Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1885, p. 1

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AT f HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE alGHMOND HILL. â€" - ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING in. 311m: 5 EPIRCOPAL Caumx.â€"-Service at 3 -m.. except. 0.1m third Sunday 0! every month, when the service and anemmeut sre held at l) IJu. Sunday Schoolat 1:30pm Rev. W. Babes, Runyoun LODGE. A. F. & 1L M. No. 2:5. 9.5.x ~Meets in the Lodge Room.Musonic 31111.01: the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o‘clock p.m A. J. “Invert, W. M. n , A “:4. Harm“) Merits "m the fivem‘inmm. 7 ‘ THE LIBERAL. I‘ ANCIENT ORDER OF FORMEBsâ€"Uout mnml. NH. 7046 A. 0‘ F.. meets in the Term Hall every alternate Fridav n: 7.30 p.111 Rupert C. R. _. ...- v n VIIILA‘E Concm~newm Wm. Pugaley. Coun- oHl-u'a Messrs.Benj. Redditt, W. D. POWGH. P 0. Savage. and F.McCona.ghy. Clerk. M. 'I eer. A. C'. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, No. 141. Meets in the Cummittee Room of tha Masonic Hull each titenmfive Tuesday at so'clook p.m. Bene- fi ‘nry wrtifimte given for $2,000 in use 01 death. I. 0min, Muster Workman. R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council, RU. 411, Meets in Tempennw Human“ ulter- Incive Tuesday evening ntSu‘clocli p m. Bene- fiv-im-y certlficutes issued m male or lemnle members for $1,000 or in case n! death $2,000, one in}! uwnblc in case 0! disnlnility. J. H.Sander- enn Sulet‘t Councillors; J.A.E.Swftner,fleoordiug Sucretm-v. DB. GEORGE LANGS'I‘Al-‘F, THOBNHILL. 0x12. G'mdute 01 Toronto Uuiversity.H.C. P. A: 8 One... two yen-s reside-t, assistant surgeon t, Tomato General Hospian Office and tesidenee.-0no ion: South 0! l'. C Office Homaâ€"Gthu.nL,& 12w ‘IpJn. members 3â€"630;.m5mep.m. Vaeriwv urgent. (induce 0! Ontario V». Colleges. Toronto. Dmoaaos of Ill the Domentlcufied Animals tux-nu: for the (“on at the put 90 yam II.|.y mu be consulted in my band: at me pm- leasion‘a.s fullqwa'. _ «v. . . ,ALMHA. Resumes: â€"â€"8n Aurel. Woonnnxnal. Lug}; m, 8th. Keith. Ind and of «A: month Buchnmnd Hill... .. .9!!! Lnd'uth d0. ‘mxtfvifle.. .. lurkhnm fictm'jaCSqnmre‘ 1"\«)\‘H“ill.. . Wm! lbrhlge Klefluhm‘gm I abletou .. ‘ Dr. W. .l. Wllson. “minim 'Dormto Univenitv. Member (‘0 Physicuusfic Surgeoni,0m..,(lnto of Btouflvillo Youge Sues}: gighgond Hm. Omco Hours mic W111 viflit finch-“owing places [notes-ions)”:â€" Juinnvjlfle . .. . . lat Mondav of each month A\ uduu ._» _ “Mb and 21st “ Maple . _ . __ 16th " " Rmhmont‘ Hi“ . 19th ‘ " Wootlbrflge .. "and Mr. Husband win he found in his om“. New. mu Hmnk, ovary Siturdav. excem when Salim uuv [Ills on the Above dates. +‘8Jâ€" Iv! Vim‘ned Air always on lnnd M uppointmonh. _ Works like a. chum. Free from min. {Gillan A RDINFON IJ).S..Au|-oxnom. Dr. on. Maple. (Jacobean: 8w 9.30 I. mind mm 9.11:- VOL. VII. it BBSINESS CARDS. G. II. Husband. l.. D. S... u. the Pumer House) VIFJQJJEEQ £19 Dr. EDII'OR and PBOPBIE‘I‘OB. @112 g‘gibcml ” P. Mcmmon, willan gutting. per annum, in advance. '. Lewis 6. Unusual. IS PUBLISHED EVERY College Physiciansc Surgeons. 0n... RICHMOND HILL. ONT. hush-“owing places profess-ion“, :â€" e . lat. Monday of such month “ch and 213W. " ‘ .Jfith “ " ..l9th ‘ " HILL TEMPLE. No (65.1.0.G.T.â€" Temperance Hall? every Wednesday 30 o'clo-ck. Wml'lan'ison T.D. «list sabb-flo fichmlTempemnce As 1e gledge every Sunday when I’. IIBWI'I'l‘q USED BY Dr. A. Rollin-on. James Lnngstnl Societies. Churches. ntdiml. IUBOIOH DI If!!! caURcB.â€"Services in «Mar .ill :3 9 5.111.. and Riwmd e failnwing Sunday at Rich. and Thornhill M 10:30 a. m 1mm. AED NEWTON BROOK. FORMEBsâ€"Coul" nich- tneets inithg Temperance DINTIS'I“ A. LL. Ng£1.G.E.C ‘2 1n 23rd 18th lo. 10. do. do. do. do Issuer of Marriage Licenses, LAWRENCE & MIL-mam, HAL]... FELLAII'I‘ON k 4‘00“, nuuummm SULICITORS, m. OFFN‘ES: 1a Mm STREET EAST. Tnxrm'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. \V‘ M, BALI). J. S. FULLARTON. W. COOK ,â€" M'l‘mAT}: FUSDs TO 1 nm. u, Barristers, Soficitors, Conveyancers, 85c" Toronlo Officeâ€"No. 14 Building 8': Loan Chambers. N3.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. 3:8. E» MYEfifiaflflg BARR] s11: u-AT-LA w. Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer, &c 52 ADELAIDE-9T. EAST, TORONTO. Money to Lon n. Alame amount of Money to Lead on farm pr Qtv uropnrty interest? percent; no commis- axon. fluau oi) Farm Propertyut lowest rates of in- terest to pay 011 Mortgages at higher rates or for buildiugndmiuiug. mother purpnses. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. Farmers will save money by apply ug direct to Money to Loan Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Onmno and Peel. Goods sold on m-nsignmeut. General Sales of stock. 91713., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. §l00.000 0! Private Funds Io Importer of Wamhes. clocks and fins jeWenery a stock of Dhmonds and precious stones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN HTREET, TORONTO. IIs'Manumctm'm of jewellety, and repairinuo! watches and clue I; on theyregnjsesm. specialty Tfiankiugo'ur fintrona'nnd lriendslor then-lib- ernluutronagr it. the Just we beg to state that we have just receive a. large stock otnew goods in Intent designs. A large stock at Elgin and Wnlflum wscches keoton laud. m‘r-ADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS [Accused Auctioneer (or the County of York. raâ€" specttully solicits your patronage and triendly influence. Bales amended on the shortest notice and at tensonuble rates. P. 0. Address, Licean Auctioneer {or the County of York. re- spectfully iolicifie our patronage and friendly influence. um at ended an the shortest. notice and at masonabe mtea. P. 0. address, King. Incensed Auctioneer {or the County of York Sales attended on the shortest nonranan n ren- nbe rates. Address Stoutfvma 1'. 0 THE DOMINION HOUSE, Havim! refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in firstâ€"class style, I am prepared togiva the public the bes: of accommodation. Excellent. smblimz and fltmutivo hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial tmvellern. A good livery in cou- nectiun. Terms 51 per day. Richmond Hill. Bell]. Brnlllngor. Proprietor. Bpecld Rates to Commarclni Travellers IEDOMINION HOTEL. RICHMOND HILL Daily Express to TorontoA Special s'teutiun given w moving household turnituo. pianos. &c.. ac. RUPERT'S EXPRESS LINE d: LIVERY STABLES. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. send Iix cents in post- ace. and mcelve free, I; costly bux 0150063 which I will help all, .2 either sex to more money nuht away than wything else in thin world Fortunas “mm the workers absulumh sum. At uuue white-m I‘BCI & (10.. Augusta. Maine. 52 Adelaide BL, East, Toronto. or to T. F.MCMAECN, Editor of LIBERAL. Bichumud Hill. “T4 E Llfiflfiiflfi.’ $3.00 IN ADVANCE. KORE MACDONALD, MERRITT G: CO Mnney to loan on farm security MM V‘iymm.’ A M. TEEFY, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26.1885 NOTARY PUBLIC 39:, AND RICH MOXD HILL Salem Ec‘kardl. flfiifirtllnutoufi. James C. Stokes. N. J. Armstronu. S. NI. Brown. .l. Wnnlmss. lim: Lnnnhuiluiu a Toronto E. B. REYNOLDS. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. lunacy. "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." UNIONVILLE. The “Old Maids." For several reasons, there was an excep- tionally large audience in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, in response to the enticing invitation: of the "Old Maids,” to attend their Ten and ConCert on the above date. Certainly the girls of the con- gregation have no reason to complain of the manner in which the Richmond Hill and surrounding public turned out to welcome their first appearance in an affair of this kind. Newr, indeed, with the exception of those held on the evening of the Queen's Birthday has the church been so crowded at an entertainment or tea-meeting. The tea, which was served in the Lecture Room, was up to the standard, and the tables were neat- ly decorated, and presented a nice appear- ance, Tne maids averaged from 15 to 40 years. and to say they looked Charming in their fantastic caps, and neatlyvtrirnmed variegated aprons, is only a very mild form of expression. Indeed many ofthe bachelors were heard to exclaim that they possessed all the necessary qualities which constituted beauty. At the appointed time, Miss Frank Trench. as chairwoman. ascended the plat- form with a firm step, and opened