wm visit the following plnc Juionvi'lle‘ .. 15:. M( Wanton .. 9th an Ma 19.. mm Bic mend Hill 19!]: ’Woodbridge .. 22ml Mr. Husband wxll be foum Inn Brook, every Saturday, ‘ inv tune on the above dms‘ Gmdunb Ont†MW ’Tox‘ontn Hull H )Jl Mon Dr. members ( ï¬lmuqul 1’ any abillhc Eauiou.¢sf \Jrum, lst [Mahmoud (at th‘ Smuï¬ville. Medalist Tor Physicmns $1 ! ‘Youge Strcet E to 11! n..m., 5 wuybv, - y_4 Dlseases 071:7;in the Domesticated Animals treated. BESIDENCKIâ€" 8m AVENUE. Woonnnumx. (101mg M 1.11: [mm . in: bor‘itiVSqunre \V Veterinarv Vtmlized Air always on 1' Works like a. charm DB. GEORGE LANGS'I‘AFF, THORNHILL, ONTM Hndunte of Toronto Universitvï¬LO I" & S. mt hm vmrs resident. assistant surgeen to Rm“)! Meets RICH}! Oflice h 511129 Ofï¬ce Axcu cui T114 HURSDA anmit 3h n10 Addmss A REINFON m DI“- LIB dbrid uhurq HMO BUSINES G. H. Hlltibfllal' m VI 1' aléIZQQ 231% Dr. James Langslafl Dr. “I. J D r. (DI-r, & Surge 11L; ...9th a Palmer Hun t, Richm‘ Sto 8 p. m, MCMEH’ ewis G. Langstafl. lege Physiciansck Surgeons, Ont IHMOND HILL, ONT. F. HEW’ IT’I‘. the orimios. amairnl. glamâ€. NEW E1) in ,. Robinson 9th and 16th EON DENTIST Lduate of Ontario Vet; . \‘Vilson. 's of the past 20 years ,uuy branch 01 the pro. Maple. 11.. 111., and to 9.80 p. m» S CARDS. ~He floor South of 1". 0‘ Mommy of each month 'elsitv. Member (‘0 nt.,(lute of Stouï¬ville (1 Hill. omce Hours TON BROOK 21st 93rd With BPRIET 18th 20th din his 053M, New. except when Slums 30th ‘es professionally :â€" A.M.,N | In aypomtmeats ‘me from mm. 13.8.. A1110: 1! Ont. \V‘ D VENING 3L! 141 ol euh month dn_ k. M Met HING HOUSE l Issuer mm undu waell -Meets for evening at ;21300, one B. Sander- ally Bene- female eefv. in the Bene deutl' Hall hen 1000 Ma.- 'LAWBEN A. G. F. LAWRENCE Richmor MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES $0 $9 BA RR: S'H‘ER-A’l‘-LA w, Solicitor. Notary Public, Conveyancer, 800 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. A lame an Ctv props] sion. building‘drhiniug: 761:3 and Municinul chent Farmers will save m Money to Loan $100300 oi Private Funds to Licensed Aucti Onmno and Pec General sales of to at reasonable IEA 1].. Fl Importer of Watches, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery u stock of Diamonds and precious stones always on hand, ,THIRD U001! SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO, Lï¬â€˜Mnuuflwturmn of jewenery, and repulrinaofwutches and clocks on thgrpregnisesA speniult’y Thautiugour patrc emlputronagr it. the we havsjust receive in latest designs. A Waltham watches ke Licensed Aflction es spectfully isolicits influence. Sales at and at reasonable 1- B: Licensed Auctioneer f spectfully solicits yo‘ influence. sales utter and at reusanube rate Lxceused Auctioneer 1’: Sales attended on the st abe rates. Address mud six cents in post- age. and muohe free, 11 costly box of goods which I wm help all, u! either sex to 1mm money nuht uwuy than anything else in this “orlu Fun-Mums uwmt the Workers uhsnlntelv sure. As once uddruhs X‘an & (30., Augusta. Mmue‘ Sules attended on the sum-test noticernnd at ran.- abo rates. Address Stuufl‘vnle P. 0 THE Dï¬MlNioN HERE, Richmond Hill, Bel-j. Bullingcr. Proprietor. Havin: reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in m'st~e!uss style, [am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmu. Excellent seaming nudglttennive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commerch travellers. A good livery in con- nectiuu. Terms $1 per day. Special Rates to Commercial Travellers EDOMINION HOTEL. RICHMOND HILL FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Daily Express to Tort given to moving I» pianos. RUPERT'S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES. ‘Z'EE LIEEEJL. ’ $1.00 M ADVANGE. Barri ‘ronto 0P1 Chambe HOSE MACDONALD, MERRITT a GO. Unim‘ Lon: builain 5 Toronto ADVICE 10nd Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. AI rcy mt. