Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Mar 1885, p. 8

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Maladies multiply one another A simple fit of digestion mayâ€"especially if the constitution is nut naturally vxgumns â€"tlm~w the entire mocbunium nf Hm liver and bowel: out-d! gear. Sick head- ache fullUWI, poisoning oi the blood ‘by bile ensues, and there in grave and seri- ous disturbance of the whole system. Check the chm-toned dangers at the out- set In“! Northrup & Lymw'a Vegetable Discm'ery and Dyspeptie Cure, the Inu‘lb chm that drives ewry iznptmtj fn-m the blood. Mr. Hugh Gorman and family have returned home again after n few daya’ nut. with their friauda in Scarburo. A horse, attached to a cutter, ran away last Saturday at. Oak Ridges, but fortu- nately, no oeliom damage was done. Mr W‘ Robin'auu 01 Collingwund is in the burgh nt prelont, his mother being dangerqujaly ill: Alma S. J. Elliott met with a severe nccldnnt by falling on some Icy steps; llm has sinned been Confined to her rumu, but we are glad ta learn she II recuvering as fast as can be expected. A Mr: Jun. Mvrtsun has been confined tn his room this last, neck, owing to a severe cold. Thu remains of the law Mrs. Herbert Legge. Inf Pnrkdale, late of Oak Ridges, were interred in St. John's burying ground on 'l‘nesduy, 10th lust and were fullnwed to the grave by a large circle of sorrowlllg relative» and acquaintances. Deceased died very unexpectedly, being ill only twenty-lour‘llours. From Our Own Correspondent. OBXTUAKY. The announcement of the sudden death of Miss Ida. Guldring of ’l‘nmnto, was received in this locality with prob-[ind regret. She wusa niece HI Mr. \V. J. Gale nf this place, with whom she nsnnlly spent her summer vacation, and by her kind and luving disposition endeared her- self to all who had the pleasure nf her acquaintance. On Wednesday. llth inst. her remains were interred in St. James' cemetery. Whilst we must all buw in humble snbmissinn to the all-powerful willuf God we must remember we are also mortal, and must gunner ul' later answer the cull of Him who doeth all things null; and though she has been cut ufl’ from all earthly connections with her snrruninz relatives, acnnaulaiinn remains fur tnem that she has been summoned to receive the reward awaiting all dutiful children, namely. Heaven. W. W’. McLellan, Lyn, N. S, writes: " I was afl‘licted with rheumatism, and had givuu up all hnpes of a cure. By chance I saw Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Uil recommended. I ixmuediamly axe-1t. (fifty miles) and purchased fuur bottles, and with only two applications I was able to gel: around, and althnugh I have not used one battle, I am nearly Well. The other three bottles I gun: around to my neigh- bors, and I have had so many calls for more, that I feel buund to relieve the afflicted by writing to you fur a. supply. hill on 7th Con .................... 5 Alex. Mullen, work done on Capâ€" ner’s hill . ...... . .................... â€"Carried. [Remainder of the minutes will ap- pear next week] Moved by Mr. Cook, necnnded by RIF. Elliott, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized tu pay the following road accounts: District No‘ 1,â€"- D. S. Reaman,fnr cedar p1les delivered at Leaf’s budge. ..:.....S District. No. 3â€" Kgyflsfi'n I‘Ijtl‘letfijlnsting powder for Moved by MnMall -y,s+.c.)ndxv-d by Mr. Cook, that the Klu'nhnrg Sp)ng Show be granted the sum of $10, and that the Treasurer be instructed to pay the same. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Manny, Mr. Elliott, that the Treu: hereby authorize-d to pay sheep claim of $3 00, from being two-thirds its vulnex A communication was Mr. Cook from Kleinburg Association, praying for .1 g Association for their Swim The followng sheep claim ed from John Keir, fur 1 valued at $4 50. Moved by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Malloy, that. the draft. of condolence to the widow and family of our late col- league, Daniel Reaman, be embodied in the minutes of this Council; also a copy of the same be presented to the widow and familyâ€"Carried. To the widow and family of our late esteemed colleague, Daniel Beamzm, Idxquire. We, the members of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan