Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1885, p. 3

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‘e importanca of work in putting a hfirse in condition is not fully apprnciabed; but in can never he done. never has been dons, Without. M my a. valuable animal maimaius a. fine appearance with lime daily BAdECIie,‘ bu: put such a. horse and own torwn, went into the gm ens, He ownei a. poor litabk having no surplus Capisal. tn He had beun'vmnly Hymn; to "fat him up",with food alone, with the intent of selling him. as he had nothing for him to do ; but. he now began to ‘plck up,” and finally, flying about town from 6 n. m , to 11, and sometimes later, pulling a. pretty heavy wagon ‘nll the time, and, upon occasion, taking the family out for a ride in the afternoon and evening, he became plump and handsome and Virtually proof against work and weather. He looked fat, but, speaking roundly, there “wasn’t a Ipoonful of fat about him"; he used his muscles. and so they grew, and being sufiiciently led, his food was all digested and asaimllated, and went to nourish the muscular system so that it could grow. Not work alone, nor food alone; but both together in venerous measure » work, rest, and foodâ€"enough of each, and pure air twenty-four hours in the dayâ€"this is the law and gmpel of horse hygiene. In fact, the same principle holds With re- gard to human beings. “ Work don't kill," says Burdette ; “it is too much recreation, my boy, that does the busin- ess for the most of them.” Overwork is injurious, and may be fatal ; but the chief danger from hard work comes from its being suddenly applied to horse. man, woman, or child, in the absence of can- ditdon. The only offset to abstinence be Vsaid ti ation. I fat, and mark the; as compared with that; is not suppose he has been made very terms used 1 steak or roast hell 1 well mixed." It it mixed muscle that or draws a heavy I‘ the reverse-tong GIN the muscles havmg bet and one that is simply the fat horse (or the fat fat creature) has not; inform before he can be and no sufi’er from this disease. The, very day upon which the balance is da'stroyed beuWeeh diet and exercise (the former exueeding the latter) degeneration begins ; the muscles begin to diminish in size and to grow “soft.” If any one wishes to com- prehend this point, let him examine care- fully and compare a. slice of sirloin from a. fab stall fed ox, and one frum the loin of a. working ox, slaughtered before fab- tening. Every farmer known that. in life the latter can “pull” the hull-fed ox and his load. Mark the clean, red appear It is quite customary to keep up the feed of trotting horses, between seasons, permitting them to become somewhat fat, and then when they are to be fitted for sharp work, this fat is worked ofi'snd out, while muscle is being worked on. and improvsd in quality, by getting rid of the fat, which has been taking the place of the muscular fibre. In other words, the horse is forced to take on disease, by feeding him in excess of his work, and then is cured by restoring the just bal- ance tetween work and feed. This is, in my judgment, very bad policyâ€"proving in the and exhaustive of vital forceâ€" ruins a great many valuable horses, and injures all that are thus treated. Ample rest is no doubt beneficial to horses who are at times put to great strain ; but the sim should be to maintain the balance. They should be fed physiologically. than is, t; shrunken “dual, wt in form be fat. They should be fed physiologically. “Little work, little feed,“ should be the rule; unless, indeed, the horse-owuer feels the necessityâ€"since he is depend- ent, usually (if a. dealer), upon the fat, sleek appearance of his horsesâ€"of keep- ing up