Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1885, p. 5

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Don't forget that you can get ‘8 Bars of Laundry Soap for 25 cen‘ts. 2 Fans of Corn, for 25 cents, 2 Cam 03' Sahnon for 25 cents, an the Com gogqliouse. ’ Peueyxk Petley, N08. 128 to 132, King St- Eaat, nan the Market. Toronto, are oflvnng for $010, cheap. 8 grand display of Winter Goods. A Splendid assortment of Ulsters, Do‘mnm, Coats and capes to be disposed of. Their Millinary Department is, very aurnct- ire and contains goods of choicest. quahty. Sag new Ad. in another column. ' Those in med of groceries, canned goods, fluur and feed, picture frames. glassware. hardware or furniture of any description should call and see Mr. P. G. Snvuge'n new stack which he adverfi-‘eu to up” at the law- mt prions. Examine his new Ad. on another NEE. The. place to get the best value in Teas, Geffen, Currants. Raisins, and all kinds of Groceries is the Cheap Cash House. An immense stock of \Vfiita. and Grey Cottons from 4, cents pet yd. up, at the Concra-te Hpuse. The managers of the Sprinszhill skating rink will hold the third Carnival of the sea.â€" snn on Tuesday evening next. 17!): inst. Those in costume take the ice at 7 p. m. Al. 9 the rink will be open to all. A gum! time Is expected. Testou brass band will luruiab music. New stock of Boys'. and Youths' Nobl‘y Tweed Suits at the Cheap Cash House. . Mr. C. A. Hirschfeider, of Toronto. has bean engaged by the Director» of the Me- chanics‘ {Ixatituhe to deliver a Srientifin Leo- mre before the lgstitute on Friday waning. Feb 20th. His aubjgot in ” Prehistoric Can- ada.“ Further notice will be given. Just remeived, a lovely lot of Boys' Jersey Suits, very cheap, at the Concrete. One 0L,the nmz‘ Richmqu Hi») w c“! and Gunnery Methodist chm-CI Still be out in as! ITTy; the far at the’Chcap Mr. {chi Pug-1‘ < fine 2 year old cm dark bay, weiglw 1‘ and measures 11 Home-buyern takc I ‘ Afirwgcnpi- Pmfllmtifln n V 'fisn L? GD (0 th the best C: Rlum The mi": Conna’d, F haze. 25 "(13. I the Mic-av 1:19:99! Flfh hxmfioucd ] Until furth» Mahmoud H1 Unk‘n Hmti Brock Sta-m Queen‘s \Vl‘ Par‘lulnlu .. ‘ , ‘thomport u Wax-114m .. , .. A. ‘l‘hnrnhil! lucawmn Hn Nuwmnrkob Anrnm . King . ‘chHMmm Thornhifll .. \Vestou . Dm‘omvm‘b l’m'kclnle ., TORONTO. Queen‘s hrm‘k S (‘rmnocta Hnusn, Rifl‘l Mail a any Aormnmudx Ewrefifi, N‘ “nil, South Ewmwe:â€"-G Mummst HICHMUN. King .. .. Aurm‘u. Nuwmufl- TURONT‘? PRD'CTDR"S STAGE LIN E N. Bwvnr Vale u t .R~ R. TIME TABLE. I‘nu (Ilty POST Pelley’a Winter Goods I‘IILH mu The Peoples' Stdre Springbin Carnival Scienufic Lecture Hu \Vlmrf ution GOING NORTH Mn”. .‘ {MM s" Sobial Numb; gdc‘v Gi’éefi TTé House. '33) uu- entertainments in an“ Old Maids“ So- will be given in. the early date. Polk-r3 rd. has for sale a. ‘e Stallion. he is n m, gins ave? 7* feet, x below the knee. if you 5awebt pr TH NOTICE 1‘ Y. Postmaster (m ~,£o::. $. at 1g ‘nf Vaughan m in" 03! uexL ciI . East. and ’I'hornhin. n rkhmn , (Ev. luWn ul number in Sfar for sale 10 centul \Ve che‘ Palmer handed “I the above st (as 11315 $1.00 a. m .vant ices. M. the 7.45 ROD Ill nil MISS FLORA (“DUI/MGR IS PREPA " TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11m, '95:» The snow has given ew hfu to our villng - 011 Friday, the 23ml It. two large rleigb- loud-I of pleasure-Seekers made their way to surprise their fr'u-md. Mr. Clmrry. During the ewmmz, which was «me of ph-Mlira, the principal part of the» prnflrnmmfl conuisted uf some exquiuita Helm-.timm on the organ. but the best of all \vvrn some comic and sant'h mental sonun given by a gentleman. from Henrlmro Hoighta. At about 11 o'clock, an exv-ellent supper was prepared by the good ladies of the house. After ample justice had been done to H agoml thinga provided, the highly appreciated friend from S, H'. was again called out, when he gave a wry amun. ing address. At a late hour in the night, the company adjourned, all being highly de- lighted with the driva, and with the even- lug'fl enjoymont.