swinging hlm III the Air Reason. It took a dozen men ï¬ve days of last week to break the spirit of a vicious ele- phant: in the winnter quarters of Adam Forepaugh‘s menagerie, at Philadelphia. Early in February one of Mr. Forupaugh’s Europ “an agents bought four elephants and shipped them to this country. The huge beasts reached New York twa weeks ago, and were at once transferred to Philadelphia. Three were docile,but'the obher, Ajax, is a. tusker, eight. feet. high and vicious. On reaching Philadelphia he became On reaching Philadelphia he-becsme sullen, but Jack Fo:epsugb, who has charge of the winter quarters. believing that the brute would become good natured in a day or two, hitched him to a post and locked him up for the night. A few hours later Ajax broke his chains, butted down the iron-bound door of his room, and rushed into an apartment in which a dozen of the more peaceable ele- phants lived. He attacked a performing elepbsnt name Bazie, and a. desperate ï¬ght began. Five or sir of the small elephants broke loose. Their frightened cries soon excited every animal in the buildings, uni the air was ï¬lled with roars that excited the neighborhood. The night keepers were afraid to attempt to separate Ajax and Bszie, who were trumpeting and chsrging at each other with great fury. When their huge bodies came together at the end of every rush the shock could be felt througout the place. 7 - . a L"; IL. .1. Jack Forepaugh was sent for, but be- fore he arrived the watchman discovered that Ajax and Bazie were so engaged with each other that they did not heed what was going on about them. The doors were opened, and all the elephants except the ï¬ghters were driven out. By the time this was accomplished Mr. Foreâ€" paugh arrived. He has had thirty years’ experience with wild animals, and stands no more in fear of an elephant than an ordinary person does of a dog. Graspng an elephant hookâ€"a spike and a hook on a stout handleâ€"he ran between the furious beasts and ordered Bszie back. Basie obeyed, but the blood of the new elephant was up and he charged on the man, who eluded him and fastened the hook in the beast's ear. Ajax turned and bore down upon him. The trainer stabbed him with the spike and dodged behind a post. Ajax batted the post down as though it was areed. The other men ran to Mr. Forepangh‘s assistance and assailed the elephant from so many points that he paused irrewlute. During that pause a chain was passed about one of his hind legs and fastened to an anâ€" chored ring. This rendered him almost helpless. His other legs were hobbled and he was left alone until daylight, Baale being driven off to another part of the quarters. : On Tuesday morning Ajax was as sul- len and vicious as ever. Bad elephants sometimes remain in this mood for days. and no man can approach them with ssfety. Until such an elephant's spirit, is broken, he 1s worse .hsn useless. Snaps were at once taken to convince Ajax that he must obey his keepers. Of she thirty-six elephants under Forepaugh’s are none was as hard to subdue as Ajax- †,,,,,_:I aThe work of conquering the proud spirit of Ajax began at nine o'c10ck on Tuesday morning and ended shortly be- fore noon yesterday. Beating has no efl‘ect upon a med elephant. In only renders him more stubborn and wicked The breaker’s only hope is to convince such an animal that he is powerless against man. That accomplished the beast becomes as docile as elephants ever are. On Tuesday morning four bawsers were passed through immense pulleys at- tached to beams under the roof. Then a set of harnnss, shaped something like a monster shawl strap, wss fastened around Ajax's deï¬ant body. The leather straps, which were three ply thick. covered smell chains. All the leather plates were copper riveted and a foot wide. Ajax looked as though he were in armor alter being encased. Three hours were spent in getting the harness on him ; during the job he slightly injured two of the keepers. 