a H. WILLIAMS, A Scientiï¬c Boy. Poor German Girls. The Summer is Come. FOR THE KITCHEN. , 'â€"' . Sir David Brewster was born at Jed- The girls in Germany outnumber the The buds W1be Us once more. ' Nature 1‘ PPâ€! CUSTAhD ’Ohe 0“? 0‘ mllk‘ burgh, Scotland, December llth, 1781. boys by several millions. This, and the gerhed m the hnghte“ green hrmge. JOY Manufacturerl and Dealer-in ‘ $933“ one quart 0f smooth apple “nee His father was rector of the grammar fact that many men are too poor to mar» ‘0 theee Who hate the “01d ehd dreamt“ 'l‘nrrcd Felt. [tinting Pinch. Building Fuel, alre'eeheh‘d' Flavor and buke With a school, and a teacher of considerable ry, lraves about 6,000,000 women who 0f Wlhter- But summer hnhge Wllh her Cum“ Fel‘lv ‘ee-v “ “We†True" button! crust. reputation, whom neighborhood fame have to remain single. The rich girls get many Other thmge heme“ green held“ and ADELAIDE SToLASTv ' ' - ' i ’ ‘ singing birds. Corns sprout and grow a W ' ' ' "â€" just as if mother earth had a share in nur- The mutual marriage Endowment m curing them, and no person wants them. iation of London a ' 0' and Has been in successful operation siucs'isptvmber I†GO, then, b the nears“, drab Bhure Endowment clai as t. ) the am mat of slam haveI be. buy a horde 0f the great and only Bun" duflli d since ihe 1st day of December. last. The gland _ . ~ «g _'. i regulars'stim of l! out.th assessments places a nu- corn cure PUTNAM s Paints» CouN E\ m“ Endswman‘ WM ‘he men 0, a“ mmm Tamzron. A few days will relieve you of pen-one. blend for Bv-Lawc. RELIABLE Arenas them. N. u. Pulaun & Co" proprietors, WANTED. W. I. IMhACH.Secrelsry, Londm. . Kingston. NEW CO‘OPERATIVE If you are buying a carpet for dura- bility choose small ï¬gures. A. P 216' S I M E 'roi’dirra...ro..o...i. Woollen,8lll,0m PRICE 25 CASE. pet and Worsted Shuttle Ml'kel'n. Dundee 0n, V . ALnsnElvlco’in’ï¬ï¬-TO nan WHo WILL 0‘“ “8W machine 16 now remand us. work. Unasn Buorunns. Nurserymsn. Lakeport, 300“ 33 any B01d DY AKGJES at $61. on. 7 _ . see 'rnsrmonnl. on SALEâ€"TIMBER. COAL. AND ION one Lowmvmm, Dec-17m I“ l a»; stock, fruit. and. truck fa ins, orange groves . . . , . ‘ ranchdsnln all Smuberu States. Adored W. B. STUART hfacmne arr‘VCd “11 “ght' and n ‘3. 08"“ 52 Carondeictpvt . New urlrans, Louisiana. We 1 worth the money ion ask for it. with its Present improvements. I prefer it to u“ ___â€"_.__#___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" - nu return malt. luau. description .. . . .. .. . Moody's New ‘l‘anur system oi e: 0113‘“ Wan“ efï¬gy Otherï¬lake at 0“ Dress Cutting. Puor. MUODY Toronto. Ont. Moon dswm. Altttlï¬lrlrsï¬lllï¬lfll$353535? Nair Attachments, New Furniture. their advantage by sending their address upon a pos- ourdtc the BHKUMATIUhBELlEF 00., veilingwocd,uut. N "rinse; nun EXPENSES‘A mourn cu“ ‘ Int-ram) to AosN'rs everywhere. Oircularl Send stamp for samples of sewmu and our rurr. Seuustampfurrenly. w.s.uoarus 00.. elegant descriptive photographs oi is. characterized as “ the best Latin scholar marrie d, but the poor ones stay single and and the quickest temper in Scotland ;" are forced to i-hame or hard labor. In but he was kindly wi hal. It was intend- Munich no young man is permitted to ed that David should become a minister, marry until he has proved to the author- and he was sent to the University of idea that he is able to support a wife. Edinburgh, to be educated with a View If children are born and the parents can to that profession, when only twelve not support them, the state holds the years old. His tastes had, however, oi‘ry authorities responsibleior their mainâ€" even before this time, turned into an- tenance. When