Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1885, p. 7

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slow “u- snange Dlwe that rewmhlu lM-nlh. rigid. An old professor oceasionally had catalsptic seizures, during which he would suddenly cease talking, retain the pOsi- tion hold at the time of attack, and after a few moments go on with his lerture, tatally unaware of the fact that a slip of his conscious life had been snatched from him. His lecture was always resumed at exactly the point at which he left off. The appearance of a subject of catalepsy is almost precisely like that of death. The skin is very pale, and generally of a waxen hue; the surface of the body is 001d, generally from two to four dcgreé’s below the normal temperature of the boa? ; the heart's sounds are scarcely audible, while the fact that the patient breathes can only be discovered by the closest observation. In cases of irue hysteria and ecstasy the breathing is very perceptible. If a leg be placed up above the body it will remain there an indefinite length of time ; if an arm be extended at right angles from the body it will retain its position for several moments, and per- haps for an hour or more. This parti- cular muscular condition is peculiar to catalepsy. An old-time physician relates an instance where the patient became cata- leptic just as she was putting a cup of tea to her mouth. It is not reported that any mishap occurred, and she finished the beverage at the conclusion of the attack. A subject of this complaint in Bellevue hospital remained upon his back for a considerable time (the limbs were placed in position by attendants), with both arms and one leg raised high in the air. He was unconscious during the entire time. I had a young married lady under my professional care some time ago. whose case at the beginning opened up in a comical way. She had been run down and was nervous for some time, and one dark, stormy night, about bed-time, her whole body suddenly became fixed and rigid. Her husband, in his fright, raised her right arm directly in front of her body in such a way that the fixed arm and fingers pointed directly at him. The white, ghostly face and npraised arm of justice were too much for him. In a few seconds of time he recalled the sins of his youth and several others he had com- mitted since his marriage to the woman before him, and with one terrifiedlmk he fled from the house and appeared at my office with his eyes as large as young sugar bowls, and his hair standing up all over his head like a ne W feathered duster. Under appropriate treatment the lady re- covered, and, more than that, her hus- band has since become one of the most obedient and dutiful of men ; for he has a vague, undefined impression that the hand of heaven has something to do with that case, and he has kept his toes straight up to the line of husbandly duty ever since. One of the principal causes of this difficulty is an inherited nervous temperament, which predisposes one to nervous disease. Most subjects have re- latives that are afflicted with hysteria, epilepsy, or insanity. Most of the cases met'with are women, and the disease is developed most friquently at about the time of publicity. Fright, anger, and grief are often exciting causes. When Covent Garden theatre was last burned down a young girl in St. Mary’s hospital awoke suddenly and saw the fire. She was greatly excited all night, and the next morning she had a Citalcptic fit. Nan Sweiten tells the story of a woman who was roasting chestnuts in a frying- pan, and kept continually stirring them to keep them from scorching. While doing this she was seized with catilepsy. While watching her she vomited tWo worms, when the catalepsy passed 06 and she had no return of the disease. Cata- lepsy and epilepsy may interchange, and cases are on record of one disease taking the place of the other. In olden times it is altogether probable that subjects of catalepsy were but too frequently buried alive. A mistake of that kind could scarcely happen now", but