Travelling on our roadl at, present in somewhat risky. 3nd upsetl are all the 1130. Thanks to the very tasty (1)1nanner in which the gravel has been neutered ‘an the road. hat Thursday evening was a grand euc- eou, about. two hundred persons being present. in the afternoon the young .le .had a sleigh ride by way of Wood- idge, and than returned back by ‘the new road through a dense forest, eonth- want of thin place. After tee a grand enteeteinment was given by a few eolect ertiea in the audience. Dr. Orr, of eple, gave a very interelting speech on his travels through the Indies. Mr. A. Cameron gave a speech withGanc accent. Mice Hollnway. of Toronto, sang a choice selection of songs. A good choir was al- Io preeent. The order In good without any exception. The audience in die- miued by singing “ God Save the Queen." A serious doc-idem happened to Bertie, second son'of Mr. Wm. Jackson, on Feb. 11th, nearly costing'him his life. It ap- pesrs the little fellow was gathering some small sticks in the pinning fsctory, near one of the belts attached to a shaft, when his hand caught in the belt drawing him on the shaft in an instons. and winding his arm around it, fracturing it in three planes. Fortunately, he caught hold of a brace with his other arm, or he would, without doubt, have been killed. One of the men being present, stopped the machinery at‘ once and released him. Medical aid was summoned, and we are hlppy to learn he will soon fully recover. Mr. J. A. Rupert, of Hailey, Idaho, U. S., has returned to our village After in lbsence of over foul-teem years, and is now visiting with -hll friendl. He ,looks heart]. which spegka well for the climate of m. adopted country. ï¬g. Jackson and daughter, late of Weston, have settled in our village, hav- ing moved into their house last Monday The pulpit of the Methodnt Church was occupied last Sabbath morning and evening by the Rev. Mr. McL-ughlan, of the Lutheran Church, who preached two very imprelaive sermons. A very familiar face may be men on our streets this tuck, though for what length of time is not known.†his arrival and depth)†933 not regulated by any horn luv. The Social in connection with SLPaul‘s And St. Andrew’s Church held in Yellore A Ipan of horses belonging to Mr. White ran through our village last Mon- dny. making the gravel fly in all diraot- pm, though no damage wu dono. Mother vaea’ Worm Exterminator in plenum to “to; Into and eï¬'ectnal in dutroying worms. Wo brie glad to 103m “at our village in impruvinz. A new weigh scale is be Mounted. which ye bgpe _w.illhbe 3 ben- Why no limping uni whiaing About your coma, when a 25 cent bottle of Hol- loway’a Corn Cure will remove them .9 iii“: £5155 imm- in ihi.‘ vicinity. late of Maple. in the Townehiilgof Vaughan, in the Cnunty of York in the said rovince. Gentle. man. deceased, who departed thin liie on or about the 17“: December. A. D. 1884. are required to send by post. prepaid. or to deliver to tne under. Ilgned agent for the Executora under the lan Will and Testament of the said deceased. on or before Wednesday, the eighth day of April next, 5 Itatement containing their names end yd. lulu- and Gil. hill particulars of their claims, and of the securities (if anv) held by them ; and Wetter the said date last aforesaid the raid Executor- will proceed to distribute the uncle of me said deceased amongst. the parties entitled thereto. regard being had 13an to the claim: of which notice has been given as above re nixed. And the laid Ixeeutore will not be liable or the mid unetsor any part. Shanon“: any person or per. son- ot whose claim notion shall not. ve been received by the mid lxecuoorl at t e ï¬inae of such distribution. 