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19.1885" 3.11;! Salem Money to um of Money iiiisrrllamwus N. J. A rmslrong. ‘f Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL. James 1 S. NI. Brown. .l. “nukes. IA“ 1 rates CE 89 MIf-LIGéN, ,IAIE'I‘ON & (200K. . SULICITORS, &c. Adela Eitnxtry. FRE ‘t'ande ‘ates. 3' PUBLIC 80c, msaud friends {or their lib- past, we beg to state that (1 a largo stuck ofnewgoods large stock 01 Elgiu and an: on hand. “In Essentials, Unity; in NonuEssentz'als, Libert} ‘x‘ty AND Editor of LIBERAL. Richmond H1] mm. S wen} u. tentinu uuaeholt furniture. 610., &c. r the County of York the County of York,re~ patronage and friendly d on the shorts“ notice 1’. 0. Address. the County of York, re- patmnage and friendly 'd on the shortesï¬ notice 1’. 0. address, King. Conveyancers, 8m. 14 Building & Loan Toronto Sweet. VICTORIA SQUARE .Slokos. at lowest r s at higher 1‘ purposes. 5 purchase ‘y by apply ,EYNOLDS the Counties of York sold on consignment. :., promptly attended 0. address, to Land on farm or ercent.; no commis- AFR‘ON. \VA COOK TO CLIENTS al'dll- T. C. MILLIGAN. UNIO'NVILLE an. 1;, Toronto. urity awe of iuA rates or {or ug direct to Mortgages the SI Chulc time. u seemg the lrnu of the children of ntlh fully acknowledgin in thelr cunversmn earnest luburer in I and heng nf a chm earnest luburer in the Master's Vineyard, and heing uf a cheery, liver and hopeful tenmei'mneut he exempliï¬ed a happy christian in early and middle lifv, a jny and peace which seem to deepen and widen as he advanced in years, tur his last days were the happiest. of his life. Lust summer he made a. tour and visited all his children, bade a. last goodbye to many 0t his Uld friends in Richmond Hill and vicinity, and returned to the home of his sun-in-luw, C. Dodge, Esq. COIL tractving a slight euld, but; mu much for age to withstand, the “ weary wheels of life stood still,†and free from disease he passed away in peace on Tuesday, 3rd inst“, in the 80th year of his age. He felt that his wnrk was done. and was ready for his departure; fur him to die was gain. Many will remember his wise counsels, and Will not; forget his earnest prayers. He was interred in Suuthï¬eid, Michigan, near where two years prév‘iuus- ly he had buried the partner of his life. The memory of the just. is blessed. WM. HARRISON. Cum ch he has ] Mr. H. McCaw, Custom House, Tnâ€" runm, writes: “ My wife was tumbled with dyspepsia and rheumatism for a lung tune; she tried many different remedies. but did nut get any relief until she used No! thrnp & Lyumn’s vaetahle Discovery and Dvspeptic Uure. She has taken two bottles of it, mud now ï¬nds herself in better health than she has been for years. Miss Penrse, of Markham. is making a. visit with Miss Hewison. Miss Cameron, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. W. A. Sundelsou. and h Miss H. H. Wiley returned home on Sat- urday after a month‘s visit. In 'J'oronto. Mim Sanderson returned home on Sntur day after several weeks' visit in Toronto. Mr. John McBride, B. A.. attended the Conversaainne held in Toronto last. Friday evening. Rev. W. R. Barker will preach in the Methodist. Church next Sunday evening. Subjectâ€"Angelic Students. Mr. C. A. Hirsohfelder, of Toronto, will deliver his lecture, “ Prehistoric America," EQ-{QOHOW (Friday) evening in the Masonic Mrs. H. H. Wright left Richmond Hill on Monday to join her husband in Toronto, whore they intend to reside for some time. Miss Cruickshauk, 3rd assistant in the Public School, being ill. went to her home In Weston on Monday, not being able to attend to her duties. Dr. Law, of Detroit, Dr. G. W. L-xw, of Muskegou, Mr».W."