Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1885, p. 4

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will be awkward especially as Onr t‘ario’s patriotic Conservative repre- sentatives have over and over deâ€" claied by their votes that this Prov- ince is a cow which may be milked ml Iiln'zum, but which requires abso- lutely no provenuer. All the other provinces have shared in these ‘bet- ter terms,‘ some of them more than once, and not so much because they were entitled to further assistance as because their votes were required to keep the Chieftain in power. On- A cry of alarm and anger now re- sounds from every Conservative journal in the Dominion. Threats and tears are alike indulged in. And what is the cause of this passionate outburst of rage and sorrow? The Mowat Administration has express- ed its firm resolve to app}; to Ottawa for better terms for Ontario. And now, of all times, exclaim this pud- ding- loving press! Here is Sir john at his wit's end tor money, the float- ing debt of the country is $13,000,- 000; the C. P. R. Syndicate is threatening wide-spread ruin and desolation unless another tremend- ous loan or gift is made to it; the French Bleus are not satisfied with the 459,000,000 which. revolver in hand, they forced last term from a sore-pressed Government ; New Brunswick is howlingr tor more pap ; Manitoba has just got Some. and now Mowat declares that On- tario must have her mm, the first since Confederation. It certainlv For the present, we abstain from pomting out any definite course of action. The matter is a most weigh- ty one; it requires deep considera- tioni The object to be gained be- ing of the firs: importance to all, narrow prejudice and crabbed bick- ering, false economy and lavish ex- travagance must be laid aside. We theretore Deg to give notice that our columns will be open to all who have any suggestions to make. But at the same time we explicitly de- clare :hat where the aim of a writer is personal and not public, the desti- nation ol his communication 15 the waste paper-basket. BETTER TERMS FUR ONTARIO There is a feeling generally preva- lent among our villagers that the time is at hand for taking a decided stand on the question of suitable school accommodation. Opinion is unanimous that at least the old di- lapidated wooden structures in which so many ot the youngest children are torced to sit, come fair come foul, have served and more than served their day, and must now give way to buildings the occupation of which will endanger neither health nor happiness. We have no desire to indulge in lamentations over what has been done in the. remote past; we see nought but folly in dwelling on what might have been. But we are anxious trom the duty we owe the public to leave no stone unturn- ed to rouse its attention to the most ; pressing necessity 01 a new School House. No matter how able teach- ers may be. no matter how consider-’ ate parents may be, all their efforts to secure children that great indis- pensable, a good education, wull tall tar short ot the mark while the in- conveniences and positive dangers to children are So great in some of our present school rooms. To in. sure that supreme blessing,a healthy mind in a healthy body, it is plain that neither mind nor body will brook neglect. We commend to the careful at- tention of our villagers the letter of ‘X. Y. Z.‘ which will be found in another column. It: will be seen that our cox respondent is just as ardent a supporter of the Park busi- ness as the most enthusiastic could wish. He suggests, however, cer- tain grave doubts as to the leaSIbility of going on with ourpresent purpose. He adduCes no small array of tacts to substantiate those doubts. This must have full investigation, and it on enquiry and examination, the alleged state of things be proved,we shall do well to pause before expend- ing more money on the selected lo- cation. Even ifa mistake has been made, and to assume so without fresh information would bealtogether rash, it is not yet, as ‘X. Y. Z.‘ pertinently puts it, too late to mend matters. RicaMofiforLL. Thjrhday, Feb. 28, ’85 @1112 Eggi’ucral. For Saleâ€"Wm. Atkinson NE W SCHOOL BUILDINGS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE VILLAGE PARK. TO GIVE LESSONS MUSIC Feb.11th, ‘85. MISS FLORA. UIJU ’l‘ R IS PREPARED Mr. George Talon. Druggist, Grm'en- h um, ()nt. , miles: “My cuatmners whu have used Nurthrup J: Lymnn’s Veg,- etahle Discovery and Dyspeptlc Cure say that. it has done them more good than anything they have ewr used.” It has indeed a wnnderful influenca in purifying the blond and curing diseases of the di- gestive, organ, the liver, kidneys and all disurders of the system. We cannot, however, pass so lightly over the Sun's wicked assert- ion that because Mr. james is a member of a Christian Church, and a teacher in its Sunday School, he is theretore,an arrant hvpocrite. How dare the Sun plunge with the hoofs of a buffalo into a precinct held sacred by all who are not ofthe type malignant ? In this disgraceful at- tack. the very children are invited to participate. Common decencv revolts at such small~minded,malev- olent tactiCs. To such a combina- tion