the appearance of his animals, whether they get much exercise or nob. But this does not; demand three meals, by any means, since the horse will eat at: two more than he can digest and assimi- late, and may be kept fat; on this system, and with less danger of an outbreak of disease, than if he were more frequently would am 3m BXBI‘CI ndc 01'0118 ODD BIC )1‘ 1n aively r ride 8114 .re he muscle in the one o pribla covering or ad m mark the size of themus‘ or child, in the absence of can- The only offset to abstinence rolse is restriction in diet; but; health can only come from ‘f both. ’ eon vainly my food alone, w m, as he had 11 fed with tha t supposed to en made unfi 15 used to de m1 and given place to other Words, the or be sufiermg from f is not necessary ic THE HORSE. A SOFT HORSE as fullness of 1‘ man 01' {Id in to be sold at aucti ne thing; fat. another. use, pure and simple. lciple 13 recognized very ceâ€"for nobody “backs” fully comprehended by l, I am amazed to find meal dmfl'erence between n “condition,” that is, and round because of makes a record of 2 11, ,)ad with ease, but just h and unmixed with appure amnce such 2 k and chi DUDE 331: ken vto 1t ;s away and the timeâ€" ‘man in my my busm- horse, and globulesof aa‘ure may tty degener- ‘r the indi- to be gross id to sufl'er 13 main 9.0K 0‘ ure of act is, other 150 ( ‘n m firs [)1 u ate Storm Signals. As the coming of a great suorm is her- alded by the duplay of caucxpnary sig- nals, no is the approach of that; dread and fatal disease, Consumption of the Lungs, usually announced in advance by pimples, blo‘0h65swellinge unions ‘ which, if lhngs‘ break Medk tery ar‘d bluudv flux. colic or cramps stomach, uae Dr. Pierce’a Com pound Extract of Smart-Weed. Sfecific, also, for breaking up colds. ' Arabi Pasha is teaching school at Col- ombo, in Ceylon. . The reason why “Myrtle Navy" tobaoc'b' has taken so strong a. hold upon the smok- ing communityris because it in the genuine article. No man he: a desire to 'smoke any- thing else than tobacco. Even opium is not smoked for the pleasure of smoking it but for its soporific effects. The desire for to- bacco is, of course, best satisfied by getting the pure article, and when to this is added the finest quality the sntiafact‘ion is com- plete. These two thing are? combined in the “Myrtle Navy.” 1.; B B. Hotohkiel, of Connecticut, the famous gun inventor, died recently. What: Limping Yet ? Why should. you go [unplug around when PUTNAM 5 Banner; ’YOBN EXTRACT- 011 mll remove your come in a day. It wxll give almost imtant relief end a gun-- enteed cure in the end. Be sure you get the genuine Putnam's Corn Extractor, made by Polson & 00.. Kingston, for the genuine Putnam's Corn Exbmctor, made by Poison & 00., Kingston, for many substitutes are being ofleted, and in 1: i; always better to get the best. Snfr,‘ sure, painless. Henry George declares that be wou‘d as soon believe in cannibaliam as in dyna‘ 1mm. D3108 rac k the less not five Tlie fol1owing is a, 93' wmch appeared in the city nun ‘rwc o. Do you fee horse dealera’of Aui 0t they most in my: n specimens are recorded with their 1 in fuLl in the Percheron Stud Book of 21y mm mca nounced 1n uava erruptions, Ill and kindred on E the internal not promptly ex m the regal while [the pa ambbmjn :ling Fhet Kara,” lat. Tbm'uto. TE cu. DRAFT HORSES. Look Here. lblue and deap d tear away 1 old if; aample bpttles at 10 133.25 centsâ€"by all drug- itfydta'lers ave'ywhere. Try )ld _ Dun: n, cholera 'morbus, dy flux, colic or cu memmm 1t 6 You beef: dibnppointe edy than will afford ce relief. If so, go at CL“ '3 and buy a sample bots vorabm to: ngpéis of afifilepgthy [which the ‘nca. It 3V0! recon web, the distiu lot m 5' havin; imprme