the application of the mirror to the mouth for the pur- pose of detecting moisture ; the placing of the hot iron to the flash to determine whethera blister can be made, or the ligature of a finger or toe, and the know- ledge obtainad as to whether the circula- tion continuesâ€"these are means that should always be employed in doubtful cases. I could point you to a lady now in our midst who was carried to the come- tery while under the influence of this dis- ease, and only recovered consciousness as she was being lowered into the grave. The last test mentioned would certainly have determined her true condition. For years after the gold fever had sub- sided wretched buildings might be seen alongside of palatial banks and other such edifices in Melbourne, the explanation being that the title was bad. The sites had been bought in the flush days of gold findmg by successful diggers, who had diasnneared. and could not be found. and dlsap; miles. Of the previou of the distance made 5i) rier’s was neared); being CATAflEPsY. afraid of k au of time, and men )ercepaly fall to his me the patient is d the body firmly or occasionally had 'ing which he would g, retain the posi- )f attack, and after with his lecture, fact; that a slip of been snatched from i alwavs resumed at 16 land A Los Angelos, 03L, walnut orchard of seventeen acres yielded its owner this season $2,700. A single pumpkin patch extended last summer for six miles along the line of the South Pacific Coast Railroad. A runaway horse in Stockton, Cal., knocked a._baby carriage lnto splinters without; doxng the sllghtest injury to the child. D. F. James of San Francisco owns a remarkably small dog. It weighs less than one and a half pounds. 15 is per- fect: in form and is quite Intelligent. In 301118610”:ng given to a washer- woman at Dayton, Ohio, belonging up her QUEER FACTS AND HAPPEN- INGS. bénefaccor’a Heceéaed Wife, Was, found $800 in currency. It was promptly handed over to the heirs. A shepherd dog belonging to Jacob Smith of Shibboleth was taken to Nebraska, 8: distance of 700 miles. After a stay of three weeks it: got homesick and travelled back to" its old home alone. The old corduroy road, built; early in the seventeeth century, which led to the fort in Schenectady, N. Y., at the time of the massacre of the Indians, has been discovered sixteen feet under ground. heypy to answer, pr‘ovided the glow of health temp is the tender expression. The pale, sun on , bloodless face of the consumptive, or she evident sufferings of the dyspeptic, induce feelings of sorrow and grief on our part; and compel us to tell them of Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medi- cal Discovery.” the sovereign remedy for consumption and other diseases of thn respiratory system as well as dyspepsia and other digestive troubles. Sold every- where. The building of she Georgia. State Capi- tol at Atlanta develops the fact. that granite can be q married in Maine, shipped “What furmture can give such finish to a room, as a. tender woman's face," asks George Eliot. N013 a_ny, v_ve we The buildlng of the Georgia. State Capi- tol at Atlanta develops the fact that granite can be quarried 111 Maine, shipped to Savannah, and thence carried by' rail to Atlanta. an a lens cost than it can be had at a quarry sixteen miles away. Best Goods are put in Smallest Parcels. The old proverb is certainly true in the case of Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative Pellets,” which are little, sugar-wrapped parcels, scarcely larger than mustard seeds, containing as much cathartic power as is done up in the biggest, most repul- sive-looking pill. Unllke the big pills, however, they are mild and pleasant in their operationâ€"do not produce grlplng pains, nor render the bowels costive after using. Adoctor who ought to know says that the practice of the wholesale use of smell- ing salts, which came in with the univer- sal fashion of carrying smelling‘ bottles, is sure to have its influence upon the ol- factory nerves, sooner or later, and ren- derthevlctim unable to distinguishcologne from asafoetida. More than all that, it causes headaches. sore throats, and red noses. The last argument will have its weight. The smelli 1g bottle must go. ‘ ' ' ' Delicate diseases of either sex, however induced, radically cured. