Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1885, p. 4

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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS seen how destitute of foundation isl q) . T w a a p . , q I . H _ mm“ thispreposterous contention. o iiiâ€"mi?! iflfi:rlwluli;vy . i L The dispute between the two 0 . J i fl Cg! git. i . I I Provinces first took definite shape 9-! h _ €17 gt n 9. during the administration of Hon. «U1 AT TH {1 § 4 Alex, Mackenzie. Thethen Govern- % _ 7 Y T Elzllmnxr: T‘IYLL. fliifiday, EOE-577345 ment,following the precedent of time i o ‘ p “q ‘I V "" 7", 77â€"2, W immemorial, decided to submit the u ‘ l I U [w K THE ONTARIO OPPOSITION question to arbitration- En this , 7 mm â€" line 01 conduct, the motive at work . v y I u 1’ 'Q . Ofijfe::el:::li :sjtj-t‘pyiltlh:x:5r::::gc:; was evident :~â€"In fairiin Iquarrels, Our stock is splegxidiiy ai; Llle NO\ alties, Mr. Meredith in ms Speech on the try all other means ofsolution before lt ,ds \ic ) i. appealing to the courts. But there address, the present session of the Ontario Legislature will be marked by promptness in the despatch of business, and by much courtesy and I farbearance in all the coming de- Seritlment. It the case had bites. Nor has the honorable lead- a~llOW¢3d to go to the Privy Council, er ofilm Opposition rested at mere 112‘ was more than possd'ile, it was hopiiirr and trustmgdor he announc- altogether likely ihat a decision ed that it was not the intention of would not have been obtained for his followers to waste valuable time years and years. Such. the“. Wch in any protracted discussion on the the tWO gOOd and SUOIC'C'N reasons speech from the throne. Such a for preferring arbitration to the . - ' ' ’ d courts. piocccd1ng,1ndeed, is never followe r » ‘ . V ' in England, and it argues well for W e”, u“? amltralors 5C1“ 1“ their ,3 that it has been dropped here. award, which required only the rati- N t only does no good come from fication of Parliament to become 0 ‘ ‘ . I _ iihese Iong,rambling battles ofwords, legally bmd‘mg~ unhappllyi 35 ft but great harm immndiately ensues has srnce turned out, the Mackenme v i mr before the real work of the House regime cnd‘ed before it could take the has been emeer on the charges last needful step. \Vhat followed, wek w f rti e thea'envcr has and counter-charges made, the “O 10 my V E) i c taunts, sneers and invectives indulg- gwerl a gallmg "Otoncty to ‘5” Cd in have so exasperated both Jiohns utterances on the question. p‘artiesl' that every consideration lit was the duty of his Government gives way to the desire of striking honorably to carryout all the ebb- the enemy. fairlv or unfairly. Mr. Meredith was, on Thursday last, studiously moderate in his re- ~ marks. Those, however, who are at all acquainted With that gentle~ man’s natural disposition, Will find was a still more substantial cause for this proceeding than what alter all must be regarded as more been MOS: ‘ OOMPL WE l Assortment in the County of York, all our friends may rely on getting a fine range of STAPLE a; FANCY DRY 33$. litltlltttltl, littllllES ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" HOLIDAY GOODS To choose from at prices never offered in this , County before. ‘ 'sq'eomeiio J0 raqqfinntg twang 'sfiurqsiumg ‘sd'eg ‘sq'eH ins straw We have opened out beautiful lots of TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLAHS, FANCY WOO GOODS, CHENILLE GOODS, £73m”? Of “5 I)“edee_essors m power' ‘ Bought at low for cash and suitagéle to: : Xmas Presents. But With the accession to office of ’ Sir John, French influence became predominent. Hence all that bitter struggle, and all those tears which, however, do not fall from the eyes OUR XMAS GROCERY AND CROCKERY?’ STOCK “9 cause “Wonder in this- Un- Of leel"als‘â€",Wâ€",?:. Is unequalled in Richmond Hill R’ prices the lowest in town" fortunately, he fell on evil days for THE ROYAL (,‘rjmrli’tlfm'xfuzv himself, for he was induced at the verv outset of his career to forsake b P , _ l G .' ' our r w' it his true duty (which was to keep a . y t_ tm‘mdcla ()Huimuit to . inv~s in. e ‘ ‘ > .. n close but even scrutiny on the Pro~ C t DO an, repmt Oth C in?“ . . C‘ o cons urac' i . ' 2m \‘lnCIal GOvernment) and to lend 3 t, l V. “O C *DlmSt . - Messrs. Bunting, \\ tll(1llSOll, Meek himself to the most reprehende d K 11 d1 fl _ I _ If I l . . an 11"; an ias in: c c '. r task of buttressmg up the Adminis- H a l i “l )0 5‘ nation at Ottawa. The result of the iesult of which. was formally laid Lhis’ in the face of recent events, on the table cf tllchouse on Friday Qas easily ioreseen' And no sur_ last. They have found that there prise need be felt by Mr. Meredith was conspuéc‘y mid {flat “1056 mâ€" or hisfrieiids that he has been Charg- dicta]! “0t e.