Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1885, p. 8

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MAPLE. From our own Correspondent. Since last writing you, our village has been all excitement. Every evening. groups of bachelors may be seen discuss- ing the great event of the seasonâ€"â€"The Bachelors’ Concert~and judging by the interest manifested, it should prove a grand success. “In trust that all the bachelors in reach of your valuable col- umns will take advantage of this golden opportunity and pressnt themselves, es- pecially when such chances as are adver- tised. may be secured. Now is your time, Remember Wednesday night, 11th inst. Quite a number of the fair sex from To- ronto and other places are visiting in our village, no doubt in anticipation of the coming event. The friends and children of our Hah- hath School had their annual sleigh ride last. Tuesday afternoon, and though some what cold and stormy, all seemed to on- joy the drive very much. On their re- turn home, they were treated to an ex- cellent tea provided by the ladies, after which a. very pleasant hour was spent in singing, recitations 630., under the super- vision of Mr. J. C McQuarrie, Superin- tendent of the school. All returned home feeling that the half-holiday in behalf of the children was not ill-spout. Rev. Mr. Rakwell will occupy the pul- pit in the Methodist church nextb’uuday, morning and evening. Subject for morn- ing discourseâ€"“ The Sabbath School,” for the eveningâ€"-“ A Personal Devil.” The labors of our energetic townsman. in connection with the liennery, have been crowned with successâ€"One egg. Mr. Parpetus Boileau, Ottawa, says: “Iwas radioally cured of piles, from which I had been suffering for over two months, by the use of Dr. Thoums' Eclectric Oil. 1 used it both internally and externally, taking it in small doses before meals and on retiring to bed. In one week I was cured, and have had no trouble since. I believe it saved my life." .Hâ€"fi SPRINGHILL. From Our Own Correspondent. The Orange Ball and Oyster Supper Held in Hogan’s Hall, S riughill, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 2 th, passed off very nicely. The roads being in good condition, large crowds turned out to trip the light fantastic. The music was of the best class. About one hundred par- took of oysters to greater or less quan- tity. The commi -ee deserve great credit in quelling anything that partook of the nature of an outburst of enthusiasm About the hour of [our the musicians boxed up their music and the pleasure- seekers wended their way to their re- spective abodes. A load of the juvenile bloods of Spring- hill and suburbs drove up to Aurora on Monday evening to listen to the Sal- vationists holding forth. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the C. M. Church, Springhill, purpose holding a concert on Friday evening, Feb. 20th. Excellent talent from Maple, King, Rich- mond Hill, Toronto and some \Vestern Towns is expected. Gentlemen, turn out, and Springliill ladies will use you well. Ladies do the same and the gentle- will not forget you. If the snow remains. a couple of loads intend driving to Maple on Wednesday evening, Feb. 11th, to help dispose of the oyster stew prepared by the bachelors of that Hamlet. SeVeral marriageable maids are expected to put in an appear- ance. D. Sullivan, Malcolm, Ontario, writes: “ I have been selling Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil for some years, and have no hesi- tation in saying that it has given better satisfaction than any other medicine I have ever sold. I consider it the only medicine that cures more than it is re- commended to cure." Unprincipled per- sons are selling imitations of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. Do not be deceived. HEADF‘ORD. From Our Own Correspondent. Headford seems to have taken ofl her workâ€"day clothes and attired in her best garb prepared to take a holiday. Com- mencing on Monday, January, 26m, with the Methodist church Anniversary, which proved a great success both social ly and financially, realizing with the pro- ceeds of the social, which was held on Thursday, the sum of about one hundred dollars. On Wednesday evening, a sleighing parry might have been seen driving through the village and up the third cou- cession to the residence of Mr. George \Vellinan, and after partaking of tea and spending a few hours very enjoyably in