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Bulf.lo, N. Y. Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, the only lady instructor in the Universityof Mlchl- gain, and the author or several treatises on miscropicsi subjects, has just been elected a member of the Royal Mlct0500p1- cs! Society of London, being the thud lady ever elected. Corn Raising. It may surprise the good people of Canada to learn that the corn crop has been immensely increased in Canada. No doubt the N. P. people Wlll claim the es a product of pretectlon, but Purxsm‘s PLENLESS CORN Exrusoron alone is en: titled to all the credit. It raises more com to the acre, than anything else the [world can supply. Safe, sure, and pain- less. Take no subititute. Only 25 cents. ‘Try your hand. A good crop guaranteed. Beware oi flesh-eating substitutes, N. 0. Poison & 00., proprietors, Kingston. The editor of a. Russian daily thus ex- plained the frequent; hmtusetdn its appear- anca: “The paper is often in want. of information, often in wanb of write”, and in want of money; and sometimes, when it has anthem, it is in want of readers.” Are rapidly becoming a nuisaua Phinkril: behpove} publishexjs to into the merits of tinny attic in their columns. We do 11 may meritorious remedies : to be classed under this hem the hundreds and thousands: severe suffering by the use Nerviline, would it not be un expect them to condemn th»; remedy. _Now we know f0 expect} them to condemn that tantalum remedy. Now we know for a. fact that Pulson'e Nerviline is without exception the most powuful, pleasant and certain remedy in the world for pain; It can- not fail, for it goes right; to the bottom of pain, penetrate to the nerves,:aoothes them into quietness, and aflbrds prompt and permanenh relief. Net-Vilma is sold by all druggiats. Sample only 10 éenta. Try it. * Excavations the German A been handsonm ground 1113.1 01 marbie temple, of the sam’e general as the older and smaHev-strugtnre c garcons tufa over which 11: was bui t Quack Advertisements Woman's Face. 1y recox‘fipensed the Temple of A conducted at Sunium by chaaulogical lnatitutehawe ngnn b0 the bottom 0: ) the nerves,:aoothes IS, and aflbrds prompt 5f. Nerviline is sold Sample only 10 éenta. ause 0t Poisons be unreasonableto do not die are headin ands relil 316 of Athens :e, and we examine puffed up deny that; properly g. Take eved from 2ube, All «if the Cal- 133 It is now pretty well understood to be . dangerous practice to attempt to palm ofl' worthless imitations o! the “Myrtle Navy" tobaccojor the genuine article. In former years that practice was the cause of much amoymce, sud Messrs. Tuckett «I. Son were compelled to resort to the law courts to put a stop to it. Thou h they have not met with any cases of the ind lately, it is aIWays a. safe precaution for the purchaser to see that the trade mark '1‘. & B. in bronze letters is stamped upon each plug. no plug eVer leaves the factory Without it, and to appropriate the trade mark is a. punishable offence. An Eng “ the care fashionabl and attri! soliciuude nuram The best. way of using old cre'vel silk embroidared chair backs in to them in a loose knot in the centre fasten them on the tops of the chairs Young Men lumen! This. ‘ The Voltaic Belt 00.. of Marshall, Mich. ofl'er to send their celebrated Electra Voltaic Belt, and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days. to men (young or old) afilicted With nervous debility, loss 0' Vilmlitv, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia paralysis, and many other diseases. Complnfie rem)!" etion to health. vigor and manhooi gum-an teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is e.lowed. Write them at once tor illustrated p'lmphlet free, A gsrgle of strong blnck lea used cold night and