in Council assembled, avuil ourselved of this op- ‘ portunily to express to you our deep sym- pathy at the sudden and unexpected removal from amongst us by death of your late re- s meted and esteemed husband and father; nud whilst we shall f: 61 the loss at his pres- ence and tha assisznnce of his cunmel, which he was always ready to give for thgflyitexasss' of the Township during thetwenty yeurs in succession in which he was a. representative of this Council. Therefore, we, in» remain- ing members‘o! that Council. on behalf of ourselves and ratepayers of the Township, ‘ desire to ofler to you and the members of your fumily our deepest sympathy in the bereavement you have sustained by his sud- den and unexpected removal frum your fam- ily Circle. (Signed) The Municipal Councnl of the annship of Vaughan met. at; the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 10th day of March. 1885. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Cook, Malloy & Elliott. The minutes of last meeting and meet- ing since, were read and on motion sus- tained. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. JEFFERSON 7T. Pun'rEn, New. J. M. LAWm~:NCE,(Ilerk ll {ran fun-Luring m Kerr he and is $21 resent killed ltunil their Thtough Tickots to all points East and West. Ind Manitubu. For Tickets, Knees. &c.. applv ‘0‘ T. DILwonu-u. Agent N. R; N. W. Rya.. ROBERT Qcmx, Biobuwndfllm i I have ilEuTo} Ed); I. 'n‘arag’aiigmy at ued potatoesâ€"Bounty of Kobrnn. White Bun-Ac. I lnvo got our 100 bushels ot"Mensury" Barley {or sale. Farmers wishing (I. change 0! send should procure some 0! it. an it will un- doubtele auversedo the old vnrinuos. It: (on.- tuxes are large yield. more straw. stands up better. and first-chip grain. From 10 bushels of 39991 sown I had nester 300 bushels. NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. The Farm composed of Lots 28 and 29. 3rd Con. Vaughan. in for sole or to rent. The farm is in good order and the buildings in first-clans repair. Them in also a good orchard. It u well watered. APPILN SEED BARLEY 1 That House and Lot on Richmond Street. For furthn- particulars app] to 364m. Rs. F. Qua-n, CnsheI. For Sale or to Rent. Richmond Hill, Jun. 14th. 1885‘ ' J. H. Smmexson, W. A. Sandersnn. N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the late firm of H. Sanders-nu 6: Sons are herebv notified that. all nrcountn due must. be settled on or before the lat day of March, 1885, after which date they will be unwed in our collector's hands for collection. (Signed) _V For Sale or to Rent. And will continue m: the old business carried on by the late firm of H. Sanderson & Sons. (Signed) _ We, the undersigned. have entered into pn rtner‘ ship under she name and style of S$NQE£§0W Baas. , (Witness) E. SNIDER 15 empowm ed to discharge and settle all debts to and by the mud partnership. Hus dnssolrcd this 13th day ufJ-a‘numyhv mutual (-nuwm â€" the .«euiur muber of the firm retiring and that J. H & W. A. SANDERSON Roan/r QUINN, UGeuam] Passe-[or Agent NOTICE is hereby given mat the partnership named on {or some time past by the under- sumed, under the firm name 01 He SANDERSON 8v. SONS, Partnership Notice. Feb. 11m '35 MISS FLOR; COULTER IS PREPARED All persons indebted to the entatv of the late Robert Sivers, of Richmond Hill, are notified lo settle their ncmunlfl on or before- April 16th, 1885. Accounts nut. settlvd by um date will be placed in court for collect- 100. Mae 0i Dissoiution A Thoro’ Bred Durham Bull M USIC LESSONS! 1835,by post pro-paid to George ReamanEsquire. Concord of the Executors of the (le- censed. their christian surnames, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claimsm. statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them ; the said creditors are also notified that im- medinb 1y after the said Fifteenth day of April, A. D., 1895, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the pin ties entitled the-wt, ), having regard only to the claims of which notic; shall have been then received, and the Executors will not, be liable (or the assets or any part there- of so distributed to auv poison whose claim shall have not. been received at the time of the distribution of the said assets. GEQROE BEAM/m, ISAAb‘ EAMAN. } Executors. Jnfix 1). Enemy. Lawrence 5:: Milligrm. Solimtol's for the Executors. Dated at Richmond Hill, thisyfih day of MuLLh A.D‘.1885. M A Lash Day of April. A. 13., The creditors offlanioh'mmdln, late of the Townshiput Vuufiban, m the County of Yew, Yenmnn,derease(,'who died on or about the > ’ duyrtj‘gbxunxyrr A. D., 1835, are hereby notified in pursuance of R. S. 0.0mm 107 section 34, m. amended by 46 Vicwria. Cup. 9, to sand on or before the . 