(:me NORTH. TOIIOXTO. Arcom. ES. (‘itv Hi: 11 13.110 5.05 Union Hi ntibn 1-11»; {-111 Bl'lK’k Stiv‘i-t 1215 v.20 Qllm'h's \y'lnirf . ..... -. Pilrktllili' "nil? 1.3.2†Duvou ort Hi: . Westnii . . . 5x; l . Thornhill N i l 124:! 5;): Bicnulmn llnx. r‘ in inn-J (i “7 King .. . n "-10 Aurnru 113i 'Ii Newlnarkot .. 1.1": lmil Armin}. l\lnil. Nowmmimt . . . . 2: ll 40 "r11 Mirorrt ‘. i l 3 (3-43 fling. ~_ 1' 7-"'â€"’ Norman-4r: Him. 01‘: 1 'I‘liorulzill .. .. 2".‘1: 12:11.1 \Vnniwm {I r, inky Dnvcnpm't. . ‘.l 1.5 1.12% Iv!“ Z‘nl‘kllnlc . c. .xz l :0 7.00 TORONTH. ueeu's Wharf . . grock Strunt . 1mm 1 'm 8-09 Union Silltlliil... 1an 1.17 8-01 City Hall . . 10.15 1.15 815 PROCTOR’S Sirius LINE. Connects with all ll‘lllllr, leaving tlio Palmer House, Riclllnun i llili. .'\.\ Dillon 5: Mail & Ex is (~ss.Nortll .v South (WU (I. 1n. Accornnu. nu " . 1] 1;» Express, North . . .. .. :31» p.111. Mail, South . . . 6.30 ‘ POST OFFICE NOTICE Untilfurtlior notion “oils will lie (‘llKC’ll at the Richmond Hill PM urine as follmw' # MORNING 'â€"Gmnu Nurtlisuuili, Rust and “est, including Tlmrubill, Marim'l‘uruuin,Miiiklimn.&u. 7.4’1 EVENING z-Goir ’1 Si‘ilill.1‘llt%i unll \\‘est (as Ill/(3Y0) 5,15 N.B.â€"Iif\LYlShC‘\‘t"lL(‘hl ‘: iriuztbn handed in at least FiliI-‘l’ll {\Iiriuto YllL‘l' than the above Mentioned horns for Clflhlllfl. M. TEEFY. Posinmster. I. lit Edgy/limit @ chimonn HILL, Tlnirsd ay. Feb. 5, ’85 9". __._ "" " ' ’ " L 00 Ali‘s. Valentines for solo at the LiinanL Store, Communicationsdrom Granvilleâ€"and North Etobicokc unavoidably crowded out. Will appear in next issue. ‘Vaugban comic-ibâ€" Thehpxt meeting of the above Council Wlll be held at the Town Hall. Vellore, on Tuesday, Feb. lilth, commencing at 10 a. in. Village Council Meeting. The Richmond Hill Village Council will meet in the Council Chumbir for the trans- action of businesi, on Monday evening, Feb. 9th, 2.: S p. m. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The next meeting of the Women‘s Christ- ian Temperance Union, will be held at the residence of Mrs. G, Wiley, on Wednesday afternoon. the 11th inst. Only ; ccnts 21 lb. for a choice Green 103 at The Cheap Cash House. Fire Brigade Meeting. The- regular uioutbly meeting of the B. H, F. B. will be bold in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, Feb. 6th, at 7.30. Full attendance requested. Farm {or Sale. The farm composed, of lots 28 and 29, 2rd Con. Vaughan, for sale or to rent. The farm is in good order and the buildings in ï¬rst class repair. See Ad. Just the thing to keep out the cold. Fragrant and delicious coffee. Best quality sold at The Cheap Cash House. Sabbath School Convention. The annual Conwntion of the East and West. York Sabbath School Association will be held in the Presbyterian Church. Wood. bridge, on Wednesday and Thursday, 18111 uni lilth 0fFeh.,15o'5. Ladies, if you want some lll‘l- mense bargains in Shootings, Yarns, or Flaunt-sis, just see the stock at the Cheap Cash House. Fire In Stouffvrlle. At about 10 a. m. on Thursday. a, ï¬re broke out in Mr. Graham‘s Hardware store, and in a short time the building, together With the adjoining dWellingIWns burned to the ground. The lossis partly covered by insurance. Siouiivrlle is in need of better ï¬re protection. Thanksgiving and Praise. The Executive committee of the. Ontario W. C. T. 1‘. bring desirous of returning thanks to the Almighty giver of all good, for the grant things He this done