making, pulling, and eating tatfy, also at other amusements and games, they re- turned at an early hour much pleased with the trip. (in Friday several sleigh loads of the Sabbath School left the Public school house at about12,30 o’clock to attend the Convenliou held at Unionville. They returned in the evening when the ladies had prepared a tea. for them in the school room of the church, where a Very pleas- ant time was spent Miss M. E. Mapes and Mr J. barker were appointed dele- gat s to the ~coiii‘ention, and to close the Wdt‘k a load accompanied the misses Mc- Gill, who have been visiting their friends here, to the .Oak Ridges where another plersant evening was spent. On Sunday morning Mr. James Barker was on his way to the Quarterly Meeting at Richmond dill when his horse ran a- way and broke the cutter, damages about five dollars. Mr. Adam Comisky of Sault St. Marie is spending a. few days at Mr. Joseph Coniisky‘s, for his health. "fi’Hâ€" There are a ziupiber of varieties of come. Holloway; Corn Cure will to,» move any of them. i I Eckardl's Sale Register, 1886. Monday, Feb. 9th, Richard Bunby, (Jon. 4. Lot 11, Wliilchurcli. Tuesday, Feb. 10th, James llchilliams,Con. 1. Lot 54, Vaughan. ~, Wednesday, Feb. 11th, Ecliardt‘s Monthly Sale, Uuionville. Thursdav. Feb. 12th, Simon Shuuk, Con. 4, rear Lot 8, Vaughan. Friday, Feh.13th.FrsnkEvans,(lon.1, Lot 75, Whitcliurch. Monday, Feb. 16th, John MrCrifiroy, Con. 8, Lot 5, Mnrllliiim. Tuesday, Feb. 17th. .1. ('. lvaiinrrio, 4, Lo! ‘20, vim“. Wednesday. Feb, lF‘i ‘» l h iiwi.~or~lc,K~ttls- by, RH . , Friday, Fol. Quill. .l 1 lmi iil‘ »-m..‘. Tuesday, Ii‘r .L‘Ji‘ ' 4 1. [mi ,w. \Vednosdiiy, Mb. ‘1 ‘ (Kin vl. Tl]lll'.~‘(ll"'. liwi. ‘ (Hon. 1 Weiluewlni'. 'iim n U ' Thursday, March w lmllli. ‘ ..-v Tuesday, March lIM .‘ .i r .l“ 3,Iiot1.3 \i'. \Vediicsdiu‘, March 1 z. 7.. Rule, l‘lllw- 'l‘ Wednesday, Mnrcii w ~ v '1 , (Jon. 5, l. a l m; r: _,.L-‘ a, ,. (‘A'I‘A RIC ll ~A by this liitlim to iiimii'ulih ly (‘lll'Dll iii fin in one to ‘ i .v :w .Ioiiis. no matter whether stuiiiliii i i in I or [city more. Descriptive pain] ‘ “ i ‘ w 0 on H‘- iV-m’pt of stamp. A. ll Ill). r W King Stroin west. Toronto (fan i. . -â€"â€"-â€"oo> 7* A hint worth heeding, iiiiu loses half its zest when digestion i: ,oriiiiinently impaired. Surely then a r:_~ i ily means of restoring this essential of F ‘ItlllV con-i- fort is worth trying. Ewry rank, every profession, bears its quota If evidence to the beneficent influence llpwi the stomach, and also upon the liver, bu'n’. ls and kid- neys, of Northrop d: Lyman‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Curi‘, or cele- brated Blood Purifier. \Vlmt is the wise course suggested to the sick by this has timony ? \Ve leave them to decide. F‘OR SAI.JE ! TO dENTi The Farm composed of Lots 28 and 29,3111 Con. Vuuulmii, is for snleor to rent. The farm is in good order, l‘Lllll the buililiuns in first-class repair. There is also a good owner-(Land is well watered. Apply to WM. SLINEY. Richmond Hill P. 0. (You. I r0. I'lll‘ .‘il '5 32â€"3in. Notice oi Dissolution OTICE is hereby given that the partnership carried on for some time past by the under- signed, under the firm name of El. SEHBERSQN & soils, Has dissolved this 13th day ofJanuury,by mutual conseiit,â€"â€"thc senior member of the firm retiring and that J. H & W. A. SANDERSUN is empowered to discharge and settle all debts to and by the said paitnei‘ship. (Signed) . Smurmson, .H. Sannnnsnu, (Witness) W. A. Saununsoii. E. Bunyan. Partnership Notice. We, the undersigned, have entered into pn rtner- ship under the name and stylocf Searchersko Bros. 9 And will continue on the old business carried on by the late firm of H. Sanderson & Sons. (Signedi J. H. Sanderson, W. A. Sanderson. N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the late firm of H. Sanderson 6: Sons are hereby notified that all accounts due must be settled on or before the lst day of March, 1885, after which date they will be nlaced in our collector's bands for collection. (Signed) SANIZRRSOH IlBos. Richmond Hill, Jan. 14th, 1885. LUMBER, LATH ll SHINGLES l FOR SALE. 0 The undersigned will have a good stock of the above at McGee‘s Switch Mill, on 4th Con. Vaughan, and will sell same at bottom prices as iollows : Culls, $4 per M. ; Sheeting & Lining Lumber, $5 to 365 Common d: Bill Stuff, from 39 to 810; Hemlock Lumber, $8 ; Shingles, $1.90. HY. MARSH, King P. 0. Health is Wealth 