Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Feb 1885, p. 8

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WILKINS’ BROS passm PAINTS, OILS, J.L( caused clmehv. â€"Uzu‘rled. Mme-l by Mr. Elliutt, sccflnded by Mr. Malluy. that t1 0 care taker be in- atruc'ed to get the drum of stove in Town Hull l‘l‘pall‘ed, and alsu the opening under the duo!“ put in proper repair before the next nweling nf Cuuncil.â€"~Carried. Moved hy Mr. Elliott-,secunded by Mr. Mallny,1lmt this Council grant permission to the ratepayers of Vellure to erect a weigh scale un the side of the public road an cnudiliun that it does not interfere with the public travel, and that Mr. A. Camewn be appointed to attend to the pr-[Jt r placing of the same.â€"Carried. The fulluwing ByLaws were then U The Council (hen adjourned till F1 Hm 13th day of Feb., to meet at 10 in Lima Clerk’s Olfica for the purpo taking up certuin mad bf~laws, Lbc. \Vuod bees are about {ion 4t present, where chance to try their skill EXC- Mr. Jus. McKenzie, of Kinghum. was in mm H lust Week. on a. short visit. to his parents and flinnds. I Mr. Reym-l-ls. of Uxbridge, is visiting [fiends at Band’s Lake at present. Mr. Reym-l-ls, uf Uxbridge, is visiting fiieuds at Band’s Lake at present. Mr. Rubt. \Vutkins and family have returned to town again after a. couple of montha' Shjulllll in the country. \Vcl- come back, Robert. ! Mrs Gun. II. Richardson. of Aurora, spent lam wmk Visiting her parents and friends in this luculily. Our regular mail-currier is confined to the house Lhasa last few duyu with a. ver am are Cold. A )Iisni-mary Meeting is to be held in St. Juhu's Church this (Hun-May) even- imi. A uuud deputatiuu has been secun d. 166 King Street East, Dist “11. 1‘6?!” but). (“I i( 08.".‘4‘ J. \V el‘ol From Our Own Correspondent. his Work has been rather quiet in our Burgh, nothing of importance having 0‘- Lurred; but what little there has trans- pircd I must let. you know, as sileme luigut cause Sumo of your readers to think that we had been frozen Worse than I Muted last “eek. ill W H Ru! HARBWME! lula 18: 4 MECHANIGS’ John H CO A. WI GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’P mid of Health, ficel‘ under the Th n.” 234-33. DuH‘y 118‘ GIVE US A medium for flu: u! u a tea-meet“): what they make 1 chezehv.â€"sz.r ve-l by Mr. E! «lallm‘. that t1 0 an n \Va'snn, G “ Watson, 18 days at 50 vlurris. 12 " ‘ sun‘644 loads gravel at wed by Mr. Mulluy, s‘ ,. that the applicatiun n lid other: for use Hf Tu Kiunk'e, 16 Cousins, 10 Rllmlvle,11 tthUl‘ Line,14 days at Kirby, 32% " it‘lIIUI DI hb a \V J.cuthng In” on on a, lumber and work d by Mr. ka, sec ‘, that the Treasurt authorized to pay AUGHA â€"â€"â€"AND unICIpu an met the 10 in the ( all he by Mr. [k y, that Lh authorized Mints-.â€" ZUO cedal‘p( Near Gem hauling 1d v1) umuun was presence Holland and guarding ufi TOOLS. JEFFERSON the pc lJe applicatiun of A. Cam- I‘a for use Hf Tuwn Hall for nu eting be granted, on eonâ€" IIIH HM Honda grave days at $ at. ict N0 at the 11 day t hair. Ellintt ulna, Mediéal Heuth Public Health Act oi n adjourned till Friday, 3b., to meet at. 10 a.m,. ce for the purpose uf 1t llllC Bl‘Tt “HRH, SECUIH‘HU l)‘ Treasurer be an to pay the followin gulating the salaries present yeah ppuin/ging the Local d Medical Heuth ion of rfitS delivered$34 00 COUN( )flH ‘Ze Street 00d Nlcml the only sensu- the boys get a with the saw and ise of stone 3600!