morning is now fashionable in London as a. preventive of sore throat. Gatnrrnâ€"A New Treatment. Perhaps the moss extrsmrdlnnry success that has been Vechlpveglylu quern science has been tempted to cure catatr‘n in this manner. and no other treatment has ever cured. enturrh. The application of the remedy is simple andpen bu: dove at home. and the present seeson at the yen; is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure. the majority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sufi’orers should cor respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON Sr, SON. 30: King-street West. Toronto, Canada, and outflow stamp for their treatise on caterrLâ€"Montml A‘tn- The Cable Is a. London paper published specially in the Interests of Americans and Canadians in England. (as am The burial of a young woman who died of pneumonia in Salem, Mass , a week or so ago, was postponed by relafiivea of the deceasod. who nubiced color and warmth about her, which suggested to them that she mightba in a. trance. Afhr five days, howeVer, all the prospects for restoration to life vanished, mortificmtion net in» and the body was buried. Physicians, it is Stated, could give no satisfactory reason for the warmth. ian breed highly BIL mum: cl “Imam curt-a e anrew ner Rh one mmdr-d 1' to Canada. (bu-ix Dunhmn, “()th grantem. Import 1m ported: from now has on bu. l‘crcherona to recorded with _ Stud Buck 0t 1: Slim“) SMISAGES The In WIBOD ‘150 Front es of two c Grove, _Ont.. Fiié A. T. LANE, Montreal. Filteen Million of Horses are now owned in menca. and more than a. million ayem‘ must 3 bred to keep up the supply. The largest. vor- nn 0! these am used for agricultural qnd 1103133! .nlne‘ t of I or uddresn 33 I): H“ BLIN D BEE.â€"Th 1i! Horn E FLIN D BEE.»â€"Thuas ufllloted an) requested to 9;. Wdliamu' Eye Wynn, is cums I.“ dleanen of e ulna uro‘ouulflo even (2010: Blindnens. ask mgg‘sba for ill. Wholaalle by Lynn: Soul 3 00., ml. Send In- circular 0n we the mnrw'ons flea ed In Montreal to GEO. WILLIAMS. 109 No. [me mean, or MVGARDNEBB Drug Bums. 00l- III Iu vlsle o w Ind 09. J! pubns Horse Breeding In Emerlcl. AI" fish medical pap of babies has be( a amusement amo utea this growth Gioy mm M .3 and 16 Wt to reunw the pl . and 5.130130 gun lame Enallsh Dr um been bred £116 H.134 cum-1e as: L WRMERS finiéuah “15 1211 i: 1 ‘muco. vabuld ba‘ impo: not tor the ampor 500 stallions: are lmpqrta. at of the French met France nearly 2.000 ‘d severe.) hundred of )9 found. in France, hau‘ DOCUBYSCI in the ad T0 “03 DON‘T WASTE THEM. my on BRING '1'0 THE ONTARIO FILE GU 3.66:3 69in PREMIER. fifiOUfil“ BRICK HOUSEâ€"607D S] I pupt iiliind Cgmogfi, M'Send fol-113k X91“! 5‘. ANGAROO IPAFETY. til eVbhl )GE. aver record a. m now Rennr: nmlot two years}? Mfw; " Wayne, Illmomhtho T0 ldlq ‘UD 1 J'A' 5136 of {13$ colt land hrm rated Electro- >trio Appliances » men (young or debility, 10:5 0‘ troubles. Also paralysis, and ‘mplofie rector urle Li ‘rmun Fré 1U {Ll (Is at as h Mon wmm run 1 membered nts mesa: ANADXAN. now annually ‘d Stutes.’ '1‘ho‘ to the lumen js known that mm with a. nu.- rim: from :5 sible to br Minna 01' l 7370711), Cedar momhers," materna‘ ‘ guides to of late. says that {cfi'blog met. 10 and. duly esdnlo Iona. Nearly as known 110 hu-‘h 3.1’ 218 one r“ . lance Sui Olni quested to 1‘ years and ) tie lllnlifi 1 so and. )lx lands ; nook: 5nd thick tummmnge groves ranches In all 3 Juthern Stolen. Adam“ W. R. STUART 6‘1 Camudelou ' .jaw Hrl» ann‘ I O‘HRIBDI. 0R A mm their Ad": «who the turn-y Gro‘ l_|7¢ hhgirflfitr EUOIA. Flux]: which in a “w 8303.. Roan Eat-m mnuuflud SLATE AND FELT RWFER Manufacturer and Dealer in Tuned I79“. Booting Pltch. Blinding Paper. Carpet Fen, ac..m lowest Prioel. 4 ADELAIDE ST. EAST. - Tonomo FOR.PIIE§SKN T SEWING FIFTY wea‘. half of Am“- annud FULL Length. and to run Imooth 0| .ewin machine See HIM. OLAPPIBTON'B man: he II 61. M For taste by All Dry-Good: W1) Clapperton’s Spool Cotton SflALL BE 5? IN ABUNDANCE If my needs are not sold in your townx loud for my Illustrated and_ Deactiptiyefiata one, Mailed tree to all applicants. Wm. Evans, Seedsman, Montreal. SEEDS Property for Sale. Rengurflrxchange. Allan Line Royal Man meamsmm Sailing during winter from Pom-ad even Thunda Ind Bull!