1 u Through iron rings, supported by great chains, were passed the hawsers. Then a dozen men grasped two of the lines of rope that passed through pulleys, and be- fore Ajax knew it his hind feet were six feet above the ground, and he stood on his front ones in the most approved per- forming elephant style. For a moment he was parst zed with astonishment, but surprise gave place to fury when he ap- preciated the ridiculous posture he was in. He surged and trumpeted and flapped his ears, but all to no purpose. When his struggles subsided some of the men ran 013‘ With the front ropes, and ins jiffy Ajsx’s body was suspended in the air. He made the most frantic efforts to tear the belting eï¬' with his trunk, but the chains between his fore legs and around his shoulders prevented it. There the monster brute hung as helpless as an infant. He was free to kick and plunge and butt the air as much as he pleased. From time to time he was lowered. so that he might rest his legs, but none of the men were allowed to approach or worry him. In the evening he was lowered and ted, and allowed to spend the night on the ground, thinking over the indignities that had been put upon him. SUBDUIMW‘ELEPHANT. After his breakfast on the following morning he was trussed up as before. He resisted, but his efl'orts were unavail- ing. He was a stout-spirited brute, how. ever, and the second day’s punishment only seemed to increase his rage. When he came down to supper he was the mad- dest elephant that ever trumpeted in Forepaugh’s winter quarters. At the sight of the harness on Wednesday he became greatly excited. Mr. Fore sugh said he was “ coming to his senses.’ This bru Air to bring him l0 however, did not prevent him from being hoisted up again. He surged about less in his comfortable swing on Thursday. but otherwise he was as stubborn and dangerous as ever. An anchor was sunk ï¬ve feet in the ground and cove-red wiuh earth in another part of the quarters. Only a ring was exposed. Ajsx's for-legs were hitched to the ring on Friday morn- ing. Ropes were attached to his hind legs, which were then drawn out, leaving him “spreadâ€"eagied" on his stomach on straw. Jack Forepaugh walked over Ajax’e prostrate body every few minutes. The elephant was let up and threw down several times during the day. After three or four hour's experience of this kind .4ij became meeker, and he was quite dejected when, in the evening, he was uncheined and ordered to stand up. He was hobbled and thrown down on Saturday morning, and when his body touched the ground he cried out, and tears trickled down his trunk. He was conquered. The chains were removed at once, and he got up quietly. At the word of command he walked into the room he had broken out of on Monday night, and was as meek as a sheep. Next week he will begin the training necessary before he appears in public. G. M. D. Walking down Broadway is very pleu- nant when you feel well, and T-â€"â€" K-â€" never felt; better than when his friend asked him how he got over that severe cough of hla so speedily. “Ah, my boy," amid Tâ€"â€", “Gr. M. D. did it; I" And his friend wondered what G. M. D. meant. He knew it did not mean a. Good Many Doctors, for Tâ€"â€" Kâ€" had tried a dozen in vain. “I have It,†said he, just: hitting the nail on the head, “you mean Dr. Pierce’e ‘Golden Medical Dineovery,’ or Gold Medal Deaerved, as my friend Jâ€"â€"-â€" 8â€"â€" alwaya dubs it." Sold by dngglatl. Why in there nothing like leather? Because it is the 3010 support: of man. We accidentally overheard the following dialogue on_th9 _ebree_b yes‘ter'day : Smith? Haw cnn I? You-knowâ€"I am I niarty‘tr to ogtgqh. _ _ Jaime. Smith, why' don'b -you stop tbs}: diggultiilg hawklpg 22d sglbting 2 J. Do as I did. I had the disease in its woer form but I am well now. 8. What dld you do for 1H