8Aw Friday, March 20th, J. C. B. Johns. Con. 1, Lot 34, Vaughan. Monday, March 23rd. Charles Creasnr, Lot 60. Col). 1. Vaughan. Tuesday, March 24th, Wm. Charlton, Lot 18, Con. 3 East. York. Wednesday, March 25th, lale Daniel Rea‘ mun, Con. 2, rear Lot 10. Vanglmu'. Thursday, Mal-6h 26m, A. W. Wilson, Con. 2, rear Lot 8. Wait York. Friday, March 27th. W‘. Washington, Con. 2; Lot 80. Vaughan. Tuesdav, Mner 31_ Robert Clark, Con 3. rear Lot ".1. West York. CORRECTED EVE RY TUESDAY. Notice to creditors. 36-3w 364w. 'em‘s old, registered in the B. A. Hard Book. For further particulars apply on Lot 13, «1th 11. Vaughan. ESE SALE 3 Eckardt‘s Sale Register. 1885. 34-4w Il‘O GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC NOTICE ! J. R. CAMPBELL. Sherwood P. 0 (Signed) WM. SLXNIY. Richmond Hill P. 0‘ JNo. Luna-.3, Can-villa H. SANDERRON, J. H. SANDERSON, W. A. SANDEnsux BANEERsoN Imus‘ H. Swmzs 384w For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter stock. A Il‘a‘rge stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, Eave- troughing, &c., &c. Repairing promptly attended to. STUVES. STUVES. COAL 000K STOVES GOAL HEATING 8TOVE8 HAND SLEIGHS & SKATES. Both lightaud heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr I. I am also prepared to do all kinds --f black- lmillnng w repairing in the most work- manlikn manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. In rHurmng tmr -k% to my numerous friends for their libeml puh‘o.‘ 1:2: during the past twenty-live yrura, I be'»; to re- mind them and the genera] public, that having: erected entirx/ly new mud com- modions premises, 1 am enabled to supply PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S. Cutters, Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- fl‘ the Min URSUANT to Section 34 of Chnnter 107 of the Reviued “wanes of the Province of On- ttu-io: Native is hereby given that all cxediton and others having claims against the estate 0! Apples, per bbl... onions. green, per Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. 'I urm‘ps, per bag . . Carrots, do. Beans, per peck ...... ‘ Flour, wrinu. per bbl . Flour, full. per bl l Hay, per ton . , . . V straw. per ton ,. Executnrs’ Notice! Horse - Shoeing Bee! hind qua! Chickens. per 1 Ducks. do. Geew, ench 'l‘urkevs‘ perlb Butter, pound Buff/hr; lm'gexo Eggs. fresh; pér m If‘utqtoes, pen: 71mg hemmnn HILL Thursday March oats per bushel ...r Pom, do. V ‘ . . . Dretsed bngumer 100 lbs . Beet, fore quarter ...... Bee! hindqunrter' Chickens.pox_' pair .. ,,,,, .30 0 5 .6 7‘ 0 Tonox'rn Thursdav.Mnr. 19 1515. when, full, per bushel . .30 80 Wham, spring, do. 0 F“ Barley, do. 0 53 outs, do. 0 39 Peas. do. 0 §8 R e. do. 0 .36- C ova Seed. do. Dresled hogs, per 100 lbs Beehkwe quarters BeefJJind quarters Chiclens, per pair Duch, do. . . (39951, each Turkeys,each .. Butter, pound ronu fluctu-v tub dairy .. Eggs fresh, per doz Pomwes, per bag . Apples. perbm onims, green, ei- anon: asssgsgsssssagssgsga; Cubhmze o. Cauliflower do. Celerv, do. '1'urm'ps,per hug... Carma, do. . Hay,par ton stravmer ton . awoceco-LL-accoh-coo 3C-5in A DA M ‘ of Maple, in the Townshi ) of Vaughan, in (‘qunty of York in the sun] rovince, Gentle- A NUMBER OF PARLOR Paid special attention On. WM TRENCII. RICHMOND "ILL. CHAS. MASON, Richmond Hill. mu: Mariam. rolls‘.‘ . nlls ...... r dozen Sleighs and Maple P, 'o GOO ‘IJ'T‘ flmfim 0000 o 60 n 80 (r80 1 00 0 18- 0 16 0 ‘21 n 40 1 00. 19 33 mes, a 0 40 0 50 15 00 9 00 040 50,00 . 2055 06680 0 80 ll 0 '20 0 18 045 1,,1 4|) 22 50 (I0 for workan ple. end no some postage. en we will mail you free e to al, vulneblo ample box 0! goo "he: will pm van in me way of making more money in a tow dnyl ehnn you ever thought possible an eny bulinela. Cop Ital not required. You can live at: home and work in spare him. only. or on tho mne. All o! be“) sexes. of all ages, grand], emcenelnl. 