Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1885, p. 8

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From our'own Correspondent. The Annual “Meeting of the Reform Association of York township was held here on Tuesdav. the 3rd inst. The Pres- ident, J. B. Devins in' the chair. On mo- tion, the following were elected officersâ€" Pres., Jos Watson; Vice‘Pres., William Rathgate; Secretary, F.'R. iJames; Treas. Alex. Gibbs. The following gentlemen were appointed Chairmen of the differ- ent polling Sub-divisionstâ€"-No. 8, James Fairhead; No. 9, Alex. Charters; N0 10, Michael Rvau;No 11, W. A. Parsons; No. 12. J. B. Devius; No. 13, E. Arm- stromz; No. 1.4, Andrew Armour;No. 15, John C. Daniels. After transacting oth- er business of a minor nature. it was moved and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned till the 17th inst, and that some able speakers be secured to address the electors on that day. 'uAmos Hudgin, Toronto, writes: "-1 have been a sufferer from dyspepsia for the past six years. 1U] the .remedies I tried proved useless, until ‘Northrop J: Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dys- peptic Cure was brought under my no- iice. I have used two bottles with the best results, and can with confidence recommend it to those afflicted in like manner.” From our own Correspondent. The Anniversary Services In connectiony with our Sabbath School ‘were held here‘ last week. Sermons were preached to the children on Sunday, by Rev. James Thom. M. A.,a former Pastor of this church. A Tea and Entertainment were given on Thursday evening, which at- tracted lar 9 numbers, the church being crowded. he ‘ladies and children sus- tained their reputation for serving a good Tea, and presenting an excellent. proaram. The death of the rule of the Superintend- ent, Mrs.‘Thomae‘Jackson, out a gloom over £11 in connection with the Sabbath School, and made the festivities much quieter lhqn they otherwise would have been. On Friday evening, the children had their'l‘ea and Social. The amount renlizeu from all the aerncee is abouf From our own Correspondent. In sending my last 1 thought that two weddings were a. large enough number to report for nne neighborhood at one time, but sincet'hen the mania has spread like small poised-Cholera. No less than 5 couples, within as many miles of each other. have with one consent, by their actions declared that they are tired of a life of single blessednese. Two of the interested parties (ll/Ir. Soloxnnn Atkins n and Mr. Michael Ramsay) have chosen partners whose names are unknown to your correspondent. The others are Mr. Thos. Pierson. to flies Lawrence, of Clairvnlle: Mr. Josr Curlev, of Weston,- Xo Dries Lizzie Mahon, uf Smithfield; and last but. not least. Mr. Eber Kaiser, to Miss Mary Jefl'ery, from near Wood- briage. One of Iheee is said to be a secret, so any uothéhg about it boys. ,WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE SCOTT ACT: Its a bad thing, because it causes false swearing, and what’s worse than a false oath l . You can’t legislate people into heaven. ~; It will ruin the price of barley, and by this means I have my living. t’s dishonest on the {ace of it. i’m a temperance man, but I won’t voie for it. because I grew barley. I weant sign petition, cos tether side'll hupcast hit. hat ma. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 7._A‘.A MLI- You Are a’ Cnnvasaer. 1849*ESTABLISHED 43“ Hugh MILLER 856a" CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, â€"â€"PBOPRIETDBI OF-â€"- MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER: YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. CHINESE GARDEN PLWDER, (it. Special attention given to the proper propu- aflons of Fumilv and Veterinary xeceipts. wing else 1 presents in of either so time only, Fortune< f4 Don't. dun.) (i lurgu will M fiafifiififi £8§a®®$ 9 FT'P. QT ANDREWS Sgawwe Remyag i $200,300. HAIR-CUTTING A SPEGMLTY {ST - CLASS SHAVE I in pmsenm gnarl away. send us 5 rents postage, and by mail vou will get. 1 free :1 pnclmga u! gnmls )vnluu,thuh winsturt van in work that. once-bring you in money faster than pnv lse 1n Amprica. All about the $200,000 in ts in can?) box. Agents wxmm’l ex‘ervwhere 3r aux, of n.“ 11205, “wall the time, urr’pare II». to work for us at their own homes. 9% ft-r all workers nbsnlntelv nqaurenl. lumv. HA HALLETT &' Cu. Pox-sluadNuine NORTH ETOBICOKE. July 8rd NEWTON «BROOK. FAIRBANK. f all ngus, m1- vork for us at all workers i. HALLETT Av mighiy hard crawlâ€"Tho HE PLACE FOR ’84â€"17 IN THE The Farm com‘po‘a’e‘d of Lots 28 and 99.3111 Con. Vaughan, is for sale or to rent. The farm is in good order, and the buildings in first-class refiah‘. There 18 also a. good orchard,and is well watered. Apply to WM. SLINEY. 