J. I and Dr. Snge’n Camsth Remedy. It cured me and it will cure you. 8. I'm heard of it, snd by Jove I'll try_ih._ __ __ A 'J. Do 50. You'll ï¬nd it at all the drug stores in town. Colds, feverl and inflammation: broken up by Dr. Pierce’l Extract of Smart;- Weed. That which make: all women equally prettyâ€"Putting out the llghb. How They Do It. So-cnlled respectable people would hesiâ€" tate coneidenble before pllferlng your pocket: in a crowded thoroughfare. That would be too too. The same discrimina- tion in not lndlcuted by the aoâ€"oalled re- spectable druggtet when thst wonderful com cure, Pumuu'e PAULDSI Conn Ex- mcron, is asked for. He will pilfer your packets in the moat genteel manner by substituting cheap nnl dangerous aub- atltntes for the genuine Putnam's Com Extractor. Watch for these gentlemen, and take none other than Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold by drugglata everywhere. N. O. P013011 6: 00., Kineton, propra. What. kind at paper most resembles sneeze ‘3 Tissue paper. ' A Western calf has four ears. This is fortunate for the eel! n he will not be mistaken for a. dude. Gemâ€"A new Treatment Perhaps the most extmrordinnry success that has been achieved in modern science has been attained by the Dixon Treatment of ostsrrh. Out of giltients (rested durin the past six mont s. ly ninety per cent. ve been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not ï¬ve per oent of the patients resenting themselves to the regular praetl oner are benefltted. while the patent medioinea and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most scientiï¬c men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissues. Mr. Dix- on at once adapted his cure to their extemuination ; this moampushed the oaterrh is practically cured, and the permanency is im- questioned. as cures efl’eoted b him tour years ago are cures still. No one e e has ever at- tempted to cure eaten-h in this manner. and no other treatment has ever cured ontsn'h The application of the remedy is simple a.an be done at home. and the gresent season of the year is the most tavora 1e for s speedy and permanent cure. the majorit of cases being cured at one treatment. Bu erers should our- respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON a: SON. 805 King-street West. Toronto. Canada. and enclose aï¬emp tor their treatise on «turnâ€"Montreal “No, papa, I do not wish to marry yet. What 1 want is a man who does not drink, smoke, go out at; night, gamble, bot, over eat, etc. ; in short, a man who has no vices and who is always good." “My daughter," said Mr. Duaenbnry, “you are but a. stranger here ; Heaven is your home." Most persons suppose that the manufac- ture of tobacco consists merely of taking the leaf and pressing it into plugs. The tact is, however, that the process is a very delicate one, and the least false step will injure the flavor. The leaf must be carefully attended to for months after it leaves the planter’s hands. It must neither dry too quick nor too slowly. Even after it has reached the factory the utmost delicacy of manipulation is required. The Weather must be carefully studied, for if there is too much moisture in the air when it is pressed it will mould, and the same will happen if too much mois~ ture is sprinkled upon it for the purpose of opening the leaf. Again, if it is everdried in the oven it will turn crisp, and will nip the tongue in smoking. It is by careful at- tention to all these points that the “ Myrtle Navy†has been brought to such perfection. The ï¬rm who manufacture it have their own storehouses in Virginia, and from the time the leaf leaves the planter’s hands until it is turned out of the factory, months afterwards, in plugs, it is under the care of their skilled and trusted employes. The great demand for lame work homes t so extreme experiments in breeding the mares of Western ranges to large Percherm