IHE LIBERAL FRYRTKNG 6. PUBLISHING HOUSE (LIUHMOZ‘ID HILL. â€" ~ ONTARIO. MIA! CATTIOl‘ nu folk)er Th 2' mm“: 1113;!) um‘ mom! Hm at C5 :11- Pansmh we 11 o'dnck on Wednesd THUBQ'I’) .muucept when the 46‘ tm. Sumlu) nearer. HICKHON‘B mey, -â€"‘Meets in the Lodg‘ 'ï¬ouda’y on \-'v‘ ‘mfori AJ. Ripeâ€, \V. LI. Young pearl General (’1': Ln the Loom Rev. W. B. I) Mcnmsn HILL Tumnn. no no.1. u. 0. Li Hoots in she Temperance Hufl- every Wednesday evening. on 7.30 o'clqnck. Wm, Harrison '1‘. D. The Ram dist smbbaifn school'l‘omperance As soointion isme Mo'lqe cards every Sumiay when desired. Wm Hm'r‘xson sup? Mzctnnrs‘ lNSTITVTE.- Lila-My of over 1000 volumesppcn every Tuesday evening, in the Mm Imic 1111!. from V to 8 o‘clock. 1113‘ law. Libra.- alnn. Lectm‘os and discusa‘onspaï¬odimilv. RICIISON‘D HILL Comm- Bnmâ€"Meets for 'actice every Tunsï¬ny and Saturday evening at 7)!) o‘clock. C. Savage. Leader. “Hum Comeu..â€"Re»ve. Wm. Pugsley. 'Coun- lino". Me: Bani. Radditt, \V.D. Powell, P kange. . r1 F‘McConaghy. Clerk. IL 'l‘eery. L O. U. “11¢: Lnd e, Nu. ul, Meets in the Committee Rmm o the Masonic Hall etch almamlvo i‘uesdny at 8 o‘elock p.1n. Bnno~ Gen-y cert' "van for $2,000 in case of death. !. Crosby, \‘:u~tm mGmun. R. 'l‘. o! ’l‘aLwemnce‘ Richmud‘mmll council. I». 4:. Meet» in 'I‘cmparance Hui],th titer- lutivo Tues‘] Ly ovenim: ntsa'ciookp In. Blue- ï¬tiuy CeYbiï¬CfltbS issued he main 0'! futile members fo‘r H.000 at in cuss M dogma 32900.0!16 In.“ myab‘r‘ 11; case 01 dimiï¬'ï¬ty. J. K.&nder- sou Select Councillors; LLEï¬wr'mnl’kecordiug 80am. Mu nomr : nd cm {L Ammth cloud. No.1: “an every ' Bnpertrt- T Mzcxnnr », 1: valumesppcn ev I mic Kill. h‘mu dun. Lecturc‘ Commit“- awh a.le flcnry cert I. Crosby, ‘ R. T. of 310.43. M native TUE lic'mry ce‘ membersf BB- GE’§E§GE LAN‘GSTAI’F, THORNHILL. 0NT.. Muten1Ttrmnm‘University.fl.C. P. A: S. 011%.. two V6:er resident, assistant surgeon to Town“ quea'al Hospital. Moe uz‘. resiï¬enoe.-One ioor Southd 1‘. 0. com. Baumâ€"5 to 10 I. and H to ‘1 p.13. Idnlm Tosmvzo Universitv. Mombor Co Physidmn'. 3; Limpenns. Onl..(la.te of spouavm. Vang. Strut, Richmond HIIL Omoo Hours I O0 l.a.:..,5t08p.m. 'ertluv "muow. Graduate 0! Ontario Vet. dollop. To‘ nuno. 'Dxmsaa a! all sin Dom-attend winds canted. Bun-mag: â€" ‘Im Aux". Woannmol. tin-akin] 10; mm {more at the p“! †yous ,my “in be consr‘lted in any M0! the pro- fusion, as follows: taken. 15:. uh, Ethan“ ah! I! out numb Ildunond H ‘1.. .9th undflfll do, laurmne. ‘ ,. AV. .. "mi ‘0. Minn V son: :0. flint-fin. Squn re" . un- 40. tux-awn. . .,â€l'd do. Woolhridge . "Nth do. Kloinbu-g . "Mb do Irblosonm , .. .mn o \Vlulued Air always on Mad u cmlnmnh Works like a. charm. Fruitom uh. hudBi-Idgé It. Husband Wm be form! 1! II: on... Now- so- Brook. :1 at": mun-4n. oxeo,‘ flu- in" luv 1.115 on th: khan M_ sun um theLdIowing pim- pain-lan:â€" Unionwillo Qua: .. 79?. Cum Maple. What‘s: am 9.30 a. 11,3111! Oompm 1W" A HBINPOX 143.8..AIM. Ont. (l G. H. Husband. I. D. 8.. m mm. Dr. Sim-wins G. Langslafl. (It the "Mum mad Hill HWï¬i-ZJZEQ a!†Ban, James Langstal :éiimss CARDS. Collewe Physiciaua Surgeon. Ont. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Dr. J. Wilson. 172 Kirbr‘l‘liï¬Ã©gï¬ 31; thefempemnce mmth Fridav at 730 p. m.