By-Law No. 485 opening and enablish- 1;ing a road on {,he north half of lo‘ 20 in r the 7th Con. The Council then adjourned till Tues- ~ day, the 10th day of March next. The Council resolved itself into a com- .mittee of the whole ta audit 'he Town- ,ahip accounts of 1884. The committae tone. and reported accounts corrBCt. Several of our young oeuple. and some of the older heads, occasiomlly take 3 {trip to the Aurora Roller Skating Rink for recreation. They should feel quite at home, no the manager is a farmer resident. of this village. It in reported that two -of our village sportl are to give an ex- Ihibition on the Rollerl at an enrly date if vthe Rink can be procured. Minutes of last meeting were read and adgpted; Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Resman, that whereas D Fathering- ham, Esq., P. S. I. for North York, in making the apportionment. of the Munic-ipal Grant to schools for the year 1885 flat the Township of Vaughan, wrongly apportioned to the village of \Voodbridxe out of said Grant the sum of $122; there; fore the Council 0! the Municipality , of the Township of Vaughan requeats that he will take immediate means whereby said amount will be refunded to the Township, and the Clerk is hereby in- structed to forward a copy of this reso- lution to Mv. Fotheringham.â€"â€"Cerried. The following By-Laws Were pas-ed:â€" By-Law No. 480 apportioning the in- terest accrued from the Municipal Loan Fund to the various School Sections and Union School Sections. Mrs. J). Morrison. Farnham Centre, P. Q., writing about Dr. Thumas' Eclec- tric Uil, says: " Geurge Bull used It. on. his son, and it cured hum of rheumatism Vith only a few applications. The bal- ance of the bottle was used by an old gentleman fur anthma, with the best re- sults. It. acts like a charm. The above Council met at Unionville, on Saturday, February 24th, 1885. The members were all present, the Rueve in the chair. {By-Law No. 484 closing. up and dim vpourng of road allowance between lots 20 .und ‘21 on the 7th Con. The Prenbyterian Church of thin place lkwiunt nt present. We understand the \vacancy is likely to be ï¬lled oy Rev. Peter lFlemming. The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following accounts:â€" Gravel to Mrs. Storey, ............. $25 10 do. to H. Leach.. . 23 80 do. to S. Reeanr, and otherl. . . 9 30 To Mr. Lynen for work on Div. No. 5, ‘l‘ho Iupnriority of Mother Gruea’ Worn Exterminator 15 shown by its good tefl'ectl‘on the childlen. By-Law No. 482 closing and disposing of road allowance 33ft. Wlde between lots 31 and 32, in the village of Kleiuburg. By-Law No. 483 opening and establish- ing road on southerly part of town lot 31 via the village of Kleinburq. From Uur Own Correspondent. Since last writing,timea have been very quiet in Lukny and vicinity, but unco St. Valentine's Day, thinua have livencd up condderablv, especially mnong our bulineu men. It. was feared for n time thtt the pressure wu too strong For a couple of them, but remit: follow. ed than were anticipated. und the village in again an rent. By-Law N0. 481 apportioning the in- rtereat accrued from the Clergy Reserve Fund. 0h motioï¬. 150 copies of Treuurer’l “count: were ordered t9 bersnprintgd.‘ A Corn: can-o intolerable pain. Hullo- WIy’l Corn Cure removel the trnubie. CHEMISTS & unuomsrs. 157, King St. East, Toronto, Spwinl attention given to the proper propu- alions of Familv gnd 'etaerinaty receipts. Moved by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Mnlloy, that the Cleak and Treasurer be and is hereby authorixed to retain uut of the fundn of the township the sum of $6.00, for drawing deeds, &c., fur Farr, for deviation of road â€"Ca.rried. MILLEH'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. CHINESE GARDEN PCWJER. &c. A special meeting of the ‘Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan was held in the Clerk’u Utï¬ua, Richmond Hill, on Friday, the 14th day of Feb., at. 10 a. Moved by Mr. Mallov, seconded by Mr. Ellio‘t, that the Treasurer be and I! hereby authorized tn pay 'I. F. McMahon the sum of $4.00 for foolacap Duper. $2 .00 for printing 100 bills, and $1.76 for print- ing 100 nomination bills, in all $7.75.â€" Carried. prgqent . “IE-ESTABLISHED 484" HughMILLER &du., The Council adjourned tilYApril 11th. “The Reeve in tho chair. Member: all MARKHAMWCOUNCIL. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. July 3111,1144! â€"â€"-Pnornm'ron Orâ€" LASKAY. tWitdess) E. Smmm. I’BESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL ram DIRECTORS We. the undersigned. have entered into pn rtuer- ship under the name and style of '7 V ' J. H. Samuelson, W. A. Sander-nu. N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the late ï¬rm of H. Sanderson & Sons are hereby notiï¬ed that all accounts due must. be settled on or before the 1st day of March, 1885, Mner which date they will ,be nlwed in our collector's bands for collection. (Signed) ,_ , 7 The undersigned will have a good stock of the above at McGee's Switch Mill. on 4th Con. Vaughan, and will sell same at bottom prices as lollows : Gunman per M.; Sheeting :1 Lining Lumher, $5 to 36; Common 6; Bill Slufl, from $9 tn $10; Hemlock Lumber, 98; Shingles. $1.90. “at E. C. Wnsr‘l NERVE AND BRAIN Tunn- MENT, a guaranteed sneciflc fnr Hysteria, Dizzi- nebs, Convulaions. Fits, Nervous Neurnlgia. Hendmbe‘ Nervous Proatmtion caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakelulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenuess. Loss of Power in either sex.Invoiuntmy Losses and Spormnt- orrhaaa. caused by over-exertion of the bruin,self- abuse or over-int ulgence. Each box remains one month's treatment. SLOO a box, or sixbn-xus {or $5.00,:ent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. To cure any case. With each order received by us {or six bottles, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the Durchuer our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not eï¬ectn cure. Guamnteesissued only by JOHN C. Wls'x‘ & 00.. 81 and 88 King St. East. Toronm. Ontario. Gunml Bank of Canada. K. Chisholm. I. P. P., H. P. Dwight D. It. Bho- donnld, C. B. Robinson. A. Mel-on Howard, and J. Giuty. Has dissolved this 13th day ofJanun. ,by mutual enlistingâ€"tho senior member of the rm retiring Ind that And will continue on the old business carried on by the late ï¬rm of H. Sanaerson & Sons. (Signed) _ Richmond. Hill, Jan. 14th, 1885‘ Deposits received snd Interesnllowod maroon at Gun-em Baton No notice of withdrawal required. Druna on all parts of Canada. United States snd Grout Britain, bought, and MM. H. SANDERSON 85 SMIS, In empowmed to discharge and settle all debts to and by the stud partnership. (Signed) LATH & SHINGLES I C. P. LENNOX DE NTIST, arcade Buildings. Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Absolutely no pain experienced and hatm~ less in all men. 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, I use no cheap material and warrant aâ€)! 991:... DI ()TICE is hereby given mat the partnership carried on for some time fast by the under- “and, under the ï¬rm name 0 ngggsaw ï¬lms. . Gald Filling, and all other operatinns skilfully performed, (it: modzr‘pfe M’s. Notice oi Dissolution Health is Wealth Has the exclusive right for the nu o! Hurd’a New Method of extracting teeth Without pain, by meam of Cull :ul-d see m9. ' No tumble to an- swer questions. IL ...L "m. ‘.. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Partnership Notice. . H & W. A. SANDERSUN SAVINGS DIPABTHINT, IVITALIZEDAIB. 30-“ We Guarantee Six Boxes BEST SETS IJITDIBEll. JAMES ll. LAWRIICI. FOR SALE. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. HY. MARSH, King P. O. H. Smmmsos, J. H. SANDRRSON, w. A. Smnxnmx Mav 15th. 1884 Snumnsox “no: ll Ilfl'cl‘. - $8.00 $10.00 RICHMOND HILL Thundav February.‘ oats, per bushel .au as; Pens, do. . . V . . . ‘ o 8': Dressed hammer 100 . 5 75 Beef. fore quarter ..... A. 5 no Beef. hind quarter H .. 7 50 Chickens. per pair ‘ .. o 40 Ducks. do. .. 0 55 68686.801311 ...... .. o 50 Turkevs.perlb .. .. 0 9 Butt/er. round r0111. .. 0 18 Butter, urge rolls .. 0 17 E395. fresh. per dozen .. 0 2D Potatoes, per bag, H 0 30 Apples. per bbl ,. l 00 onions, green, pe 65 Cabbage, per doz. U 0 25 Celery, do. ...... Turnips, perbag .. 35 Carrots, do. 40 Beans, per peck ..... 50 Flour. spring, per bbl.. .. ,. Flounmll. per bbl 75 Hay, per ton ........ 00 straw, per ton . PAINTS, OIL S. Cfover Seed. do. Dressed boy-ape" 100] Beef, fore quarter»; Beef, hind quartere. Chickens, per pair Ducks, do. Geese, each . . . . . . . Turkeys. each Butter. pound rolls .‘ Butter, tub dairy . . . . Eggs, Iresb. per doz Potatoes, per hug Apples, per bhl onions. green, per Cabbage do. Cauliflower do. Celery. do. 'l‘urnips, per bag... Carrots. do. Hay, per ton straw, per ton . WILKINS’ BROS TORONTO Thursdnv, Feb.26 WheatJnll. per bushel .$( Wheat,spr1ng, do. 4. N 1 Barley, do. .. l oats, do. .. ‘ Pens. do. . : Bro. . C over Seed. do. 166 King Street East, ï¬nflflï¬ï¬ Eï¬axflï¬ï¬ 9 STUVES. STDVES. COAL 000K STOVES GOAL HEATING STOVES HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES. For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter stock, A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinwarc, Enve- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. HARDWARE! H. B. DEWSBURY’S FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPORIUM, YONGE STREET. Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I ANDREWS' Sm: mm: flamman I RICHMOND HILL. HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY BERT. unnsws. Prop. MECHANICS’ GLASS. PUTTY, &C. <BUILDERS’> Bâ€"l-'l 23 4-‘93. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" A NUMBER OF PARLOR â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Eh: Waning. Near George Street, Tar-onto. CHAS. MASON, 100 lbs IN THE Richmond Hill. $051 ‘om wmmw 0086 Mm.» 0.10 040 wwww 5700 [565‘ CH 50 0 40 0 50 ll 01') 9 0†.6 =0 13) NR 850 wwwnwwmmw 000 00001 040 ‘23 4n a Both light. and heavy. 511 of which ure guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisou. I am 3180 prepared to do all kinda u! black- smithmg d: repairing in the most work- manlikn manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOK‘R of which we will sell on cheap for caah as any Ituro an class guuds. RICHMOND IIILL. ..__)o(_.__ In returning thanks to my numeroul friends for their liberal patronage during the put twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to re- mind them and the general public, thnt having erected entirely new und con- modious premises, I Am enabled to lupply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, TRENCH’S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- British Flag Staff 1 WINTER STOCK COMPLETE charge velu'e, (but will Itart won in work thst will at once bring you in money falter then saw thing else in America. All snout the 5200.000 in presents in each box. Agent: wanted everywhere of either sex, of I“ agel. hr All the time, or spare time only, to work for us at tholr own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely ensured Don't delay. 8. Emu": & 00.. PortlandMnine PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S . IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS 8r WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 6c PANTS. 3. LARGE STOCK from 40m. up. HATS AND GAPS. S‘JITS MMIE TJ 033E}. §Z.DVD.,.QUQ Horse - Shoeing In (x‘r1{()C IGIKIICS for (,‘ln'istnl: THE NEW WILLIAMS! Paid Ipecinl ntteution '0. WM TRENCII. AND Finest Qualitv Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR WAREHOUSE. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain Will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call “pull, or currespnnd with m. N. B.â€"Wo are agents for the Please send fur Circular which contains iestimoniula from leading Feeders and Stock-Raisers in the Province. It is equ- nlly valuable for Struck of all kinds, Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Pin dz Poultry. Dairy-men always ï¬nd it largely Increases quantity and quality of milk. FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR STEELE BROS. & 00.. SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. WAN TED IMMEDIATELY, aflawg an 5133 6'20 way 552%. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD Sleighs and in present: given nwny. send us 5 cents postage, 5nd by mail you will at free 5 pacng ot_ gopdc STEELE BROS. WE CAN NOW FURNISH ALEX. MOODIE. Kenneth Ctmpbell & Go This famous Brand. PURE. BRILLIANT and almost Taste- less. is lar superior to any other Noch-glan Cod LIVI'I' 0i yet in- trounced. | 1m- wnrking ooplo. send I) cents; postage, nnthe will mail you he. a royal, valuable snmplt box 0! goods that. wxll put. van in ï¬lm way of making more money in a. law Any: than you ever thought posible at any busmefln. Cog. ital not requlnd. You can live at human and! work in spare ï¬me only, or all the time. Nil 06 boil: sexes. of all ages. grand]! successlul. W cents to $5 easily aimed every evening, Thu I." whn wane work my test «be business, we make this unpmallolod ofl'er: To IL“ who no not. well satlsï¬ed we ï¬ll send $1 ‘0 puy Mr tlw trouble of wriu‘ng at. Full pm’tlculm, diâ€" rections, etc, sent tree. humans. pay absolutely Iuntotbose who start In 0220. Don’t delay- Admeas 5111480333 (30.. Portland Maine. more money than at unwilling who by takingâ€) ngvncy for the best selling buok om. Beginners succved gnndly. Non. hi]. Tums hue. HALLET’IBOOI Co. Ponlud. lune. Will be glad to corre ml with Apple Growers, er- cha.nt;s, and Shippers, with a. view to Autumn and Spring business. Thev Will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Cod Liver Oil! CHARLES D0115“) & Co It. is strong-lamb!» and well bump! the Very bes‘ mazeliul thu money can buy, [I skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬nt prizes I: tho- Domtniun Exhibition hm Ommer. It in "pile auperseding all ï¬be- uld fashioned makes even where. See it, try it,and m-Le run that yum ge‘ it. Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching 13 now VEC- ognized as the It )3 Ligh‘ and Easy to run. Silenl zmï¬rapid in mot‘on. Plaxn and Simple to Learn SEWING MACHINE OF THE P331013, 79 QUEEN ST.,LDNII)N, E C... Richmond Hill, Dc Imported and bottled onfy by “SKREV; MONTREAL. J. LUSH. nd Hill, Dealer in Organ- Ind Pianos. Terms Easy. 6: FEED ahvuys on hand. n11 Richmond H.1I, keeping ï¬ret- PER BARREL. & CO.