the pro- ceedings in a pleasing speech, thanking the audience for their patronago», and expressing the hope that theconcert to follow would prove as interesting to the hearers as it had to the, church financially. All were then called upon, who joined in singing several stanzas of the first hymn, after which Mrs. J. Storey made an earnest prayer. Miss Hewison gave an appropriate instrumental solo on the pipe organ. Then the maids crowded the large platform, and led hy Miss Bertha Wilson sang “ There's a meeting lmre to-night,“ in good old Methodist style, and were greeted with the heartith applause and cheers from all parts of the erllfire. Solos, both meal and instrumental, duetts. (he, were given by the Misses Reid, Miss Flora Coulter, Miss Sanderson, and Miss Rutherford, which were much appreciated. Miss Alice Hopper read a suitable selection for an " Old Maids' " concert. and {or an amateur, showed that she possessed elocn- tionary powers which are worthy of careful training. Miss Bertha Wilson appeared in costume. and recited -‘ Over the Hills to the Poor House," and afterwards gave a reading. “ Jane Conquest." Her clear musical voice filled the church and created a favorable im- pression, while her quick resolutions and prompt gestures, when describing positions of danger, contrasted finely with those of a quieter nature. Perhaps the star of the evening was Miss Bricker. of Winnipeg, who appeared in each part of the programme,and delighted the audience with her songs and graceful manor-r. Each time she was sum- moned to give an encore and on each oc- casion responded cheerfully. Should Miss Bricker ever again visit Richmond Hill as u singer,she Will meet with an enthusiastic reCeption. At the close of the concert. 11 vote of thanks. moved by Miss Trench, and seconded by Miss Dunkin, was tendered to all those who so liberally assisted with the undertaking. Regarding the concert. the chairwoman's anticipatious were fully realiz- ed, and too much credit cannot be given the committee, and the " old maids " generallv. for carrying through so successfully their Tea and Concert. The proceeds amounted to 8105.00. which will be paid into the Building Fund. To the Editor 0! the Luann“: Sm,-â€"~Aa I am a firm friend to the Villauo Park scheme, I have no fen that what: I u_n_about to may fill ngeet with any but fair trentmem: My only anxiety in that I may be too late with xhe aug- geggiom which I have to 0th r. r No one who was present at the public meetings held last summer for the consid- eration nf the Park question could fail to be struck with the perfect unanimity which prevailed as to the necessity of some such grounds. Indeed ,so thorough- ly agreed Were all on this point, that words were emphasized with prompt sc- tion, snd it may be said that,without one dissenting voice, the present site was pur- chased. In spite of great diffidence, candor compels me to express my doubts thst the best I'Icntion was selected, and these doubss arise from the following cun- siderstimis:â€"â€" (l). The diand untnges of the situation do got 5296“ to have been ingllv rgalized. (2). The nature of the soil, which in by no menm of the bentmaa not thorough- ly inventigazed. Here,it may be pointed out that nearly all of the Village sewage passes through this field. which alone in a grave objection (mm a annitnry View. (3). The expense of draining was nnt diacuned in such a way as to bring out its full amount. At a low calculntiuu this one item will amount to nearly $400.00. If to this sum be added ‘he cost. of fencing, it may be doubted that we have yet paid more than one hnlf of what will be neceuary cowcnre our Park. I submit then, Ill ,vthat we should pro- ceed In this matter with great caution. I cannot free myself from the conviction that, the out of the way position of the present site will prevent our Park from ever becoming a. popular plnce of rvsnrt. And when to this disadvantage are mlded those of other results of my obssrvaliuns, I must ask my fellow villagers is it vet too late to make a change for the better 1 Richmond Hill. Feb. 25th, ’85. The Village Park. Yours. &c. . A meeting or the Richmond Hill Board of Educatinu wan held in the rear of the Masonic Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. 