â€"_-A. J. H†HEWITT. Br. MGMAHUN, C Immune Sari ties. 1nnum, in advance.] , Assistant. Gamma or CANAmâ€"Sorviyes ,aul. (:30 p.11. Prayer mutating euiugaflzm 1c cmncK.â€"-Setviees in order uhill M, 9 gm: and Richmon w ~V,_L h:_L :C cannons-Services in order nhin M, 9 3.151., and Richmond the foltcwin Sunday at Rich- mand Thom i1] IJ 10:30 mm AY EVENING alxdiml. qr @irrrtury. m. L?: A. 2.1.. has, G.R.C igo Room. Masonic Eamon the wreiull moon,ut% o'clock p.m cant. CHURca.â€"â€"Sewice at 3 mix! Sunday of every month, and sacrament mm held at 11 )olatlzaop.m Rev.W,BMes, and PROPRIETOB. USED 31 r. A. Boblnson. Tnmng. 150 465.3. (Juana! Dam-1'. ml- FoBEsTEIqsâ€"flourt Rich tonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m. Suudsy school. “2.30 p. m. '9: meeting Tuesday evening. 55m» every Thursdayevomng 13‘ mm W. R. Barker. Supt... {SHED EVERY 1' Home) mum " @eutal. AT NE W10] 33003. AND 1" My duct a an: IM Ill! " ' .mh " '- 10. do. do. do. do Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL. HALL. PITLLAB'I‘ON & (300K, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. 6w. OFFICES: 18 lime S‘rmm'r Eu'r, Tonowro. Richmond Hi" 1". 0. Every Saï¬nrday. W. M. HALL. J. S. FULLARTON. W. COOK. E‘vamn FUNDS To Y-MN. ‘3‘. LAWRENCE 8s MILLIGAE, Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. KILLIGAN. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Ea 3» mmflmy BA BRISTE [LAT-LAW. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. 800. 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. mADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. Alamo amount of Money to Lend on farm or qtv Dropnrty interest. 7 per cen‘.; no commis- axon. BOSE MACDONALD. MEERITT 8 CO. Moneyito Loan $|00.000 0! Private Funds to Loan on Farm Property 3: lowest rams of in- teres: In pay (fl Mortgages at higher rates or for buildï¬ug, draining. or other purposes. Mortgages and Municiunl Debentures purchuez! Fumers will ave money by applynig direct. to Licensed Auctioneer (or the Counties of York Ontario and Paul. Goods sold on consignment. Gonornl sales of stock. em" nromptly attended to aï¬ reasonable rates. 1’. 0. M‘ldresl. UNIONVILLE. Importer“ Watches, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery 8. atock of Diamonds and precious Itonoa nlwayn on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH 0]" QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. GMmutucunn of jewellery, and topairimzot watches and cloc a on the‘preyqiaega specialty VTï¬ankiugo'ur ï¬dtrohu'nnd Iriendslor their lib- emlpatronagt it. the at we be; to ltate that we have just receive a large stock ofne’wgoods in latest designs. A large stock 02 Elgln and Waltham watches kept on hind. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counw of York.“- speeflnl'ly solicits your patron-go cud friendly influnm. Sale- smanded on the shortest nation and atmsouahlo rates. 1’. 0. Address, James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer (or the County of York, ro- Ipactfully Iolicits your patronaga Ind friendly inluence. sales attended on the shortcut notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. sddreu. King. Lveoused Auctioneer for the County 0! York Salsa “tended on the shortest noflcomnd M rou- abo rates. Address Stouflullo P. 0 Ban-int reï¬ned the show. House 1nd {mish- ed it in nut-class style. I am prepared togivo flan public thobos‘ of mcommodsnon. Excellent cabling 5nd 9mm" bastion. Sample Boom: 'I'or commercml cnvellorn. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 01 be: dav. Through Tick“- to all points East and West. md Manitoba. For Tickecs, Bates. &c.. apply to T. meoma. Agate NA 5: N. W. Kym. Baum? thm, Richmond Hill. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 35c" NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. THE DOMINION HOUSE, MISS FLORA C(‘U’ "' B 13 PREPARED TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th. '85. Ben]. BrIlIlnger. Proprietor. E. R. REYNOLDS. 52 Malddo St. East, Toronto. or to T. F. Mcuuox. Editor of L1 an“. Richmond Hill. MUSIC LESSONS! Rowen? thm, Genet-l Paulo-get Agont. Money to loan on farm security Richmond Hill, NOTARY PUBLIC 80¢, AN D Money [0 Loan. Sale- Baku-cit. ï¬isnllamnus. . TEEFY, N. 1. Armstrong. s. m. Brown. J . W uni-ms. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 1885 Unix):- Loan builain I Toronto mam. Emmy. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." The Conference on Sabbath School Work, State of Religion,Temperance,d‘c., was held in the Presbvterian Church, Richmond Hill, on Monday, March 2nd, and was well attended both afternoon and avening. After the devotional exercises,the Gon- vener, Rev. Frizzell,Leaheville, introduc- ed Rev. Frazer, Claude, to report, on S. S. Work. It was not a full report. u only 63 out of 30 schools had reported, Out of the report itself a discussion arose on the questionâ€"How shall we get the young people to connect themselves with the church 1 Some suggested that thore shonlb be more personal dealing with the young. They should be urged to take the decided step of accepting Christ themselves. It was also held that a well conducted Bible class should ï¬t teachers for conducting classes in the 8.8. This discussion wan followed by an ad- dress on the Spirit and Aim of S. S. Work, by RM. Milligan, Toronto. He held that the Spirit is a rational one. Through the influence of truth, we en- lighten the mind and thus reach the heart. The great aim is to teach, not geography. history, &c., but Christ. It in a directory of the mind to the great central all-absorbing pathâ€"Christ Jesus. After discus-ion on S. S. \Vork, Rev. R. P. McKay, of Parkdale, read a raport on State of Religion. By judicious visi- tations of a number 0t congregations they observed that. aesaums are tnking a live- lier interest in prayer meetings. Visita- tion of the sick. in short. to all the duties pertaining to their ofï¬ce. Presbyterian Conference. Family Worship in more generally ob served than heretofore. The advantage of doing so was acknowledged. There is more spiritual life in the country con- gregations. On the whole the result of the visitation warranted encouragement. gratitude and‘faith. H With devotional exercises the afternoon session cloned. nvmuso ssssrox. After devotional exercises by Bev. W. B. Barker, and singing by the chair, the eco- vener called upon Rev. D. J. Mnedonnell. of Toronto, who gave an able address on "Be- ligion in the Home." He told his hearers to make good use of sermons. Preachers seemed to be thought monotonous {or reit- erating old truths so often, but he contend- ed this was the way to get good old familiar truths impressed upon the mind. Girls should endeavor to choose lor