New ’1‘ Cottonad< lwst value 111.11. _ Credit SaIe. The undersigned haI received i'ns'ructirmR from Mr. Wm. Cook, to sell by public auction on lot 16, 2ud Gnu. Vaughan, on Thursday, March 5th. his [arm stock, implements, ch. Sale without reserve as the proprietor hm: 1‘8!!th his farm. Sale to commence nt 12 930.106}: sharp. Lunch provided. Sulem Iickardt, Auécioneer At the get the 1 ever 011% Praise Mceiing. The Praise Meeting in conm the W. (J. T. Union, which we Tuesday lust. was lurgnly Rheum close of the Thanksgiving and Pr which was cundnctmd by the 1" number of ladxas gaw their mum to become members of the Union ‘ New Checked and Striped blnrt lugs and CottonadesJower than eve at The Cheap Cash House. The ï¬lm) stock. in Andrew Knake, lot 3 will be snhl hv Publi day, Feb‘ 25th M12 o‘clock. The next meeting of will be held at the resi Mmon, on 'Wednesdnv All ladies are cordially The Bichtm will meet in D? on Friday, 20L will be able to ing. 36 inch Twill Cotton at t} crete for too. per yd. in DW Fiï¬e heavycheck Cotton Shirtin at the Concmte for we. per yd. Boys‘ T all §izes, a terns at T} COUCTE Masbnic Fla] inst, comma: The 704s,1 {Hull 0 Q‘Iclock Rich Mon: Mum It suit \\‘ Mail Th 1‘ M1» 1' O R JI'OCCI‘X PRUCT .1911 t A fn'en D new 5'- The: other of POST OF 0131C at ilf J {l Import ant Credit Sale School Board Meeting an [HS TDR‘ New Subscribers in Maple has sent u: eeds onetete House you can ;t mine in Grey Cotton :1 on Yongc, Street. 0nd Hill Board of he Council Cbambrr Lb inst. It is to be} eh ct a Chairman at get the best value t‘thc Concrete. Credit :, implement5_ &c.. )135, 1st Con. Et ublic Auction, on ‘ Snie without reserv alem Ecknrdt, Am m and iffl new the ICE NOTH m My attended. At the ins and Praise servicn, by the President, & their names in order ignce the ME TABLE Tm cknrdt, Auctioneer 16 W. U. '1‘. UDIOI‘ ace of Mrs. Chas 5th inst, at 4 p.m Jvited. Prints, new C0ucrete, the in Richmond W. C. T. I inf CCI‘IE M Mr Education at 2 pm. loperi they this meet- 16 Richmnn 1f of Mr «obicoxe Wednes- ve. Sale at H ll] MISS FLOI'H COUL'I‘EK IS 1‘} TO GIVE LESSONS IN Ml (‘A'I‘A R I!“ -A new 'l‘rem by this hitherto incurable disease 13' cured in from one to three up) matter whether standing for one 3 years. Descriptivepamphlet mm ceipt of stamp. A. HI’WKON &' S" Street west. Toroutn (Yunnan MUSIC LES?“ Much g’ymyumy isfelb hr Mr. Tyndall in his and bereavement, three children hem-4 leï¬t. the youngest onlle months old, to mourn the loss of their mother. DYEBâ€"On Tuesday, 5th inst. M the residence of his aou-in-Imw. C. Dodam Esq, Landon, Mun- roe 00». Michigan Rev. Edmund Dyer, 3. ed 80 vein-s. LAWâ€"At his resi lnoud Hill, 1“ A very enthusinstic meeting of the lovers nf the game or Lacrosse was hpld in the Lorne Hall last Friday evening. Feb. 13th, for the BUTPOBG oi re-organizing the club. A large number of our prominent lownnmen turned out to Show their appreciation of the eï¬nrts nf thafloung Canmhans in the ,past, andLheir presence showed that thl-ir interest. in the noble game had not flagged in the least. Mr. T. H. liedditt was nominated and elected unanimously as President of the Club for the ensuing year. Mr. Raddin was also elected as the delegate of t'm Club to attend the meating 0f the Lacrosse Association to be held at Montrexi on April 3nd. The oth- er oflicers were nominated and elected as {nllawst â€" Vice Pres†G. Derry: Capt. A. Pugulny; Vice Capt, W. l\lu,!,0l", Sec-y†S. S. Sear-lo;,’1‘rexis., W. Puuslev; Field Captain. J. McCoawglly, 0. Savage. and J. Piper. It was decided t0 buld’ihe Annual Concert on the evening of Good Friday, April 3rd, (or which n spec-ml committee was struck to pre~ pure 2L programme). Entertainment and Tea-meeting. A Grand Entenaiumvnt and Ten-meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Vellme, in connection with St. I'uul‘s and St. And- r:-w‘s Church, Vaughan, on Mundny, Feb. 23rd, 1855. Rev. 1). J. Mucnlannell, of To- tomo. and. llev. J7. Carmichael, of King, will give addresses on mission». Rev. E. Cnmpbell,of Weston. will give an address on “The Prairie Provxuce.