an unmarried German other direction. It is recorded of his woman becomes old and poor she is mis- earliel‘ school days that, though he was arable indeed. She cannot starve, so she never seen to pore over his books like carries burdens in the street. ihe other boys, he always had his lessons, â€"â€"râ€"â€"â€" r r 4â€"- kept a prominent place in his classes, and on a Regular Train. was frequently applied to by h“ fellow “ How are you, old buffer 'l" said the pupils for assistance. And it Well ll} the tender to the railway car. “ Do not dayfl Of his ChildhOOd “ that 3' {illepldat' couple me with any such language, you ed Pane 0f 31353 in an upper windoh, 0f sooty little wretch ; you have been drink~ his father's house produced the inquiring mg on the mad agam‘v replied the car. l‘ho'ilght‘e Which led him afterward ‘70 “ Don’t get off the track and brake me up Beamh into the myeterlee 0f reflected l so; it was only a tender remark; you light." - know you are always following me all He had become ec‘lhemhed With J5me“ over the country," retorted the other. Vailch 0f lnchbonny. half 3 mile “0m “ I have a great mind to speak to your Jedhh’ghi Whom Sir wallet .800“ h“ tooter on the locomotive there," said the mentioned 88 3- “Ielf‘eflhght Phllee’Ther- car. The locomotive who had been astronomer and mathematician.†Veitch quietly smoking‘ ï¬red up at this as If it was 1‘ Plow'meker by trader hht W“ We†was about to join in the Hillary, but the Penn Gauss -One and a. half teacups of sugar, one half cup of butter, one small 0 ip of sour milk. one teasponnful of salar- aius, flour to mix. flavor with nutmeg R ill onehalf inch thick, cut in round cakes, and bake quickly. DELICATE INDIAN PUDllING.â€"Olle quart of milk scllded, two tablespoonsful of meal. cook twelve minutes ; stir into this one tablespoonful of butter, then beat three eggs with four tablespoonsful of ngsr, one-half tablespoonful of ginger, silt to taste, mix all thoroughly, and bake one hour. Final) Formosaâ€"Boil potatoes I in skins ; when cold, peel and cut in slices one-fourth inch thick, fry in butter or beef drippings a nice delicate brown. When done, take out. drain grease from them, and serve; or they may be chopped up small, seasoned with pepper_and salt, and fried lightly in butter, turning them several times that they may be nicely h'owned. HOMINY Feynmanâ€"Two teacupfuls of cold boiled hominy ; stir in one teacupful of sweet milk and a little salt, four table- BPthhl‘ 0‘ “med flour and one egg" versed in astronomical calculations and b u f h Toronto 00mm "1 “"16 before buying from Agents- . dd 1 b, I _ . e 0 t e train began to wag her tongue, 7 W , . HBizzuéighï¬feag: $3,311,120, 15:]; Observatlonl. 11" 118 been the ï¬l'fl- d13' and the engineer pulled them all out of INEl‘Y-SEVEN AGREE-THIRTY BUSH PlNl). MACHINES SENT 0N TRIAL- C )Vel'e' ef the 8‘9“ celhet 0f 18.11, and the depot so suddenly that the lozomotive was in his most congenial pursuit when fen, its head [ï¬ght he was making telescopes, a work to which he brought much mechanical skill “The, Slough of Despondcncy†and scientiï¬c accuracy. His “velenblï¬c in which you are wallowin h g on account ZerkehOPv Oh the Jedhh'gh turnpikev of some of thOse diseases peduliar to you, became the meetmg Pleee for a“ the madame, and which have robbed you of young me“ Of intelligence ihlhe heigh' the rosy hue of health,‘ and made life a UUIhOOd, {1105‘ Of them belhg "1 “elmâ€?! burden to you, you can easily get out of. for the ministry, for medicme, and other Dr, pun-W’s ‘- Fawn-m, Prescription 7' liberal Puflmm- They ,had leewhe m will free you fun: all such troubles, and mathematics and 1118911311105. hilt espeelel' soon recall the rose-tint. of health to your 15’ m the fBVOI'lte “Hence 0f hetmhomY- check, and the elasticity to your step. It The telescopes were tested In the he!