m. G} We advise the finest. and best the Lungs, by pimples, . glandular spa .s headed ui pla bowl: '3 Nervil ) at once hl mamfes ad endow . cram ps‘ ternxl 01 ady an Hath m M cur .on's Render, about this -‘ This has heel; done in the pest, and it will be done in the future. Within the last two ybafi the publisher of TRUTH has, among other rewards, given out about $3,000 in cash-25 pianos, 25 organs, 500 gold watch- ‘el‘, tea. Bets, 500 silver watches, besides manyv‘other valuable articles too numerous bd’enumerate here. built up. A good guarantee for the future How liep in the fact; that he ramzot now afford toflo otherwige than honorably carry out his pro'mism, as to fail at all would' forfeit the re‘sult of the efforts of nearly a. whole busi- ness life time. smce cc offers, ( mise‘ to every I tised. The result is that full confidence has new been established in the lmnorableness of the scheme, and the reliability of the publisher. TIE!!! now circulates in every Province in the Dominion of Canada. and in nearly every. State of the Ameriéan Union, esiées having a large circulation across the Atlimtic. Amgng former comps citizens of the country- mififs’t‘ers, public oflice ladies of every station, all glases.-.., Large list 1‘11 fd‘hper competitions are still appearing e8. Any of those names nr reghrd t‘ lmsiness has aJwa and £1111 money In in: order publiéhe as his jow staked his all in its 51 to the fact that the a 611i fairly and 11011012 partiality to any one. Nppther publisher in world, has ever paid proaching Athia in the The following Bible Questions are pounded: MARRIAGE in the Bible. 2. Give first reference to the word DIVORCE in the Bible. Corrqct (mama's to these questions must be 3am in not later than/Int day ofJuly. 1885, (inclux‘ivc) accompanied by one dollar for four monthsi subscription to TRUTH. ' THE REWARDS. In order to give every one, living anywhere, 1‘ fair chauceto‘ obtain one of these rewards, they have been distributed equally over the whole time of the competition, in four sets as follows: “ TRUTH” PREVAILS ! FIRSTSERIEs.â€"AII correct answers from one to six hundred. SECOND SEgrEs.â€"Correct answers from six huu’dred to the middle answer. THIRD SEBIEs.â€"From middle answer of the whole lot. ' ~ FOURTH SERI'WV â€"Consolation awards [:he last tho hundred received. WHAT Is now OFFERED. The first reward in each of above series 'win he'sloofi: The second- a The fourth reward in each series will be a. fine. ten-stop cabinet organ, (worth about $250.) ' ‘ For 511 othér correct answer: in first serigs n beautifully bound volume of V For-8.11 «Series a. turo. In every meta ceived it is at on came in, bOuked the correct ans and rewards are or to where the) deviation from t ed of this. T President must with the school DD For another correct Fourth Series a. volume about ‘200 pages each. HOW AWARDS Don’t lose a day questions and send your chance is eqx tween now and 15:. ‘ yqur Shake apear 3113a pqgts I'} BEBLE CliMPETETMN. The nuir :ars‘ man )SC others have ever so hit Mid TH full name iive ‘I‘ize ent dely r competm appearing those name 0 what has * to carry it out 5 r is not dissatisfied umal has been sple his own business as been w ‘Sll‘ th the :olid gold w best makers. other benut ‘ormer competitors M {v one 11 be 1 THE BIBLE QUESTIONS. first reference to the Word in the Bible. first reference to the word institu nd the HOW TO H11 and cor correct answers in Secom ful German oleograpfi pic [I'll we when :e numbel and filed, ‘ld. ‘ mural in each series will be correct answarl in first .lly bound volume of plete works, or one of the .l in each series will be a watch, positively from â€"Consolation awards hundred received. now OFFERED. in each of