themselves religious husbands. He urged upon young people the necessity 01 starting life aright. alter marriage by setting up an altar to the Lord. He believed in man and wife amend- ing the same church. He did not believo in changing trcm one denomination to another. but expressed the hope that the day would come when all protestant denominations in Canada would worship in the some church. He strongly advised parents to look strictly after their children. snd always endeavor to retain their conï¬dence. Be condemned a great deal u! the literature which now a days is placed in their hands. Rev. John Smith then took up the sub- ject of Temperance. which he handled ably and with much animation. He read a reso- lution passed by the Toronto Presbytery, in which was embodied a pledge 01 Total Ab- stinence. He quoted passages from great men such as Coleridge, Ferran and others showing the evils resulting lrom Intemper- anee. He also quoted statistics from the Mail (which was not apt to exaggerate on the side of lutemperance) showing that three-fourths of the crime, misery and wretchedness that existed was attributed to the trafï¬c. The speaker spoke strongly in favor of the Scott Act as compared with the present license system, and was listened to attentively through his whole discourse. At the close oi Mr. Smith's remarks 3 dis- cussion was invited on the subject. when Rev. D. J. Msodonnell rose, and showed where he diflered with the previous speaker. He objected to the word Temperance, as it is generally used.snd endeavored to point out the distinction between Temperance and Total Abstinence. He said he was in (“or of liberty and moderation. and did not be- lieve there was any harm in a glass of good Clsret. but strongly condemned bad whiskey. Several Ipeaken lollowod. including Rev. Mr. Mulch, Rev. B. P. Mex-v, Ind Mr. Jul. Nola, all of whom seemed much pained at the course the R". D. J. Mmdonnoll had taken. Mr. Clark-on. of Bank, ha been in the Vin-go during the week vlmins ltiondl. Mn. Echrdt with duughï¬er. of Toronto, ha been apendio‘ . ("I dun with her mother. Mn. Hurtinpon. Mr. a Mrs. Suddnby. ol Guelph. nrrivod At Richmond Hill on Mondgv, to attend the funeral 0! their lather. tho [an a Robl. Sivan. Miss Tranch Ind Min Dan) in no spend- ing a tow dun in Toronto, at! w which they intend muting a visit in Woo» nook, Six-mo. Ifld'OMQMI. ' Rev. W. B. Barker will pm to!) & spoeill sermon to young men men Sunday evening in the Methodist Church. 8: bjectâ€"“ Tomi Abstinence." The meeting cloud “my†1. o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION PERSONALS. The following is the standing of the Patterson School fnr February, 1885: FOURTH cuss. THIRD cuss, an. 1. W. Mulholland, 1. Wm. Flack. 2. James Haï¬'ey, 2. John Seymour. 3. Chan. Seymour, 3 Jan. Mundey. 4. Harry Hardy, 4 3 Gertie Smith. 6. A.Buaingthwaite ' ( Mary Rumble. 5. Euph. Kirkland. THIRD cuss, JR. 6. aney Cook. THIRD cuss, JR. 1. M. Mulholland, 2. OrvileDrury, sscoxn JUNIOR 1. Louie Hafl'ey, ‘1. Alex. Findlay. 3. Minnie Albin, FIRST JUNIOR. 1. I.b1ulhoHund, 2.Dday Savage, 3. James Hawkins. 4. Lizzie Rumble. 6. Maude Farnham. 6. Bertha. Findlay. P9P? The Following is the standing of the pupil: in Can-ville School, Section No. 3, Vaughan, for Feb. 1885 : FOURTH CLASS. SENIOR THIRD. F. Flatt. 499 Ed. Peater, E J. E. Jones. 