“ is a most perfect speciï¬c for all the weak- tlme by the eye“ Of the birds Perchlhg 0“ nesses and irregularities peculiar to your the tnpmoet hFBhChee (3f the H thg 0f sex. it cures ulceration, displacements the W00d.’ 3 DUble T6110 0f the 033*- f0!" “internal fever," bearing down sense: 93“ deyev about he†,3 mile from hell" lions, removes the tendency to cancerous bonny. When the bilght aP’u'hle 0‘ the affections, and corrects all unnatural dis- oak. etc; 4 miles from Branlford: worth lum‘ler' BONUS :â€"From now until March Stat. 1885 meua’ attention; would sell mnh r Helmet“: aUI- we will give many person sending us mos buildings, well, orchard, never-filing cpnus. hoodlum": cash in advance for one of our machme. . 0| he'll Term 8“! ADP†W *1- “' NAM’W‘Y' handsome combination table and breads; Hedir Sh. Brantrurd, or A. l: NAIiKAWA\. hallo l f. - hm. 230. , amp complete. lnesc lamps are something . new, and the maker wants them introduced. FIRE : If you or any of your friends want amoeban don’t delay, but send to drop the batter in by spoonsful and.fry a nice brown. This is especially design- ed for a breakfast side dish, and rice ll good used in place of hominy. Aunowaoo'r PEDDING.â€"O:‘.e cup of sugar, four eggs, one-half teaspoon each of clnnamon and nutmeg, four tablespoons- ful of arrowroot, one quart of milk. Boil the milk and add the arrowroot dis- solved in water, next add the beaten yolks of the eggs, sugar and spice, bake in a quick oven. When done add the beaten whites of the eggs milled wrth sug- ar to the top and set in the oven to brown. ExcsLLsNT Osman Cansâ€"Two cups of sugar, half a cup of water that has been boiled, yolks of ï¬ve eggs, two cups of Harry ‘lrovers can save 75 per cent in labor by Burn lrg thtlr strewn-u Vines For p ll' lawns and Priie Li M! B rswherry. snilesobeny Plants. Mikel" F. 00.; LUCIA. F.ushiag. Geirsee_(}c,, 151:châ€" "‘ _nnu;-§ |i|-;,(|g|f|;l,["ln 22 James st. South. Hamilton, 01“. l’rodiir-es moustache in I: to 5 weeks. Price per packâ€" age 50 cents. H. MORTON, 162:: Notre Dame SL, CAUTION! 0L0 T0 FARMER ._ sizzle: __ and most ploduuilve Vlslle ies known of need Grain testimonials of llu bushels Each Plug 0f the par nor-i ol Boyd's Egyptian (late. S.m- p‘es of two oz., in arms, JAd. Buxu, Cedar uloie.0ut, Canada. I W. & F. P. Currie & C-o flour grated rind and juice of one orange, bird’s eve was distinctly visible by day, ch at B d,- ' I one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, a. half James Veircbe‘s specula and lenses were a“? e 1 Yb “gills 8' 1 u†9r†“ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜gmwm IS MARKED teaspoonful of soda and a little salt ; bake considered ï¬t, no show the glories of the d 28: ‘3‘] ‘13. 0'. es Pm“ “‘9 to“ Y 8693M.â€- Drl‘flllmflpflr olgfliuaa m csmcnt. in layer:. Icing for the cake : Be? tillle sky by night.†David “was the very cï¬urch e e Is no excuse or mom‘s m wué‘rymiri’: Flue viiiiilna. “- reserved whites of four eggs to a rot , youngest,"says his daughter Mrs. Gor- ' . Fug Brien. “hetero! Ej-m lmo ill-l “if in POWdered 5‘13“ “hm emf, add don, from whose book we bori‘ow our an- Dr' Sage 5 caters Remeély mire“ When our“ ugï¬gu‘iggï¬' hm Um I grated mud and juice of a: (flingeif Put ecdotes, "of the quaint and‘varied group. wiry o f: we: 1 TE" ykfallsj 1d 398" 01' 5‘99' 5°".