‘ Ellie glitch †IS PI'FLISHEI‘ EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT {HE LIBERAL PRINTING c1 T'UBUSHING HOUSE AHCHMOND HILL. ~ - ONTARIO. T. 13. llcllAllON‘, names and mommies. _._.¢â€" iï¬illiigr Elucian . Churches. ‘ â€"â€"-Servir~e at. 3 unlit? s Evrscopni ( HUIH‘H. V . r :1 except tho third Sunday of evciy month. ‘W’he‘h the RTl'V’li‘L‘ and sacrmimnt iii-o held M 11 hum. Sundii‘J Schoolatlztio p.1u Rev.“ . limes, Rector. ‘ ‘ ) Mn'rncmsr: Clll'RCl’Iâ€"Sel‘vlf't‘s iit 10,110 M. I.) and 0:30 U. iii.,u.iid Suiiiliiy school, iii _...0 p. in. N ,r; l R \l'flYf‘l ll‘G ggffgï¬llljghlll‘ljcljMeelilll†9\'él‘f\'le'lIl)‘S<lil§ urging}; iii the Lociuic Ronni. l'ni'. \V.1y.1lful$£'l, up ., Rev. \V, I3.1'hio‘..h, Assisiuiit. . l.’ni‘.siirrI-‘.iii.\~z ('iii'iii-ii or CANin.\.â€"Ser\:ices aâ€. ll O'clock ii.ii1..mid u; m p.ui. l‘rayer mummy. on Wednesday c\'uiiiuuiit7::l(l. I ROMAN C‘VI‘EHLIC MIL.iwii.~Sorvices in order as follow i- Thoruhill of 9 a.ii),, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 min: tho follviwuig Sunday 1\lf‘ l- mond Hill zit 9 u..in..ani1 1 11011111111111: who a. in Societies. (more. A. F. & A. M.. No.23. G.R.(‘ â€"-l\tl‘:egt;‘i(lfxtnh£lLodue RooinIIasouic Hull on the Monday on or before full moon. at a 0 ClUCA p.111 A. J. Rupert, W. M. 7‘ ANCIENT oiirmu or Fonss'riansâ€"Cnurt Rich. mond. No. 7046 A O. F., meets in the '1 enipcrance Hall every alternate Friday at 7.30 p. lll.‘A- J. Rupert'olkl N or I o C T ' L TEMPLE, o i... . . r. .~ MeRoItCsHig‘lli: galliperunce Ho 11' every Wednesday evening. at 7.30 o'clock. ‘VIU.HR1TISFIJ '1 . D. A " sabbe scboul’l‘einperancc . s Jigiibdiiegggiilelztilcdcc curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hai-risou Supt Mscnimics‘ IxsTITn’ra.~ Library of over 1000 ‘vfluinescpen every Tuesday evening. in the Ma.- ‘Iinic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. L. Law. Libraâ€" .i‘lnn. Lectures and discussionsperiodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Emuâ€"Meets for p notice every Tue day and Saturday evening at i '73) o'clock. C. Savage, Leader VILLAGE Commonâ€"Re V‘i‘, Wm. Purzsley, Counâ€" cillors. Messrs. Beiij. Redditt, W. 1‘. Powell. P G..Sa.vage, and F.3dc0mmghy. (tluik. M. lecfv, . . U. \V..I Lodge, No. 'l-ll, Moots 11) the CoAingittee Rain of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.m. Pena ï¬cary certiï¬cate given for slow) 1‘" 011.50 of death. I. Crosby,Master Workman. B. urennan. Rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Councrl, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hii.ll,eucli alter- native Tuesday evening atSo'clocl; p in. Rene. flcinry ccrtiï¬ca’tes issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of loath 92,000, one half oavtiblc in case of disability: J. H. Sanderâ€" mu Select Councillors; J.A.E,Sw'tzer,Recording “Secretary. BEéIixIï¬SS CARDS: Emotion. DB. GEORGE LANGSTAl-‘F, THORNHILL, 0N'I‘., Graduate of Toronto Uiiivei‘siry,M.C. P. dz S- Ont.. two vears resident, assistant surgeen to ronto General Hospital. ToOfllce and residenceâ€"One :loor South of P. 0. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m., 6: 12120 2 p. in. fling Tiinsdnv (‘\’(‘lll\'vl‘. A RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1885 7 Erin}. A W M. TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC 806, A N D Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan on farm security. HALE“ {WILLAR'I‘ON a: COOK, iiiiuiisrnns, SOLICITORS, A'c. OFFICES: 13‘ KING STREET EAST. TORONTO. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. \\'. M. H \lili, J. S. FULLARTON. \V. COOK. L‘VPIIIVAT‘E FI'NDS T0 LOAN. «A imimvniiim, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Sac. Toronto Ofï¬ce#No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. is. a; commas. BA R I“ S'll' K; lR-A'f-LA In" , Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &C 52 ADELAIDEâ€"ST. EAST, TORONTO. .mADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. aiming. llloiiley Io, Loan. Alarce amount of Money to Land on farm or Ctv property interest7 percent; 110 commis~ 810". “091?. MACDONALD. MERRITT & CO. Uiiior‘ Loni; buildin a Toronto Money to Loan $l00.000 of Privalo Funds to Lorin cii Farm Property at lowest rates of in- ternal to pay off Mortgages at hicherrates or for building, draining, or other purposes. Mortgages and Muriicinal Debentures purchased. Farmers will save money by applying direct to E. R. REYNOLDS. 