ions. The reeultnmoMmry to public belie! proven remarkably successful. From those weighing from 700 to 900 pounds, when r 9n: nent stock breeders. recognizing the the Percheron cross. have been m on of Mr. Duuham. Amon them Orr. Conrad Korma, Mr. Clnr . Mr. Mu by and others of Montana; H of orcnwesn Ty., Mr. Latimar an of Idaho ‘ Mr.Dea.n1 of Nevula' Mr. ( and Mr. Boundy. of Utah: r. L Marti-on -of Arizona; Mr. Starkwez erous others of Texan ; wpiph 5mm A Single Trial In all that is needed no prUVe that Polson's NERVILINE is the most rapid and certain remedy in the world for pain. It only cost: 10 cents for a. trial bottle. A single trial bottle will prove Nerviline to be equally eflicaoious as an external or in- ternal remedy, and for pain of every de- scription it. has no equal. Try a. 10 cent sample bottle. Sold by druggista. Large bottles 25 cents. Avoid substitutes. erful hold this system the minds 0! maze hree trade which penetraten try from the Atlantic to itobe to the Gulf. $3,00C been imported from Fr Dpnham. of Opklawq [-‘I you... .myv. _ .--.- Duuham. of 6nklawn1‘ï¬ï¬u. Wayne, DuPime Co. 111. who now has on band 500 head a: pedigreed stamens and mares. If you give a. satisfactory answer to an inquiry sfzer the health of your parents, what character in history will you name ‘I Bothwell. Important. When you visit or lone New York City. Inc Dogma Exyreu a mud Carriage Hire. Ind atop at the GBAND UNION ortn. opposite Grmd Oentnl Depot. 600 cleans room lich u at I cost of one mullou dollars, g6 Ind upmrds or 3:). European plan. Elevator shunt supp led with the best. Home can. lessen had elevated rnllroldl to I11 de La. Fun- llies can llve better (or less money It the rind Union Hotel thnn M. 3117 other ï¬ns-alas! hotel In the 01:1. Miss Maokay Was married in a. Parisian drawing-room decorated with white cam- elllas and orange blossoms. Young Men lâ€"Besd Thu. The Voltaio Bolt 00., of Marshall. Mich. ofl'er to send their celebrated Electro- Voltalo Belt, and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days. to men (young or old) afflicted With nervous debility, loss 0! vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restor- ation to health, vigor and manhood quaran- teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days’ trial is s.lowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free. non. GALLOWAY h 00.. Conan, Woollen. sun. 0 pea md Worsted Bhuttl‘eiflskerai Danglin- 0n LEcIunEns $23390]?i“:~:,:::‘::%':$:n. M- U EHTBI torvrï¬ Inca: Immune: policies Fur particular:, address, wub demripiou of policy, F. G. RUSSELL. thturd, Conn, Box 423. OR BALEâ€"TIMBER. COAL. AND ION ORE buds; nook, fruit. and truck farms. orange groves ranches In all Southern sumac. Address W. R. STUART 62 Onondeleb-ec . Newgrluns, Louisiana. 50 000 Terms em y. no: em. Mich. 7 NY PERSON AFFECTED WITH CHRONIC BHZEUMATISM win hum of eomethkng greatly 1; than advantage by sendlnz thelr Iddreu upon n 80:- oud to bhg inanumquï¬qu; _gg_lllnuwood. nk U nation high and dry pan. of any. nine rooms, gu. bacbpnd close». Lot 33x110~ Terms em . Apply on the premlaea or Iddresa 33 Down. on. Ru 7. Torogoo. Oub. 9N LY sl‘cENTsTLoo: here! Upon n calm or '20 I can, “hay. and one com. sump. vnll lend to any drug. complete reoelpu ol the Pnl Bronan‘ eel.- broled writing lul. also :- number 0! other Ink :eceipw. Give your adores. pmxuly. Addmua. W. O. MEDILL. Hutton. On}. 120 V .I. sale; with 160 acres under ouluvnlou ; flood house. burn. In (‘1 «both. large young orchard; two miles om good market. Ind on main travelled road (.0 sums. 1110!: m a lively town. For punlculnn agï¬ly 0030me ROH. Rngnwu Centre. Sn. Clair 00 ' ABM FOR SALEâ€"Lots 21 and 22 on the second concusion, To wuunip of Grammar, Couu'y r t Bruce; mo acres. There are a and frame house and two good berne on the p ace. There are 120 acres olearefl, In good state at cul- :1vati0u;thirty acres slashed. This is a good farm, and will be sold cheap and on any terms. Apply-50 I. T. GRA '1‘, Wocdewok. FOR PLEASANT SEWING Wernnted FULL Length. and 00 run smooth on my :0me machine. Bee um Onurnnrox‘s nuns I: or. he lubel. 