- fmm' “394 39’1"†I the cakes together wit tiis. you when he began 1m, visim 1 do not», know co on are ‘ a e 0 ca 0†m (:0 In Bronze L wish to cover the top of the cake With but we ï¬nd that», at the age of ten h; weather. FOR PLEASANT SEWING cum-8' “jUEE‘ZNLYâ€" flleE ilTI-IER GEN ll ' Clappartins opiol Cotton m E' Warrantcd FULL Length, and to run smooth on In] sewing machine. See that cwrsn'rou's name ll or the label. 13' For sale by all Dn-Lioods Dealers. 1 icing, make still with powdered sugar. Gannon MARMALADE.â€"Take of high- flavored, sour oranges, half their weight in sugar. Squeeze the juice through a sieve coarse enough to allow some of the pulp to pass through as well, but none of the seeds or white inner skin. Grate in as much of the yellow rind as will flavor the marmalade richly, and if, after you ï¬nished the constructi n of a telescope Younz or middle-aged men suffering at Inchbcnny, which had engaged his at- from nervous debility, loss of memory, tention at a very early period, and at premature old age, as the result of bad which he worked indefatigably, visiting habits, should send three letter stamps the workshop daily, and often remaining for illustrated b0nk oflaring sure means of till the dark hours of midnight to see cure. Address World’s Dispensary Medi- the starry wonders and test the powers of cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y. the telescopes they had been making." (bod terminal facilitiea_A pair of w->†stout boots. Shim} SAUSAGES. on ' , . . V an, . t f 1 n, l, b should ssndme postal cards, with address: have W‘xedathfdsuï¬fg 33:82:32]: To Forget (rod. The “Myrtle Navy†brand of smoking to- Ee%?%m°§h:§§:§:eséhrés:%§g:§§ds imaging} for Wï¬gzggigllagfl: zï¬i‘pgrpcpgzrs of a. ' a a . u o ' ‘ asaems mmpl ’ ‘ J ' d Cook for The intellectual and moral condition of bacco 11815 StOOd the t6.“ f°r over ten yeerev tow oyrgnk. P. 0 Bus 342 Montreal y til proper tartness Ls acquire . the Pans 0 ula'ion is illustrated n t and during that time it has lost no friend ST. PAUL-I MINNEAPOLIS & “I. two hours stirring constantly, and put 1 , hp 9 d . 0 and gained scores of tholirands. Thislength. R. W. PRITTIE- [Tong Bay away in glasse or shallow wooden boxes 0“ y "1 l’ e “‘93 Y ‘hcrehee ef murdehe ened experience shows that it is no mere Real Estate A ent for their land, 13'â€, lined with thin white paper, ‘ ahdnmhbellee: but by he}: rhglcal 833001;: passing fashion which has gained it the ap- g ' R d R . .V. 31 V. ) ‘ _ . . a 10 s springing up on a si es, no 0 proval of the pulllic,butitssu eriorig in th. Commissioner, Valuatcr. Trustee, a Financial Agent Iver To RhMOV’?‘ Gnu“ 813T“ A m.“ the most charcteristic of them is that of essential qualities which maize a. ï¬ght class {ram 0‘ Airmail Â¥::g.r§i2s1gghdhkedil may m 1mm - e & ey’ ture which is excellent or removmg the Anaheim! of Menumonmnh It has tobacco s ‘6' Mg 95° -, If within short distance or track. Only 50c. acre down. ; also Nine Million acres. Free av. Dominion Line of Steamshi h memuwm . [Emile hselipngcgon 13th llathe Grssgwnglï¬ eke emulate. $3 "3:: “Stinger! :ve ’l. 15:10. La 6 s and“ “1° mm mmxns‘fl'f‘ m“ m: I North Dakota. Particulars tree. Broom", Feb. "lemme, uni-cine H. F. MchLLY, Gen. Trav. Agent, grease spots and stains from carpets and clothing is made of two ounces of ammo- nia, two ounces of white castile soap, one ounce of glycerine, one ounce of either ; cut the soap ï¬ne, dissolve in one pint of water over the ï¬re ; add two quarts of water. This should be mixed With water been started in a hall of the Rue Ober- krmpf. The motto of the society is “God, that is the Friend." One of the ï¬rst paragraphs of its studies is : “The object of the association is to abolish the name of God in the languages of the uni- verse. Tne Word being a mere ï¬ction has A door belleâ€"The pretty maid ser- vant. Nothing in the World Like It. Nothing can equal Polscnls Nerviline as a remedy for internal, local, or exter- nal pains. It is the strongest, therefore . I _ untal-Io Feb. 19 | Brooklyn. March 26 . 