tne place of tacts, and pessimist prophecies would wrap the earth. at least the British portion ofit, in aw- ful gloom. Now )ingoism, pure and simple,is both wiclved and repulsive. Fighting merely to \prove that one can ï¬ght is undoubted]; rascallv work. On the other hand, we fail to see much that is attractive in a pure mush of concession. Faith is good, but the credulity which swal< Ions all is bad. And we would re- mind The Wee]; that nations become npoplectic as well as individuals, iior is bleeding less efï¬cacious in the case oi one than in that ofthe other. The experiment of building up a nation on a peace-atâ€"any-price basis is an old one, and, as it hasfailed in the past, so will it continue to tail until the nature of man has under- gone a radical change. As long as the wolf preserves his taste for mutton, the lamb will the altogether sate only under the watchful eye of its keeper. This doctrine ofsetthng international disputes by arbitration is puny while the disputants stand armed to the teeth. Let us frankly acknowledge the fact, even it we de- plore it. The instinct of battle in man is strong, and it is asking ab- surdly too much to demand that England alone should trample out that instinct. As the world is at present constituted, England must, ï¬ght, or cease to be. A certain amount ofthe jingo spirit is indis- pensable, for, in its best sense, it, means a jealous regard for national Lonon mutton sgfe on its keel internal is punv l‘h Thc fate of the mercantile repnb: :s of the Mediterranean should ‘rve as a warning to the prepostqr- 4s expeqtï¬tions afï¬x: all-for-peace Je place of lacts, and pessimis rophecies would wrap the earth. at :ast the British portion ofit, in aw 11 gloom. Now Jingoism, pure anc imple,is both wicked and repulsive fighting merely to prove that om an ï¬ght is undoubtedly rascalls hat the roots ( :hich blossom gu into thn \candal, still r« (corruption, 2 u1_e mtem; Hurts made n In \\'h w W producmg flower lich‘ must disqu: @331: iiihvml. DI’H' uit rly unknown which it is [ ondon Free I $54. to Its organs 1‘ printing which t )surdly high figure hich is with good 1 :ver to have beet til thou OL NEW ABVERTISEMENTS the slav 11 these let it mme \\' ought of the stations in )resent GO‘ th ared th v d‘lSCI ration, 3r; iir nade to delend the bovern- id to blackenthe opposition I of comprehensxon if consid- be had to the price at which forts were bought ; and also roots of the deadly plant, lossomed some twelve years to the infamous Paciï¬c ‘, still remain ï¬xed in the 5011 ption, are still strong and s. and, as tlzelpast year has are still as cawabie as ever il our brilha a now c 11 Allan the nut the 11 the M P U R (i‘HA be rem nt IS 1m JL’Gf‘Jllb'M 3d into 0 1ndal ha It is de repente 3 repeate HILL. Thur llnl 1W OVVCI'S ble; ti 1t M( Let it at the l'll'] [t tiï¬ed that he 1n, m )ublishe OUISK new 01 tn )Vernment lebr Show th onto Mu ltreal G lst every l'n m $1,6: embc as p \\"h )U I >ollcy winch Wow is. The public :0 draw a distinct )rrupt acts of a and the corrup buvin and the corrupt vernment which 11 the succ€ss of Amon adfas m th it Ottawa t the g i the G ssuranc of the f HEM T) arly 5 rate and 1T] tht \Vh nu infc all 1rtI or $0,694., paper ut- the town 6,222. the the Win much their Zl\’( : say, and rtainlv is {54% 14 hat (h lCh hone UPI IS now gantic me W akcs and that 1th iti- C. 0‘ Jacobs. Bufl‘aln, Y., lays:â€" “ Dr. Thoums’ Eclecuic V031 cured hum of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing, having tried almost ever}. known remedy, busides two l’mflalu physicians, without relief; but $11G 0H curM} him; he think: it cannot b3 ncuunnended (on highly." There being ilnitutiuna uf Dr. Thoman’ Eclectric Oil on the market, cuutumers Wm, see Hut they got the genuine. Our dark forehodings as to the re- sult of the Government’s ruinous policy in regard to the C. P.R. Syn- dicate are more than likely to he realized. The Toronto Mail, in its issue of Tuesday last, admits with- out reservation that the affairs of the Syndicate have reached a crisis. Either, the organ says, still more money must be given by the coun- try, or else the Government must drive out the present company, and take possessionot the road for ever. This, then, is the end of