“ the i by Mr. 53 other he roadw {the the n. 7.....24 00 9 80 )nded by Mr. ‘nfirme “ (5 15 10c. 64 seconded C 4 all at )l] ed 1 Hdlaué the com y and i fuxlow in um present: .y and meeting wnship Ml nu ,ama monk 900 900 900 900 600 440 lll figural, under the Ih'ln Hume 0‘ Mnl‘wul: l‘l’lhllh't HQ'SANDEBSON & sons, :2,;~;,a~;:;; J.N&W. WIN LATE Xz SHINGLES l The undersigned will have a good stock of the nhove at McGee‘s Switch Mill, on 4th Con. Vuughau, and will sell same at bottum prices as follows : Culls,$4 per M.; Sheeting & Lining And w by the fail. Mai); I umhe1 from SE Shingle ‘vill efl‘eu Ontario TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning: thanks to my numerous friends for their llberul patronage during the past. twenty-five years, 1 be}: to rev mind then) and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, 1 an: enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, “n. E. C. Wns'r’s NER‘ MENT, a guarantee .1 snec ness, Convnlslous, Fit Headache. Nervous Pros use of alcohol or tobncm' Depression. Softenmg of insanity and lemlmg to 1 Premature Old Age. Bar: in either sex, Involuntar Headache. New use of alcohol 0: Depression. Soil insanity and Ian Premature Old A in either sex, Im orrhaaa. causedl‘ abuse or over-in oun month's lire: for $5.00,seut by mm a? Bissuiufiem Health is Wealth Gutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G D N S. Witne pannarship Notice. Horse - Shoeing 1‘1 1 L1 N a}? L 1? 01': TO RENT ure any case. With each order received by )1' six bottles, accompanied with $5.00. We sen L] the nurehaser our written guarantee afund the money if the treatment does not rtncnre. Gunmnteesissued only by Jonx the aidin the money if the treatment “does not mucure. Gunmnteesissued only by Jon EST at L‘o., 81 and 83 King St. East, Toronto 30-” “'c Guarantee Six Boxes m I‘}( E. C. ‘VEST’E WQEESQA‘ i1) .334 per M.; Sheeting & Lining r.$5 to 36; Common & Bill Stufi’, 9 to $10; Hemlock Lumber, $3; 35,1“.90. IJITIVI IBICR . b. Begi ‘2 1223 free A1 SANI fl Hill, Jan, 14th, 1885. F0 R SALE. RICHMOND “ILL. Pnid special attemion to. m Md 1 L1 (31 (Signed .11 T‘s NERVE AND Bmm Tmzuu zeal sneciflc fm' Hysteria, Dizzi- >us. Fits, Nervous Neumlmn, ous Frustration caused by the ‘tubuccn, Wukefnlness, Mental mung of the Brain resulting, in .dmg to misery, decay anddeuth, Age,Ban-enuess,Loss of Powu roluutm‘y Lnsaes and Spermutr 2y ovenexertinu of the brain,selfâ€" diligence. Each box cantuins fitment. $1.00 a. box. or six boxes muil prepaid on receipt of price. Sleighs and ‘es in A 131 ytbnn M. anvthina else goncy for the best sell 1's succeed gmudly. N: IALLETTBooK Co.. Portia “'M 'l‘gusn'cu. have entered int e name and Etylm are henwa ‘ settled or ‘ after whi ctor‘a hum axge an u‘shin. Wen mm; the partnershi] no time past. by the under OR ‘btcd t lin H. SANDER-SON. J. H‘ SANDERBC W. A. Smmms HY. MARSH. King, P. O dd WM. S SANDEHSUN‘ >f t1 «mix-2e H. Smul the late I notifle settle 9.11 Eggs. , T1 :11 date 211505 13303 Ml 1ry,by mutr » firm retiri 1 H111 I fan HS nrried t1) ray v ullecti th i1] Kemefih Campbell & Cog, MONTREAL. \V') cents to $5 ensxly vm‘ned ovary evening. That all whn want wnrk may toss the business. we nmke thin-mnumulleled offer: To all who are not well sntlsflenl we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of wrininu us, Full particulars, (li- rectiuas. etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure totlmse who start at 01109. Don’t delay. Address lexsoN & 00.. Portland Maine. This famous Brand. PURE. BRILL \N'I‘ and almost Taste- less. is- supI-I'ior [0 any other N0!"Vl';{l:lll (70d Liver Oil yet in- u-oulut'rd. HELP VES. STflVES. For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter StOCK. A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, Eave- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Exawirs’ Wise Cod Liver Oil! 0M1. 