7 PURSUANT to Becflon 34 of Chant“ 197 f tho Revised Statutes oi the Province 0 0n- hn'o; Notice is hereby given that. I“ erodimn and othors having claims Against the saute o1 Executors’ Notice! I hav- got our :00 bushds ot“lhnnry" Burl. for Isle. Fume" vi a] 3 ohm 0 at so.“ ould procure cape of t, as n w un. doubtedly summed. tho old “mimics. In to.- tnroa are lll'gO yield. more ltruw. lundl up magnum! nutâ€"clan grain. From minute]. 01 need sown I had nmlv 390 buuhala‘ MISS cunanou is prepared to give inluuotion w pupjl} in_Englinb bfnnchu The Farm compound of Lots 28 and 29. 3rd Con. Vul hnn. is tor Isle or to rent. The tum h in a order and the building: in ï¬rst-clan repsir. There is Man a good around. .It tn wall wound. Avvlzso _ , Iuw uvwn . ..â€".. -v...‘ ..-- __W Ihnve M5010! sale a. lame um), ty of and potatoesâ€"Bounty o! Bobrnn. W11“. auntie. Private Lessons. That Hausa ind hot on Richmond Strut. For furthrr partials" up}!!! to“ A , ,A__ [‘4_L_I -_-._ _â€"..â€"_ -- r_.,_., ,, "School to open on Monk},v March 2nd. 1836. For Sale or to Rent. SEED BARLEY ! For Sale or to Rent. ADAM RUPERT, 364w. 36.8w From our own Corrupt-dent. From «in own Correapondent. Signed, ,Fab. 19H). '85. VELLORE. MAPLE. I", V, Hm. I“. Qua-u. Cnsbol. Wu. auxin. Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Juo. human. Gun-villa. (Witness) E. Brawn“. Has dissolved this 1315b day of Janus ,by mutual (museumâ€"um senior member of the rm retiring and that ls empowared to discharge and settle n11 debts to and by the s'md partnership, (813nm We, the undersigned. have entered into partnei- ship under the name and swim)! And will continue on the old business canin on by the late ï¬rm 01H. Bannerson 6: Sons. (Signed) _ ‘ J. H. Samuelson, W. A. Saudersnn. N. B.â€"-An parties indebted to the late ï¬rm of- “. Sanderson & Sons ue herebv notiï¬ed that all amounts due must I). settled on or before the 10. day of March. 1515, after which date they will be olaced in our collector's hands for collection. (Bisflvd) " N___flu"»__ Notice of Dissolution NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership carriud on for some time fast by the under- signnd, under the ï¬rm name 0 Sxmggsow 3mg?†Richmond Hill. Jan. 14th, 1885‘ The undersigned will have a good stock of the above at McGee's Switch Mill, on 4th Con. Vaughan, and will sell same at bottom prigegu qulows : __ . ‘ “n. E. C. WEsT'I Nlnu AND 13mm Truan- KENT, a. mnmnteed mecch {or Hysteria, Dizzi- ness, Convuluons, Fin. Nervoun Neurnlgm, Headache. Nervous Frustration canned by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wukefnlness. Mental Depression.80|'teuing o! the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age. Btrrenuesa. Loss of Power in either noxJnvol‘untm-y Lusnes and Sperm“- orrhcen caused b over-exertion oi the bruin,self~ abuse or over-in ulgence. Each hox cousins one month's treatment. “.00 a box. or six bows tor 3500,53!“ by nmil prepaid on receipt of price. LATH & SHINGL‘ES I FOR SALE. Culls, $4 per M. ; Sheeting '& Lining I umber. 85 to 86 ; Common 4: Bill Stnï¬, from 89 to 310; Hemlock Lumber. 08; Shingles, 31.90. To can any case. 'Wï¬h each order received by In (or six bottles. accompanied with 85.00, we will send the Durcbuer our writth guarantee to refund the money if the treatment do» not eï¬ectscure. Guarantees issued only by Joan C. anr a: 00.. 81 and 63 King St. El“, Toronto. Ontario rusmu'r, DAVID BLAIR, VISI-YRESIDINT, SAW um Health is Wealth Gum! Bunk of Guudt. DIRECTORS I. Ohilholm, ILP. P.. H. R Dwight. D. I. In- don-1d, C. B. Robinson. A. Helm! Howard, 5nd J. Ginty. Partnership Notice. Deposits received 5nd Interoaullowed 1.110th n Current Rates. No nou'ce of withdnvu requirod. Drafts on all parts of Canada. United State- Ind Gran Britain. bought an loll. 7 rrGgldili'rilling, and.