‘xCEpting Luntinrr HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL It The Royal Commission appointed ‘spmmdn pun 009$ eye sq “ernmss'em 119310010 ‘seigaeoom ,3, were the guilty parties. Mr. Meredith's éd with practically doing all in his power to crush out those very rights which,as a citizen of Ontario, it was manifestly incumbent on him to pro- counterchargc against the Mowat . Cabinet is declared to be baseless. The Opposition generally is held UN DERTAKER‘S, YONG-E . ST, RECEMONU HILL, IAI .SQI'P‘G'I 93 (PF tect. sucliwasnotablyhisattitudeon not “it?” 13:61" provcn guilty 01 w w Keeps on hand a large supply of COIIHEES, (jas- the Boundary AWard andthe Licenâ€" Eomp 131:“ P ledfepmt 1: Slggid a Q g) kets. and all lilfi‘ls of _1“in§1 seQuesiion. It is not at all astonish- 8y 1J1“ °CT_ “TATE an , lu 2‘6 Cr. 5 I, ‘ - FURNJSIrlIl‘ (1‘55); A FirsteClass Hearse fin"- ing. We repeat. that he is now charg- Jeg ‘ e; n “"1011” tomflnssline” g a E nished at reasonable terms. d. 'itl I dine and abettin the “ ge ~ CO - W“ e “0. 0‘55“? "‘8’ CD ._ _ . ;1_;:]C1:Ba1;us:0 get control ng the held that the only business of the (A Q Ontario Twas“: as notoriously Commission wasto receiw: evidence, "U 93 a J 7 N W 7 7 iv _ W_Av 77 WW! they have that ot the Dominion. and that consequently, to report on IP3- H 2 His position moreover, has been the salts was OM “fits Sphere‘ 8 a L, still turther compromised by his :15- Of COUI‘Sc the Mail whose mai- m b) tounding course in the Bribery agerplluntmgus one ofthe accused, u . - Scandal. Here his steps required {5 IUTIOUS In its issue of Saturday, 8 H BY GOING TO m guiding; his path was broad and it has indulged in language to Vice- Cléaflv illuminated Having Shown Chancellor Pioudfoot which, unless m 2 we are greatly mistaken, can be con- strued into nothing short of outrag- eous contempt of court. Certain it is that the late Hon, George Brown was arraigned at the bar of justice for a (Ho/M editorial which was the very essence of respect compared with the Mail's furious rodomontade. It more than hints both at suppress- ion and ignoring ot evidence by his lordship. that he himself and his followers in the house were perfectly innocent ot the dark crime, he should sternly have left Bunting, Meek, \Vilkinson, and Kirkland to their wellâ€"deserved fate. The appearance on the scene of Sir David Macpherson and other Ottawa notables turned suspicion almost into certainty, and the im- pgession, which will not soon be re- moved, remains that, at most, Mr. Meredith has escaped by the Scotch verdict of iiotprniwii. In all these transactionspeople have not failed to seetheniocking,Mephistophelian fea- tures of him who in his old age. finds it necessary to strengthen his weak- ening grasp on power by assaulting to the death his native Province. .I. «in pu W HE FIRE PROOF, AND PURCHASING YOUR FALL. 86 WINTER SUPPLIES. .â€" SUMO Every Department Complete with New ,Goods at the Lowest Prices. Blankets, Flaiinels, and other \Voollens at Wholesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Gro- No arguments, lots of fire; no _ r , ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &C.. at Lowest hates. reason, plenty of bluster. Such is the adage. And it Would appear that Hon. Mr. Fraser was strictly within thetruth when he spoke of the ‘ Brawling Brood of Bribers ' hatching their dirty plots beneath the eaves ofthe Mailbuildings,wliich a contemporary haSJocosely dubbed the Pulptower. However ridiculous it may seem 11 l5 [0 be Imped that at the “CM iothoseinstructed in the matter, the @kct‘o'h me People Wm be“ 1” mind this scandalous busmess, and V3 N S .‘efiuvqoxg .10 qs'eg seiq ‘siireA ‘_sqai{u'e[g‘s13uunm Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. ISAAC CROSBY. i ESHOH itAs ArE~ ‘ A (unit/5613016 N389 7? H.L NEW' DESIGNS 0F XMAS & NEW YEAR’S CARDS. STOCK 0F PICTURE. FRAMES CANNOT BE BEATEN. SOME OF THE NEWEST SUBJECTS IN PICTURES AND MOTTOES i ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. SPOOK OF GROOERIES, NEW & FRESH CAN NED GOODS As cheap as any house in town. The largest stock of FURNITURE we ever fact still holds that many Conserva- _ , “‘08 He even now of the opinion Wlll mete out to those tlleI‘elll‘ (ii. that 1*] on. Mr. Mowat was the real 5'3ng most emcamouslustlce‘ and (mly Obs-tad“ (l) “‘V iettlemtnt Mr. Henry Marshall. Reeve of Dunn, of the Boundary dispute. Twelve Writes: “ Some time ago I gut a battle vears ago. they tell us. the whole “f Nm'hml' ‘f' Lyn‘al’ls Vegetable Dls‘ ' V _ covery from M r. Harrison, and 1 nonsuder trouble would have vanished, had It the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia.’ t]... advice of six-.101”, A_ Macdonaid This medicine is making marvellous cures . 4. s’NVN . - ' . c i f H , w. in Liver CU“, Haj“! Dy“, 3m em in had all lmtable for the season, at bottom prices. A laisz stock 0, Crockery MIL a D‘ «"~ ‘ 5““ LCt “5 1‘1”?le “Tom” i piywifymg t,lic!lilv{«>rt,und igfstoiing Ilian- Gllglylre. Usual Ituok ‘of other goods. ‘ Ploflr‘tf,‘ F993. 7 [W W :lifi" '._ 4 ,‘(ll cr.,,e,zi'iv-1t “'lll n: ' li, d tp qu1 inc: 1’. _ (I. V /\Q.,Illi .1 (D l

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