above series 11a. All rime Mi 5 his ch‘ A, an .oId-cstablished journal, and he has :cess, he is fully alive heme must be carried bly without favor or lled, and at are carefully n. no matter answers in Third and of fiction, averaging SEND ARE MADE. ‘en an answer is re- bered in the order it 3d. 8.1M] at the close ne to;tiu ‘rry out-e , pro 1191 p( America, if in the out anything ap- same manner, and extenaively adver- arid promptly-g his pg‘jlicatiqx} r5 are the leading 9 most respected orofessional men, 1 people of nearly those successful ‘ve appeared and week in'TRU'rH. be referred to in with the result, .dillly estabriah- reputation Well ‘ for the future annot now affora lym \ th 'elv anyt in e the his to whom itively no ivin hem}, :t‘ the WU: Pace 230' Prod| offer to Voltaic E Fannie. bsru Manned. 120 Pi M. W . DUNIâ€"IAM HAS IMPORT rcc’m-uea {u m“ STUD BOOKS or E\VER IMPORTED TO I amm STOCh Young Men Lâ€"Eeaa This. The Voltaic Bolt 00., o! Manna.“ aflzobed wfi litv. 3nd al 'crchel'on Hons heur PER GENT 9E we; wlnh 150 3c 3. n‘ d aned‘, lam Dl'l‘ll‘fs BE‘\RD Wayne. Du Fag ta. H. MORTON p xmpl’ R. 'W. PRiTTIE RES 0! MM Profiettiezi E1611qu Estate Age M‘ nc FLfiTfi hiu D FROM FRANCE 'r WASTE of Steamship: 'ifiABmNG LANE-SR rte”. M WTARHI FILES LEAD. on! ~T‘I‘ EEWING ed at $3,000,000. u l des ’MI. HORSES mm) Ian ELIXIIE 'eeks, Prit flTv mm Mme 3m 100 COLTS BEES W115" . Price per pack Noble Dame Sb. llinois mill mm Mme: to no: FRANCE. MERICA. 250 men sm) 0N BAND 1 50 iaé! filler 1 {20m 4 : r- hgzgy 113:1 Marni mm ch ‘ April )n‘ tton [0!u Mich Am WILL flood mu NOTARY SEALS, ac. AGENTS WANTED. KENYON, TINGLEY & STEWART MFG. CO“ 72 KING ST. WEST. North Dakota. Particu'a's free. 11. F. McPIALLY, Gen. Trav. Agent. St. Paul, Min. £1! Manitoba Railway, (filentian this Paper.) TORfiVTO. ONT Send stamp for samples of sewing and. an! elegant deactigtive photographs of m m hine before uying from Agents. New Attachments, New Furniture. Few Stand. BON'IS :â€"From now until March Slat. 1.835 we will give to any person sending us $36.” cash in advance for one of our mnchlnes. a handsome combmacinn table and bracket lamp com lece. 'l‘uese lamps are somathmg new, and t a maker Wants them introduced. If you or any of your friends wannannoilo don’t deny. but send to Gu-Uparattva Sewmg Machine 90.. GflUTEflN! acre down ; also Nine Million acres. Free Within short distance of track. Only 000. rag- OY- ermueut tn the I‘urtle Mountain and Devil's Lake Distrlcts. Our new machine is now ready. and. is& and as any sold by Agents at $65. I SEE TESTIHONIAI. LOWERVILLE. Dec. 17th. 134. Machine arriVeri all rigm, and it is! certainly 'cll warm the money you ask tor xt. with in resent improvements. I prefer it no It. singer,” “thzer' or any other make at S. sch. Yours truly, AARON Burma. | METAL‘MU! INKERS & \IOTARY SEALS, ac Machine arrived all worth the mo} resent improvem Singer," “Wnnzer EWIER’G MAGHINE Especially Those Living on Rented Farms 52.181119; it Bomb. Hamilton, Ont. lslan’deBme NM MACHINES SENT 0N TRIAL. Red River Valley, 'N EW 70076P’E'Râ€"Aâ€"TWE PAUL, MINNE mm A “‘EAWE PRICE $25 CASH. nd the postal cards, with addresses, so innal mam and particulars of the specml ofcr mi 16 by the In Bronze Letters. Each Plug of the for their Ian :s MARKED JHWHGC Send for Address arms U Ml ‘1 box. A doll" box can» IMPORTED P a R c a more Hoxsxs. . AW’ARE {POLIS & MAI is In the .u. Calm“. Ia 3| mm. '10 .hthe nun-l GEHUWE Stock FarmT 62035:: 131.2, mi MAW I UH} AGE a mob ked \V c Correspon. catalogue. Lori llard‘l Lori Hard! _nuflb. m nd which Fannie, milk uni time. In! marina" selcclei of sires rf estab- lion and. n t b. I: :_have a Plug i brood

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