52 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. or to ’I‘. F. MCMAHCN, Editor of LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Wisttllitucnus. Salem Eckardt. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Counties of York Ontario and Pool. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, etc, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. Dr. James Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl. IMBfllbers College Physiciaiisa Surgeons, Ont., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Dr. (in, Maple. Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m..al§'d to 2.30 p. m- Dz'. W. J. Wilson. 'Meï¬alist Toronto University. Minibar .Co 'Physicinns & Sui-genus, Ont.,(late of Stouï¬vnle Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ofltice Hours 18 to 10 a.m.,5toB pm. F. HEWITT, ‘Va'lierinarv surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Vet. College, Toronto. V . _ Diseases of all the Domesticated Anxmals treated. RESIDENCE : â€" 8T]! AVENUE. Woonnnmos. noun. VIIaZLJZEQ‘ 2313? USED BY , Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, .i‘lmukful for the favors of the past 20 years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- l’assiou, lLS follows: Lirom, lst, ch, 112th, and 22nd of ear“ month Richmond Hill.. . ‘ .ill iiud‘lith r‘n, mt the Palmer House) atouffvillc .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .18th 10. Markham 20th .10. Victor-in S'1iiarc 21st do. I‘Horii‘ull . . . . . . 23rd do. W ioilbriilno . 28th do. Klaiuhur.I . .. 20th do Nhlotou .. .. . 30th 0 Vitalizcd Air‘u ways on hillltl at appointments. Vt (irks like It cliurin Free from iiuin. Address A ROBINSON L.I).S.,Aurm a Ont. G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., DENTIST, I NE W103 151“??? Will visit the following hlnces prufcssiimnlly :â€" Juionvilii: . ., . lst Monduv cfcncli mouth wanton . . . 9th and ilat " ' Mn. 19 .. . . ,. 16th “ " Ric munil Hill . lsllh ‘ " 'SVoodlii‘iilqe _ 'l‘liid Mr. Husband Will liu I-luud Ill his minus, Nerv- «inn Iii-nut. every Saturday, except when Sutur- flay falls on the above dates. +334 ‘ stubling and attentive hustlers. .l. Wanlcss. Importer of Watches, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery a stock of Diamonds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET. TORONTO. IS’Manufacturinn of jewellery. and regmirincof watches and clocks on the preniisas,a spmialty Thanking our patrons and friendsfor their lib- eraliiatronsgc ‘1]. the past we be: to state that we have just receivud a large stock ofnew goods in latest designs. A large stock of Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand. S. 1'1. Brown. LicensedAuctioneer for the County of York.re- spactfully solicits yourgatronage and friendly influence. Sales attende on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reusonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticaand at rea- abo rates. Address StouflVIlle P. O mâ€" A. WRIGHT 8c SON, UNDERTAKERS, Funeral Furnishings Always on [land THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor. Having: reï¬tted the ubove House and furnish~ ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepaer to give the llllblll‘ the best of accommodation. Excellent Sample Fomus ‘ A good livory In con- ’1crms S) our duv. for commercial travellers. uection. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES. Daily Exprm‘s to ’Torunto. Special a’tentlon given to movnig household furniture, pianos. Ac, &('. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commercial Truvellois LS‘POMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the i Central Bank, on Saturdays. __,_,_ MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _,,_ ‘ about if. The Parties Committed for Trial. A trial took place (in Tuesday evening, bchI‘O Magistrate Chapman, at Siiiinion's Hotel, 'l‘lioriihill. The pri50ners were Harry Reid, hustler at Collius’, and Al- beit McBride, farmer’s sch, who lives on the 22311 Co‘n. Vnughan, 0n the Town Linc. The prisoners are charged with stealing two iivcrcriufs from Siiiiinon's hotel, belonging to Isaac Powell and John Garvin, of Richmond Hill, on the evening of the 23rd March. Harry Reid is the same boy who ï¬gured in the Thorn. hill tragedy, and, if reports be true, the other is beCUllllllg notorious also. Both prisoners pleaded “ Not Guilty †to the charge. The prisoners wore arrested by County Constable A. .l. Rupert, who, at the trial, ' stated that he found one of the coats at Mclli‘ido’s IUSIIlf‘Jle‘, and the other at ' Steel‘s hotel, Wllf'l‘c it, had been taken on the iiinriiiiigof the 24th. were identiï¬ed by tlieownors. no person saw the pl‘lslillelâ€˜ï¬ take the coals from the hotel, the evidence is pretty strong against them, as Wm. Chapman swore that he saw the prisoners feeling in lvllC. pockets of said coats while they were hanging in the hall, and can- tioned liiiii (Chiipiiiaii) to say nothing He also says that Harry Reid took sonii thing from one of the overcimts and put it. in his own pocket. The plea of the prisoners is that the coats had been placed in their cutter unknown to them, and that they had accidentally found! them on their way home, which Will be seen by fhe following statement made by Reid, after being cautioned that any The coats Although ' statement which he gave might be after- wards uscd against him:â€"‘â€" I and McBride met in the village, (’l‘hornhill) on the 23rd March. I asked McBride to how a ride home with him. It was sometime after dark. He called me in to have a drink, and we had some fou or ï¬ve that evening. We left Sini- mo 5 hotel about half past ten o’clock and went to Clark’s hotel. We stopped under the shed about ten minufes and then went home. Un the way Istonped down to lift a blanket over my knees and found a coat. I asked McBride who was the owner, and he said he didn‘t know; some one must. have thrown it II] the cutter. I put the coat on and rode home, and took it in and threw it on the lounge. When I got up in the morning Mr. Muns'iaw told me there’were parties there looking fora. coat. I told Mr. Munshaw to send it back to where the cutter came from. After summing up the evidence given, the Magistrate committed the prisoners for trial, and were taken to the Toronto jail to await their fate. 'â€"â€"Q A. M. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes: “ For weeks I was troubled with a swell- ed ankle, which caused me much pain and annoyance. Mr Mnybee. of this place, recommended Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil for it. I tried it, and before one bottle was used I was cured. It is an article of great value.†Beware of Elec- tric or Electron Oils, as they are imita- tions of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. PERSONALS. Rev. M. Fuwcett of Maple, will preach in the Methodist church of this place next Sunday morning. Rev. W. R. Barker will preach in the Methodist church, Maple, next Sundav,morn- ing and evening. Rev. W. B, Booth will preach in the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening next. Sub- ject, “Adieu to Winter." Messrs. Robl. Trench. Alex. Russell, and Edgcrton Love started for their homes in Manitoba, on Wednesday last. Among thorn they took several earload of horses. Rev. M. Fawcett, of Maple, formerly a Missionary in the North-West, will address the scholars of the Methodist Sabbath School next Sabbath afternoon, at 2.30 o'- clock. Mr. Samuel Drain, who is bound for Eng- land, has sold the “Market Gardens†to Mr. W. Snyder, of this place. We wish friend Sn} der success in hls new enterpriso. and hope he will not forget THE LIBERALâ€"es- pecially in strawberry tiino. MARRIAGES ANDBE\I'sâ€"I\L\iiwooii~At the Manse. Maple, on the 25th inst, by Rev. D. Camelon, Edward G. Andrews, to Lucy Murwood. ï¬ll of the 5th Con. Viiuunan. There is a wide difference between medicines which (affect merely the symp- toms of disease and those which effect its causo. The first are useful as palliatives, the second, if of genuine efï¬cacy,produce a radical cure. To the latter class be- longs Northrop & Lynmii’s Vegetable Disciivcry and Uyspeptic Cure. Thorough- iiess of operation is its special attribute in all cases of biliI-usness, costiveness,in- digestion, kidney complaint and fmnulo weakness. pa Division Court. Division Court was held in the Court Room on Saturday last, His Honor, Judge McDougzild, presiding. Only a small number of cases were on the (locket. John Rankin rs Abraham Rankin. 