â€"â€"Cox. M USI'C‘ The Richmond Hill Flre Brigade met in the Lorne Hull 01) Fridnv evening. Feb. Mb. Lieut. Puusley in the uhnir. A report from Foreman Redditt showed than (he oflieen are the same as pest veer. Firemen A. B. Wilson moved. seconded by T. FrMeMahou, that. Mr. Joe. Hall be accepted as n firemen. Thu molrinn carried. 01) motion, the 'l'uas’ nrer was instructed tq,‘ preempt the garnet Band with $5. {or “Hume on Net; Year's Night. Firemen Trench gave notice that .et the next meeting he.w0uld move that the practices he held once a month, instead of fortnightly as heretofore. dunng the coming summer. The Secretary was instructed to nosily by past card all the memhem 01 next .regulnr meeting. The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. J. G. McQuurria, m sell by public auction in the Village of Maple, on front of Int. 20, 4th Con. Vaughan. on Tuesday, Feb. 17m. 1885, valuable farm stock. implements and (We Village Lots. containing Lab 0! an ucre each. These lots are well situated for any person deairous 0! going into business. being in the centre of the Village of Mupll. Sale without. reserve, as the proprietor has rented his (arm. Sale at "no o‘clock sharp. Salem Eckardt. Auctioneer. The undersigned has reeeived instruction- [rpm Nymfienmjua Bnbinson.AiJminislrutrix, (u so)! by puhlid auction on 'J'hm'sdny Feb. 26th, 011,101 48; 15!. Con. Markham, (near Richmond Hill) her valuable farm stock, im- plemenfis,&u. An Mrs, Robinson is giving up farming, the whola will be sold without reserve. Sale at 10 o'clock. lunch provided. "Salem Ecknrdt. Auctioneer. Cred" Sale. The undersigned ha. received instructions .(mm, Mr. Wm: 0001:. to sell by public auction on lot. 16. 2nd Con. Vaughan, on Thursday, March 6th, his furm stock, implemunts, (20. Sulé without reserve as the > proprietor has mph"! his farm. Sale to commence at. 12 At the late meeting of me Cmmf‘y Cpuncil the following assessments for the villages in the 'co,upt,y\wore attack: Richmond Hxll, $176,300 : PurkMe, 81.275.000 ; New- market, $515,000 ; Aurora. 3331.000; Hol‘ land Landing, $95,000; Stnufiville, 5190.~ 000 ; Weston. 8267.000 ; Wnudhridgn. 8145.~ 000.‘ 3‘ win be seen that Ihchmond: Hill is assessst 82000 lower than last. year. \I'CIOCk sharp. Lunch pnovided. Eckumh Auctimwer. 1' im; Alarm. On Saturday afternoon last. at quuter pm”. cue. the ripe bell rang um minutes the engine, hosu reel and ladder-a wme to beseen Rpl‘l‘dil Vul‘d M61! limely'pucv, A cluilunuv The Oyster Supper dud Concert given by thn- Bachelors of Maple and vicinity Ion Wmlnusdny eveninq. Dt‘LWed neumplebe Flu: 6065. 1mm fiuunciully and otherwise. Nut- wiihntnfl(liug_,th9.severity of the weather. Hus Mnmuic Hall, in which the wuoert was held. was packed lo the dom‘s. The committee deservu m'u'ch pnme for the Way in which the programme wus carried out; nemeudnnw smalge was the came of hum. A; y r.’