393% Richmond H11) I" o, DI OTICE is hereby given that. the partnership carried on for some time past. by the under- signed, under tho firm name of Has dissolved this 13th day 01 Junuaryby mutual consent,â€"thc senior member 01 the firm remriug and that We of Diss-nIutinn H. SARDEESON 3r SONS, ls empowex ed to discharge and settle all Ind by the stud partnership. ( Si gned) (Witness) E. Smnxn. We. the undersigned. have entered into partner- ship under me name and etyleu‘! Sagmggsaw $305. a And wm continue on the old business carried on by “10 late firm of H. Sanderson 6: Sons. (Signed) _ n N. B.â€"All parties indebted to me late firm of B. Sanderson ti Sons are herebv notified that all accounts d-ue must be settled on or before the lat day ofIKm-vh, 1885. after which date they will be uluod‘m our collector's hands for collection. (Signed) Richmond Hill. Jun. 14th. 1885 more money than at nnvthing also by takim! an agency {or the be” selling book out. Beginners succeed gmudly. News In]. Terms (tee. HALLETTBOOK Co.. Ponlud, Maine. Partnership Notice. LATH & S‘HINGLES 1 The undersigned will have s gnofi stock of the nbove at McGee‘s Swiich Mill. on 4th Con. Vaughan, and will~sefl same at bottom prices as follows : Gulls, $4 per M. ; Sheeting Rd! Lining Lumber. 85 to 86 ; Common & Bill Stnfi, from 89 to 310 ; Hemlock‘ Lumber, 88; Shingles, 81.90. m. MARSH, 30-“. King P. 0. Health. is Wealth “R. E. C. ‘Wne'r'a NERVE AND BRAIN Tamr- MENT. I. maranteed aueciflc for Hysteria, Dizzi- nesn, Convulslons, Fits, Nervous Naurulgm, Headache. Nervous Frustration caused by the .use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakafuluess, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in infinity and leadmg to misery. decay nnddenth. Premature Old Age, Barrenuess, Lose 0! ‘Powar in either sex. Involuntary Losnes and Spormut- on'bum caused by over-exertion of the]{- abuse or over~indulgence. Each box conteiug one month's treatment 3;.00 a box, or six boxes for 35.00.50nt by mail prepaid on receipt of price. To cure any case. With‘omh order received by us for six bottles, accompanied with 36,00. we wiH sondthe nurchaaer our written guarantee to refund the money i! the treatment does not eflfectn cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. \\ EST '6: 00.. 81 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario TRENCH’S *‘CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and coun- modious premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G ON 8. Both Iigl guaranteed work is um FOR SAIJE I 32~3in TO éRi-‘ENT .! Horse - Sh H 85 VI. A. SANDERSON it} We Guarantee Six Boxes LUDIBER. mg FOR SALE. RICHMOND "ILL. and heavy. an of which are 20 give satisfaction as the Sleighs and my WM TRENCH H. Snemmsmz. J. H. SANDER'dOS, W. A. SAannson‘ Emu-mos “309 Ill J. H. Sande: son. W. A‘ Sanderson nt loeing {SE I'VIS( debts to tlr Exe‘cutors’ Notice PURSUANT to Section 34 of Clmptar 107 of the Revised Statutes at tho- Province of On- tm’in : Notice is hereby given that all cruditora and 01211615 having claims against the estate of lute cf Richmond Hillpiu the County of York in the mud Province, Widhw, deceased‘ who devil".- ed this lite on m- nbout the 15th day of October, A. D, 1884. are required to send’by pnst. prepaid, or to ‘ deliver to the undersigned Executnrs under the lust Will and Testament of the said decenued. on or beiore Wednosdny, the first day of April next. u. abatement containing their names and addresses and the full particulars of their claims. and of the Hecul’ltNH (if any) held by them ; and that after the mid date ins; aforesaid the mid Exacutora will proceed to uh. tribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the pmlies entitled thereto. regard being had only to theclaims of which notice has been giv- en its above required, and the said Executan will not be liable for tho said nsueta or any out thereof. tnanv person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been rgcqived ‘Py the said Dated “Richmond Hill Mommid this Twenty eighth day of January, A.D., 1865. (signed-l ISAAC CROSBY. l “ I JASVCOSGBOVE. }Exewtors TOfiONTfl Thursday. Feb.” 1585 Wheat,fa.ll.per bushel Wheat, spring, do. Barley. do. 0 58 oats. do. 0 33 Peas. do. 0 57 Rye. do. 0 56 Clover Seed, do. ...... Dressed hogs. per 100 lbs. Beef. {ore quarters Beef,hind quarters“ Chickens, 6: pair .. Ducks. do. Geese, each . .. . . Turkeys, each Butter. pound rolls . Hutton tub dairy Eggs, fresh, per do Potatoes, per bag .. Apples. per bbl ......... onions. green. «1' bag . Cabbage o. . . Cauliflower do. . . . Celery. do. 'l‘urmps,per bug. Carrots. do. Hay. pm- ton atmw. per ton ........ chnuoxn um. Thuan Fobriigrx‘.‘ oaccooe-=cooooc0aupc~ SBSEESESSSEBEEaa‘gs‘sa Quit; her bqabol Pans, do. Dressed hngu.per100 lbs Beef. fore nunrter.. Beef. hind gum-bur .‘ Chickens. per pair . Ducks. du. Geese, each ........ ’l‘urkevs..perlb H Hunter, pm’md rolls” Butter. large rolls Egvn. fresh, per dozen Pot/Moss. per bag Apples, per bbl . onions, green, perbuah‘. Cabbaqe, per idol. . Celery, do. 'l'umips, per bag . .. Carrots, do. U Beans. par peck ‘‘‘‘‘ Flour. spring, per h Flounmllmer bbl Hny,per mu . straw. per ton . ‘ fol; ’worklngvpeople. song! 10 cents postage, and We will mgll vou {rue a royal. valuable sampIB-box of goods that. Will pus van in the way of making more money in a few days than von eve'r thought possible at any \xusiness. Cup- itnl not requlrved. You can live at home nd Work in spare Lima only. at all tho time. A 6! both sexes. of all ages, numly successful. 50 cents to $5 euujly enrue every evnnlng. Tam; 0.11 who want wole may test the businessl We make thisuunmullaled offer: To ull who us not. well satisfied we will sand 81 to pay for the trouble of writing in. Full purficuLm‘s, di- l'ectionn, etc. smut free. Immense pay tbsulutely sure tottmso who start. at. once. Don't. delay. Addxesa 'm‘msou J: 00.. Partlund, Maine. “SKRE!” Cod Liver Oil! This famous Brand. PURE. BRILLIANT and nlnlost Taste- less. is Ifll‘ superior lo any other Norwegian.“ Cod leer‘Oil yet in- lroduced. Kenneth Campbell 3s 60¢, STUVES. STOVES. COAL 000K STDVES GOAL HEATING STOVES HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES. For Sale at 'cost price, to clear out winter stock, A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, Eave- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Will be E] CHARLES BEAM 85 50., 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E C. chapbsfa‘md a. ,VleW to W111 0e mac with App]e_ 31-4“! v nnutyl uvv utors M. the time of an Eh distrlbdfion MRS. ANN ATKINSON, 9131112; bu The Imported and bottled only by NUMBER OF PARLOR MONTREAL. Eh: Kama-s. 1n do. CHAS. MASON, 11} Richmond Hill. Richmond to C Afifilmn so a; to 8028 u 0 smws 0000 Hill [7. O 35 55 l! wmwm 004.9 1 1000 082 082 000 505 797 000.1 030 045 4n British Flag Staff 1 WINTER STOCK COM PLETE IV DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS 8: ‘3 ALL KINDS. ' SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 8. LARGE STOCK \Va have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR & FEED always my) hand. a}! of which we will nell as clump for rush as any Mun: on lllchmuud Hill, lumping [irat- clau goods. A. L. SKEELE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. ALSO DEALER IN We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed :1 specialty. A. fiIiLJISLIE, H. B. DEWSBURY’ HARNESS EMWRIUM, R‘ICIU‘IOND l‘IILLg KIRTS & PANTS. 9. LARGE. STOCK from 40m. up HATS AND CAPS. SUITS'MADE'TU DHDER. In (i1{()C/‘ 1,41 IRIJEH for (Ihrisstlnas )H M THE NEW WILLIAMS! YONGE STREET. SEED & PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. STEELE BROS. & 00.. WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DBLLAR PER BARREL, AND Finest Qualitv Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR. WAREHOUSE. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain mll find it to their advantage to call upon, or cnrrespnnd with us. N. B.â€"â€"\Ve are agents for the Please send for Circular which contains testimonials from leadfilg Feeders and Stock-Raisers in the Province. It is equ- ally valuable for Shwck of all kinds, Horse-s, Cattle, Sheep. Pius dz Poultry. Dairy-men always find it largely Increases quantity and quality M FIRSTâ€"CLASS ll \VAN TED IMMEDiATELY, flagwg flwum $20ng7 SE39. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD. Satche‘is, Whips, Made Harness, [ways on hand. zwsbul ht H H STEELE BROS. & C0. 11 ALEX. MOODIE. 1rness CDC “V 810mm}; Bank of Canada. of milk. It is strong,Jnmhle and well built.“ ml very best. material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medal: and (hue first prizes ah (ha Domtuiou-Exbibition Ina! October. It in rapidlv snpersading I” the uld fashioned makes everywhere. See 'it. try it,aud make sure that you act it. Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching 13 now rec- ognizcd as the It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Slmple to Learn. PRESIDENT, DAVID ELAIN, K. Chisholm, M SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. M Richmond Hill. Deal" in Organ! and P121105. Terms Easy. SAVINGS J. LUSH. Richmond AMES 1"! RESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. WOOLLEN GOODS.‘ l E Hill Branch IEN, (‘aplnelu LAW'RER‘BB. J, Giuty Dwight" D. H. MW :1, A. Mclmfln Mariam-r.

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