4th, for the purpose of electing a chairman for the present. year, strike Pgmmlueej, &c. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. The Secretarflby virtue of his position, called the meeting to order and asked for nominations fur chairman. - Mrembers' présent: Messrs. Trench Bovle. Savage. McConaghy, Nanghton Duncan, Swilzer, Skeele and W_il§on Mr. Trench moved. seconded by Mr. Buvle, that. Mr. R. Marsh be chairman. Mr. Suvnge moved, seconded by Dr. Wilsun, that Mr. J. Brown be chmrmun. The Secretary put the last. motion first. and Means. Savage, Naughtun, McCon- aghy and Dr Wilson. voted for Mr. Brown. The original motion was then put,when Messrs. Boyle, Trench, Skeele and Dun con voted for Mr. Marsh. The Secretary then voted for Mr Brown and declared him elected. This was objected to by those who voted Mr. Mun-uh. on the ground that the Secretary. who acted as chairman. could not give ‘he casting vote. as he had not. voted on the first motion put. Mesora. Trench. Duncan and Boyle then left the rnum,and the meeting broke upglrnr Elle yam. of a quorum. .. .- lThe Buard again mét in the Council Chamber, on Frld¢v last, Feb. 20th: Members present: Messrs. Marsh, Trench, Boyle, Savage, McConaghy, Naughtun, Duncan, Brown, Switzer, Skeele and Dr. Wilsun. The minutes of last. meeting were read, but. were objected to, as not being cum- plain. _ -_ . . . . . .. p A lengthy discuasinn am-e as to the legality uf the proceedings of the last meeting. It was finally decided to can- cel the proceedings, as the meeting should have been held in the Council Chamber. ‘ Mr. R. Mnrah took the declaration of office as Trustee. Mr. Hn;wu nnminated Mr. Marsh, soc- onded by Mr. Buyle. Nominations for chairman were then taken. Mr. Marsh proposed Mr. Trench, Mr Trenchinbjecled. _ Mr. Brown was nominated by Mr‘ Savage, seconded by Dr. Wilson. Mn Brown declined, and Mr. Marsh waa unanimonaly declared elected. On mafia}: of Mr. Duncan. seconded by Mr. Brnwu, Mr. Switznr war re-elect- ed Secretary. Moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Savnge, that. Messrs. Trench, Brown and McConaghy be a Committee of Man- augmentâ€"Curried. Mr. Na;l';;i1ton moved, seconded by Mr. McCunaghy, that Mr. Boyle be Trealurer. â€"C&l tied. The Secretary read a communicnlon from Mr. McBride, dead Mater of High School, drawing the Ithmtion of the Board to the bud repair of the novel, desks, duorl, &c. A communication In read from Mr. Cruickuhank stating that his filter was “ill unable to attend 00 her dutiao on ac count of illnen. A communication from Miss Spraggo, ukiug for an adunce of 850 on salary, and another in teference to a supply of maps, were read. -- .‘ IIL V-"L’Vrlxvediy Mr; Naughton, neconded by Mr. Duncan, that the advance of salary be: not granted. Vhir; giéelu moved in amendment. tlal the advance be grqufiod. Mr. Saitzor said he would Iacond the amendment if Mr. Skeelo Wodld make the advance 325, thus making the yearly ulnry 3425. Mr. Steele comented. The amendment was put and loll. The Cmumi‘tee of Management were instructed to “tend to the purchasing of maps, &c. _-._ . 1" Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. McCunaghy, that. the Treasurer sud Secretary be authorized to discount 3 note. not exceeding $400, with the Cent- rul Bank, for Public School purpuoeI.â€"â€" Curried. A discussion nose 3: the desirability of erecting new school buildings during the coming summer, and several Trustees spoke in favor of the same. Mr. Ttonoh gave notice that he Wuuld move at next meeting that new school buildings be pru‘ ceeded with at once. by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent.- lycured in Irvm one :0 three applications no matter whether standing (or one your on {any yam-s. Descriptive gumlphlet sent {ree on ro- ceips of utnm . A. .D XON drSON. 