of the venom ofthe serpent and the folly ofthe goose we trust that the public will again not soon be treated. But while we are convinc- ed that good and not harm must en- sue to Mr. James from the Sun's vindictive impotence, not the less is every honest man bound to repudi- ate a mode of warfare in which fran- tic rage and utter disregard of all christian propriety go hand in hand. M USIC LESSONS! for asking a reduction of $10,000 in an overestimate of $500,000, and in exalting into the Sklcs another man for demanding a reduction of $25,- 000. Asfor the without-a-blot print- ing job of which G. Chauncey was the hero. the Sun would stand much higher in public estimation it it permitted its praises tobe chanted by a disxnterested party. Well we are in a position to state that Mr. Bruce does not feel at ail complimented on the use to which his name is put. How could he ? It does not require a man of the great sagacity of Mr. Bruce to see how absurd it is to scout one man But if the Sun is weak llI powers of utterance. it is pOSsessed of a happily uncommon share of those nasty commodities, impudence and vile insinuation. Nor in the exer- c15e of these, does it show one touch ofcourage. To disparage Mr. james, it eulogizes Mr. Bruce, and what is very funny, [0 blacken Mr. james, it loudly proclaims the immaculate purity of Mr. G. Chauncey. The chiettain it would seem, is not the only one whose hands A’r‘edccan, or the only one who alone is cognizant of his virtues. Inform, the article in question is, to s yltheleast.queer. One sentence. ‘ altl ugh it contains fourteen lines. lacks all conclusion except the period which ends it. Another sen- tence of thirteen lines contains a ludicrous bull. ‘ Our paper,’ say the acute editor,’revealed to the pub- lic certain lacts, but it never receiv- ed the paper on account of a snow- storm.‘ ()f the atrociously bad Eng- lish, ot the slang. of the confusxon ofideas, which stamp this prectous production. we shall say nothing. Still we cannot refrain from wonder- ing what the Toronto Mail which once tOOK a fit because the Globe spelt Macaulay with an ‘ e' would say it it should learn that the Sun spells hypocrisy with an ‘ ac.’ (hy- pocracy). We extend our congratulations to D. James, Esq., Reeve of Markham. He was honored last Week with a vicious attack in the columns or :he Markham Sun. Now praise from that quarter would certainly be dangerous, but censure demon- strates beyond cavil the possession of superior qualities. MARKHAM SUN AAD Elf/EVE ()F MARKHAM. In spite of these tears, Mowat will put forward uur claims. and that it is he who makes them is a guarantee in itselfthat they are just. \Ve ask our readers to watch with closest scrutiny the attitude which Ontario members will take when the question is laid before the Ottawa Cabinet. tario alone has been systematically slighted. It is true that she con- tributes three-fifths of the Dominion revenue. but in return at the hands of her Tory sons she has not only not received anything, but again and again she has been assaulted in her dearest rights. But Sir john well understands the temper of the solid phalanx of supporters he gets from our ungrateful, unthinking vot- ers. He has no fear of rearing or plunging from the Plug that never kicks. No whip is here necessary to repress an honest love of fair play. Submission is theduty of the servile. Furniture at " ronto Prices, Delivered in Good Order. PICTURE F] a MES of all SIZES 8c MADE Lo OE DER HARDYC PAINTS AND OILS OF ALL KINDS GLASSWAB CROCKERY AND OTHER GOODS FLOUR & (a‘rROCli RIDES. ot't‘ho best, (Quality A LARGE STUCK ()F THE} EOPLE’S STORE Every Department complete with New Goods at the Lowest Prices. Blankets, Flannels, and other VVoollens at Wholesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Groâ€" ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c.. at Lowest Rates. FALL 86 WINTER SUPPLIES. THE FIRE PROOF, Prepare for Winter ! Keeps on handa largesupply of Coffins, Cas- kets. and all kinds of IFITNER¢114 I?ITRNISHIN(~}S. A First-Class Hearse fur- nished at reasonable terms. UNDERTAKERS, YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL, A. WRIGHT & SON, W. ATKINSGN. jOUR XMAS GROCERY AND CROCKERY STUCK Is unequalled in Richmond Hill & prices the lowest in town Bought at low for cash, and suitable for Xmas Presents. TIES. HANDKERCHIEFS, CULLAHS, FANCY WOOL GOODS], CHENILLE GUUDS, DRY GOODS. MILLINERY. MANTLES AND HOLIDAY GOGDS MOST COMPLETE I CONCRETE HOUSE! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ! FREE I CANNED GOODS Our stock is spledidly assorted with all the Novelties, and as we crry the Assortment in the County of York, :1” our friends may rely on getting a fine range of To choose from at prices never offered in this County before. Highc. : Price paid for Butter and ngs. D At L \Ve have opened out beautiful lots of AND PURCHASING YOUR STAPLE 86 FANCY :west Price. Call and Examine the ( SED CON STANTLY Vhich will be sold at. bottom prices it the lowest price. A large Stock nf Has on hand a large stock nf .A.- WRIGHT 82: SON- BY GOING TO ISAAC CROSBY. AT TH SAVAGE‘ HAND,

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