‘. Silleuce and daughter. of Manistee, Micb‘. have been in the village during the week attending the funeral of their father. MISS CAMERON is prepared to give ‘iustfucn'uu to pupils in English branches School to open oh 'Mouduy;v Murchméia 1885. Hall Weighed in the balance. but not found wanting. Northrup & Lyvnun’a Vege- tublu Discovery and Dyapeptic Cure has been Weighed in that just balance, the experience of an impartial and intelligent public. Bath reniedially and pecuniarin it is a success. Its sales constantly in- creasing, testimony in its furor is daily pouring in. The question of Its eï¬icacy in dyspepsia, liver colilpluint, kidney ail- ments, and for blood purifying,is decided. I’rivate Lessons. 1"l I In Canada, an ? his death, in l in Michigan. llfld “It: jny a the frniL of his ll] Feb.19th, ‘85. PERSONALS. m the in the the†i1 “le 27th, 1828. 'Illev e of New York in 18‘ 1848. In 1866 they 1ft ‘ he madé a tour and visited on, bade a lust gnud~bye m )ld friends in Richmond Hill and returned to the home lu\V, C. Dodge, Esq. Con‘ 1htc<11rl. but [nu much for His uh, in the :higun. [ ll] u . the weary wheels of me] free from disease he Miami on Tuesday. 3rd tilt ded 1n the ministry el EMU in after years grate- ]ns instrumentalin He was always an : Master's Vineynrd, . hvelv aurl lmpoful M 11ver ‘mpliï¬t llllddlt in the since 1 1827 )dist 1 of life than lay, for he I :1 private acln many of £11 rust and reap the old-fashi‘ thers have b: HS all 1uhese pL satisfaction alt 1832,3nd to ey returned he State of embraced a his own and ‘66 :0 cl ;regatiou and the hccnsed He ï¬rst hurch in h urch in \Vesle m BRING mer )ll )II PH] W1“ We'll pl And n And Gilbert Laird, St. Margaret‘s Hope, Orkney, Scotland, writes: “ I am re- quested by several friends to order an- other package of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The last lot I got from you having been tested in several cases of rheuma- tism, has given relief when doctor’s medi- cines have failed to have any eï¬ect. The excellent qualities of this medicine should be made known, that the millions of suf- ferers tliruuzhont the world may beneï¬t. by its pruvidential discovery.†W \Vo odl From our» own Correspondent. The annual Missionary Meeting was held in the Methodist Church of this place on \Vednesday evening, lllh inst., Notwithstanding the severe cold quite a. goodly congregation were assembled: Mr. '1‘. Tinkler ably ï¬lled the pusition of chairman. Revs. Savage, of Aurora, and \Vilklnsnn, of Benton, gave twu eloquent appeals for support of the Missionary Fund. Music was furnished by the choir. The meeting was a. sacsess, collections being in advance of last year. Tl T1 Au On Saunduy, 14th inst, M). J. Stephenson held his second stock sale; about twenty-HM head of cattle were dis- posed of at reasonable prices. A1 Tf Quite a novel sight was witnessed on Yunge St, cm Saturday last: it was that nf a man driving a bull hitched to a. cutter. It seemed to be well broken and a. very good driver. No need to bc stuck fur a driving horse when there are any cattle around after that. And From our uwn Currespondent. Our roller skating rink seems to be the centre of attraction for pleasure-seekers. A rather unfurtunate accident happened to one, Mr. Forsyth. a few evenings ago. While skating he fell and broke! a bone in his wrist. Ill-ï¬tting boots and shoes came coma. Hollowny‘s Corn Cure is the article Ln use. M. B. Faug‘amer. one of our oldest merchants, has put up his shutters, and asnigned. \Ve do not know the amount of his liabilities. The resignation of Mr. Rodgers cunsed- a. vacancy in the Public School Board, which was ï¬lled on Monday by the elect- ion of G. L. Stevenson. Quite an ex- citing time was had over it. Miss I“. Higginson, who was duly nominated, ran 1n opposition, and it was thought hhat she would be elected until a late hour in she (lay. Fienry’s men turned out- on Hume, and gave G. L. B. majority of ï¬ve votes. A few persons of our village and ad- jacent country are trying to establish a “ cu-uperasive store †In this place. The price of each share is five dollars. This price is so Low that it. will enable any one who has ï¬ve dollars to luse, to take a share or more. If vom children are troubled with worms give them Mother Graven' 1Worm Exterminator; lafe, sure and efl'cctmh Uzi \V hi An T h- And AI And I That A1111 in all things, Charity. 