Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1885, p. 1

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r" " ' ~- _ r __ attenuates“ lusflmrn.â€" [library at over 1000 V7 )lu‘me-mptm ovmv‘l‘uesday eveniu 9m the Mm, p mic‘EnJlJrnm 7 to 8 o'clock. 'R. E. mv’, Libra-k rum. Lectures and discussions periodically. c Rxcavoxn HILL Cumin Emuâ€"~‘Eieats to? ! a some evory Tuesday and Rwanda): evening a mm o'clock. C. Savage. Lender AT NHE LIBERAL PRINTiNG &PUBUSH1NG HOUSI t-‘J‘U'HMOND HILL. â€" - ONTARK) annun‘muw Gamma or unuu.â€" ms. um. an 1) o'clock n..nL,:Lnd 6:30 pan. I’mer lueebilrg ou Wednesduv oveuxugm'lzflo. m’muu Unaan cuumn.â€"«Servicea in nrder a?!me a Thamhill a? 9 3.123., mm Richm-md 13 at 19:30 mm; the “flowing fitmday M. Rich- Inond Hill'n‘t S) a..m.. End‘l‘hornhlll at 10:80 a. n: n._. -...r...., Avomy'r ORDER OF FonmflftRsâ€"Cnun ‘Bich ‘1noud.No.7046 \ 0. P., meew in L118 Temporanu THAN every alternate Fridnv at 1.80 p.1n.-â€".\. J Rupert 'C. R. .7 .. .--vnn~n _ A. 0.17. W.,Ivy Entire, No. filflé’fisfin the mmmimo, Robin of the Masonic Hull Mumnacive 'lesduy at 8 d‘gkmk p‘m. Bene~ .fi-mvyge‘ftifimce filyn for Aluminum 01 death 1. 'rkman. nfd'xof'Tempen nee, nicnmmd Em Council. “No. R, 79fth in 'I‘emvar-uce Emu. each filter 1 “in ‘l‘aeswhmy evening ntSo‘clock p m. Bene- fl’flinry certificates issued to male or femnha mermbera for $1,000 nr in case of death €2,000. one halt unvnblc in case of disnhility. J. H. Sanfier- pm Select Councillors: J.A.E.Sw‘tzer,Recordiug 'Bucretarv. ST. nut! :- Erxscnnn Cnuncn.~Service M. s .nL‘excapt the third Sunday 01 every month, when cho ~iarviw and «acmmeut are held an 11 Lint Sunday SchooluWEO-pJu RM. W. Babes, Nathan xm‘nnmm Cannonâ€"Services at. 10:30 mm. and (5 ‘10 p. m..mxd Sund v fit‘hmvl £11,230 p m. THURSDAY EVENING ‘DB. GEORGE LANGSTAFP, THORNHILL. ONT, ‘Gmdunte of Toronto UniversityJLC. P. A' S K)nc..v.wo vans resident, assistant surgeun t “Toronto General Hospital. Office and msidnnae.â€"One 1001' South of P. C omoe'Hquaâ€"fi to 10 a. 111., 6: 12 to 211. m. ‘ mcnuoxn HILL ’Bzm’mz. No 465,1. 0. 0.1â€"; Meets 'm the Temperance Euflmvery Wednemny evening.“ 7.30 o'clock. WmJlnrn'son T.D. I I Thafiuthmlist sabbath scboolTemrnemnce As “ sociation issue pledge curds «Very $211qu when ’1 Wired. \Vmflnrnson supt x . anxonn Lonon,A. F‘ 6: All sâ€"Meofis in the Lodge Room. Mm?) Monflav on or before full moon, u A. J. Rupert, W. M‘ xm‘nnmm Cannonâ€"Services at. 10:30 mm. and (5:30 p. m..mxd Sunday it‘hnrvl, M21“) p m. Ynuug anplo‘s prayer meeting Tuesduy evening. Genera I’mvex Meeting ovary 'l‘huruduyovaumg N. the Lecture Room. Rev. \V. [1. Banker, Supt. New. W. B. Buuth, Assistant annsrrmunx Cnuncaor Cmuu.â€"Servioaa -v n n‘nlnrk n. m..:uu16:30 p.111. meetifig Wmuon Consultâ€"723319. w inn-ma. Messrs. Berti, neddm , my! EligColmghy “flatulth Toronto Unix-915i”. Mm hu- (‘o Wysicmns & Surgeons, Onzqunte of Shoufi‘ville Tongs Street. Richmond Hill. 0mm Hours Sm 10$.1u.,5t08p.m. when College Pinysicinnsd: Surgeons. Ont RICHMOND HILL, QNT, Veterinan Surge 0911mm, Torogto .[mezscz : â€" Wondbridg: K' omburg... Nobleton... ‘Vl'tulized A Work L‘uuuk | st Rich "BREE-68 o! tremed. Mark Dr. Orr. Maple. office hours: 8 to 9.30 a. 1n. and £0 2.50 p VOL. VII. Addr U "it-ISLNESS CARDS. Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl. '5‘” 191131212 £19 £17523 ul for the fawors of the past 90 years I] be consulted in any branch 0! the pro- Dr. James Langslafl EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Squat Elle fiihml «filing: Qirrrtnry. per annum, in advance. IS PUBLISHED EVERY ll. Husband. I. D. S. Dr. W. J. Wilson. suljéeon.Gra.dunte of Ontario Vet, F. llE‘NITTq USED NY Dr. A. Robinson. ‘h, mm, and L. . . .0th and 24th ulmer House) ‘. McMAEGN, :11 the Domestlczted Animals Churt‘hPs. Sofimlos. 8m Avg-arcs. Wooamuman mummy -_-‘Re-ve.Wm.Pugsley, Conn 113', nedditt. W. D. inell. P Infiemmhv. )lcrk. M. 'I'eefv. SURGEON DEXTER” incu‘tal. 8rd 18”: [91h L. No.13. GR‘C lhntc Rn’l‘lnn the at 8 o'clnck p.111 1 our“ mouth 1: Out lo mt 3 Toronto Office-«No. u Building & Loan ‘3 Chambers. N345 Toronto Street. Richmond I?“ Oficeâ€"Rear of the 3 Cum-a punk. on Saturdays. LAWRENCE 8s HIE-LINN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ‘IIAIJI. FIII.|.AR'I‘0N a: COOK, mmd’smns, SOLICITORS, &c. (irrlcms: xs Km; 6-man EAST. Tnnoxrn. I luchmuhd HIII‘I’JJ. Every Saturday. “WM. HALL. J.S.FULLARTON. W-COOK. ’Ll lswmvu‘u rvxm ‘m lvnlh'. MONEYTO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A. G. I. LAWRENCE. '1‘. G. MILLIGAN. £8. E. fiflfi’fliflfiafigg A large tun um a! [any to Lend an (arm or ('tv urope y mum-u var cont; no aommiv sion. ‘ ' MORE MQCDONAQD. MEBBITT & 00. _ « Minna-bum; I Tenant» Emu: Ci: firm i‘mperty at lbivast rates of ii:- teresx to pay «Emmet: m bighermces or (or building. draining. or whet purposes. 310?th and Munich“ Debentures purchased. Farmers will save money by qrplyng direct to Money to Loan $100,090 or Privam Funds to BA a}: [fifth “LAT. LA w . Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. Licensed Auctioneer {m- tlue Counties of York Ontario lad Pen]. Goods sold on consignment. General sales otfitock. «to. urmuptly attended to at reasonable mesa. P. address. Imports: of Watches. clocks nnd fine jewellery a stock of Diamonds and preciuus scones always on lmnd. THIRD DOOR SOU’IE 0F QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. Ls Manufacturwa of jewellery, and rapnhinuof watches and clocks on mg premiums. specialty Thanking our patronsand {fiendsfor their lib- emlpatronnfir ii. the rum we beg to state that we have just received a large stock ohmw goods in “last designs. A large stock 0! Elgin and Wutham watches kept on hand. ' Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv 01 York,re- spectflnly solicits your pun-(mugs and iriendly influence. Hales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonablemws‘ P. 0. Address, gay-ADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. LicanwedAucfloneer for the County 61‘ York, ro~ wpecttully solicits vour pat-romme and friendly influence. salon attended on the shortest notice and at reuonabe rates. 1‘. 0. address, King. Lmensed Ant-simmer fur the (“Gunny 0! York Salem attended an the shortest notifiade urea.- aha rates. Address Stonflvdle P. O THE DOMINION HOUSE, Havim refitted the above House and furnish- ed it. in first‘clnss style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accmnmodatmu. Excellent stablhmuud uttuntive hustlers. Sample Rooms for cmmnercial tmvelk-rn. A good livery in con. nectiuu. ’l‘emns $1 var day. Speng Rntus to Com] ISDOMINION HOTER RUPERT‘S EXPRESS L1NE& LIVERY STABLE‘S. Daily Express tn Torontt gfian to moving buns FIRST-CLASS LI Ben]. B Illingor. A PRIZE Barman, 93mm“, Conveyucers. m. .E. R. REYNOLDS, 52 Addams St... Eu-at. Toronto. or to T. F. Mcflumm. Edlbur 01 LIBERAL. Jfiehxnund Hill. Money in km; on farm security M. TEEFY, NOTARY mm m, $12110 IN gBVAM RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12.1885 Richmond Hill, Ia QIoncy [0 Loan. RICHMOND H ILL. Salem Eckm‘di. amsrrllnncnufi. N. J. Armstrong. James (T. Stokes. S. NI. Brown. .I. “am. ss, Box 96. VICTORIA SQULRE Emmi. 331mm. mntn. Special n'tention household furniture. L. &c.. &c. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials; Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” merciai Travellers RICHMOND HILL UNIONVILLE. Proprietor. units in; past Vfijtt "A Walk Through Rom V." As will be mean by Ponters, the 0. Hugh Rom», nl Elorn, (late of Mmioheste England) will deluer hiu celebrated lectn on the above subject. in the Preubyterin Church. on Friday evening, Fob.13th. T e Vatican of Rome, the Obeliaks, Catacombs; (ta. will be illustrated by Scinpticou views, We have no doubt this lecture will prove both Interest- ing and instructive, as the lecturer in spoken of in the highest tin-ma o! prnise wherever he has taken Ilia platform. Previous to the locmre. 11 tm will be given in the yahoo] room a! the Church {tom 5 to 7.80. Lectnre to commence at 8. Admin-ion. 25 cents : Child- ren. 15 cents. Proceeds to be devoted to the Sublmtl: Srhool Fund. In relation to the L-Iatun-I‘u popularity, we clip the following iron) the Guelph Mercury :â€"“Oq Thursday evening but the Rev. Hug‘x Rose, of Knox Church. Elem, delivered a. lectuye on the “Massacre of St. Bartholemew, itq cause and results." The Rev. gentleman. who has had large axperience on the lecture plntlorm. and is a gentleman of high intellqclunl cul- ture. kept the rapt attention of hi. audience (or alum: an hour and three-quinine. and many wished that time had permitted him to go utill lurther in his interesting resume of random Franch Hiflnry. It “hoped th at. some future time he will resu 9 hiu snb~ inc! and give 5 fuller account oi Ea French Revolution nnd Communism. T w: W- ceipts handed our to the Meohafiioa‘ Inui- tute. amounted to nbnut 817." Village Cvuncfl. The Cauncil met on Feb. 5th. 1885. The Reeve in the chair. Councillor; present. Menus. MoConmzby, Powall. Bedditt and Snags. The minutes of 19th a! Jan. rend and approved. The Clerk repd a printed communication from tho Bent-eta y o! the Provincial Board at Henlth. date 20th of Jan.. 1885. Mr. Bedditt moved. seconded by Mr. McOounglly, tlmt the onupuil ro-np‘ point Dr. W. J. Wilson, J. K Falconbridge. Esq.. and Mr. Henry Miller. wim‘ the Reeve and Village Clerk, to composa‘ the Loon! Board of Hflalth u! the village '1' the current year, and that Dr. W. J. Wig be the Med. icnl Hnnlth Officer of my unrd.~â€"-Cuvri9d. The tollgfling accounta‘lwwr rend and ». r- M‘fl‘w be paid" #11 Kevfler. pr’ ug and binding reoefia $59.00; A. J. Rupert, coal for Fire Department. $12.75. An ac- count from the Methodist Church was read ; when Mr. Redditt moved. seaunded by Mr. l’uwethatn committee composed uf the mover. the Reeve and Mr. McCunughv. to wait upon the trustees of the Methodist Church in reference to the mid accnunt, and report to lhe CouuciI.â€"Carried. Movrd by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Redditt, that the committee on streets. sidewalks and public park is hereby authorized to procure material neceesmy tor druinage of the park. and lumber for the sidewalkfl.