471 C. H. Rupert l U.H0llingahead,404 N. Kefl'er, l Ida R.Mellish, 371 F. J. Seager, l Jno. Combs, 359 Minnie Boyd, ‘ Jnu.C.Rumble, 320 June Coombn. 1 Lucy Nun, 3015 Emma Coombs, 1 R.J.Wnlhington,i SENIOR swam). Rich. Rumloy, 351 0. B.Appleton, 447 Rubt. Downing, 3'29 Selena Coomba,426 Arthur Coomba, 29‘. Wm. Cunmbs, 416 Ida Coomba, 374 JUNIOR THIRD. Lou. Faster, 372 Chas. Coomba, 478 Willie Boyd. 352 J. W. Bone. 430 Dora J. Flatt 30] Bertie Coomho. 416 Bertie Whitly, 264 Wm. Gardener, 326 J no. Mcheau 160 J no. Baker, 317 Robie Mnnh. 297 J. BASSSNGTHWAITE, Teacher. The knowing in the standing of S. S. No. 2. King. for the month of Feb.: HEADER 1V. SENIOR HI. 1 J amen Guns, 1 Wm Badger, 2 Ernest Lloyd, 2 Lillie Ron, 3 Eddie Ron, 3 Fred Tilman JUNIOR 11!. 1 J3: Austin, 2 J on Carts, 3 Katie Brown, 4 Inc Bendey, J UNIOR ll. 1 Albert Budget, 2 Annie Ball. 3 Nellie Ron, Honor Roll of Richmond Hill Public School: for the month of Februsry : SENIOR. Dollie Douthwaito, Maggie Glover Flu-once Tyne", Merritt Wilton. Etna MeNnir, Alex. Reid, SCHOOL REPORTS. A 1 Cuss. Florie Ho per, Edgar Ana 0,. Roncoo Luv, Minnie Soulel, Rather Koefler, William Barker. Samoa. mum. L. Lynett, G. Cooper. C. Powell, M. Davis, M. Mlpol, T. Barker, FORM IV. Fins-r DIVISION. Snooxn Dlvmow. Willie Glau. 1. Richard. Guneu. Herbie Soul», 2. Annie Gllu. F. Empringhnm, 3. 1!: Andrews. Hattie Mapu, 4. Willie Cliflord. H. Sanderson, 5. Ads Brown. Eliu Cobnn. 6. Jam Schell. SECOND CLASS. 1. Phoebe Soulel, 2. I. Koefler, 3. E. Shot, 4. R. Maudie, 5. L. Harrison, 6. W. Garvin, T. R. Ruraanonn, Teacher. FORM III. Tam) DIVISION. 1. F. Hooper. 2'. E. McConnell. 3. E. Wilson. 4. A. Brillingor. J. Onuwnmxn, Touch". H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. J. '1‘. Snowy, Teacher. FORM II. FORM I. J UNIOB. , John Falconbridgo FlorencoShurdowu. San Clifford. Erna-t Redditt. Mnttie Hurrilon. Lillie Clifl'ord. M. WILEY, Teacher. SENIOR H. 1 Maud Stewart. 2 Minnie Winwr, 3 Fannie Stewart, 4 Bertha Irvine, SENIOR l. 1 John Stewart. 2 Maud Fan-rm, 3 Eva Kighï¬ey, A 2 CLASS. 1. Ronben Glass. 2. Millie Trench. 3. Tillie Trench. 4. Wellington Hall. 5. Chan. Korawell. 5. Flora. Powell. SPIAGGE, Tucker. SECOND SENIOR. Nallio Kirkland. Al. Albin. Joe. Mundey. Willie Savage. Willie Rumble. JUNIOR. mu“). 1. D. Palmer. 2. M. Lewis. 3. L. Palmer. 4. 0. Wilson. 5. W. Skoelo. (HE. Mahonoy. FIRST SENIOR. M. Bassinqthwaite May do Bella Hawkins. Aggie Kirkland. 585 528 516 499 392 376 ‘374 351 3'29 Standing of pupils in S. S. No. 6. Vaughan for the month of Feb : SENIOR FORM. v cuss. IV CLASS. 1. Anne Line. 1. L. McLaughlan, 2. Silas Shunk, 2. Lizzie Rumble, 3. Maggio McDonald3. Tom Kefl'er, III CLASS. 1. Donald VVataon. 2. Colin Campbell, 3. Hattie J ackwn. 4. Maggie Gillian, J. E. CLUBINI, Teacher. JUNIOR FORM. 2 3 4 SENIOR :1. “HUGE H. . Thomas Jaéklonl. Charlie Line, . Marsh. Rumblefl. Willie Llne. . Lulu Shrink, 3. Bertie Jack-on, . Amelia Shhnkl 4. Albeit Line, smuon 1. 1. "Joe Wilson, 2. Jessie Forbes, 3. Dora Rupert, 4. Lizzie Gardner, ELL-Anon MILLER, Teacher. The following is the standing of the pupils in Concord School for the month of February : FOURTH cuss. Simon noon». John Teasdale, 1. Lawrence Brown. . George Teasdale, 2. Martha Outer. John McElroy, 3. Wm. Chaloner. Fanny Bowan, 4. Thomu Bowen. . Michael Madden, 6. Percy Quantz. °‘!