†other operations *iylflly Rerlol'mod, 1‘5 if“. C. P. LEN NOX DENTIST, Arcade Buildings. Rooms A a B. Up-Stairs. Absolutelymopain experienced 3nd hum- leu in All cues. ieo Inn. ' No No to “A: gueoï¬iona, In-.. 1:“. van ,1 Has the exclusive tight for the mo 01 Hlltd'l New Method of extracting tooth without pain, by means of 0N RWDB‘ER, - 0N CELL'ULOID, - I use no chelp uteri-l Ind Ira-ant "‘37,. 9°11... ARTIFICIAL TEETH . H & W. A. SANDERSON ’. SERBEESOH & SONS, IAVHHIS DIPLBTXINT. 30-†We Guarantee SIX Boxes BEST SETS VITALIZEDIII. LITRIBICR. JAM It! I. LAWBIIOI, Manager. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. OP H. Smnnnaon, J. H. SASDERSON, W. A. SANDEHSON HY. MARSH, King P. 0. 8mm:an lino: III" lï¬lh, 18Mpr $10.00 T036311" Thursday'mlir. ‘5 Wheat, 18.11. per bushel .. Wheat,spring, do. 1 l Barley.“ d9. ‘ oats. V do. ‘ Pens. do. ' R e. do. ' C over Seod. do Dressed bogs, pm 100 lbs . Beef, fore quarters Beet hind quarters. Chickens. per pair . Ducks, do. . Geese,eu:h .. Tm- oymeaoh BM .Mmffofls: thither, tub duty . . . Eu 3 franb.petdol. Po «ï¬nes. per bag. At»? as. per bhl .......... on (its. green?“ bag . Cubbage ( o. , Cauliflower do. . Celery. do. '1‘urmps,per bug... Carrots, do. . Hay. per ton straw,per ton .. Blot-mom) HILL Thursdav March 59:11 1885. can, per bushel ........ 30‘33 Pam, do. ...... Dressed hogumu 100 Boat, {ore nun-then“. Egrihlnd imam . c ens. pet I' Ducks.‘ Ado. , Geese, each ....... Turkevs. per lb , Butter, ound rolh. Butm, urge rolll Eggs. fresh.per dozen . Potatoes, per bag. Apples. per bblw omons, green, [hm-v Cabbage. per 0:. . Celu‘ . do. Turn ps, per bag . .. Carrots, do. . Beans, per peck... Flour, spring. per b‘bl Flounlull, per bbl ‘ Hay, per ton ....... straw. vet ton ,. : ago 838 sassssseaass d; o hocoo 95009:»: “a; can 8%3268 u 0" co u . u...» PAINTS, OILS, STUVES. ST UVES. For Sale at: cost price, to , clear out winter stock. A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, Eave- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. . 3 CHAS. MASON, WILKINS’ BROS GOAL 000K STOVES GOAL HEATING STOVES HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES. HARDWARE! 166 King Street East, H. B. DEWSBUHY’S FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPOBIIIM, YONGE STREET. MECHANICS’ All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. RICHMOND HILL. Trunks, Satchels. Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. H. B. Dewsbnry, ANDREWS' 81.1",le 9:81.03 I 3-6833 33-09! 3 GLASS,~ PUTTY, &C. <{BUILDEBS’:> MIR-OUTING A SPEGIILTY 3331-. AIRBIFE. hop. 28 4-‘93. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. RICHMOND HILL. A NUMBER OF PARLOR 18 THE FLAG] FOB Aâ€" -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" Eh: ammu- Near George Street, Toronto. - CLASS SHAVE I 'II THE Richmond Hill. $0 73 . 0'78 . 0 58 mme 6460 1.400 u‘od 070 5 ,0] 040 w rd ('11! 040 mmmw 0001 660 6'15 British Flag Staff ! 6f ;re Willisâ€"e71] as cheap for cash as any store on Richmond HAIL. keeping Mao, classgl'udï¬- WINTER STOCK COMPLETE IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS? ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 8. LARGE STOCK from éOcts. up HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MAUI TO 0338?. In GR()CI€RII§S for Christnlas We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR FEED‘ 1!:1gyn_ on ï¬nnd: .33 in present: given away. send an 5 cents postage. and by mail vou wxll get. , free A Mugs of good- 9 large value, mat will man you in work Lba‘ will a: once bring you in m than: than snv Ibing also 111 America. All chum. 8200.000 in presents in ouch box. Agonto waned everywhere of either sex, of all 31201,!