197' For me by All Dry floods Dmlen. Clapperten's Spool Cotton Dram Wonderful Progress in Horse Breeding. Boss. 61' Ste A. yr. 'LANE, Montreal. \ EhDSMflLNâ€"UUUD my ’1‘U ’MEN WHO WILL ,work. OEAsI BROTHERS. Nunerymen. Luaport. Mn Pl 8 Chimneyp’Fogl‘ Wane! Lune. EXCEED soul: BRICK HOUSE. â€"GOOD BIT if 100.011 15 Brian Bum . ACRES OF GOOD FARMLNG LAND NB. Aorealumius had: in Northern Mibhi‘ gnu for sale: Some in-prmed hm“ ddreu MERRITT CHANDLER, Che -â€"-UBE ONLYâ€" breeders. ‘ Mel over I ic to the Lu 1.000.000 w I’R EMIEB. BUDGE. RWY Ah CANADIAN. EXPERT. KAD 50 2nd handrBloycles and Trioyoles. ,. .1‘ “715 H Send for list. 313m tlnï¬lrhi: Mdulden manna; 81931111â€; I UUPI‘le 6! ‘traet, Manuall- mambo SAFETY 1353 ibii bihi’w ayne, DuPsge Co. E1553 Bed Spa-lug- I'th 1 Mr. McI Eoty, Mr. ( at Smith, 71:11]}ma Man- 1‘ bones nqyg whato. 9 min ply hi in}: cm Mm. Olu Vast Mr‘ Wes M: Commissioner, anuneov. Trustee. & Fin-natal Aaem Room 0. Arcade Yong-3 St..‘1‘orouco‘ Money 90 Lonn Est-tea manage . Properties Exohmged. Property far Sal KENYO’NJING'LEY & STEWA RT MFG. con 72 KING 5 . WEST. Running In connection with the Gum! Trunk Ballâ€; 0! (hands. Smiling from Quebec everp Batu: during lhe mmmer months. and 1mm Portlnnd every and†during the winter months. Balllna duel from PORT“! D. Domlnlon March 5 | Toronto April 9 Montreal Marvh 12 Montreal April 23 Brooklyn March 26 Russ ox pullge: 0mm. Quebec to Liverpool 8110. 060 '85. 880. Return, m, 3108. 8117, 8144. word»). I nean Ind berth. Intermediate 835. Susanne I' lowest rues. The saloon: Ind stuerooma In neumnvv nuke" thus: ' are nmldshl a. where but little motion (all. Ind no onltle or sheep carried on them. For tn: the! partlculnn Ipply w an! Grnnd Trunk Ball-I: Agent or loan] 333m! of the Comp-ny. or to --..... .mnm ‘ an UK '1. A. aLoCUM. RM l‘aJrluL..Naw X01" HAND STAMP METAL 6L RUBBER DATERS, SELF- mumg x. RANKING STAMPS. av!’ Clippings. a‘ ('mmovu CARRIAGE!) TOPS? are the host and cheapest. In llu- Market. order one from your fan-Inge Maker. Take no other kind. Lg CAUTION i L0 Front R.W.PRITTIE. Real Estate Agent UBBER DATERS} SELF- BANKING STAMPS, C. AGENTS WANTED MYRTLE NAVY 5 The Temperance Colonization Society! LIMITED. One Hundred and Free Homesteads m Land HEAD OFFICE. F'rlt om! 15nd; plenty’ of pure Inter; navigable river passing tbn henlthy climate; no favera; uonvauiaut to coal mines; sen: supply 215019“) the calony; located in ccnu’e Al harem-rm Panca- 5‘,“ axon Honssa. All stock selecreu from the get of sires and dams of estab- lished reputation and m! rcgistcl’cd in the French and American btud Bucks. We have a very large stock of imported stallions and brood mares on hand. Prices reasonable. Correspon- dcncc solicited. Send for illustrated catalogue, free by mail. .Address SAVAGE t FARNUM, Dcmlt. Migh. . ominion Line of Steamships I s I a n d I Sh GBOS Inna: car FIRST EXCURSION TO THE COLONY, AB1 FURTHER mxcunsxousm‘o FOLLOW DURING {29' Maps of the Colony and City, and all iniormntion turn NONE GTHER GENUINE. BRANCH FACTORYâ€"Cor. Calm Ill v mm In Bronze Letters. Each Plug of the few York. Meriden (Ct.), Chicago Lorillarcl’s Climax Plug inâ€va """ minim) go IS MARKED Island Home 10RONTO. THE ONTARIO FILE BU. DoN’w WASTE THEM. rm on. BEING 'ro R. U. AWARE 3.18 RBCUT , 1w @th Ht em; urExchange bananas“; Modéreu THAT BEST’IN'THT; \TCRLD. Stock Farm 6303“ ISLE, MIC . I) (Ch), Chicago, San Francisco, London, (£5153). -Cor. Cannon and Wellington Streets, Hamilton, Ont. :r-nx vnrqhm" Pavia, F1119“!!! - 1 TRADE l nfl's. "i ts wanted New York der the impression that the u manufacture. We Be oompe - special “taxation to the sham MARKS The {out that. our L Trade