306 King Street wesc.’ oronw Unnudn BABINET HRGAN ! FOR SALE! Trheiméetring then Adjourned‘ CA’I‘A R Ruâ€"A new Treatment where. With the Modem Improvements, {or male cheap. Enqnma at 31â€"171 W M. ATKINSON‘S, Ccncreto House. Richmond 8111‘ A First-Clan From our own Correspondent. The Entertainment and Tea~Meeting held in the ‘l‘nwnship Hall in cunnection with St. Paul's and St Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church, on Monday evening. was a grand success in every respect. Fully 500 people set down to an excellent tea. which had been prepared by the ladies of the congregatiun regardless of trouble or expense. The music was sup- plied by the Weridhrldge Methodist choir; whn performed their part to the satis- ‘actiun of all The addresses were of a high order and brought furth much ap; plause fruin the audience. Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, of Toronto, gave a short ad- dress on Missions, which was much ap- preciated. Revs. Carmichael and Mc- Laughlin also gave interesting and amusi ing addresses. The proceeds amounted to something river $100, and everything passed 08 to the entire satisfaction of all concerned The only drawback was felt in the Hall not being spacious enough to contain the large number which had col- lected. A Social to dispose of the re- mains is to be held this (Thursday) even- ing, the re3ult of which your readers will be made acquainted in next issue. The Draper channel for the escape from the system of impurities, which vmulcmf they remained,pnison the blood, is through the bowels. When this outlet is ubstructed it may be disencumberod with Northrup & Lyman’s Vegetable Disr covery and Dyspeptic Cure, a remedy which regulates the system, mvigoratel digestion, and is pure and safe as well an elfeclive. It. cures Ill diseases arising from Impnre blood. From Our Own Corretpondout. The annual Mlssmnary Meeting was held in St. John‘s Church ui this place, nu Thursr‘ay evening. lfltlyfflfl. It be- ing a beautiful evening t. " r' éhurch was well filled. The Rev. gemkmen present were Mr. McCallum, of Toronto; Mr. Oller. of York Mills; Mr. Sprazge, of Newmarket; and the Reclor,Mr. Mnuon. There win he services in St. John's Church everv Wednesday evening during Lent, to commence at 7.30. Farmers in this iocality are beginning to hire their men and boys for the com- ing summer's work. The low price of produce don’t seem to efi’ect the price of labor, as wages range abum the name as last season. Simun Spenceley. of Oak Ride”, 105' a valuable near last. week; it choked nhflo eating, and died before my bid could be rendered. Mr. Thomas Fluvol and bridemf Lisle, Tunoronto Tp.. were in the Burgh vim.‘ ing parents and acquaintances. Mr. Ferris and wife, and Min Ferril, of Mulmer, spent last. week with thoit cousins. the Mental. and Mines Elliott. of our Burgh. Mr. Ephraim Ind Normnn Beak, of Brandon, Mum, were in the Burgh this week. Mn. 0. Whittney, of Bond’s Lake,pre- sentod her husband with a fine daughtet‘ hut 'I‘ueiduy. 17th. Both are doing well. Mr. J. C. Rutherford, our worthy teacher, is confined to his room under thd influence of a level-e cold. 0. Bottle, of Manchester, Ontario (30., N. Y., writel: “ I obtained immediate relief from the use of Dr. Thomas’ Eo- lectric Oil. 1 have had asthma for eleven years. Have been obliged to lit up all night. for ten or twelve nightl in ouceeuâ€" ion. I can now sleep soundly all night. on a feather bed, which I had not. been uble to do previously to using the Oil." Friday, Feb. 27th, Geo. Harrison, Con. 2, Lot 14. East Yolk. Saturday, Feb. 28“), Jan. Lungalafl, M. D., Palmer House. Richmond Hill. Monday, March 2nd. H.W. Stewart, Con. 3, Lot 15, East. York. Tnesdq, March 3rd. Wm. Chi-tie, Lol, 33, Con. 4, Scarboro'. Wednelday. March 4th, Riobmbnd Hill. Thursday,.\_dorch 5th, Wyn: Cook, Con. 9. 1 Lot 16, Vaughan. Fndny, March 6lh. 'l‘bon. Death, Lot. 11, Gen. 3. West York. Monday, March 9th; Henry Meyer, Lot. X7; Can. 8. Markham. » Tuesdty. March 10m, N. S. 369mm, Con. 2. Lo‘ 15.. Vaughan. Wednesday, March 11th, Eckmrdva Monthly Sale. Unionville. Thursday, March 12th, Henry Wardlaw, Lot 11. Cnn. 5, West York. Friday, March 13th, A. P. Jnoquei, Lot 13. Con. 3. Scarboto’. Suturdny, March 14:». Commerchxl Hotel, Markham Village Monday, March, 16th, Mrs. label)» Cooper; Con. 2. Lo! 23. Eun York. Wednesday, March 18th, Charles F. Angus; con. 5, Lot 0. Vaughan. Friday. March 20th, J. C. B. Johns; (fun: 1, Lot. 3-1, Vaughan. Eckardt's Sale Register. 1885. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY. [Single copies, 3 cts JEFFERSON VELLOPE. No. 35.

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