for us during the past your, has decided on Tuesday, Feb. 1:71_ll.fri-ni 3103 p. m., in; hours of Thanksâ€" givmg and lli-nise. Credit Sale. Will be sold by public auction on lot No. 54, Int Con. \auulmn, Youne SL, (4th lot north of Elgin Mills) on Tuesday, Foo. Will 1885, un- r..n..wn.g valuable farm stock, iml plamenis, mu, belonging to Jas. McWilliams. sslc without l'i'r‘I'rve as the proprietor is giving up fnrmiug Sale at1‘2 o‘clock sharp Salem E‘cknrtlt, Auctioneer. I Personal. Miss I‘M-Wes, l‘ruriui‘lnl Organizer, \V. C. ’l'. 1]., has hem successiul in forming Unions in Mnrkbmn, 'l'hiirnhill, Aurora, Newmarket Bradford, and several other Vlllugvfl in our: own and m-i 'l\lvill‘ii|g (tonnt1rs,nrlil bus been very enroll rliy Welcomed by the ladies in th rse pint-s, who are Eager to band them» so] '93 inti- l'niuns,wherolw they may be bet- lvr able to ind tllcii clause in the cumlng con- 19 vi. Sudden Death. Daniel McGilvray, 01011; Ridges, aged 15 years, died very suddenly on Monday last Nut hr int: well for some time, 1 c was spend- ing a few days witlr Mr. W. Clubine, on the 3rd 0011., between King and Vnugbnu. On Sunday night he suffered considerably, and on Monday morning: nxgrosncxl ll dr-su'n to be tnkcu home, near Wilcox‘s Lake. Unfortu- nately ho diorl boil-re renching homer. He wns buried on Wednesday. Heart disease is supposed to how: been the cause. 25 yds Grey Finnth for one dol- lar at The Cheap Cash House. Bachelors’ Social. The. Bachelors of Maple and vicinity are preparing for a grmul Oyster Supper and Conâ€" cert. Which is to hillil' pliu'u ï¬t illuple,.0n \Veil- nestlzly, owning iipxt, Feb. 11th. Oysters will be wrvml in the Vestry n!" the Methodist. Church from :3 to 7.330 p. m. The Concert Will [allow lmmeiliill-ly allnr, in tho. Masonic “ML The best. of tnlunt has Les-n serum-ll from Richmond Hill, Thornliill,Willnwdale, Woullllriilgo, King, 'l'eslmi null surroundinu villaizezr. All are invited to attendâ€"old maids e ipeciully. Proceeds in aid of Meth- odist Sabbath School. Tickets for Supper and (loner-rt, ‘25 cents ; Concert alone. 20 cents. tiliililrin under 1 your, brill-price. The Bachelors have every confidence of malt- ing this uffair the event of the season. \Vhitc-lislifjlront, Codiiish. Oys. tors 8:0. at The Cheap Cash Horisc. Montreal‘s G rear Carnival. One of the most. noticonblo features of the Mnntrenl Wintur Carnival is n magnificent specinl“CarnivalNumlwr,"issucr1byMl-ssrs. John llongall lt- Sun, of rho Montreal ll il- 716m. The pllllllSllel'S lmvn pressed into nor. vice the most talvntcd ('miavliun artists mid, consequently. the result has never .,b{een equalled in Cunmln. The nuinlwr {if rli tecms with illustrations, and has n. gigantic four-page pict.n‘eâ€"â€"“.ql0rlning of tho 10; Castle by Niglit"â€"designed by Mr. Robert Harris, A. R. C. A. Besides this than Mr- full page pictures by Messrs. Hurringlnn, Bird, Raphael, Walker, and other leadini, artists, and the number also contains ihl Carnival Poem,appropriately illuslmtml, for which 1; prize of 8100 has bet-u paid and l: special Supplement reprl-s‘eiilini: the variou- nthletic clubs and their lending nicn. Th letterpress pups have lmvn lastvlullv pr»- pared, and contain a very lnrge nuinlu-r «v! engravings. represrnnting furious phases of our Canadian Winter sports. The price 01 this gorgeous numberis but ton emits per copy,postpaid. Orders are ï¬lled strictly in the rotation in which