â€"Carned. Mr. Badditt moved. eeaunded by Mr. Mc- Conugby, that. the mover, the Reeve and Mr. Savage are hereby appointed a commit- tee to procure suffiuteut gravel to unau- Murkbnm St.â€" Carried. The Council ad- journed to meet on Munday, the 20d March next, at 5 pm. M. 'l‘szn. Clerk. KOMANâ€"NxcwoLuâ€"By Rev. W. R. Baker, on the m2: mm. at the tesidaucan! the brids’n masher, Mr. John Morgan. .1! Willnwdnle, to Jessie J. E. Nicholle. 01 Richmond Elm. CA'I‘A R I! II â€"A new Treatment. where- by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- 1y cured in from one In three applications, no matter whachor standing for one year or forty yen”. Deat'riptire mu fillet senfi (res on m- ceipt 015mm), A. LDI 'ON & SUN. 305 King fibreut. wesc.’ orunbn Canada. me Our Own Correspondent. Since I last wrote, the weather has been no extremelv cold that almost every person in the Burgh has been bitten by the frnat. some having their noses, and other: their cheeks frozen. The main topic for conversation for some time has been about the Thuran tragedy. the aid advising the young to be nware of cards, and the key to destruct- ion generally called whiskey. As our Burgh is located in u. very healthy locality, and so well elevated by nature, that we catch all invigorating breems that pass this way, it is seldum we have to cnmplaiu of sickness, but, lust Week Mr. '1'. Murtsau's youngest emu has been "ery low with congestion of the lungs, brought on by a. severe cold, but he is slnwly recovering. The funeral uf the late I). McGllvmy tnulc place on Wrduesdny, 4th illsf... and his remains were fulluwed to tlle grave lny a. lame circle of his amt-owing relutives and acquaintancex. Daceused was .1, geneml favorite in this localltv, and many “'lll regret to hear of his snddPn demise‘ Miss Jennie and Miss Sarah Gornmn bliss J of this 1»! amnn lid DV‘ LOCALS wh W“ MARRIAGE.“ JEFFERSON left 1n WPl' Whitby lll 1‘ l' Impurit nale trc he! wait On Tuesday last, the marriage of Mr. Jno. Morgan and Miss Jennie Nicholle took piacu at the residence of the bride s motherin Richmond Hill. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Barker, at 3 p. in. the a large number of invited guests, principally relatives of the bride and groom, Assembled to witness the happy event. Among the guests were the following: Mr. and Mrs. ES. Piper, of Toronto; Messrs. Fletcher and Sam. Morgan, ol L‘Anmraux; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Robinson and son, of Peterboro’; Mr. and M ra. John Bell, of L'Amarnux; Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyle, of Langatnfi'; Mrs. Nicholle, of Aurora; Miss Aggie VVataon. of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. l’. G. Savage, Mrs. Wm. Sheppard, Mrs. N. Davin, Mr, mud Mrs. Wm. Trench, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mlll'Sh. and Mia: Louie Wright, of Richmond Hill. At the conclusion of the repast. which was the most sumptuous that. could be prepared, many touts were drunk and responded to in the most happy manner. " The Bride " was proposed by Mr. E. S. Piper, brotharâ€"in-lnw of the groom, and was responded to by the groom. Mr. W. 