1n the proportion (till a tpacupftul to Lcine no signiï¬cance at a“. and has consuluem_ ‘the Dem Nervmne Damn-ates at once Toronto: Feb. 25; I untano. Lynn 2 Paul. Mm. a Manitoba Railway. Ordinary-sized pa c we or. ix 1y no “ism d atâ€... to the Homer, bf disease, and afford! im_ Montreal. March 12 I (Mutton this Palm.) T03)NTO. ONT thoroughly, and wash soiled garments in it. For removing spots use a sponge or clean flannel cloth, and with a dry cloth rub as dry as possible. Woolen goods are made to look bright and fresh by being sponged with this. W Sights in Japan. In the course of travel we observed many strange things. Women seem to perform most of the outdoor work, ditch- mg and laboring in the rice sw ‘mps, With infants lashed to their backs. When they were met taking articles to market, upon the little country ponies. they rode astride, man fashion. At the tea-house, where we stopped for the night. our pass- ports, speciil'y granlei, Were taken by the local oflicials, and returned to us in the morning. The passport was rather a curious document, and disclaimed all reâ€" sponsibility on the part of the Mikako and his Government should the holder be murdered by the way, from whatever cause. In short. we were permitted to mediate relief. C. B. Allison a: 00., “aâ€â€œmyâ€Â°""â€Ã©Â°â€œÂ°"°“°â€'°"°°'m'w druggists, Plctou, speaking cf Nerviline state : “Our customers speak of it in the highest term! †Nervlline nerve pain cure will always command the praise of all who use it. Nerviline is an honest remedy. Always sure, and prompt to re- lieve, and therefore is the best remedy to keep in the house. Buy a sample bottle, which costs but ten cents, and be con- vinced that Nervilinc is the best pain remedy in the world. Sold by druggists and country dealers The Esquimaux thinks their snow place like home. Important. When you visit or leave New York City. sue Homage Expressage and Osrrlage Hire. and sto at the GRAND UNiON own, op Incite Grand Oeuflsl Depot. 600 elegant rooms fltte u at a cost of one million dollars. almond upwards I By. European plan. Elevator tsurant supp led with the best. Horse oars. stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam- ilies can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other ï¬rst-class hotel in the City. Dinner~might~Strong butter. catarrnâ€"A New Treatment. Perhaps the most extrsrordinary success that has been achieved in modern science has been Several other paragraphs are equally characteristic. The writers, journalists, and poets belonging to the society are prohibited from using the name of God, Divine Power, or Providence in writing as well as in conversation, except when denouncingit. Every cit ch can join the society from the day of his or her birth, parents signing for their children and guardians for their wards. With the word dieu it is natural that the word adieu should disappear from the human vocabulary, and even at the bedside of a dying person, or over his tomb, the pro- per phrase should be “A ton souvenir.†Telling flow Ill; Killed llis Grand- mother. Frank Abner, ï¬fteen year old, charged with murdering his grandmother, Mrs. Russ, neat Rock Creek, Hardin county, 11L, was lodgeo in the jail at Metropolis. He confessed the deed, and told his hor- rible tale with perfect sang froid. He . . Rot . 108. 3117. 144. s d i. i - , Egan)? tepid ï¬ghzlm‘lntemgultatsflï¬, s! us . soonsanssroomsnnsniv digrke‘Whuu ' alga smidships. where but little moth): g‘glfg‘ Guggg "sluggigonéorï¬ma ’9'“; I?