30-”. “a. E. C. Wns'r's Nnavn AND BRAIN TREAT- KENT, a guaranteed sneciflc for Hysteria, Dizzi- ness. Uonvulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgm, Headache. Nervous Frustration caused bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay anilileath, Prsiiiature Old Age, Bari‘snness. Loss of Power in either sex.1uvoluntni'y Losses and Sperinat» orrhcea caused by over-exertion of the li,‘nin,selt'- abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 3;.00 a. box, or six boxes for $500,361“ by mail prepaid on receipt of price. ‘Ve Guarantee Six Boxes To cureany case. With each order received bv as for six bottles, ECOOpIDBJJlelI with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ofiecta cure. Guaranteesissued only by Jam: 8.“: new 61 00.. 31 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, lLl'lO. ‘ , N N. N ‘ )l'lls ANT toSertion B-l of Chapter 107 of 1 tlii-I wiseil Stnmitosof tho Provmce ol 0n- tiiy-m , Lotion is hereby given that all creditors and Uthi 2.- having claims against the estate of MRS. ANN ATKINSON, late (f Richmond Hill, in tho (‘ounty of York in the soul I‘rovinim, \Virlmv, deceased. who departs ml this lifo on or about theI 1511i day at October, .\ l‘,J‘s‘1l,fll‘ul‘elllllri‘kl to send by post. prepaid, MT in .Ioliver to the llllll(’l‘HlL{llC<l lleorutors mph-i rin- lust ‘Vllldll‘J 'l‘ostiinisnt of the said :lo. i"l' : iI, on or before. Wednesday, the first day i I l next 11 statement containing their nun . . llil addresses illlil the full particulars of H mi‘ i-iuiinshuilof the securities (if any] lielil K i .m. , {lull that after the said rlrtto Ins; m the said Executors will proceed to dig. .. n. the nssvlsuf the said deceased amongst inl luvs entitled thereto, regard lining had to i tiucluinis of which notice has been my» ‘l.lnv\e l‘t'qllll'oll, and the mid lilxecutors ' i..- liable fur tho said assets or any riart l 2.1)”); person or persons of wliosocluiins ‘ , Mn “ML have been receile by the said s at the time nl'sucli distribution. itfiirhmond Hill aforesaid this Twenty- ity of January, A. D.. 1885. owl.) ISAAC CROSBY, ) JAS. COSGlt()VE, Richmond Hill P. 0. l Exocutors. i iill. on: markets. Touoxrn Thursday, Ftb. 5, 1585. M livat, m1], per bushel .,.-:<0 «i to 0 R2 “limit, spring, do. u :42 li:ll‘|(‘V, do. 0 58 0 il «nits, ‘ do. 0 33 (l 34 1‘4 as. do. 0 57 0 I‘ll) live. do. 0 50 0 , (‘lovi-r Seed. fl”. . . _ Dl'f‘ ‘ml hogs, per 1001hs 5 75 n 2;: ll fore quarters 4 51) G 00 ll , hind quarters 6 50 8 EU ('lii wig, per pair 0 no u 75 Ducks, do. l) 7‘) 0 90 (loose, ouch . . (l 65 0 ill) Turkeys. ouch ll SI) 1 75 lluttor, pound rolls .. (i 22 (I 24 Humor. tnb dairy o m U I?! Nuns. fresh. per rim... 0 20 o 23 l’otiitoeaper bag .. (l 40 0 f5 Applesqrer bbl ..... , ..... .. l 00 1 :5 onions. m‘cen,per bag ., 1 (I) . Ciililiaarc do. , 0 25 (l 40 ('nuIillower do. 0 on 0 oo ('uloi-y, do. 0 25 o 50 ’l'ui'iiips, per bag ...... n 30 0 40 ('iu'ruts, do. . o 40 0 50 Hn.y,1>orton .. 800 1400 straw, per ton .................... .. (“i ()0 9 Oil itiruiunim HILL Thursday February. 5, Im. oats, per bushel ....$0 '0; o 30 Ports, do, .. .. 0 58 ll 50 liiesscil hogs,per 100 lbs. . 9 00 6 50 lluof, fore quarter ...... .. 5 00 fi 00 lll‘L‘f, liinilquartvr . .. 7 50 8 50 ('liit-lions, per pair , .. 0 35 (l 45 Ducks. do. .. (J 55 0 65 Geese, each . . .. O 50 0 70 ’l‘urkevs,perlb ., 0 8 9 lluttcr. pound ml 5, .. 0 18 0 20 Butter, large rolls... .. 0 l7 0 Is Revs, fresh,per doze .. 0 20 0 00 Potatoes, per bag... .. (l 30 0 40 Apples, per bbl .. 1 00 l 60 onions, green, per ., 65 75 Cabbage, per dos. O 25 O 10 Celery. do .. .. ...... 'Iurnips,perbiig . 0 35 0 45 Carrots, do. . 0 40 o 50 Bonus, per peck. , 0 60 0 60 Flour, spring, per ...... Flour, fall, per bbl . 75 4 00 Hay,per ton 7 00 10 00 straw, per ton . ..... l for working people. send 10 cents postage, and we will mail you free a. royal, valuable sample box of goods that Will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than You ever thought possible at any business. Cap- ital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes. of all ages, grauilly successful. 