'l‘rench proposed the " Hostess,” to which her son rorpoudud. “ The Ladies " was next proposed and was responded to by Messrs. P G. Savage, Fletcher Morgan, Sam, Morgan. Juo. Bell, and D. boyh- The bride and groom were addressed by Rev. W. R. Ranker and Mr. Robt.Marsh, who level-ally gave some kindly advice regarding the future. The bride was dresled in rich Silver Grey Satin trimmed with Gurnet Velvet and Spanish lace. The bridesmaid, Miss Ennly Morgan, uinterof the groom was dressed in an elegant brown Garnet. Slik‘ The presents were numerous and cost- ly, and cunnistod of the following“ A Gold Watch and Chain, by the groom; a large Family Bible, by the father 3nd nmthnr oi the grown; a beautiful Silver Carri Receiver, by the bride's maid; a Silver Breakfast Cruet. by the brother of the bride; in. set of Solid Silver Tea Spmms, by the mother at the bride; a small Bible und‘an Addreu, from her Suth School Clm,Sl. Mar; '5 Church; Silver TosTray, Silver Cake Basket, & Revolving Fruit Dish on a Silver Stand. Silver Dinner Cruel, Silver Bouquet Holder, I. small silver Card Recenter mounted. with Gold, Silver Tea Set, Silver Revolving Butter Cooler, twu beunuful. Toilet. Sate. pair of Vegas, a limidsume Water Pitcher. Silver Butter Cuulur, H4ndsmue Cabinet Cue, Lace Tidy. and a beautiful vuluum“Bible Lilies." beuides other costly presentz. The bride and grown departed tn Tn- rontu and thence (u the Southern States, where they purpose spending a few weeks. previous to cukmg up their residence at " Fairview Farm.” Willowdnle. The customary bouts, shoes and rice followed the happy couple on their departure. Miss Nichol]: will be greatly mined in this place, as her courteous demosnnr en- deared her to annual she was ever willing to aid in any undertaking fur the benefit of the village. We extend to the happy couple our sincere wishes for their future happiness. Tiw people of this country have spok- en. They decluire by their patronage of Dr. ‘l‘lioums’ Eclectric Oil. that. they be- lieve it. Lu be an article of genuine merit. adapmd m the cure uf rheumatism, a: well its relieves the pm. of fractureu and dislocutluns, external injuries. coma, buuiuus, piles and other maladies. The funeral of the late John R. Arnold tank place {rum his home on Saturday, at. 3 p. m. A large concourse of people asswubled to pay the-ir last. tribute, of re- spect to ‘he departed, and tn exhibit. their sympathy for the bereaved family and almost hean bnvken mother His body was placed in a very haml- some and cnslly enffin, having two beauti- ful cruwu “renths nf flowers upon the hd, nne at the hth and the other at the foot. The one at the fnot euclowd a munogrnm bearing the following inscript- iun: ‘ n Cruss~Nn meu ” The mm at “It centre u] service was ( Rev. Mr. Bu Funeral othe late John Arnold. ls t, I'lbture were felt Chapter of Rum; Wedding Bells. "I. It” ttes After which 11 \rple mducfe fhe df MI 1‘! ms u er the It hymn HIM“ hv singiu Lt the From Our Own Correspondent, Dr. Bull, Coronal in and for the Coun- tv of York, held an inqneat on the body of John R. Arnold, on ’I'nuraday, Feb. 5th. 1885. at Simon’s hotel. M r. N. Murphy appeared for the prisoners, and High Constable Jones examined witnesses on behalf of the Mr. N prisoners, examined crown. The following is the post mortem:â€" We, the undersigned qualified medical practitioners, residing and practising in Tnornhill, hthc made a. post mortem ex - amination of the body of John R. Arnold and found as follows: On the face three bruisesl one across the nose, one on the left cheak,snd the ocher on