50 cents to $5 eeeily corned every evening. Thu ell who want wurk may test the busineu, we make (his unparalleled odor: To all who ere not. well annulled we will send 3) to pay for rho ‘rnublo of wri‘ing us. Full particulars. di- rections. 09.0., sent free. Immense pay nbaolnuly sure wchoso who start at. once. Don‘t delay. Address n‘mxoox J: (30., Purduml Home. Knuth Gmpbdl 8. CI , This famous Brand. PURE. BRILLIANT and almost Tilst less. Is lnr superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver Oil yet In- (reduced. Maine. more money than M an“th also by tnkinu nungency for the best selling bookout. Beginners succeed gummy. Nnue fail. Termstree. BALLETTBOOKCO.. Portland, “ SKREE ” Cod Liver Oil! And at the lowest. price. A large Stock of Furniture at Toronto Prices, Delivered in Good Order. PICTURE FRAMES of all SIZES 8c MADE to ORDER HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS OF ALL KINDS. GLASSWARE. CROCKERY AND OTHER GOODS FLOUR & FEED CONSTANTLY 0N HAND GR,()CERIES. ot’um best Quality A LARGE STOCK 0F THE PEOPLE’S STORE "a nave a bnljlblh a ll}le anu 1‘ tun-‘11. rLUK‘K N 1‘ 11.131) always on hm;- of which we will sell as cheap for mush as any ulnru on Richlnund HLII, keep”): clasSK"“s"f V 4’ We hgv‘e a UHRICE STQCK 5nd FRESH. ' FLOUR :& FEED_«Lwaya . . . . ALL KINDS. -' ' , . SHIRTS & PANTS. a LARGESTOCK from 40015. 1 DRESS-GOODS; WIINCE‘YS. TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS WINTER STOCK COMPLETE British Flag Stéifi‘! HATS AND 0:193, suns MADE TO onnsn. In (i‘rll()ClQI{IlCS for (flu‘istnnnu Imported And boulnd only by FRESH; _ CANNED GOODS THE NEW WILLIAMS? All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Chofce Seed Grain ml} find it. Lo their advantage to call upon, or out-respond with Us. N. B.â€"\Ve are agents for the Please smKl fur Circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stuck-Raisers in the Pruvinmel It is equ- ally valuable for SUle of all kinds, Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Plus (it Poultry. Dairy-men always find it largely lncreases quantity and quality of milk. WE CAN NOW FURNISH FINE BARREL SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL, AND Finest Quality Pgifymsalt at $1.20 per Barrel, SEED 6c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & jARVIS STS., TORONTO. MONTREAL. STEELE BROS. & 00.. \VAN TED IMMEDIATELY, 6210163 24121451357 Emma SEEQ. EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD At the Lowe-t Price. Call nud Examine the Guoda \Vhich will be sold at butqu price; Has on hand a. large stock uf STEELE B] AT OUR WA RE HOUSE Deposit- received Ind Innarosmllowod th-roon n Current Eaten No notice of wibhdmvnl required. 0mm on All mum of Canada, Unin Staten sud Gran Britain, bong!“ and sold. hi prelim given away, lend m beams pusmue. and hy mail you Wl“ net ; free a package of goods 0 large value. (but, will stun van in work thin will at. onoebnuu you in money faster than nuv thing else in America. All noon: the $200,000 m mountain each box. Agontswanwi evm'v“ here of eithar sex. of I" naol, im- all the mum ur quin- Lime only, 1.0 work for no at ‘hn'n' o‘u bullion. Fortunes for nll worked; nbmlntalv Mann-d Don't delav H BALLET'I‘ a (‘1’..Porunm. ‘ .Hné' K. Chisholm, M. P. P., K P. Dwight. D M‘ Mao- donuld, U. B. Robinson. A. Melon: How-rd, and J. Ginty. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIR, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. Central Bank of Eanada. It is rtrnng..1nmble and we“ me‘pf t) 0 very best man-rial that money can my, (1 skill produce. It was nwardod five medals u first prizes at lbw Dumtuion Exhilx October. It in rapile superso-din old fashioned mukefl even-where. try it,uud muLeaure that 3w Sold by It IS Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in mm. :1. Plain and Simple to Learn SLVINGS DIPARTHZI’T. High Arm Sewing Maching lS row rec ognizcd as the . G. SAVAGE. SEWING MACHINE OF THE 37."; Richmond Hill, Dual" in Orn l’muus. Terms Easy. 31108.. JAMES ll. LAWREIOI. Richmond Hill Branch A A. ALLEN, (“nah-er. J. LUSH DIRECTORS 'lllll't'f. um and a get i‘ ‘hree um“ I the -9 it. :ISD. 11D all

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