they are received bi John Dougsll 63 Son, “3 'itness" ()llice, Mon- treal. Extra Choice B rick and Japan Teas for 50 centsa lb at The Cheap Cash House. ~‘I‘nstirute Reunion. On Friday evening last, was held in the Temperance Hall, the second of :1 series 01 Reunions in connection with the Muchanlce' Institute for the present year, If our rend- ers are to form an idea of the interest taken in the Institute generally, by the audii-nce present at the Reunion, the couclusmn ill‘an would be very unsuiix‘iuclol‘y, as the number, besides ticket holders, was extremely small' The entertainment. on the whole, Wns fnir; ports of it remarkably good. Mr. J. H. Sliep~ ard, of \Villowilalo, \Vim, some yours ago favored the Instilute with his readings, gave several selections in a most happy manner. His rendition of a Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, could scarcely have been excelled by the great author himself. Mr, Shepard‘s elocutionary powers have greatly improved since his inst read in this village. During last your he took a trip to England, and while there Was under the tuition of one of the most eminent tcncliers of clocntion in London. The Misses Collins, of Tliornbill, played a Couple of duetts, and Miss L. Collins sang a song w iich was well received. Mr. John Hess, of "rig, recited several humor- ous pieces, which caused much laughter. Miss Jennie Ncss held the audience in breath- less silence by a touching recitation. Mr. W. Robinson, of Maplc, gave a reading which brought forth much applause. Tile Glee Club rendered valuable ESSistauce. Miss Hewison accompanying on the piano. The Richmond Hill Dramatic Club amused the audience with their shadow pantomimes, and ended with a farce entitled “A night in a strange Hotel.“ “A ‘Nallc Through Rome.†As will be seen by Posters. the Rev. Hugh Rose, of Elem, (late of Manchester, England) will deliver his celebrated lecture on the above subject, in the Presbyterian Church. on Friday evening, Feb, 13th. The Vatican of Rome, the Obelisks, Catacombs, do, will be. illustrated by Scioi ticon vims. We have no doubt this lecture will prom both interest,- iug and instructive, as the lecturer is spoken at in the highest terms of praise whorevsr he has taken the platform. lecture, a tea. will be given in the school team of the Church from 5 to 7.30. Lecture to commence at 8. Admission, 25 cents : Child- ren, 15 cents. Proceeds to be devoted to the bubbath School Fund. In relation to the Lektuh‘lâ€˜ï¬ popularity, we clip the following from the Guelph DIl‘I'l‘lll‘y :â€"â€"“On I‘hursduy evening last the Rev. Huu‘i Rose, of Knox Church, Elora, delivered a. lecture on the “Massacre (ii-St. Bartholernew, its cause and results.†The Rev. gentleman, who has had large experience on the lecture platform; and is a gentlemin of high intellectunl cul-‘ ture, kcpl the rapt attention of his audience for abrillt an hour and three-quarters, and many wished that time had permitted him to go {still further in his interesting resume of modern French History. It is hoped lbst at some future time he will resume his sub- ject and give a fuller account of the French Revolution and Communism. The not re- ceipts handed ower tothe Mechanics‘ Insti- tute, amounted to about $17.