on the following more knowledge a than by reading. Mive. anfl Bro. Gr I'Ielmlmv ir At ‘the lodge nesday evening Credit Sale. The undersigned baa received instructions from Mr. Wm. Cook. to sell by public auction on lot 1‘6. 2nd Con. Vaughan,on Thursday, March 5th, his {mm stock, imulnments, &c. Sale without reserve as the proprietor has 'rï¬ntexl {his fart-m. Srde to commence at 12 o‘c'lhck shMp. Lunch plovided. Sdem EckardL Auctioneer. )1 ECLIOLI 1191.1 on fair att' H)“ Mission I Fine heavy check Cotton Shirtmg at lhe Concrete: for 10¢. per yd. New Checked and Striped bhxrt ï¬ngs and (JohonadesJower than av: :19: The Cheap Cash House. 36 inch Twill Cotton at the Conâ€" crete {or 106. per vard. Mr. Jon. Hall. of the Ontario House, while dmving down Yonge St. on Tuesday. noticed arr-ll of bills lying in the middle of the road just opposite Tm: LIBERAL ofï¬ce, and on epeniug it found it contained 330. Luck ily far the owner. who tunwd up in the afternoon, the money fell into good hands. JIOCBI'IES Credit Sale. The form stock. implements. m, of Mr. N. S. Reamnu, rear of lot. 15, 2nd Con. Vaughan, will be sold by public auction on Tuesday, March mm. 1885. Sale without FBSFZ‘K‘B. Sale at 12! o‘clock, luuch provided. Sud-em Eckardt, Auctioneer. ML Wm. ltkinsonpf the Concrete House. has foxr $11: a ï¬rstvclass Cabinet Organ. with all the maï¬a-m improvemenbs, which be is prepared to sell at a karguiu. See Ad. Boys." Tweed and Jersey Sults in all sizes, and mt variety of pat- terns at The Cheap Cash House. The Richmond Hill Village Council will meet ï¬n the Conucï¬ Chamber on Monday eve-mug, next, March 2nd. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! in Dry Goods and Groceries at the Concrete. Emmumn Hum, Thursd w. Feb. 20. ‘85 Until further notice Mails will be closed Ill: the Richmond Hill Post ("The 3.5 follows:â€" JIOBXING :â€"(;m‘nr.' Norm. mull), East and West. including Thomhill, Maple, Tomum, Mnrkhmn,&c. 7.45 Ensxnrmâ€"Goinu southEust and West (as above) 6.15 N. B,â€"~Reflisterpd Letters must he handed in at least ï¬fteen Mimst earlier than the nbuve mentioned hamster closing. Homily Sula. 'Eckardl‘s Monthly Sal-e will take plum at the Palmer House, on \\’eduesd:w next, March 11th. Try the 25:. Tea at the Concrete. It suits every time. anvnu’hï¬n. \ "mm King ......... nwnmwn qu Thornhill . . \Vestnn .. . Davenport J’nrkrlnln... , Connects with all trains. leaning the Palmer House. Rir‘hmnnj Hill. In; fulans : Mail & Ex 3\~ess.Nm-m & South. 8.00 n. m. Annnnmm Minn “ " 11.45 “ lhpress. North . ........... .515 p. m. llail, Southâ€. 6.30 " Elle ‘Eï¬ihrral. King Aurnm Newmu‘m.‘ TOR “NTO‘ PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. (Yitv Haul Union Smtinn Brook Street Queen's Wharf “arkdnlu ..... _ Dlweuport. 011 SB. Missionary Meeting. TIM Annual Ml~"‘.inm\rv Mnetina in con- cuou with ma P 'eshyterinn Church was Id on Tuesday rv 'ni-vg. ThI-ra was a very y- qttnmdnnï¬‚ï¬ J npmpnme spepches warp ixvy-red 'h'y m0". ‘3 Amos. of Aurora. Rrv. a wink, am?! Fiw J. W Unmnron. At the HI U can Queen‘h Wharf Brook Street ‘. L'an SLaMnn. City Hall . POST OFFICE NOTICE I; ()C it 11S. Cabinet Organ for Sale. Vfllagc CounciL R. TIME TABLE. GOING GOIN G h OR'TH Mail. A 7.45 Found . ‘e was a lively discussion abjectâ€"Resolved that he gained by truvplliug ro. Rutherford. nfï¬rm- nan. Negmive. Decision Pantive. The sympathy 11de to Bro. 8: Sister mm snd bereavement. IE [0.00 1007 1015 .8117 8.1:1 s20 8,40 8.49 ‘10-; 1.0 G.T 6 best value oncrete. ' M. TEBFY. Posh" aster VL Unmnron. At the «hes, collectnra Wore tne congregation for SOUTH Arm-m 12.00 Ar-ruvn. 11.40 1 08 1W x )2 50 8.00 n. m 11.45 “ .5 15 p. m 6.30 " Mali] 5 3? m 8:3 :Wa are glad to see that Miss Cruickahnnk Ins revnwered fmm her recent. illnPss. mud La: resumed her du ins at. the Public School. Mrs. Starr, wifn of Rev Berkley St. Methodist Cb .