cheating him. Saw no revolver in any person’s hands during the row. “'41:- son and Stewart said no for Arnold to Wesley. The Magistrate formally committed the prisoners for trial. SCHOOL REPORTS. The following is the Intending of the pupils in Carrville school, Section No. 3, Vaughan, fur the month of January: FOURTH Cues. SENIOR THIRD J. E Jones, 358 C. H. Rupert, 338 T Flatt, 331 Edward Tester. 295 Jun. Coombs, 318 F. J. Seager, 287 C.Hollingshead,310 N, Kefl'er, 274 Jun. Rumble, 251 R.J.VVa|kington,273 Ida. R. Molllsh, 243 Arthur Coombs, 266 R. Downing, 189 Jane Coombs, 219 Lucy Nose, 129 Minnie Boyd, 215 : Richard Rumble,170 SENIOR SECOND. Nellie Whitty, 151 \Vni. Coombs, 361 Emma Coornbs, 128 Selena Oomnbl, 3‘29 Mossie Sheppard, 60 O. B. Appleton,322 Bertie Whitty, 298 Ida Cuouibs, Wm. Boyd, JUNIOR THIRD. 285 Chas. Coombs, 381 251 Wm. Gardener, 332 Louisa Tester, 223 \Vesley Bone, 265 DOer Flatt, 121 Rob. Marsh, 241 Annie Rumble, 101 Bertie Coombs, 206 Jim. Baker, 183 Joe. McLean, 100 Jns. BASSII‘GTHWAIGH’I‘E, Teacher. The following is the standing of the pupils in Patterson School for the month of January: FOURTH CLASS. 1. \V lulullmlnnd, ‘2. Jus Halley, 3. Ohm Suwwmr, THIRD SENIOR. 1. John Seymour, 2. Gertie Smith, 3. James Muudey, 4. Hurry llmly, 4. Euph. Kirkland, 5. (iv ., Ell-\Uur, 5. Mary Rumble, 6. A l'lihsliv'j‘lnrulle. 6. Harvey Cook. '[ Hum Jl‘NIUR. SECOND SENIOR. 1. Orvil 1mm. 1. Willie Savage, ‘3. Mary Mn 1' llund.2 Nellie Kirkland, ' 3. Albert Albiu, SEUHN I: JUNII 1t 4. Joe Muudey, l. lr-Illh H H‘ ». 5. Willie Rumble, ‘2. An N i‘ “ .v, (i. Vesta. Mulholland 3. Al'lm: ‘ “Il 4 ,\l n, 2. .hl» FIRST SENIOR. 5. Null" ii c-y, 1. Mary Bassiugthwaite 2 Belle. Hawkins, Flus'r .luuuu. 3. Aggie Kirkland, 1. M lull l" . ham. 4. M.Bassingthwoite 2. i\l.x\ N .-, 3. l... c 1:: Illuud. 4, l. 7.2m i. Iu'tlv, .5 ll. 1 ‘.ll'L Findlay. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. Hormr Roll of Richmond Hill Public Schools for the mouth of January; FORM I. A 1 CLASS. A 2 CLixu Flora Hopper, ]. VVelliuulmv Hall, Edgar Ansley, 2. Maggie l‘vlnmlie, Roscoe Law, 3. Aggie Held, \Villiam Barker, 4. James Wright, 5. Minnie Sunles, 5. Reuben Glass, 6. J. Falconbridge. G, Millie 'l‘remm. E. A. Spusccu, 'l'cnchel‘. FORM II. SENIOR THIRD. JUNIOR ’L‘uixu. Louie Lynctt, 1. Mamie Lcumn, Mary Mapes, 2. \Vilber Slveelc, Grant Cooper, Lizzie Pnlmer, Carrie Powell, Eliza. Mulroney, . George Glover, ' Delia Palmer, 6. David Blanshard5. Vanker Hall, 6. Carrie \Vilson. SECOND CLAss. 1. Joseph Keeflcr. 2. Robbie Moodie- 3. Joseph Blanshard. 4. Phoebe Soules. 5. John Glass. 