Marks are bein so close- d should be u sumcien guaran- puhlic that our wares an ill. Lorillarl Lox-mam @fllfl mm JEBHHS “7â€"? M SMKED SAUSAGES. The most convenient men (or tumor! In their In! Ieuon Thane ment- Ire cooked And m to! lâ€. Son by grocers among]: the Dominion. Ben to! uh ‘ to w. CLARK, p 0 RM 31.17: MFV‘C'R.I Our new machine is now ready. and in II good as any sold by Agents at. $65. SEWING MACHINE P‘l‘. Send stamp for samples of aewlnq and our elegant desori tive photographs of m hine before uying from Agents. New Attachments, New Furniture. New Stand. BONUS :-â€"From now until March 313': 18%! we will give no any person sending 113 M cash in advance for one of our machines. I handsome combination table and bnmkot lamp com leLe. Tnese lamps are something new. and L e maker Wants them introduced. 11' you or any of your friends want unmobim don't delay, but send to Go-Uperatwa Sawmg Machine 00.. 22 James St South. llamuton. 0n!- -â€"AN Dâ€" Especially Those Living on Rented Farms should send me postal cards, with mm. for sectional map-3 and particulars at we rpeczal 01hr mauu by the ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS 35 HAN- I'I'OBA R’Y. witth short distance of track. Wm acre down ; also Nine Million acres. 1 emmem lands in the Turtle Mountain and Devil’s Lake Distrlcts. 114 King Street West. Toronto. EVERY FARMER, C. EL‘WARREN. 3c 00.. 3:. Paul. Minn. or H. F. MCNALLY. (Mention thia Paper.) 28 From St. E. Tomato. Machinc North Dakota. Particulars tree. Address â€" [1 Gown. Gllvaa.,Bheep undl’tgl. MYonnnnl (Mm: FEEDER is mad md recommend-8d b M ulna Dresden. um onus produce more In ll. butter. It (liken. In one-laxath ulna] “no. ml van Fo . ice )5 can“: And,†per box. A doll†be: canâ€! It is the onlxJ preps mm oontainn 511 t e nutrition stimulant! . pro ertiaï¬ 0‘ one which a} t e_ power HAS Iï¬uï¬b'h'tdfnpm FRANCE A on Ann L“ 75 Pen can. OEALEHRREE‘E I-I-II-â€"--- 'â€" .7, Wh _ t ( bio (I in Ntahllsh d by their “00325 L‘Suc'rieyhvi‘) 3001:5801: FRA§CE EVER IMPORTED T0 AMERICA. pe'djï¬eef no not recorded. mu cum-x given. they should be valued only us gnd Imgarted Slot]: at Grade Prim when wit the annual sold pedigree veriï¬ed French certiï¬cate of its number and room-d in ance. 140 Page Catalogue illustra‘ed with Six Pr 1.0 Home of the Sociaq Rimmwnl’erdmanne of hang: in._ ._.4 Ann ,wae ~ mum... . .__ 7‘ qur w may he wd' wbehlé‘meh' pedigrees Ire not recorded. and cannot be nut e “0 given. they should be valued only an gndfl. I will sell I“ [m Slot]: at Grade Price. when I cannot NI!!!“ wit the animal sold pedigree veriï¬ed by the ad ll F‘Tanch certiï¬cate of its number and record in the Stud not in France. 140 Page Catalogue Hem free- It in illustrated with Six Prize Horses of the Exhibition of the Societa Hi ' up Percheranna of France. 1884 I pur- chased by , Dnnhnm, and drawn from Ilia hy Rm Rnnheur. the most famous of all nnlmal pm Percheron Hov g Eadie-in; the MACHINES SENT ON TRIAL. HUGH mum: Ind 00.. ummwux. (mum. lemmas. null. Moronâ€. 1‘0: 35!. by Draggin- "when. Red River Valley, flied: W. PEMBERTON PAGE. Manager. I. W. 'mation furnished on application. ‘31 PRICE $25 CASH. E hraln. in W COOPERATIVE Wagne. Du Page Co., Illinois. SEE TESTIMONIAL LOWERVILLE, Dem erived all right, and 1t ue money 1 rovements. for their lands ln.the on longer of fertile ABOUT APRIL 2ND. E 1847 Rogers Bros. 11. :3: «2a valued36'93.ooo.ooo. v nick includes THE SEASGDN. hawk-m? 7W ' ' ‘i have"! 1“?de 93‘5" WEE abet. mhr‘tï¬y, man than in Mnniton belt. Sixty Acres of Bonn“- to Actual Settlers. yht, and It is certainly )u ask for it, with if. I prefer it to the my other make at W ours truly,_ DRON' Hwams. HEW W100 COLTS. STOCK 01919111): m of the Mud which limogether with the ! beef, and \he only ~ to tummy noun-is- MARK. ‘Imponed Brood males. Imnq£1¢9__$£&11,i£ns- 17th. 1884. Bldiéxâ€"wigh fur ser vice, moral neighbon “Iâ€,