the right side of face. A wound on the left side of the head, two inches above the ear, and slightly in front of the ear, very mudh contused. The direction of the wound was upwards and backwards tornrds the median line. At the median line. and one inch from the inner surface of the skull we found a lump of lead ver irreg- ular in shape. supposed to have heen a bullet. A second and 31113th ieee ‘of lead was found a short distance in the external wuund, supposed to the «separ- ated from the former piece. We found the middle and anterior meningeal art 1-- ies severed at their bifurcation. 9 found the organs of the chest and abdo- men in a healthy condition. We consid- er the wound found in the brain was me cause of death. There was great extra- vuation of blood throughout the whole brain. George Langstafl", M. .1). David A. Fence, M. l). I may remark that the evidence given at. the inquest was very aimflar to that contained in the column- of your paper of last. week. All flux f nesau elapfin- ed before Magiuu-a'go apman were‘ re- oxamiued, but. nothing new: was _elio£ed. Mr. Sanger, "urn: 'Iootified m u couple of shots being fired after prisoner! left Simon’s and were. going towards the d Gunman. Hu’ would not wear b? I mm weI-a fired. This smut to plans that. there must have been mare than ans revolver. as the one in panels- ion of Constable Webster has but am aartnidgediacharged. He also bore tesâ€" timony to the dark lantern. fuse mid other tool: found, but oculd not swam- pofltively that they belunged to the prisoners. Dr. Nelle: was worn md questioned: with regud to the wounds and bruins received by Arnald. He mako..cmw examined. by Ms. Murphy, (noting in de- leuce of the prisoners) but unthin)‘ was alie'ued to go towards showing thus Lhe decease came by his death in any ochcr way (ham from a pistol shot. The bruis» as were only slight and therefore could not reult in any way in causing deach. After the exmuinut'mn was concluded the room was cleared of the throng or people and the Coroner summed up the evidence given, and presented his charge to the jury. After deliberating about ml hour and a half tthe jury returned the following verdict. which we thmk men with the henrty approval of tha people;â€"- That. James Stewart, wilfully and teln- niuusly and with nul ice aforethought, did kill and murdnr the and John R. Arnold, and that. Wesley felonioualy Bid' ed and abetted him in the crime. Dr. Langntatf-wu-also awoux,_and and that he corroborated Dr. Neflea’ evidence in every parliculay. The prisonera were then remanded to ganl to stand their trial at. the Aasizes. Pleusnt as syrup; noch ing equals it as a warm medicine; the name is Mother vaes’ Worm ExtenninMOr. Friday, Feb. 13th, Frank Evans, Can. 1, Km 75, Whicchurcb. Monday, Feb. 16th. John Mchfiray, U01]. 8 Lot 5. Markham. Tuesday, Feb. 17th. J. U. McQuan-ie, (Jan ‘1. Lot. 20. Vaughan. Wednesday. Feb. 18th, Seth Heacook,Keme by, King. Friday, Feb. 20m. James D. fliggnun, (Jon 1. Lo» 30. Vaughan. Monday, Feb, 23rd. Hugh Elliott, Con. '3 Lot 23, Scarboro‘. Tuesdny, Feb. 24th, Walter Lemon, Lou 1, Lot 39. Vaughan. WeduPRday. Feb Friday, Fel (Jon. 4, N Thursday. Feb. 2mm W t zmxrduy, 1‘ Eokardt‘s Sale hegisber 1885. Jda)’, M luesday Thornhill Tragedy. [Single copies, 3 cts M slimer 7L1 Bl} Lot 48 rear Lo£ l Abraham \Viuge No.33. HI m

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