“ felt. and on cattle or sheep is carried on them. For 01- mm Quebeaxg meg, 3‘“de to uzzmogl' :3†“ thcr particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Bell's madam, mlmd mgflg andypusenggs lo'r 360%}me 5â€â€œ °' 10°“ “ï¬lg’sgg‘oï¬gaï¬fï¬géa‘ Cg, . lrelsnd. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and BI Johl'l G I u M , N. E. to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. “e†“an ' a“ '9‘ Elle sits-pugs ca tbs1 gllesgow hugsBsagodu who. ' ' râ€"i†â€"‘ â€" 'ietw an an mow,“ on d I I \ltergealfelyo: and during summer betweeiii1 Ianebm Ill 'llasgow and Boston and Glasgow every week. Dox'r WASTE THEM. Sun For freight. passage. or other informflnl ipply to A. Schumaober 8:00.. Baltili 3. 0R BRING TO I Cunard 8c 00.. Halifax; Shea Sc 00. St John's 'NJJ'. ; Wm. Thomson 8: 00.. at. John, N. 3 ï¬ll Allan Bi Co, Chloe. 0; Love is Aldon. New York; H. Bourller. ‘oronto ' Miami. Ras to: 150 Front Street. Fast. Tononl'l'o. inches; 11. A. Allen. Port ' Boston, Ma ire. I I METAL ‘L RUBBER DATERS. SELF- INKERS dl. BANKING STAMPS. NOTARY SEALS, cc. AGENTS WANTED. KENYON. TINGLEY (it STEWART MFG. (30., 72 KING ST. WEST. . R. U . AWARE +1. THAT Lcrlllard’s Climax Plug . _- ‘ llionl‘lnï¬ n rl'll'irfl'il (my; ' a: - 1 = lnHCll ; a r 1': i on Nnvv C'lippill::n?llliil(l'llllt Lorlllul'd's Suufli'ilrsrs OB Fflï¬mug “6 bmm‘g In“, wndmon' a - ~ ‘d that on Monday evenng while he 0 0 l S): dPl 'l‘h Y travel inland, but at our own peril. It 331 , v “mined by the Duo“ Treatment of “mug, nit-oust uullcliiéuliesi,quality considered" W“- "‘ ‘93" 991"“ 3“ 9 “m - - on b man as somewhat, was chopping wood for his grandmother, our of will patients in,th dam, the m r r r- -~»â€"~~ â€"- “An†“mm†1' “3d “‘1 ..'°°°"‘“‘°"d°d b “m m an†100 a up y y _ _ , g p , ‘ _. . class breeders. Milk Cattle produce more and risky to ‘ravel away from the populous With whom he lived, Trumbull Watson 31‘: gogtliï¬mfgltl‘ymplnety uprdcenti‘mavie been a ,1 {I [:54 "ll .ij 35 W 1 '6 butter? n' tattenl In one-fourththe usual iima. no . _ t . - r ' oru male. y. s 5 none - ' R if ' ' ‘ ‘3'†0°“ centres, but we met With no special came elehg and 1hdhced him to g? "It" the less startling when It is remembered that if. l i gig; Price 15 080“ and.†per box. A dollar box can“: trouble The Dating upon the route an adjacent wood and play; saying, in re- pggiï¬gpvgrtgcagg of the patientst presenting “him n ,,..._.....r.»..' “a, rir'n-e {llio’H} all».er Li « in I‘m 309‘â€- EUGE B d 0 . ' ' . . ‘ ' ' ' 0 regular “w i iouer a“ use: tons. a o the v )ltl’. . I\' and (I’ MII I. an 0. were 11131de to be a llttle curious 3:3 to ply t; theh pnaouï¬f ‘ Kb] @101†rt 3;? 1:13 Denefltted. while the patentp medicines arid lwlqmilll - i V l ' l Aoniou‘uunsr. (Insulin! the ladies' bonuets and dresses, nor were gm“ met er W0“ W 1? hlm- 3 19 other advertised cures nover record a. cure st g‘f-uï¬lwiin. ml,ng ,3. Eng ï¬m all. Starting with the claim now generally be- llevod by the most scientiï¬c men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissues. Mr. Dix- on at. .once adapted his cure to their extermination ; this accomplished the cstsrrh lLi practically cured, and the permanency is un- questioned. as cures effected by him four years $80 are Cures Gilli. No one else has ever at- tenipted to cure cutarrh in this manner. and no other treatment has ever cured outarrh. The application or the remedy is simple andeau be deue at home, and the present season of the year is the most favora- le tor a speedy and permanent cure. the msJorit of cases being cured at one treatment. 