“ every Buturdny to Liverpool. and In luau: from Quebec every Saturdny to Liverpool, calling an Inn donderry to End mails and passengera for Scan-m! In Irelnnd. Also from Baltimore via Hull!“ and Bi Johr N. Hi. to Livarnool fortnightly during summar mow! The Hammer: 01 the Glasgow line: ml duflnfiwbw between Portland md Glasgow. and Boston and. Inga Ilbemamly; Ind dunng summer between Quebm m Glispgow and Boston and Glugow every week. 1' or fraigb}. passage. or gther (Momma n,uu____- . a N NOTARY SEALS, & AGENTS WANTED. n “FTQER‘é ZUCfiiiiRéTéfimiEsEF‘ o ‘ KENYON.TINGLEY & STEWART MFG; co. 72 KING ST. WEST. FOB SALEâ€"TIMBER. GOA!“ AND ION ORE HE BETTLER‘S GUIDE & LAND L AWE OFTHE U 5.. 25¢. by mail Hos. GALLoWAY I 00.. P ,A qfinsimwâ€"Gofin PA ,work. DANIEL Wu-nm. Denver, 00 Cotton. Woouan. Hill. 0| pefi Ind Worsted Shuttle Mnkon. Dnnduv 0n firfi’umn‘vv’no WILL CHAS: lino-ranks. Nunerymeu. Lumen, Blemim Burn 8 Allan l'urk: "RI wTPRITTIE." Real Estate Ag IIIIIIII any mm,me (G 1 vs )3 WILLIAM EVANS’ SEEDS [Established 1855.] “RANT Ban). m a shed NW5 s’iTHFR GENUINE. Wm wars on 1119 75 Ear cent KORES( @0117 MATIS ‘aai HE 1HA'l' RES‘NEAR TORO 'KSON. Downsvlcw. Ont. ii. WILLIAM». In Bronze Letters. fly; at i Ame Each Plug of the mla. rsnt or exchange -â€"USE ONLY-â€" sla‘nd Home AFFLIUTED wrfli M wm hear of aomethi aendlng their Address no Rumm- Cgg 0011i; $19 mm? J'Acksox. now :1 Rumba lama Y on man SO NETH under uultivnsion :1 rung orchard; two : tnvellud marl m m )NTO, 865 KfiN? Stock Farm GROSS! ISLE, MC . men for Scull-m! n Hullhx Ind Bi Job ring summar mow zen an] dunglybu tFl In llbar by Burn iculars and Prioe mtg. nddreas‘ F Miéb per son mono ‘g granny t . Ration. 812 nm to suit. FARMER, - AND Fol: :y to 1:0“ d. Ont. also Dominion Line â€"ANDâ€" Especially Those Living on Rented. Farms within short distance of track. Only 506. were dmun ; also Nine Million acres. Free av. ermnunl. made In the each New should sen Running In connection WM: the Grand Trunk Balm. ' Cumin. Bnillng (mm Quebec everp Baum!“ dung] |a Hummer months. Ind from_ Portland every Thundej 111113 the winter months. Billing dltel from ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS & m- I'I‘UBA R’Y. ’c.’ HIWARREN. & co . bi. haul. Minn. or H F. MONALLY. (Aleutian this Paper.) ‘18 men m. In. Tomnt'u. HAS Imfio'RTED'J-‘Rrom FRANCE 75 PER can or ALL Hangs: -W‘l-)â€"n<e‘ 11;;ny av? is eztahlished by their fidlm recorded in the STUD BOOKS OF FRA CE. TO AMERIOA. STOCK 0N HAND‘ 1 50 Unnamed Brood Mam. one which Percheron Horsgrsrfizlrueil :11: $3,000,000. which includes .treal 11- new machine is now ready, and mu 1 as any sold by Agents at 365. SEE TESTIHEDNIAL It i; 2:3 Jame nd stamp for samples of aewlmz and our ant descriptive photographs of tho hme before buying from Agents. klyn MACHINES SENT ON TRIAL. Red River Valley, NEW "co-'0 WI M {1 )l't Attachments, New Furnitum. New Stand. PRECE $‘ Wayne. Du P599 (20.. Illinois ; arriv 1 the nprove Me by DHIOC“ '1 ma costs! cards, with Adam annual map4 and particulars of be upwval offer made by the iv comb cave Sewmg Machine 00.. Lorillard’s Climax Plug but 51 Feb. 26 for their lands In the "ch 12 From now H U u ludjl par I.) win. If WIS man gfiéfi R. U. AWARE n. South. “autumn. ont- m bringing lmu )III‘ I d to 1WD” or any other make at 8! Yours truly AARON HAWKINS. D “0 3‘25 Ml aw nrnok‘y unxarlo ldthslUi 1h“. 3 MMHINE f Steams until Map '50:: aendu e of our x 'son sending us $35.“ a of our machines, a table and bracket lamps are something ‘ts them introduced. ‘iends want umaohhe THAT )1], Dec. 17th, 1884. ,- that Lorlllard‘s ; (hut Lorulard'l ud‘s Suufl‘a. m A dollhl bu: , u; is certainly for it. With Its :fer it to the 31: make at “I March I. 1. mason I. oonlfluw late, 313$. 1&5 AD hm I'll I mum Hone!

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