(}1~osh;"s buildings no P:uof,”'uu gyngé mus done. 22 Below Zcro ! I But no matter how tar down the mercury gets Sneath & Grennan’s prides‘are much lower and their Clothing and Blank- ets warranted to keep out the frost in the coldest weather. The scuffing race, ImLWeen Edward Han- lau and Wlllinm Clifford came off on the Purumutlu river on Saturday lust. and re- sulted in an easy victury for the Canadian. Hmhm is m mum. Bench, his fonmr vuu- qnisber, on the 28th of March. when it. is to be hoped he will retrieve his lost. lnurels. John N. Hnrvev, of Int 34. 6th Con. of Vaughan. has 3 large qumnitv of Hay Int sale at. $10 per ton. About tWO-lhll'dfl tim- othy. second years cutting. It “ill be dc‘ [weer either nt Iliuhmuuxl Hill or Thornhill for $10 per ton to any person dusiriug uuy. Tremendous Goods at the ( 5 cents upwan‘ Beautiful heavy Twilled Grey Cotton at 10 and 12 cents at the Concrete House. fur the coming Reason. Commencing M. 7.30 p. an. All are ourdinlly invited at attend, 'as this will be a very important mveliug. Lacrose: Meeting. A meeting «111‘ be held in the Council Chm: 691', m thi'a viHngc, 011' Friday evening nex', H“: mm, for (he nurpnse 0t re-organ- ixing the “ l’uuug Ummdinn " Lacrosse Club for $10 per ton to an Address Laskny P. O Ou Saturday afternoon last. at about n uuter pm”. cue. the fire bell rang,_aud i[., a m minutes the angina, hosu reel and‘ bent ml ladder-a wme to beseen apueding nonn- urd M61! limely'pucv, A chimney at Mr. I. l‘nsl))"fi mad when fire and raised a wmeudnnw smalge was the came of the q- Bachelogs' Supper J: Concert Umescrved Crcdit Sale Rire Brigadg Meeting. Administramr‘s sale C :umy. ASSessmenh Hanlan \cht‘oflious Carnnllc News H ay for Sale LESSONS! slaughter of Dress (muete HouSe, from I! IS PREPARED Salem ire We beg to call special attention to our display of'MIL‘LINERY, which is very Choice at Attractive, and worthy of the attention of the most fastidious. Inspection Invited. Rich Mantle Velvets, Rich Dress Velve’cs, Rich Mantl Flushes, Ri‘ch Dress Plushe3.,. Rich- Black Silks, Rich Colored SilksLRich Dres Satins, Rich Dress Goodsn UESTEBS, DOLMANS,, COATS; PETLEY & PETLEY Grand Display" of Winter Good 184‘YONGE STREET. THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, TbRONT‘ .1 '4 .lJ’ FUR. CAPEs, 2.1510: 1.50,.3‘00 for 2:00, 4.50 for 3.00, 500 for 3.75. DRESS GOODS, VELVETEENS. , ' 38c for 30c, 50c for 40c. 63c for 300, .750 for 60c, $1.00 for 80 f ord’er to reduce stock overything' Will be . sold a Slaughteraing Prices. So roll inthe money,, & you ma have the goods at almost your own.pricos.. Terms, Plain Figalres, and no Credit. J:.. ' M. HAM LTON,‘ 150 {or IOC,_3OG for 15c.» 25c forlzoc,.2oo for 22c, 35c for 256 A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. In great stock. We will guarantee'a. good fit, and a prices which cannot be beaten in the. Dominion. MANTLESW $7.00 for $5.00;‘$8. HATS OIZ‘BONNETS,‘ THE PLACE. FOR Raisins, Berranis, Daies‘, Figs; Lemenw Peels, Spices HERE’SWHERE YOU GET IT Suitable for .Christmas,time-,, and, allekinds' of ' PROVISIONS, FLOURE FEED, HERDWERE, CRECEERY, GEESSWERE 860., of the very best quality- Ladles'Tweed UL‘STEERS from $1.50 t0.$13.50. Ladievs’ CIOth DOLMANS from $2.50 to $45.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. ‘IALLS’ NOTORIOUS STORE Change of Advertisement OOTS & SHOES ! There is; War declared against High Prices at 128 TO 132 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO.. ' During our Gneat Winter Sale we are ofl'qring astonishing yalne in: 01:11 Jonlons, Oranges and Candies. FOR “THE LIBERAL,” 3.00 {014.00, 4.00 {023.00, 5.00 for 3:50,.600 for.4.?oc 50 for; $6.50, $10.50 for $8.00, $15.00for$1x.0 4% T JOSEPH HALL. Mantle Department and CAPE

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