Neuer-w‘asthere a more unenvi- able. position than that ol Sir Leon- ardfliilley in making the Budget speech, .Everything: was against himJacts and ï¬gures, and‘ what must have been bitterly galling to himLaIl his boastings and promises of a never-failing surpllls came back boomerang-like pitilcssly pelting him on all side-s. The whole country is now weighed down by an alarming com mercial.crisis.thous_ands of work men are crying out Ion bread, the agricultural prospects were scarcely ever more gloomy,_the manufactur- mq~industries are dying undera hot.- house induced competition, and ï¬n- ally, the maw of the C. P. R. Syndi- cate is wider than ever, and more greedily than ever it is bawling ('z'iz'e." Gim .’, Our debt now amounts to the snug sum of over $260,000,000.‘ and itris growing apace. Our rew. enueiis rapidly decreasing. And; yet in the face ofthis appalling state. of affairs, the lueklws Sir Leonard T.o ustitiis an encouraging sign. that-occasionally some one appearss bold enough to dispute the absolute perfection of our much vaunted machinery of public instruction. It is true that up to the present no one seems to have clearly realized just what‘its great defects are ; it is equally true that very many have very clearly realized that the results obtaiinedare extremely meagre in comparison with the money spent. Ontario expends yearly lor a popu- lation‘of lessthan two millions over the hundred thousand dollars for educationalt purposes, Yet the number of those really educated is quite insigniï¬cant. Here is.- proof positive that there is something grievously wrongin the very foun~ i dations etc this highly lauded system. What is it .7, We make answer as follows z.â€" It is parietal} astonishing how much may be achieved simply by dint of‘ryepetiition. Let a thing be but aï¬irmed.over and over, it is cer- tain to ï¬ndlbetore long hosts of ad- vocates and. sugponers. Let a thing‘be aspensistently denied, soon it will require no‘ little courage to assert it. A case in. point is our Provincial system of Education. Again and again we have been told that one might as well; seek to paint the lily or to add perfume to the rose as to attempt to improve it in its essential features. But the voice of numbers is not the voice of logic, and sound argument and mere. as- sertion are as far asunder as; the poles. BlcuMoNp Hum; Thuilï¬dérvnMamh 18. ’85 Me ifihcml. For saleâ€"J R Campbell Private Boardâ€"â€" N01 iceâ€"H Sivan; Notice to Crednorlrâ€"Georgc- lawman. Changeâ€"A Wright & son 0 UR. EDUCMwDL4 L S Y S TE M . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE B U DC: ___.._.. .7. , v.1“. “ I have Innqh‘ï¬leaaure in recommending Dr. 'l'homns‘Eolactric 05], from having used it myuelf and having anld it for some time. In my own case I‘ will say furit that“: is the beat, preparation 1, have aye: tried for_ rheumatiuglf' Dr. J. 0. Orr, whor 1131; lately returned from London, England, where he has has been completing his studies, in spand in! a few days with. hi: bruther,Dr.R.B; Orr. MLJ. E. Clnbine. Head qur school has been ill during thu week and has gone home fur a few days‘ M. J; McQ-mrriu has been teaching in his place. Juseph Coleman has hul‘gllt n In! in the village on Mamureet and is building a residence this summer. Richard Baxter hgdm very narrow escape on Saturday‘ 1mm: the Saw null hvre. He was passingynnder ushnff; just where it was coupled and did not) sloop luw el)0llgh;u bolt. struck him on the llend und knockgd him senseless. He was taken to Dr: Orr's Uï¬icér‘ahrd his wounds attended to; he in now at "01k again: From our own Correspondent. Mr. Amos Shrunk has sold his imported stallion, “Bride n! Drummond,†3 years uld to D. Gwlngprld: Co. of Honeywmnl, Township nf Mnlumr, Qu. of Simcoe, for $1600. Mr. Shuuk will likely return to Europe fur hurses, either next summer or the summer following: Hollowav’s Cnrn Cure in the mediciu to remove all