‘l shun. visil. "mung her [A Hill during the week. ndis Miss Davies, of Toronto' is visiting at ELuwood Faun. “ Prehistoric America." The lecturer coul- menced his remarks by givnig a itescripticn of the early discoveries of America, paying rpeclal attention to Canada. He said this ; Continent was wrongly named, as it took its appellation from Americas Vespucius. but which properly belong-3d to Christopher Columbus. He touched upon the Indian tribes of North Americnï¬vhom he considered, in the eurlv times were strictly honvst. but who gradually grew dishonest and treacher- ous on account of the deceit played uponthein by the white people. [is strongly condemn- ed the white people for introducing to the Indians strong drink, which was the chief cause of their misery and degradation. He also referred to the war-like propensities ot the difl ent tribes, who were continually at war :itkeach other. till the Iroquois ex- terminated The“: less powarful relations. The only remains of the Huron lndians,who formerly inhabited what is now known as Simcoe County.are to be found in the village of Lurette, a few miles from the city of Quebec. The minute description of places and the specimens which he possessed. show- ed that the lecturer had travelled and paid considerable attention to the subject. He spoke of the ossunry which had been dis- covered in Markham Township a few years “matter which be mentioned the Pl main of the mound builders. He also described the re- mains of Central & South Americu,and show- ed articles to prove that centuries ago,a direct communication must have been carried on between the inhabitants 0! North and South America. The lecturer is paid by the Me- chunics‘ Institute Association of Ontario, and although he gave much useful informa- tion on Friday evening, his mode of utter- once. his illustrations and his appearance generally, are not we“ as would entitle him to be rated amoung ï¬rst-class speakers. A collection was taken up at the close which amounted to $4.08. Scientiï¬c Lecture. Last Friday evening, Mr. U. A. Hirsch- fcldu, of Toronto, gave a scientiï¬c lecture in the Masonic Hail. under the auspices of the Mechanics‘ Institute, his subject being 0n Ministeh‘ Salaries. . . . . . . . . . Special cullectiom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel, light, caretukiug, ézc.. . . . . Insnnmce .. . . . . . . . . . Interval on Louns.............. Ochbt........ . . . . . . . Balance on huud to next account. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enmiued and found correct. Pt w rents . . . . . . . . . . . Concerts and Lecture Llldil‘ï¬' Aid . . . . . . . . Ou Subscriptions . . . . Lust Snturxlny evening at about half Dani. ï¬ve n‘cluck. u Loam (.f horses, belonging to Mr. N Stevvnnou. and having behind it a large land of ice, gum its driver the slip at Hm mum part. 0! the vllluge, and mu up Yonge street at. full speed. 011 reaching Centre street, an oniooker endeavored to htop t'iem. but in doing so, turned them in- to H19 ditch,\viu-re one of them fell, and dvew its mute \virh iL Much difï¬culty was experienced in freeing the animals from their intricute pnsilinn. On being exu-icnted.bow~ o-Ver, it was found they were not at all in- jurvn, but the harness was badly brokenmid u couple of trees smashed opposite the Meth- odist. ()1 Inch. This 1.4 another accident cullsed by hard drinkâ€"a whole lead. New Tweeds, new Prints, new Cottonades, at the Concrete. the best value ever seen in Richmond Hill. Abstract. of Receipls nnd Expenditure of Richmond