50 cents to 55 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may lost the business, we make this unparalleled oil'er: To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, di- rections, otc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure to those who start at once. Don't delay. Address S'rmsou 6: 00., Portland, Maine. TIMBER Hill SALE! A large quantity of Good Building Timber, soft Wood, Cedar Posts and Rails, for sale on Lot No. a, 4th Con. ofWhitchurch. Parties wanting the same apply to JOHN WILLIAMS. Bethesda P. O. Mi . in presents given away. send us 6 cents postage, and by mail you will get u $2 0 U) U U 0 free a package of goods oflurge value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than any thing also an America. All about the $200,000 in presents in each box. Agents wanted everywhere of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work torus at thelr own homes. Fortunes tor all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT &. Co., PortlandMaine SlllVES. STOVES. __.o.___ A NUMBER OF PARLOR 00M. 000K STOVES GOAL HEATING STUVES HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES. For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter stOCK. A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, ave- troughing, ,&c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. CHAS. MASON, Richmond Hill. 8â€"1â€"1?er IlPPLES. APPLES”. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD 86 80., 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON. E c, Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. They also give the usual faculties to customers requiring advances. ' said WINTER STOCK COMPLETE IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL Klaus. ’ SHIRTS do PANTS. 3. LARGE: STOCK from 4100/53. up. HATS AND CAPS. SUITS MRBE I'll GREEN. In GR()CIGE{EEC is; far (illu'is‘lniias We have a CHOICE STOCK rind FRESH. FLOl'll At FEED alwnys on hand. all of which we will sell as cheap for cash as any store on lliclimonil Hi“. lien-ping hm. s. ALEX, moooiE. ~A. Lolli‘ijmm, WATCH MAKER dc JEWELLER, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES 8t JEWELRY: ' ALSO DEALER IN ,7 ‘ G- R O C E R I E S I. We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed .1 specialty. A. L. NHEELE, l W l L L l A M S I High Arm Sewing Maching is now rec- ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. It 13 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn. THE. NEW; It is strong, durable and well built,oi the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and three, first prizes at the Domtniou Exhibition last October. It is. rapile superseding all the. old fashioned makes everywhere. See - it, try it,huy it,and make sure that you get it. Sold by J". LUSH. Iichmond Hill, Deals-r in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. STEELE Enos.& COT SEED & PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. SALT! WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL, AND Finest Quality Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR WAREHOUSE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, gnome cinema gnome Soon. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain Will find it to their advantage to call upon, or correspond with us. STEELE BROS, & Co. N. B.â€"-â€"We are agents for the ’ EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD. Please send for Circular which contains testimonials from Feeders and Stock-Raisers in the Province. ally valuable for Stock of all kinds, leading It is cqu. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Piss dz Poultry. Dairyâ€"men always find it largely lncreases quantity and quality of milk. , ' PRESIDENT, DAVID 3mm. ' F I RST'C LASS Viseâ€"PRESIDENT, SAMUEL mass. HARNESS EMPthllld, YONGE STREET. lRICI’IMOND HILL, 'Ti‘unks, Satchels, \Vhips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. l)Illl‘1(‘TUIlS K. Chisholm, M. I’ l‘,, ll. Y. Dwight. D. M. Mm» douuld, U. ll. llolunsmi. A McLean Huwurii, and J. lilub)’. A A. ALLEN, {‘nshwr. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEL ARTMEN-T, Dom-sits rm viral and Intero: :nl'owod thereon at (‘ui'i'i-iil liutw N : llv ‘. s ol withdrawn) l’L‘IJUH'l‘ll. Untiis on all lulu» i r Cunmlu, Unitoli Btl'tt‘h and (in iii liiiiu.i., l «i it (111‘! until. JAM lu‘S M. E. “‘ ‘~VRENUR. Manage-r. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend~ ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. illlltifé l. l+‘()l.{ LIL}: e in 'CI’utYl' .‘i‘lim- :. down for pivli Mes, Eroo inn. 0).?! v-i'fiiS'I‘A‘II‘W_ I Fight- llN'lillil‘.’ Iioix It i‘ East only 3». him-nun if. i... (ii, tlio lots; Also ’I'vw h. Richmond street. ' BEL ‘

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