kinds of uurns and wartu. can. But never was the superiority of truth over all other weapons more sngnally displayed than in the tri- umphant return of Mr. Beaugrand by the handsome majority of tour hundred and one votes. Mr. Beau- graud isa Liberal in politics, and naturally has a perfect horror of church interlerence in matters pure- ly secular. The recent mayoralty election in Montreal must afTord much conso- lation and encouragement to the noble army of optimists. The con- 'test was between the notorious eBeaudry and the young and ener- getic editor of La Patric. Mr. Beau- ;grand., Both are Frenchmen. The former received the undivtded sup- port of the Conservative press. the latter of the Retorm and Independ- ent journals. The tormer stood high in the favor of his church, the latter was stigmatized as a tree- mason. a free-thinker and a republi- 3-. 'P'hat the country has lost this large amount with no other return than-the knowledge that Mr. Craig, and. at. hot amm’ gmus were there- by enabled to lead a happy and dis- honest life. 2. That SJ Leonard acted in this mattemn the spirit of a man reckless in dealing with pub~ lic funds, although careful enough in phcing his own. I. V That the Fmance Minister was culpabiy ignorant of the Bank's aflalrs at the time of the loan. \Ve- eommend -to the attention of our readers the speech 01. Mr. Mu- loch, M.,P.‘for North York, on. the Dominion bovornmeut’s loan‘ to the lateExchange Bank,.rcsulting in a loss~oi $300,000. Itwill be remem- heredthat. the sum two hundred thousand dollars was advanced to this institution] on no security what~ ever, and that an additional sum 01" one hundred thousand dollars was given on a security which would be accepted b) no good man of busi- ness. Mr. Mulock's statement of the case was very powerful. He betrayed,and seemed to tee], no po- litical animus. llis assertions were temperate, well-weighed,and heyond dispute. And on the conclusion 0t his speech, it was evident GOVERNMENIE’S- LOAN m EX- CHANGE BANK. The whole speech was intended only for blind and interested parti- sans. Facts were systematically ignored or distorted, and the argm merits mainly relied on were those which are given by a large majority, in the House. l was forced to twist his features into a grin which must have been 3 hide- ous mockery of joy, and blandlv proclaim that under the N. P. and the C. P. R. the country is safe and prosperous. Nay more,the Minis- ter of Finance instituted a compari- son. between Canada governed by Sir john Macdonald.George Stevens and Yankee Van Horne, and Cana. da governed by Messrs. Mackenzie, Blake and Cartwright, ofcourse enâ€" tirely to the disadvantage of the latter. Pretty work this for an old Liberal 1 Sir Leonard would have done much better to have remained with his old friends for ever in op- position than to he lifted to the heights of power by the hands of bl: old-time opponents. A‘. Livinggtone, Elattsville, lfly! IVA Y0]? OF MUJV TRE'AL. MAPLE. FALL (SC WINTER SUPPLIES Every Department. Complete with New G< ads at the Lowest Prices. Blankets, Flztnnels,_androther \qullens at VVhoIesale Prices. A large stock of Staple and‘il‘uncy (Ema. ceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c..,at_Lowest Rate». {CARR IAGâ€"ESI Prepare; for THE FIRE: Pm In our line, we can guarantee satisfaction in ever: Call and see what we cando before purchasing “J Proxipr attention paid t6 repairing ;C 0 N C R E {5‘ ' :AT: LOWEST FRED-2’3 I Having given our entire time for the past three N 0W is Your * NEW TWEE; RATES?“ IMPROVEMENTS i NEW PEI NEW SHIRT . WRIGHT (c; New Cottoms‘: F: ** CARRIAGE BUILDE 13. SPRING Highest Price paid for-Butter and Egg An Immense Stocg sic as; . ATKI Are new prepared to sell all designs ITINE S'I‘ (:,}“]_4.4A,SS:a And the ï¬fonsxsting of 159 different kinds AND PURCHASING. Y-O UR .A- WRIGHT 85 CLIN- BY GOING. T697 ISAAC OW“: m: I articular. where. @e. to the