†The following Rev. gentlemen will also be present and give addressea: P. Nicol, W. Reid. M. inwcett. A. Muelaughlm, and J, \V. Cameron. A good chnir will also be present to enlivan the proceediugn. Ten Will be served from 4 to 7 p. m. Tickets, adultsi 25 cautï¬. children, 15 cents. Proceeds in aid of tliev‘Church Fund. A cordivil invitation is extended to old. The committee will spare no pains to make the entertainment both pleasant and instructive. lu coxmecunu wit ruw‘s Church, Yr 23rd, 1885. Rev romo. and liev. will glve addres; Campbell, of We: on “The Prairie nil Tn'm LL All 1H (‘A’I‘ARIKIIâ€"A ‘m'lv; Tn . Wilson nunsâ€"'Gm‘flnmâ€"A Feb. 17%;, Mr. Janus Gu hrie,.both of Rh age, Ahmlium I svlvunm, and a for 59 years. mumâ€"In Rich nurniu f Mr. ( aPE 11th, '85 Jeml on Friï¬n» "Old Maids" Concert mtiunl The girls of the 1 ‘h congregation 111 Richmond giving an “old Maids" Tea 1 1 the Church, on Tuesday eve Tea. will be SPrV’Od from 5 rtwill commence at 8. Tm has been secured, including ;: Mias Bricker, sinr soprano, Miss Hex-damn, Queen St. ‘ the Misses R9id,‘1'horuhi1|; 3 51', of Richmond Hill. The “0 fll 20 cents Jvited. M be lll CO1 IVIARHJAGISS awed from Torox Hill, Maple. an ,tOysters will be If the church. auto will occupy Lacross: M eating Sudden Death Grand Concert th magi }. Stl' DEA entiï¬c Lecture ht ah El“ .ume an bacheloz‘ 1M}! Ml un.aged at 2 p. In a and con 111 Hill. on We“? Elxmbeth A. Sue“ aged ‘28 years. I} m E! p. :13th Richmot 'l‘lSh‘ Rich In in the 'Hl hm‘nhill ‘auliss, 1 ‘ommittee 1L 1F ‘ of the Methodist, Richmond Hill in- ‘t 8. The heat of including the fol- snprano, of Win- ieen St. choir,To- 1ornhill; Miss Flam l. The “Old Maids" nd every attention Admiésiou to concert 25 cents. be served In LLH Jumes McGee y the chair. Tick- yszers extra. Pro " Tea and sduy evenin from 5 to 1 Hill nd our! Villa." Rich- 7‘th year of his native of l-‘eun- Richmond Hill ouug l. on. Tuesday, f9 Miss Aggie «Uncut \vl Kir ting XL] )Id ohms t! Willow )USC M r W hie r11 Sn luptuin, Brown Skeele. Arte: in the mus the PD] mu Amer Many wife m tbs. ,1 Hill the un ash th 30 In 311 1H )1) 1t @TGRMUS 3T0} A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. Rich; MantleVelvets, Rich Dress Velvets, RiCh Mantle Flushes, Rich Eress Plushes. Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silksg,Rioh Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods. In great stock. We will guarantee a good ï¬t, and at prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. MANTLES, S7.()0fu1‘$5.0( HATS or BONNETS, FUR CAPES, 115ior1 DRESS GGQDEL 15c f0] VELVETEENS. In order to reduce stock everything will he eoiri a}: Slaughtering Prices. So roll in the money, 32: year me}, have the goods at almost your own prices. Termeï¬esh, Plain Figures, and no Credit. ULSTERS, DOLMANS, COATS and G HEBES WHERE WU GET ET 184 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN S 1mg! Gram. Display of , THE PLACE FOR Raisins, ï¬arranï¬s, aies, ï¬gs; Lemon Peels, PRUVISAUNS, FLUURA FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCAEBY, GLASS . iuiswmï¬ â€˜e begto call special attention to our display of MILLINERY, which is very-Ch Attractive, and worthy of theattention of the most fastidious. Inspectionlnvi Ladles’ Tweed ULSTERS from $1.50 to $13.50. Ladies’ Cloth DOLMANS from $2.50 to $45.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. v There is War declared against High Prices at Suitable for Christmas time, and all kinds of J. M. HAMELTGN’S. During our Great \Vinter Sale we are utfuring astonishing value in our Mantle Dapartment. 128 TO 132 1403230113, Oranges and Candies, 4930., of the very best quality. TORONTO. 8c for 20( $5.00, $8.50 for $6.50, $10.5o-f052 for 10c, 30c for 15c, 25c for KING STREET EAST 50, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.50 for 3.03, 5.00 fdr 00 101' 2.00 500 for 400. 63c for 50C, 7 râ€"AT 00 for JOSEPH HALL. r$.00 iOI‘ 3 50 far 600, ES ' i: Q?! 9 ET, TOILONTC 00 H 1.00 for 80( )C Wm r351 LC ior zac )I C6 211K