“ All mums, or spare Um. only, to work form a Chat. on home. Fortune: for Ill worm: absolutely sssund Don" delay. 3. HALLn-n C 00.. Portludjhino TREN CH’ S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- ._._)o(_..â€". In returning thank: to my human" friends for their libenl patron-go during tho put twenty-ï¬ve mu. I beg to re- mind them and the gene“) Public, ï¬lm having erected entirely new Qnd noâ€. modioul premium, I In! omwa in lupply Phaetons, Buggies. . ‘ carriages, M light and how}. all a! width in guaranteed to gin uï¬alwflon, .- the work is under my on In "hm. hm flu rele to do “I ind. uf black- uni In 4: repair!“ “a tho not. work- nanliko manual, on tho shortest notice, and on the moat Winkle tonal. Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING WAG 0 N S . Horse - Shoeing THE NEW WILLIAMS! WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT'AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL ‘ ' AND Finest Qualitv Dairysalt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR WAREHOUSE. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain mll ï¬nd it to their advantage to call upon, or correspond with u. N. B.â€"Wo are uzents for the mcnmmn mu. SEED 8t: PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & jARVIS STS., TORONTO. STEELE BROS. & (30.. Plea-o send for Circular which contains testimonials from lead'u' Feeden and Stock-Raisers in the Province. It is equ- sll valuable for Stock of all kindn, Horses, Oath, beep. Pin 3: Poultry. Dairy-men always ï¬nd it largely Increases quantity nd quality of milk. Pnid epoch! “tendon to. 'I TQBNCI. WAN TED I IMMEDIATELY. Enema flLSIKE $20 was SE59. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD. Sleighs and STEELE BROS, & Co. Iwm more momytban munching also by takings-gentry {or me best soiling- book out. Mini-ore succeed grmdly. Rona {9i}: Tom- has. BAunm-Boox Co». hm. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD 8» Ga Will be glad to comes ml with Apple Growers, er- chants, and Shippers. with a. View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customs requiring advances. a m nl,v.lunbh sampl- tyox 03 um uh! pm to- uu aw wgy 0 making more money in I low fl.“ Inn on o r thought possible art my bnamuh. «.21 no mun-ed. You can um mg I:qu om! orkln spun cimn only. or-nï¬omne. All I n: ammo! all less. grand]?! magnum. z. gents to $5 eully tamed "a; "only; '1‘ i 5“ who wunvotk may be“ that human!" - DJle this unparalleled ofl‘er: I. all w}. n. to: well hushed we will send! 81thpgy 19' .0 houblo of wriï¬nz u!» Ffll pnlcnho. it. rectloxu, etc.,uent tree» Imam-pay naught 7 Into to thou who am u m Don't um. Addmu 811380! a Ca" Pom-ml Him... {or working poplo. and I ma pDGtaga,utdIo will-stilwa l 8mm}: Gmpbull I MONTREAL. This famous Bra-d. WRE§ BRILLIANT and almost “at; less. ls tar superior to any on- Norwegian Cod Liver 01! yo! i!- lroduced. It is thong, Jumble and well buillmll the very beat material that money nu Imy, u: skill produce. “SKREP’ Cod Liver Oil! l: 15 Light and Easy to. rum Silenl and ra id in motion. Plain an Sxmple to Learn High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now m- ognized as the It wasauuded ï¬ve medals and mm ï¬rst prime at Hm Domtuion Exhibition Inc October. It in rnpidh snpeneding all the old fashioned makes erexywlsere. See 5‘, try it,nud make sure mus jun not n . Sold by SEWING MACHINE 0P TEE P331013 79 QUEEN ST.,L01RDON,E L. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Oat-u nil Planes. Twms Ear). Imported Ind bottled only '1 J. LUSH.