6. Minnie Redditt. T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. FORM III. SENIOR. JUNIOR. Maggie Glover, Florence Sheardown Dollie Douthwnite, Lottie Hopper, Florence Tyrrell, George Hopper, Annie Cosgrove, Robbie Michael, Alex. Reid, Laura Sheppard, Mattie Harrison, John Michael. M. WILEY, Teacher. FORM IV. FIRST DIVISION. SECOND DIVISION 1. W. Glass, 1. R. Garncss, 2. J. Wiley, 2. E. Bonnick, 3. H. Sanderson, 3. A. Glass, 4. E. Cobean, 4. E. Stevenson, 5. H. Mapes, 5. A. Brown, 6. C. Hall, 6. 1. Andrews. THIRD DIVISION. Hopper, McConnell, Hopper, E. \Vilson. J. CRUICKSHANK. Teacher. PPN? never 1. F. 2 E. 3. E. 4. The following is the result Of the Monthly Examination in S. S. No. (5. Vaughan, in the senior division: FIFTH CLASS. FOURTH CLASS. 1. Silas Shrink 1. Henry Bailey, Z"M. McDonald, Z L. Mc’lraughlan, 3. Annie Line. 3. Maggie Gillies. 4. T. Keffor. THIRD SENIOR. I. Hattie Jackson,- 2. Bertha Gillies, 3. Donald Watson, 4. Flora Watson. J. CLUEINE, Teacher. The following is the standing of pupils of S. S. No, 2, King, for the mouth of January. Names appear according to merit: FOURTH READER. 1. Elisa Fisher, 2. James Curts, 3. Ernest Lloyd, 4. Eddie Ross, SENIOR THIRD. 1. Lillie Ross, 2. Cicley Ball, 3. Edith McBride, 4. Joseph Leece, 5. \Villie McCabe, SECOND READER. 6. Fred Tillman, I. Archie Brown, 7. “Wine Stokes, 2. Fannie Stewart, 8. Edgar McBride. 3. Minnie \Vinter, 4. Bertha Irvine, 5. Melville Lloyd, 6. Elisa Badger, 7 Maud Stewart, 8. Albert Bentley, 4. Robt Stewart, 9. Frank Curts. 5. Thos. McCabe. SENIOR FIRST. 1. Nellie Ross, 1. Annie Ball, 3 Albert Bentley, 4. Annie McCabe, 5. Annie Bentley. J. '1‘. SAIGEON, Teacher. .0â€" jEFFERSON. JUNIOR THIRD. 1. James Austin, 2. Henry Bovair, 3. Joe. Curts, From Our Own Correspondent. On Tuesday, Jan. 27th, a. wedding ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. D. Gregory, Oak Ridges, the con- tracting artiee being; Mr. \V. Wadsworth of East ork, and Miss Minnie Gregory, of Oak Ridges. Mr. D. Norman acted as groomsman, and Miss Ida Gregory, sister of the bride. acted as bridesmaid. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Savage, Methodist minister of Auro- ra, after which the party drove to Aurora and the happy couple, amid the congrah ulatious of their friends, left on the 7 D. m. train for their wedding tour. We wish them every success. Mr. James McCami, of Deer Park, is visiting friends here this week. The Rev. Mr. Osler, of York Mills, occupied the pulpit in St. John's Church on Sunday lost, and delivered an excel- lent and stirring sermon. Mr. Murphy, of Elgin Mills, gave a very nice party last Friday evcuing,which was quite a. success. Mr. \V. Hullet, of Pickering, has been visiting at Mr. B. Steplicnson's for u couple of weeks. Do not delay in getting relief for the little ones. Mother Gi'uves’ \Vorm EI- terminator is a. pleasant and sure cure.