80K STOVES 80M HEATING STOVES HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES, CHARLES DONALD 8b 50., Will be glad to corres end with Apple Growers, er- ohants, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. Am 79 QUEEN ST., LONDON, E C., 844854111 MRS. ANN flTKENSON, Imported and bottled only by A NUMBER OF PARLOR u k “ SKREE ” ND HUI 1n of 8.11 11195: granqu eusxly earned ovary m ht bbl CHAS. MASON, ISAAC CROSBY JAS. COSGROVI Iae Warmth“. working people. send 10 cents stage. tun] we will mail vou free nyul,va,lua.bla sample box of )ds that wxll put. vou in the are money in a. few days than possible at any business. Cap- You can live at. home and 9 only, or all the time. All of ages, grmnuly uuccesalul. 50 T 11 bush H 1‘1 )0”. lLuL Richmond Hill. eatmné the ( rdnesduyfihe first out containing t the full particular acurm'es (ital-1y) {bl Richmond Hill I nfl Feb, 19 Ib£ Febmnry th 1d 1 that an or: us: the eatutl 1’ Ch nptm‘ 1 s of whoaécluil ved hy the at Manbution. aid this Twenty unty nf ;lu.Y of 1y post mad I an of 40 19, 1885 thl nt 1t That mi :1 n' t DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS ALL KINDS. class WATCH B CLOCKS, WATGHE British Mag Smfi I} WENTER STOGK CQMPLETE We do not ( H. B. EWSBURY’S HARNESS EMPORIUM, SHIRTS & PANTS. :1 LARGE. Him; AU 61?". SUNS In (%R()CRGI£I}LC§$ YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c.. always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as refiresented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. which THE NEW W’ELL do not su1t, FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL, AND Finest Qualitv Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barre1,, All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain w111 find: it. to their advantage to call upon, or correspond with us. STEELE BROS Please send for Circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stock-Raisers in the Province. It is equ- ally valuable for Stuck of all kinds, Horses, Catllc, Sheep, Pics (‘5 Poultry. Dairy-men always find it largely Increases quantity and quality SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO FIRST-CLASS X. L. SEER HUICE STOCI‘ will nell as cbcu \VAN TED IMMEDIAT ELY, CEQICE gammy 8120 my? Sggfl. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD »We are agents for the )tc MAE l'lE'C( AxLSO DI 11 STEELE BROS. & Cog WE CAN NOW FURN {SH AT OUR WAREHOUSE md REES; DEALI of milk. ER PRESIDENT, DAVID ELAIN, VIBE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. K. Chisholm, n dounld, ( Central Bank of Canada. Deposits received and Iutax'estallowad thereon at Cun'eut. Rates. Na notice of withdrawal required. Umns on all parts 0! Canada, Unite.) States and Great Britain, bought and sold. Eight. Building Lots for sale on Centre 5m Emit. only bJWouch, 15 par cent down for 91““ of the lots: Also Txyo New Houses. 5:00:38. 033 Richmond Street. _BR., LANuaTAvP. BUGLfliNG LOTS 1*“( )l{ SAIJIC 2’ It 13 Light and Silent ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, JER IN Richmond I It P5 éE‘WELLEBg MM fii)1° hArmS STOCK fr JAMES M. LA‘VREECE. 1y it tr‘ Richmond Hill Branch . & 00.. A A. ArLLEN, Cal-mum. , M.P. P.. H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac ‘ U. 15. Robinson. A. MOLomI Howard, and J. Ginty. MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. and mah DIRECT O R S TJ ER'YEf. 1d Easy to run. [and rapid in motion. lain and Sxmple to Learn u-ist 1218.51! RMS 3 [9 and we“ b ui]t,of the at money caavbny, u' Her in Organs and :upersadi I) where me that VELRYa on hand. n1 cab-ping first Manager. Is now YCC’ quality OUX' GOODS

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