the promis- es that the C. P. R. contract would secure for Canada a highway across the Continent without the expendi- tur-e of a dollar, for, we were told, the :sale of lands remaining to the Government would more than make up for any money which it was bound to give. V And now, admits the organ, Canada is on the brink of ruin. Hon. Messrs. Mackenzie and Blake are already .fearlullv avenged. ' ere long.’ more sunpk t’roiesuor Macdonalu, hlS salutlon being as follows :â€"Smile blandly, shake the head vigorously. assure that the matter is now occupying the serious attention or the Govern- ment, and that a reply will be given 'ere long.’ Surely nothing could be but Hon. John Carling, Postmasterâ€" General, 15 engaged in the brewing business. and Hon. Frank Smith, Minister Without portfolio, is a wholesale dealer in all kinds of ia- toxicants. How can a satisfactory answer be obtained from elements so heterogeneous? Tush! To the knowing the problem presents no difï¬culty whatever. Stript of all foreign accretions, the question re- solves itself into this :-â€"given a quantity in its inmost nature gulli- ble, it is required to eliminate from such quantity all power formischief. Solved over and over by the cele- brated adept in men and ï¬gures. the wlm Mr Of cour 1y wrond. truth, an attainmen him to ma supposing picture-g8 wcrk ofgr are not able to in the energetic ‘such a job ofl the reading ofl sert The adiein His servative t h Wt ter has a Jawvc thir l‘hc party. And the brute mendacious character shows that to rely on J to give him fresh opp carrying out his robbe The Week forgotten wh whe munce,15 11 IVE )Sllf ) much sgust t( \Vc iI ate tht ws ( K v} if)“ land 1K gs, Alnia the siege nmatx well, i : able [dept in men and ï¬gures, )r Macdonald, his sulution 3 followszâ€"Smile blandly, 1e head vigorously. assure matter is now occupying “ultimatum to the Govern- Eitlacr the Scott Act crazel?) tended by legislation, or the pirituous body will go into ion. Now this awful threat JI’E rablefira‘ urse. t1): YL E’S DEL EGA T1 I) N Ioritv than t repmt that; ed Mr. OS to prepare : Iistorv. Su i could nwc The olive br d produced 1bularV )bden akeï¬he lu ; that the illery is a reat artis contempor Vhy this Mr n who gave vhich he um .vtvion is at its height of the huge delc ) storm the Ottawa the 18:11 insi. Ll those-directly enga; trafï¬c, and their 11 )9. ï¬ve thousand, \v imatum to the G [her the Scott Act c all n av Ilf 41' LAST WOI 5’6 3N I‘ms 1( )met 11' '1 BNUI th< i that )1} ha Tlu the e :tion : JIIIZ' . Mr ,v thls awtul threat 6 gmlcless certain at in a great quandv I Tilley, Minister of )wed prohibflionist, arling, Postmaster- :ed in the brewing Sun rd convinced it that at be driven into 3 branch whxcll we ced, among other laklava. Inkerman, Sebastopol. T1ch J 1.... lat there is no bet .09? ) Jeqqï¬maig H The in hon. Illivan 1n 3,, unfailingly )t the Russian rtunitie in! \V l goxng Hivan is aldians a at ,ed 111 nanr )I‘G n ,m Ht FLOUR; & FEED CONSTANTLY 0N HAND, And at the lowest price. A large Stock of Furniture at Toronto Prices, Delivered in. Good Order. PICTURE FRAMES of all SIZES 8c MADE to OEDER HARDWARE, PAINTS AND 01 LS OF ALL KINDS. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY AND OTHER GOODS THE PEOPLE’S STORE GROCIERIES. of '1 ho boast, (Quality Every Department complete with New Goods at the Lowest Prices. Blankets 1*‘lannels,zmd other \Voollens at: Wholesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Gro- ceries,.Crockcry, Glassware, &c.. at Lowest Rates. FALL 86 THE WEE PROOF“ Prepam far mished at reasonable terms. UNERTAKERS, YONG-E $11., RECEMQNB HELL, -'Lh"3 « .‘ ‘1 :3- ;’ | ’3 x 3:. GROCERY AND Is unequalled in Richmo B ougiht at low TIES, HAND RY GQQS FEELLEï¬ERY; WNHES HQLEBAY GQQDS Halidag CU N E R HAPPY NEW YEAR Our stc PRES}; _ CANN‘ED GOODS, ssortm Highest Price paid for Butter and I At the Lowcac Price. Cél) and Ex unine AND P’URCHASINGH’OUR STAPLE (ERCHIEI GOODS. C \Vhich will be spld at WINTER SUED .A- V7RIGHT «£5 SON- Has on hand a large stuck of rom BY GOING TO and A LARGE STOCK OE H 11 CHUCK Hi1} XMAS DLLARS, LLB GOL H rrv Hf )me priCcs prices thf "E"??? G ERY Wimgr tli 'MTH‘CT UUS SAVAGE“ Iï¬ : ï¬QN *J’UTQ STOCK )west in town. ékLI 11 Preï¬ents WOOL