‘“?“°l"‘ 1'; c-VJâ€"{5d {iiâ€"frxï¬z‘o‘iie‘ térthree nppliéations, no matter whether ntandingjpx-pna yegr ox tort“, $137 5;;Oâ€"EiJ-tolY0 aï¬vhiet sent'. free on c_¢_3ipc_of stglgp. Arr .I‘Di QNJBSON. 305 K‘Lu'g _by this pjtbyrto inimitable: {#1361190 in permanent. ï¬lï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©tfl‘bmnw Cunads hm OurOwn Cone-pendent. The beautiful springlike weather which we have been favored with during the past week has caused our burgh to as- sume a more lively appesrance. The business portion of the town has come to life again. Our blacksmith whom we thought was frozen out of existence may he heard bothlste and early ï¬tting up f-r spring work. Business at the Post Ofï¬ce has been on the increue since the 'nlentine season cum in, and the Do- minion Houses, both Upper end Lower are selling off their winter stock to make room for spring supplies. ï¬e lumber business is rather dull just now but in the course of s couple of weeks we shall hear the familiar hum of the circulars. Mourn Goo. Jefl'enon and T. Johnson left last Tuesday morning for Toronto to gene on he jury. _ hTiio teziéhorl' oi St. John's Saï¬bath Schoel intend giving the children their anpiml lbigh-di'iVâ€"B chi} week. J Min Hal-l, of Pecerboro in the gum of the Mines Graham of thjljlgoo. " Miss Bmm of Richmond Hill mu m. iting friandsriu thoubqrgl! lag} wqu: 7 Mr. Gale left hint week for Toronto on a. visit to his uncle, Mr. G. Ode, of Gale & 00. H If‘nizio Philip of Uxbridge in visiting HI brother. MrnWhitqey of Bgnfl’l l_nko._ Mu. Bernhert, cor. Pm: and Bromi- wey, has been a uuflerer for twelve yen- through rheumatism, and he. tried every remedy ehe could hear of, but recein no beneï¬t until she tried Dr. Thomu’ Eclectrie Oil; ehe any: Ihe cannot. exprell the utiefection she feels It having her pain entirely removed and her rheuma- tism cured. There are hue imitations of this medicine for Isle; eee the! you get Dr. Thomee’ Eclectric Oil. Friday. Much 6th. Tbos. Death, Lot 11. Con. 3. West York. Mondny, March 9th. Henry Meyer, Lot. 17. (Jon. 8, Markham. Tuesday. March 101b, N. S. Bemnn. Con. 2. Lot 15. Vaughan. Wednoldny, Much 11th, Eokudr‘s Monthl'y Sole. Unionvillo. Thurldly. Much 12th. Henry Wardlaw. Lo! 11. Con. 5, West York. Friday. Maroh 13th. A. P. Jncquel. Lat ' 18. Con. 8. Soarboro'. Snurdoy. March 14%|). Commercial Hots}. Markham Vilhge. Monday. Much. 16th, Mn. Isabella Cooper. Can. 2. Lot 23, Eur York. Tuesday, Horch 171.11. E. Connor. Lot 29. Gun. 4. Soarboro'. Wednnd-y, March 18th. Charleol’. Ans“. ‘ (ion. 5, Lo‘ 6, Vaughm. Thurldny. March 19th, W. Grahm. tour a} \ Lot 20. 2nd Con. Vnghon. Friday. Much 20th. J. 0. 3.3.1011“. {Com I. Lot. 84, Vaughan. Month]. March 23rd. Chorla Oreuaor. Lo‘ 60. Con. I. Voughnn. Tuesday, Much 24th. Wm. Chulton. ‘Lo! 18, Con. 3 Elm York. CATARIlflâ€"A new Treatment when!» THIRD CLASS. Ilanc Bennett, Nelson Smellie. Thou. Gordon, Annie Tendnlo, Maggie Oster, Eckardt's Sale Register. 1885. [Single copies, 3 cts COBM‘JT‘ED EVERY TUESDAY mellie. 2. Entries Smellie. rdon, 3. William Riddell. mdale, 4. Arthur Watson. Ister, 5. Charlie Keyl. Cnsnn Asuno, Teacher. JEFFERSON. JUNIOR snow». 1. Ada Bennett. Simon ncoxn. 1. Lawrence Brown. 2. Martha Outer. 3. Wm. Chaloner. 4. Thomas Buwea. 5. Percy Quantz. No. 36.