8 erers should can respond with Messrs. A. II. DIXON 3; 8014.306 King~street West. Toronto. Canada, and coolest- s‘ttsmp for their treatise on (infantâ€"Monty‘ch air Net gainsâ€"Fish. Young Men lâ€"Read This. The Voltalc Belt 00., of Marshall. Mich. offer to send their celebrated Electro- Voltaic Bch, and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (yomg or «1 l) aï¬i.cted With nervous debility, loss oi vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism. neuralgia paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete rcs:or ation to health, Vigor and manhood guaran» teed. No risk is incurreias thirty days trial is a-lowed. Write them at once for illustrat )d pimpblet free. says anything to you just knock her on the head." Mrs. Ross administered a sound reprimand, but did not whip the truaiit, who Wont to bed surly and with muttered threats. At about midnight he arose, took an axe from the shed, went to his grandmother‘s bedside and buried the weapon in her brain killing her in- stantly. The boy is calm, sleeps and eats well, and does not seem to realize the Ul- ormity of the deed. MOW»â€" auy concur, film Li; H . D'l. ‘l‘. A. :LUCUM, 1 they quite satisï¬ed, without using some familiarity, about the gentleman’s attire ; but they seemed to be of a soft and pliant mould, easily managed by a little ï¬nesse. it was curious to observe how entirely opp Hits to our own methods were many of theirs. At the post stations the horses were placed and tied in their stalls Willi their heads to the passageway, and their tails where we placed their heads. Thus they are fed and kept. in place of iron shoes, the Japanese pony is shod with close-braided rice-straw. The tailor sews from him, not towards his body, and holds the thread with his toes. They have no chimneys to the houses, the smoke ï¬nding its way out at the doors and windows, though braziors are used instead of ï¬replaces, and in the hot Weather were placed outside the dwelling for cooking purposes. The men shave their heads just where the Chinese do not, making a bald spot on the top. _,_â€"â€"â€"â€".-.-.â€"-~ Home should be made a dwelling place for souls rather than a merelodg'mg place for bodies. Ll . 'iiew York. , for 8-ch bi? Brazilians evanwbsre. .\ JllHlISlllll’S Ftlllll BEEF \‘ It la the cal preparation of the kind which ocuteins all t e nutritious, together with the stimulating. properties of beatsnd the only y one watch has the power to supply uni-Isu- , .i : â€" f . AK;76flflSï¬l\_l_Swfl_u|Dv [El-1? ma’llf‘lf bum. aui tuna. and man ‘ _ _'__. â€". v I" in. -r .3 The gardener knows that where he puts the knife there will follow fruit. And blessed are they whom the Heavenly hus- bandmau prunes, if, when He cuts, there is a bud behind the knife. One sure way of making the communâ€" ity in which we live, or the church we attend, or building in which we do our daily woik, a better place than it is, is for us to start with correcting our own faults. Every reformation which amounts to anything begins with the individual, and no one else of us will ever ï¬nd a more suitihle individual to begin with thanâ€" himself. ï¬gERlï¬YElilTMNU. (39;, :) MANUFACTURERS or (: glue: @1er call will silver girl», New York, Mcriden (CL), Chicago, San Francisco, London, (Eug.). BRANCH FACTORYâ€"Cor. Cannon and Wellington Streets, Hamilun, Ont. Many purchasers having through a TRADE similarity of names pill-chimed other wach iimlcr this1f iiupresmon that the were of l ur man aclure we are Compcl - ed to ask specinlntteutio’n to the above Rogers Bros. ‘1. TRADE MARKS The fact that our , name aiidd’l‘rado (lirlarks uriï¬buiug so close- lyiuiitme shoul has an cirn gnurau- l tee to the public that our were: are the max" Bl“th IN THE. WORLD.