3154 Plaintiff as Executor of Mrs Mary Ran- kiii’s Estate sued on a not for $13D.(made by Defendant to Mrs. Riirikin)bit which the Legiitecs interested had arranged with Plaintiff should only be used to pay his expenses 1†realizing and winding up the Estate. H» submitted to flie Court a statement of his introniissions as Erec- umr showing a balance due him of $54. Defendant claimed“ that he had arrang- ed with Mrs Rankin that the note sued on would be cancelled at her death. This the Plniiitiffdeiiicd and related the cir- cumstances of the making of the note as stated to him by Mrs. Rankin in her lifetime. His Honor in giving judgment stated that the note being an asset of Mrs. Ran- kiii's Estate,Plaiiitifl' was entitled to col- lect the same in full, but as he had ar ranged his claim as above, he would give judgment for $54 and costs. Donald VValsmi 173. Donald Mc Donald $187.92. This suit was for payment of a note given by Defeneant for a. mare which he had bought from Plaintiff. De- fendant stated that he had been put to great trouble and annoyance with the more which he said was a regular“kicker†and not as Plaintiff had represented to him. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK.) Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Malloy, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts: W. Proctor, 26} days. at $1.50...S39 75 23 “ .60... 11 50 M. Powers, 3‘2. “ 1.50... 48 ()0 R. Kinnee, 18 " .50.. 9 00 D. Kinnee, 12 “ .50... 6 00 M. Murphy, 18 “ _\ 1.50... 28 00 J. McHugli, 1 †1 50... 1 50. J. Dalton, 48 “ 1 50... 72 00‘ J. K. Kirby. 48 “ ] 50... 7'3 00‘ H.McEacliren,l7 “ 1 50.. 25 50‘ W. Mason, 28 “ 1 42 00 T. White, 14 “ 1 501.. 21 00 Jno. Lahmer, 9 “ 1 60.. 13 50 Nalh. Kisby, 40 “ 1 60 00 Jno. Kinnee, 21 “ 1 50‘... 31 50 H. Rumble, 1076 loads of gravel at 109. per load ..... . ...... 107 60- C. Cousins, 7 days at $1 50... 10 50 W. A. Line, 11 “ 1 50... 16 50 R. J. McLean,16 “ 1 60... 24 00 M. Duffy, 46 “ 1 50... 69 00 A. McClusky, 13 “ 50 . 6 50 Geo. Luur, 2'2 “ 1 50... 33 00 J. Sherman, 20 †1 50... 30 00 D. Watson, 20 “ 1 50... 30 00 J. A. Line, 7 “ 1 50... 19 50 M. McQuarrie, 6 “ 1 50.. 9 00 J. H. Watson, 9 “ 1 50... 13 50 Jno. Dibb, 24 “ 1 50... 36 00 H. Rumble, 53 “ 50... 26 50 H. Rumble, 150 loads of gravel at 10c. pet load ...... . ........ . 15 00 Plaintiff in evidence stated that the R. Rumble. 14 days at 31 50M 21 00 mare he sold was an excellent worker and in every respect was a. splendid aniâ€" A. Whitmore, drawing 12% cubic yds. of gravel at $1.00 12 50 rnnl. She kicked only the ï¬rst. or second Jos_ Fowenyzfl days work 3158150 38 25 time she was handled by a. stranger. This he had explained to Defendant. at the time of their bargain. Mr. Thomas, the previous owner of the mare, corrob- orated Plaiiitiif’s evidence. His Honor, in giving judgment stated that Defenpaiit nut havnig returned the mare, could not now aiinul the contract, and having shown no claim for damages, he would givo judgment in favor of the Plaintiff for $1.58 and costs. The Ontario Pump Co’y zs. Mrs. Ion- son $38 95 On this one being called, a. Representative from Plaiiitiï¬'b oï¬ce ask- ed for its adjournment so as to have suin- nioiied an iiiipiirtaiit \Vitiiess who lives outside the County. His Honor ccljourn- ed tliri case until next. Court. . The next Sitting of the Court will be on Saturday 9th of June. Mr. R. A. H‘ll‘l‘lSOl), Chemist and Druguisf, Duiinville, Ont., writes: “ I can Willi conï¬dence recommend North- Jas. Watson, 1894 loads gravel at ,_ 10¢. per load . . . .......189 40-. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by’ Mr. Malloy, that on account of the a- mount nf money which has been paid out under ByLaw No. 45‘.) for gravclling the public roads in this Township, the mem- bers of the Council hereby suspend such By-Law for six months from date, and that the seal of the corporation be afï¬xed theretoâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Mullé‘y, that the auditors’ report of 1884 be received and adopted by the Council, and that the Clerk is hereby authorized to have printed 300 copies in the usual manner to be distributed among the sev- eral Councillors for distributionâ€"Carri- ed. The Council then adjourned to meet on April 14th. J. M. LAWRBM‘E, Clerk. mp & Lyiiiiui's Vegetable Disc -very and Dyspcptic Cure for dyspepsia, impure blood, pimples on the face, biliousnesn. and coiisripzilionâ€"sucli cases have come under my personal observation.†JEFFERSON. From Our Own Correspondent. Our Burgh has been my quiet this week, there being considerable depression iii business, owing chiefly to the severe weather we have had. Bill the weather has moderated dining the last few days and things will in all probability brighten u . pThe 171h of Ireland passed by very quietly, there being no celebration of any kind. Our worthy citizens, Messrs. Johnson and Jefferson have been relieVed from the responsibility of jurymen, and have resumed their former vocations. Most of our visitors have left, and as we have had no new arrivals, I think I am quite justiï¬ed in saying oni- Burgh has been roiiiarkably quiet. Owing to the absence of a Town Hall or any suitable building, we are forced to decline a. visit from the Salvation Ariiiv which I think would cause some fun for the boys if they could be accommodated. Mr. Jas. McWilliains and family have removed to their new home on the 2nd con. of Vaughan, and take with them the best wishes of their old neighbors and friends. Mr. Harvey Mortsnn is conï¬ned to his room owing to an attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism. Mr. Robert Elliott has left on a visit v.th his friends in Mulmur. A horse attached to a Waggon passed through our Burgh one day last week, which might have been a. good subject for those whose duty it is to see that the laws are enforced relating to cruelty to animals. Besides being a cripple, the poor beast had the skin knocked off in innumerable places; still it was pounded along by its, I must say, inhuman driver. Thomas Robinson, Farriham Centre, P. Q., writes: “ I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last 'ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief. I got u. bottle of Dr. Tlioiiias’ Eclectric Oil, and found it gave instant relief, and since then have had no attack. I Would rocommend it to all.†I Canadian Remember the “ Young Lacrosse Con- cert on the evening of Good Friday. NEWTON BROOK. From our own Correspondent. Our village is mourning the loss of some of her most prominent citizens. Mr. \Vm. Lawson, who has leased afarm at Aurora. was the ï¬rst to emigrate. His place as a private individual and church ofï¬cial will not be easily ï¬lled. . Messrs. J. C. B. Lindsay and John Francis Jr intend going into business at Thornliill. Mr. White, of \Vest York Mills will also move to parts unknown Two of the oldest settlers of York, and residents of Newtonbronk have been claimed by death, viz _ Mr. Thomas Lac- kie, at the advanced age of 81 years, and Mr. John Finch, aged 84. The Misses Wallace and Goulding are attending Demill's College, at Oshawa, where they are storing their minds with things wise and otherwise. Mr. Milton Stung, who has been suff- ering from a. severe attack of inflamma- tion of the lungs, is now on a fair way to recovery. Mr. Owen DavidSOn has sold his farm to a Mr. Hughes of Toronto for $9000. The farm contains 108 acres. ___,..____. CA'I‘ARR“ â€"A new Treatment where. by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent» 1y cured in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on ro~ ceipt of stamp. A. HDIXON & SON 305 King Htreet west. Toronto Canada â€"â€"â€"QO&~â€"â€" MUSIC LESSONS. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence, oppo- i site Presbyterian Church. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in. children 'nnd adults. â€"â€"â€"< Tl‘ios. Sabin. of Eglinton, says: l have removed ten Corns from my fee; with Holl'oway’s Corn Cure.