“ 1“ A BRIAGES WAiiswrrn'rnâ€"Gixnoonv»~on the 27th Jan . at the residence of the bride‘s father, bv Rev, J. W. mvuue. Methodist minister, Aurora, Wm. W'mlmvortli. of Exist Yorktu Minnie. eldest daughter of Mr. D.Grogury. of oak Ridges. DEATHS WALLACE~At his ru-sideuce, "Burwick House." Vi'ooilbridge. on Thursday evening. Jun. 29th. 158:». in '1†75th your of his we, ('uptain Nathaniel Wallace, it native of 0110 County of hllï¬r‘. Ireland, rind for is yours in. resident of \Voodbridgc. E ll There. is War declared against High Prices at HALLS NOTORIGUS STORE, THE PLACE FOR Raisins, culranis, ales. Figs, Lemon Peels, Spices. 1.4(3131011194, Not proceeds about $1.50. ' Previous to thav ()I'an goes“ and C audio . Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of PRUVlSlUNS, FLOUR R’FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCRERY, GLASSWARE. &c., of the very best quality. In great stock. & SHOES i. We Will guarantee a. good. ï¬t, and at prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. A call. solicited. Goods delivered Free. Change. “of Advertisement _ FOR.-~ ' J AN U MAN TLES, JOSEPH HALL. FOR “THE LIBERAL,†$7.03 for $5.00, $8.50 for $6.50, $10.50 for $8.00, $15.00 for $11.0. HATS or BONNETS, concerns, DRESS Goons, VELVETEENS. 3.00 for 2.00, 4.00 for 3.00, 5.00 for 3.50, 6.00 for 4.00 2.13‘lor 1.50, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.50 for 3.00, 5.00f0r 3.75. 15c for 100, 300 for 150. 25c for 200, 200 for 220, 35c for 251 38c for 300, 50c for 400. 630 for 50c, 750 for 600, $1.00 for 80'. In order to reduce stock everything will be sold a Slaughtering Pricessi f'ï¬o “roll in the money, hisyou ma} have the goods at almost your own prices. Plain Figures, and no Credit. J. M. l Termsï¬asli, “'92. AMILTON, 184 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, TORONTO "TRENCH’S ~CllRRlllGE WORKS.- IHCHMOND IIILL. M In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past. twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having elected entirely new and com- modious~ premises, 1". am enabled to ,wpply Phaetons, ' Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and Pinion SPRING WAGDNS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisor). I am also prepared to do all kinds uf black- smithing d: repairing in the most Work- manlilm manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paiddpecial attention to. WM TREAT". . “‘SKREl†Cod Liver Gill 0____ This famous Brand, PURE; BRILLAN'I‘ and almost Tastef- "’§5* ‘5 m" Supt'l'ior l0 :IEI)’ mlyw - Non-\vegnln Cod Liver 0“ yet Ill- trounced. o Imported and bottled only by Kenneth Gcmpbsll 8t 60., MONTREAL. niorenioncytlrnn at anything else by titkinc nuligency for the best selling Wm book out. Beginners succeed grmzdly. None mu. Terms free. HALLETT 500K (10., Poi-rhino, Maine. 1842-ESMBLISHEE “‘8†Hugh Mi‘llER gull-tie! CHEMISTS at 0311361318. 167, King St. East, Toronto, _l’nopnrnrons Ur~ MILLER'S TICK UESTROYERl YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. CHINESE GARDEN PCWJER, (it. 0 Spec'iul attention uiven iotbe propel plophl" , ntlous of Furrier and Veterinary receipts July 3rd. ‘H‘x-lv. l l <1BUILDEBS> MEEâ€"HA E. M..MO 141 YOnge Strcc , WARRANTW AS REPRF 2 r- w unionist : PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, RUTTY, &C. D .. N l G’ S TOOLS... GIVE US A CALL". v WIL KIN S" BROE 166 King Street East, Near George Sire-st, Toronb 23â€"4-93. ooji'i‘o R Pin-ll t 'Z‘Jorontr (4:0 Years Esta' belied)- For good and cheer Watch es, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil verware and S} (i‘L aside: for evu’y Sight. :53; E M. 136.03 ~v~