H1†Methodist. Church (or the year ending Feb. 7th, 1885: RECEIPTS. Balance from last nudit Weekly contributions . . We are sorrv nil VDr-puty Hm ‘ his b‘edï¬xwin mid fever. Presbyterian ConferenCe. A Presbyterian Conference on Sabbath School, slate of Religion and Temperance. «Ill be held in the I‘rewbvterian Church, Richmond “IN, on Mondnlenrcu 2nd.1885. commencing at lml'â€"pnst two in the after- noon. There will he two sessions. afternoon and evening. The {allowing Rev. gentlemen wrll lulu. pun in the MM; :â€"R. 1). Fraser. M. A" Clnnrle: G. M. Millikan, M.A , Toron- to; li. P. McKay. M. A... Pnrkdale; Jno. Smith mu] 1). J. Macdnnnell. B.D., Toronto. The public are cordmlly invited. At the Concrete House vou can get the best value in Grey Cotton cver offered on Yonge Street. Rev. W. P. Booth will preach in the Math list Church on Suuduy evening. Subjectâ€" A house, :1 door, a. visitor, nu occupant." e instruction to pupils in Euglisbrbranches VI'ISS CAMERON is prepared to lghool to open 0.11 IMondnyzv March 2nd GEouâ€"At Hcilan, County of Wellington. on Sta-fulï¬ll). Feb, let. Rachel Love, (formerly of Kiugmelnved wife 0! Mr. Haney Saigem‘, aged 48 years. FFrâ€"Of Typhoid fever. in Richmond ‘ “Mumuv, Feb. 2m, Annie Higgiusun Wilson Netf. aged 21} years. rivate 14(PHS()IIS. Methodist Church Smtement. Total . Feb. 19th, ‘85. DEATHS hodth Cburr-h, 'l‘ornmn, imid any her fliendt in Richmond week. to hem that. Mr. D. Henmnn. IV!‘ «I Vuuglmn, is conï¬ned g m a. severe Ntack uf Ty- \V. J. WILSON, JNO. DUNCAN. Runaway inrRighmond Hill, on }- Auditors. Starr. of . $117 62 . 1224 04 . 420 64 111 55 . 279 ()5 . 470 74 $2,623 64 32 .623 wife of 8779 5‘2 139 61 556 46 40 00 285 00 800 00 23 15 Rich Mantle Velvets, Rich Dress Velvets, Rich Mantle Flushes, Richl’ress Hashes. Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silks, Rich Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods. We beg to call special attention to our display of MILLINERY, which is very Choice am Attractive, and worthy of the attention of the most fastidious. Inspection Invited. ULSTERS, DOLMANS, COATS and CAPES PETLEV In order to reduce stock everything will be sold at Slaughtering Prices. So roll in the money, & you may have the goods at almost your own prices. Terms,Ca.sh, Plain Figures, and no Credit. “J. M. HAMLTON, 184 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, TbRONTC Grand Display of Winter? Goods MAN TLES, $7.00 for $5.00, $8.50 HATS or BONNETS, .00 for FUR CAPES, 3 2.15 for [.50, 3.0c DRESS GOODS, 15c for IOC, 3c VELVETEENS. A call solicited. Goods delivered Free. In great stock. We will guarantee a good ï¬t, and at. prices which cannot be beaten in the Dominion. HALLS’ NOTORIOUS STORE. Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Lemon Peels, Spices, 1401110115}, Oranges“ and Candies. Suitable for Christmas tiine, and all kinds of PROVISIONS, FLUURR FEED, HARDWARE, CRUCRERY, GLASSWARE &c., of the very best quality. NEW CHEï¬E GOODS r J. M. HAMILTQN’S. HERE’S WHERE YOU GET IT? Ladles' Tweed ULSTERS from $1.50 to $13.50. , Ladies’ Cloth DOLMANS from $2.50 to $45.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. BOOTS SHOES I There is War declared against High Prices at 128 TO 132 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. During our Great Winter Sale we are offering astonishing value in our Mantle Department 2.15 for 1.50, 3.00 for 2.00, 4.50 {013400, 5.00 for 38c for 30c, 50c for 40c. 63c for 50c, 75c fdr 60c, $1.00 for See THE PLACE FOR 15c for 10c, 30c for 15c. 25c for 20c, 200 for 22c, 35c for 25¢ 3.00 for 2.00, 4.00 {or-3.00, 5.00 for 3.50, 6.00 for 4.00. for 6.50, $10.50 for $8.00, $15.00 for $11.00 PETLEY, JOSEPH HALL. 3-75-