1mm 3.1 TEMPERANCEVILLE AURORA t1) .11d 1:: D] r11 ‘t t]: all ti 1] heart Ml t waste not fem llt 1 swell th gh and 1 cause “Io lurt 1 the élass library is due Mr. A efforts throu hill nexi their via ch tic mg 1m; Methndist Church. Our roads are being ed with gravel, and tea ing. ‘Ve hruzt those i» an extra effort to have the village and station Humor is afloat that Monday, Feb pnse Wednpsdny spew alluv with Ill Thursday (Jon. 1. Lou-18, Markham. Friday, Feb.27th.Geo. Hurrrsolr, Con. Lot 14. East Ymk. Saturday, Feb. 28(11,_Jas. Lungstaï¬, '.\I. . Palmer Houngichmouu‘ Hi1) Mouduy, March 211d, W. H. Stewart, Cou 'l'uesdsy, Murch 3rd,, Wm. Christie, Lot, Con. 4L Scar-bowâ€. Mr wit} Mr F1113)"; March 6112. Thes. Death, Lot C011. 3. \Vest. York. Monday, Mural] ULh. Henry Meyer, Lot Con. 8, Markham. Thursday, March 12th, Henry Wnrdlaw, 11.0011. 5, \Vesl. York. Thursday, March l7th. J. P. Jacques, Tuesday, Feb and MII‘ “Sale 1) hill, san applaum 13, Can. 3, Scarboru'. Lot 15, East York. Wednesday, March 4th, Richmond Hill. Thursday, March 5th, Wm. Cook, Gun. ‘2. Lot L15. Vaughan. Tuesday, Mum]! l'Olh,,N. S. Reaman, Con. 25, E01; 15. Vaughan. \Vednesday, March Mm}, Eckurdb‘s Monthly Sule, Uniourille. Wednesday, March 18th, Chariea F. Angus; (Jon. 5, Lot 6. Vaughan. flatEavREE $fla®$$ 9 FIRST- CLASS SHAVE I ANDREVVS’ Sag rum jammy I presents lu e 0! either sex, time only, to HAIR-BUTTING A SPEGEALTY Fortunes Don't duh wil m pres send 1 and by , free a 1 L lul‘uu \‘ulma that Will stun. \w ntel 1ken. 1V8 Our vill )l'mul Stu rc. Nul ‘ry lively atulured ntlemen nc Eckardt‘s Sale Register. 1885. 3t Hf llll rful faces. am ,It proved a 31" e hnurs, the b lea and white hter CORRECTED EVE RY TUESD AY armeah d their n The d to the 2d. The ( McMuhx ad the ( all, urging ' such a. g )ut prncur vxsic last wee the oysters in his â€"IS. THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" MK 1t1 Feb. 20th hu' [Single copies, 3 cts M the staï¬iou. Bus boom 1u Tuscaror 141K BERT. ANDRE‘VS. )ll )IL triu to: my; ryl several songs and were L 311‘. U. Savage gave .vhich within 1'. the al Feb Ill)r he] Sermons Fund lut n11 :1 Hill I‘ll]. zwcett ‘ antlclpat my evenin lDC :hLJumes D. Iiiggans, Con 3c 30, Vaughan. 3rd, Hugh Elliott, Con. 3 23, Scarboro‘. ZJMI. \Valter Lemon, Con )t 39, Vaughan. J. 25th, Abraham Winger 4, rear Lot 15, Vaughan. 26th, Georgina Robinson apt t] his ‘ 111 more especlauy In such tom the proceeds a. ï¬rst il be secured. Much cred Rupert for his untirin )ut the whole affair. Hall MAPLE apr ut lll IN THE rx. Agents m ages, far all torus at th workers uh: mun & Co wt the bivalves, m grew somewhat, in); last, everything Wt us if the waiters l‘ nticeship in a. ï¬rst-cl were all taken by s us I Correspondent. quieted down to the Bachelors’ ( ling the severity all was literally p2 M Aft whicl ous w the T ily ifldy the hm pretty well cover- uns am still haul- vnterested will make the road between completed. . L we are to have a. Business must. have \Ve 11 he .Diddiug- being 56 Is to be con- so many plucky specially in such a n behalf ut Sabbath. in clos the H 158 ll) tlu visitin lll nt. ul the m, wall 1) tea, all adin Jacques, I 03 rlutelv GSbul‘e PortlandMuJJ ied by Mr (km Hurumni with 5 Sprin t-uru f they w llll .Hl 3in de Enllllil 1f LII Prop. 185! 33. )t